Miitopia:Darkness Awakening

By GlamrockMoon117

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My Miitopia adventure ^w^ Miitopia is a peaceful place where Miis lived in harmony and do not worry... Or so... More

Revising and rewriting this story
(edited)Prologue and Chapter 1
(edited)Chapter 2
(edited)Chapter 4
(edited)Chapter 5
(edited)Chapter 6
(edited)Chapter 7
(edited)Chapter 8
(edited)Chapter 9
(edited)Chapter 10
(edited)Chapter 11
(edited)Chapter 12 and Epilogue

(edited)Chapter 3

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By GlamrockMoon117

After waking up I put on my gear until I heard a knock on the door

"Oh!" I said with surprise look

Looks like there's a new party member looking for an adventure! I open the door to let them in

"Whew! I finally made it!" She said a bit tired

"Sorry I'm late. I'm Frisk. I'm a Thief." Frisk said with a smile as I thought to myself, a Theif? that job will help us out for sure!

"I always do my best!" Frisk said with a voice full of determination as I nod with a smile

*Frisk joined your party!

We both cheer. I let Frisk room up with Papyrus as I was cleaning mine and Asriel's room, that made our bond grow to Sort of likes and now will lend a hand in battle, we all decided to help Frisk level up and check the Strange Groove as well. When we're traveling through the Strange groove we encountered Smileshrooms, at a point in battle Frisk started laughing for unknown reasons

"Ho Ho! It seems Frisk is acting strangely? It can take some time to get back to normal.If you want to speed up the process,use the safe spot. It will give you a small boost to HP and MP for free!you can use the Safe Spot during any turns, But... while someone's in the safe spot, you'll be one team member short. Make sure you consider that! Ho ho!" The guardian said before leaving

We place Frisk in the Safe spot to recover then the Smileshroom used it's ability to make Asriel start laughing too

"I have enough!" I said while attacking the last Smileshroom ending the battle.

We all got some Exp and Asriel and Frisk leveled up and learn some skills, Asriel learned Lighting while Frisk learned Booby Trap! We made it to and Inn

*Little time skip*

We had some good gear and the HP sprinkles upgraded so we went to go save Bowser's face, when we finally came across it

"Sakes alive!" He said before a Rocky Monster appeared we entered the battle

Asriel used his new skill to attack Rocky Bowser, we first had to get rid of the clouds before using all our skills to defeat the boss.

"What a waste of time!" Bowser said as his face was freed it returned back to Greenhorne town

After eating and resting we return to Strange Groove to save Yuri's face.

"Aiiieee!" Yuri screamed as her face appeared before us as well as mouse monster

We took out the mouse first before we too out the Smileshrooms. The monster disappears releasing Yuri's face

"So cool!" She said with a smile before heading back to Greenhorne town as we all cheered

"Let's head to Greenhorne town" I said as the others nods, once there we return Yuri's face

"So bright" She said and does a cheer as PewDiePie was smiling and clapping

"Look! It's back!" She said as PewDiePie nods

"It's all thanks to this adventurer" She thanked us as PewDiePie looks at me

"Thank you so much" He said before he handed us 3 game tickets before turning back to Yuri

"Looking good!" He said

"Much better!" Yuri said as I was confused again but then gave Bowser his face back to him

"What now" He said as his eyes widen

"Ah, Got my face back!" He said as he then shakes his head

"I got mixed up with a bad'un. You're not a bad sort, I suppose.Fine. You deserve at least something." He said as he gave us some G

Only Aqua's face is left to save, we walk through the riverdeep cavern which we encountered some Banshees, while fighting one used an ability to make me start crying so we had a lot of battles here... Oh boy...

*Little time skip*

Finally we made out of the caverns! After being turn into a cry mess to being free

We all stopped near the castle view

"Only one more face to find now." I said as Asriel looks down in defeat

"What an Orderal..." I said again

"Think the last one will go smoothly?" I asked

"Yeah, but... What if a big scary boss monster jumps out at us?" Asriel said as Frisk and Papyrus's eyes become widen

"Dude. Why'd you have to say that?" I asked with wide eyes before we all continue down the path,but soon we were stopped by the Dark Lord Chara

"Mwaaa ha ha haaaa! So we meet again!" Chara said as I jump up in down in fear

"Urk!" I squeaked before stopping

"Hmph. Pathetic... It's not even worth the effort to crush you myself. This should be enough to finish you off!" He said as I glare at him as he summons an Imp and Aqua's face

"Oh dear..." She said with a scared look

"That pile of stone must be Greenhorne Castle, yes? And that useless King... I've got something special in store for him! Mwaaa ha ha haaaaa!" He said before disappearing,

We started attacking with all our strength but soon Frisk couldn't endure more of the pain

"Bye guys..." She said before she fallen

"Frisk!" I screamed out, no... I can't lose a teammate! I... What should I do!!!

"Sans use this! This will bring her back!" The Guardian said as I was given Life Sprinkles, but why is there only one?

"The life sprinkle revives one of the fallen heroes, but there is only one so use it wisely" She said before leaving.

