The Wild Rover. (A One Piece...

Oleh DevilsFavoriteDemon

24.7K 693 98

Devlin is a hyperactive, happy-go-lucky pirate who grew up with Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy. Orphaned... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: I'm Gonna Kill You.
Chapter 2: Pirates!
Chapter 3: Devlin's Mistake
Chapter 4: Lost...
Chapter 5: ....And Found.
Important Author's Note
Chapter 7: Shanks' Promise
Chapter 8: For That Precious Someone.
Q & A
Chapter 9: First Lesson and Rayleigh.
Proof That I am Still Alive! Video Evidence.
A/N: A Deal.
Chapter 10: The Legend of the Sea Devils.

Chapter 6: The Devil's Diamond

2.1K 74 6
Oleh DevilsFavoriteDemon

As the darkness of the night sky gives way first to the dark Navy blue and then to the dark red and orange of approaching dawn, Devlin's small, bloody hand reaches out of the large hole. She digs her fingers into the dirt and then her other bloody hand reaches up and does the same as the first hand. Using the last of her strength, Dev pulls herself up out of the hole. She collapses on the ground, panting heavily.

She hears shuffling and then the sound of someone striking a match. The soft light of an oil lantern falls over her and a masculine voice says, "Devi? Did ye climb outta that hole all by yerself, luv?"

"Shanks..." she whimpers in pain and exhaustion.

A lantern is placed on the ground beside Dev and a pair of arms lift her slightly off of the ground then carefully turns her over onto her back. The red headed man takes a sharp intake of breath when he sees her bloody hands and feet. "Bloody hell, luv. Look at yer hands and feet....Why wouldn't ye just wait a few more hours?"

"What's going on?" Ace's sleep filled voice asks. He sits up and rubs his eyes. When Ace's eyes adjust, he sees Devlin in Shanks arms and shouts, "Dev?! You're out of the hole!" He jumps to his feet and rushes over to them, but comes to a sudden stop when he notices that her hands and feet are covered in blood. "Devlin...what happened to you? Why are you covered in blood?"

"I'm okay, Ace. I just cut my hands and feet on the rocks." The little blonde tells him before turning her attention back to Shanks. "I wanted to get out by myself in order to become stronger. If I'm not strong enough to protect myself, then how can I protect my future nakama?"

Shanks smiles at Devlin, "True strength doesn't come from what ye can do physically. It comes from when ye go through hardships and decide not ta give up. That's how ye become truly strong; by picking yerself up no matter how many times ye fall or how hard. So I believe yer well on yer way ta becoming very strong, luv." Dev looks at the red haired pirate captain in awe then hugs him tightly. He returns her embrace, frowning slightly at how cold she feels. Shanks unties his cloak from around Dev's waist before draping it over her. He then picks her up in his arms before standing up. "Now, let's get ye ta a doctor." Dev wraps her arms around Shanks' neck.

"I can carry her!" Ace says while tugging on Shanks' left pants leg.

Shanks looks down at the black haired boy who is staring up at him with a determined look on his face. "Sorry, lad, but we need ta get Devi back ta Foosha quickly and I can carry her faster than ye can." Ace's face falls in disappointment and Shanks quickly adds, "There is something important that I need ya ta do, Ace." The boy perks up a little, "I need ya ta pick up the lantern and lead the way back ta the village."

Ace nods, "Okay." He picks up the oil lantern before he starts to lead the way back to Foosha Village at a fast pace.

Dev yawns loudly and lays her head on Shanks' shoulder. "Shanks?"

"What is it, luv?"

"I've decided I'm gonna be a Red Haired Pirate when I'm older."

"Oh? And do I have a say in this? I am the captain after all."

"No," she says firmly.

"Dahahahaha!" Shanks laughs, amused by this spunky little girl.

They walk in silence for about five minutes until light snoring from Devlin breaks it. Now that Dev is asleep Ace asks Shanks, "Is Dev going to be okay?" Ace looks at the blonde girl in worry.

Shanks shifts the little girl in his arms, "It will take a lil' while for her ta regain the weight that she's lost, but she's a tough lil' lass and she'll be fine." Ace looks relieved at the news that Dev is going to be okay.

By the time they reach Foosha Village, the sun is just peeking above the horizon. Ace suddenly stops and turns to face Shanks, "What now? I don't think the village doctor is at his office yet."

"We'll take her ta the Red Force. Lucky Roo will be able ta patch her up." The two head towards Shanks' ship and as they get closer they can see men on deck and on top of the mast.

"Captain!" Yasopp shouts as he spots Shanks and Ace approaching.

"Wake Lucky Roo and have him meet me in the infirmary!" Shanks yells back as he walks up the boarding plank and on to the ship.

Benn is there to greet him, "I see that you managed to get Devlin out of the pit, captain."

Shanks shakes his head and continues to walk, making his way to the stern of the ship where the infirmary is located. "No, the lass got herself out." He stops and looks over his shoulder at his first mate, "Tell the crew that they no longer have ta take down the rigging." Benn nods his head and walks away. Shanks then looks over at Ace, who is still by his side, "Would ye mind goin' ta Party's Bar and telling everyone there that Devi's safe?"

"Yeah. Okay," Ace agrees. He casts one last look over at the sleeping blonde in the pirate captain's arms before taking off in the direction of the bar, running as fast as he can.

Once Ace is gone, Shanks opens the door to the infirmary then walks inside. He gently places Dev down on an empty bed, having to pry her arms from around his neck. Shanks removes his cloak from over her body as Lucky Roo enters the room and walks over to the bed. "Captain," Roo greets Shanks before starting to examine Dev. "How'd you get Dev out of the pit?"

"I didn't. The lass climbed out by herself," Shanks replies. "What's the extent of her injuries, Roo?"

"Well, she's malnourished and dehydrated," Lucky Roo lifts both of Dev's hands to examine the bloody palms then moves to look at her feet. "Her hands and feet are badly cut, but I'll need to wash the blood off first to see how deep the cuts are." Roo notices that Dev's breathing is shallow and uneven. "She seems to be having trouble breathing," he presses his hand against her right side and moves his hand up towards her shoulder. Dev whimpers in pain in her sleep when Roo gets halfway up her ribcage, "She has a couple of broken ribs."  He looks up at his captain, "You said that she climbed out by herself?"

Shanks nods his head, "Aye."

"That's amazing. She shouldn't have had the strength to even stand."

"I know. With the proper training, she will be a remarkable haki user when she's older."


A few days later, Dev finally wakes up. She yawns loudly and stretches her arms, but stops when she feels something in her left arm. She looks over at her arm and sees that she's hooked up to an IV and that her hands, feet, and abdomen are wrapped in bandages. "Ah, finally awake I see," a male voice says causing Dev to look in the direction that the voice came from.

"Lucky Roo!" She says happily when she sees the large man sitting on a chair with a large chunk of meat in his mouth. "Where's Shanks?"

Lucky Roo chuckles as he stands up and begins removing Dev's IV needle. "He took Ace to Party's Bar for something to eat. The captain had to drag him away from your bedside. That boy is dedicated; he's been by your side since Shanks brought you here a few days ago." Once the needle is out of her arm, Dev sits up and practically jumps out of the bed. "Whoa! Take it easy, Dev."

The little girl pouts up at Roo, "But I wanna see Shanks."

"The captain's not going anywhere. But if you reopen the cuts on your hands and feet, you will be stuck in here for a few more days." Dev sighs and sits back down on the bed. Roo walks over to an empty bed and picks up a bundle of clothes and a pair of boots. He walks back over to Dev then places the clothes beside her on the bed. "Makino brought these by for you. Once you get dressed you're free to go."

"Thanks, Roo," Dev says, picking up the clothing.

"No problem. Just be careful not to reopen your wounds." Lucky Roo gives the hyperactive blonde a huge grin before leaving the infirmary.

Dev quickly gets dressed in the pair of black shorts and blue t-shirt. She pulls on a pair of white socks before slipping on the black boots. She ties the laces then hops off the bed. She leaves the infirmary and walks over to the Red Force's masthead. She hugs the wooden neck of the dragon before looking around to see if Lucky Roo is watching. Not seeing the Red Haired Pirates' doctor, Devlin takes off running. She runs off of the Red Force and all the way to Party's Bar. She stops right outside of the swinging double doors. She walks through the doors and looks around for her favorite red head.

Dev spots Shanks at the back of the bar, sitting at the counter with Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. An idea pops into her head and she chuckles at her wicked prank. Sticking to the shadows, Dev makes her way across the room to the staircase that leads up to the second floor where the spare rooms that Makino rents out are. Dev goes unnoticed by most of the people in the bar except by a select few; Benn Beckman, Yasopp, and Shanks. She walks up the stairs and looks around for anything she can tie around her waist. She finds a length of rope and ties one end around her waist then walks over to the bannister. She looks over the railing to see where Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are sitting. She moves to where she's over the three boys and ties the other end of the rope to the bannister, making sure it's short enough so that she doesn't do a face plant into the wooden counter. She then climbs on the railing and falls forward over the edge. The rope stops Dev right in front of the boys' faces. "Eeeyaarrgh!" she screams with her mouth open and tongue hanging out.

"AAAAHHHH!" All three boys scream in surprise, falling backwards off of their bar stools followed by three loud 'thuds' as they hit the floor.

Dev and the Red Haired Pirates burst out laughing. Ace is the first one to get back on his feet. "Damn it, Dev! That wasn't funny!" He begins to spin her around in a Dev manages to untie the end of the rope that's around her waist, but not before she's thoroughly dizzy. She lands face down on the countertop and the three boys immediately pile on top of her. "Don't ever wander off like that again!" Ace scalds her.

"We were so worried about you!" Sabo tells her.

"I'm so sorry, Dev!" Luffy apologizes.

All the noise brings Makino out of the kitchen, "What's going on?"

"Devi decided to make a grand entrance by pullin' a prank on the boys." Shanks tells Makino while pointing at the rope.

Makino sighs in exasperation, but can't keep an affectionate smile from spreading across her face. "That doesn't surprise me," she then turns to the pile of children. "Come on boys. Get off Devlin so she can get something to eat." Luffy gets up first since he's on top, then Sabo, and finally, after hesitating for a moment or two, Ace gets up. All three boys slide off of the counter and sit back down on their bar stools. Dev sits up and is almost instantly pulled into a hug by the green haired bartender. "You had everyone worried, Devlin." Makino releases the blonde haired girl before grabbing the end of the hanging rope, "I see that you're already causing trouble."

"But, Makino..." Dev stands up, walks over to where Shanks is sitting, and flops down on his lap causing the red headed man to let out a little 'ofmph.' "Life would be boring without a little trouble."

"Dahahahaha! Spoken like a true pirate, luv!" Shanks says, taking off his hat and placing it on the blonde girl's head. Dev is absolutely delighted while Ace and Luffy huff in jealousy; Luffy because he wants to wear Shanks' straw hat and Ace, well, he's not sure why he's feeling jealous.

Makino smiles at the pirate captain and his young female admirer before returning to the kitchen. She walks back out a few minutes later with a plate of biscuits and gravy with sausage links on the side. Makino places the plate down in front of a drooling Dev along with a glass of milk. "Thank you, Makino!" Dev says and picks up the fork that's on the plate.

Luffy's hand appears at the edge of Dev's plate and she quickly stabs his hand with her fork; not very hard, of course, but hard enough to get Luffy to withdraw his hand. "Ow!"

"That's what you get for trying to steal a hungry girl's food!" Dev says, placing her arms around her plate protectively.

Ace shakes his head, "You know what, Dev? You're the devil."

Makino, who has just left the kitchen again carrying two plates this time, hears what Ace has just said and frowns at him. "Portgas D. Ace! What have I told you about comparing Devlin to the devil?" She places a plate down in front of Luffy and the other in front of Ace.

"That it's offensive to the devil," Ace replies.

"Shishishishi!" Luffy bursts out laughing.

"Dahahahaha! Ya kids are great."

Makino huffs and scalds the pirate captain, "Don't encourage them, Shanks. They're enough of a handful as it is." She walks back into the kitchen then returns with two more plates. She places one down in front of Sabo then shoos Dev off of Shanks' lap so that he can eat. Dev moves over to the empty bar stool on Shanks' right before starting to devour her food.

Of course, Luffy's and Ace's plates are already bare; the food disappeared into the bottomless pits that is their stomachs. "Did you find any treasure on your trip, Shanks?" Luffy asks excitedly.

Shanks swallows the food in his mouth before answering, "Unfortunately, no. But we did get a good lead ta where another treasure could be."

Dev suddenly remembers the jewel that she found and eats the last bite of her breakfast. "I found a treasure when I was in that hole," she says.

"Ye did?" Shanks asks, raising an eyebrow at the girl and taking a bite of his food.

"Uh huh. It was in a huge cavern on top of a large rock pedestal." She pushes her empty plate aside, "It's very pretty and even glows when it's dark." Dev sits on the countertop where her plate once was and reaches into her pocket. Her hand wraps around the gem then she pulls it out. There is a huge grin on Dev's face and she looks at Shanks with sparkling eyes and holds her hand out towards him. "I got it for you, Shanks." She opens her fist to reveal the blue, green, and white gem; the splash of red in the center seems to pulse in her hand.

Shanks grins at the young girl, puts down the fork in his left hand, then takes the jewel from Dev. "It is really gorgeous. Thank ye, luv." Shanks hugs her tightly causing Dev's smile to widen. Shanks releases Dev and begins to closely examine the jewel. Devlin notices Luffy's hand approaching Shanks' unguarded plate. She removes Shanks' straw hat and places it back on top of it's owner's head. She then pounces on the younger boy, knocking him off of his seat, and the two begin to wrestle around on the ground. Shanks chuckles at the two's antics before calling over his shoulder for his first mate, "Benn, could ye come over here for a moment?"

The older man gets up from the table where he's sitting and walks over to Shanks, "What is it, captain?"

Shanks shows Benn the jewel Dev gave him, "What do ye think? Pure sea stone?"

Benn picks it up and examines it closely, "No. It seems to be a kind of diamond." His face becomes serious and he lowers his voice so that only Shanks can hear him, "I'm not sure, but I think it may be a Devil's Diamond."

The young pirate captain looks confused, "What's a Devil's Diamond?"

Benn pulls out a cigarette and a match from his pocket. He puts the butt of the cigarette in his mouth, flicks his thumbnail against the match head causing a small flame to spring to life, and lights the end of his cigarette with it. "According to the book I read, a Devil's Diamond is said to appear whenever a child with the cursed blood of a sea devil is born. The diamond is said to be the only thing that can control and even kill a sea devil."

Shanks' eyes quickly dart over to Dev, who is now being pulled away from Luffy by Ace. "Ye don't think...lil' Devi...?"

Benn shakes his head, "I don't think so. The diamond is meant to control a sea devil so it only makes sense that if she was a sea devil she wouldn't be able to touch it." Shanks sighs in relief as Benn exhales smoke, "Then again...maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this isn't a Devil's Diamond. The fact is no one has seen one in over a hundred years and very little is known about them." He hands the diamond back to Shanks, "Maybe you should ask Rayleigh about it the next time we see him. He's bound to know more about it."

"I'm definitely goin' ta do that," Shanks says. "Until I can talk ta him, we need ta keep this between the two of us. I don't want anyone ta find out about this diamond and try ta kill lil' Devi thinkin' she's a sea devil."

"My lips are sealed, captain," Benn says, before walking back to his table. He passes Devi; who is making her way back to Shanks; and places a hand on top of her head then ruffles her hair. Dev laughs and continues walking towards her favorite red head with a huge grin on her face.

A/N:  I'm so sorry this took so long.  I'm in the process of moving so updates may be a little hectic.

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