I quickly use it on Frisk and saw she was revived back to full HP and MP

"let's finish this! Jump slash!" I said before bring my sword down finishing the Imp

"yes!" I said as Aqua's face was freed

"Thank you, Dears!" she said before flying back to town.

we all gotten stronger and Asriel learned a new skill, we run towards the Inn and rest. In the Morning I heard Frisk and Papyrus talking while Asriel was still sleeping, we left the Inn to Greenhorne town to return Aqua's face back to her

"Oh,Joyous day!" She said as she smiles

"My smile's back!" She said as we smile at her

"I'm as happy as a really happy person!" She said as she turns to me

"Adventurer... you've done so much for us. Let me show you my gratitude." She said as she gave us two Sharp Stew

*You rescued all the lost faces!

When we looked up in the sky we saw the dark clouds disappearing and return back to the beautiful sunny day. We went to the mayor to talk to him

"What?" He said as he looked at the sky with wide eyes

"When did the town get back to normal? Oh, that's good news. Very good news indeed!" He said as he looks at me

"Oh, adventurer." He said

"Erm..." I told him where the Dark lord was

"What? The Dark Lord went to the castle?" Stan Lee said before he started shaking in fear

"That's bad! We're done for! Crikey..." He said as I felt bad for him

"Adventurer... Would you go after the Dark Lord?" He said as I nod

"Of course I will! I can't let him win!" I said with determination

"Well then..." He said as he hands me his Mayor's introduction

"You'll need this to get in the castle. Oh... And please take care." he said as I smile and we left the town to the castle as fast as we can.

We came right in front of the serious soldier T-Rex, he turns to me

"You are approaching Greenhorne Castle. I'm sorry, but I can't..." He said before stopping when I showed him the letter

"Oh! You have a letter of the introduction from the mayor!" He said as he then salutes me

"My apologies! Go right ahead!" He said as we run by him to continue to the castle

"Wow! I can see the castle!" I said

"I've never seen it up close before!" Asriel said looking at the Castle

"I wonder if there's a princess living there..." I asked

... Okay that was a stupid question to ask on my part

"Nah. Princesses are always in another castle." He said

This isn't Mario Asriel!... Whoops wrong game and sorry fourth wall! We continue our journey, we took the bottom path and got some game tickets. We also came across some Banshees and cumuluses... Oh dear... After finishing the battles and resting we left the Inn and came across a man talking about how great the food is before looking at us

"Pardon?" He said

"Um who are you?" I asked, who is this guy?

"Why, I am the roving gourmet, Rick." He said before looking up

"The hautest haute cuisine moves me to ecstasies of emotion. I must share this bliss with you!" He said as he gave us three Cheesecake before we head towards the Inn and rest

We all chose to switch roommates that way we can strengthen our bond we also decided to destroy some monster for Gold, getting stronger and Food. After we all got gotten stronger we headed inside the castle to meet the king, we walk through the halls in awe, we went through the doors where the king is. We walk through the door and looks around

"Welcome, traveler." Someone said but we soon fell down with wide eyes, we saw King Asgore being carried on a big pillow before being set down in front us while he was eating

"What business have you here?" He asked us as we got up

"The Dark Lord attacked the town of Greenhorne...?" I told him what happened as he looks at me

"And this miscreant stole the people's faces, you say?" He said, we nod at him as he starts eating

"Pffft! We don't believe it. Of all the tall tales... Burp!" HE said as his face was pulled off as we look up with wide eyes

"H-h-heeelp!" He said before flying away, while his body stated to panic, King Asgore's face has been stolen! We start panicking until

"Everyone! you all must go and save the king!" The guardian said 

So we went to the Wayward Woods to save the king's face, we kept traveling until it got too dark to travel and we were nowhere near the Inn to rest

"We should rest here for the night" I said as the others nod at me in agreement

"Okay" The others said as we set up a camp fire and a tent

"I need some sleep" I said tired

"I stay up on guard just in case a group of monsters appears" Papyrus said as we nod

"Okay Papyrus, be safe" I said as I entered the tent

*Skip to morning*

Me and Asriel woke up and walks out of the tent to see Papyrus and Frisk outside. Frisk must've decided to stay on guard with Papyrus

"Thanks guys for staying on guard" Asriel said with a smile

"No problem!" Papyrus and Frisk replied with a smile.

After we took down our Tent we continued our journey, we soon came across the King's face

"Help the royal face" He said scared

then a Golem appeared as Asgore's face fused with it. We keep attacking but soon I was low on health, after defecting it we freed Asgore's face

"Are we alive?" He asked before returning to the castle.

*The king's face flew back to the castle 

we headed to the Inn and rested before heading back to the castle to return the King's face. Asgore's flew around before fusing back with his body

"oh, thank goodness" He said as he blinks a bit

looking in the mirror that one of the guards: Link held up before doing some different faces before smiling. We stare at him

"oh, thank goodness... The royal countenance is restored!" He said with wide eyes before he started crying

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" He said while we started clapping

"ACCEPT OUR ROYAL GRATITUUUUDE!" He said as gave us 1500G

"*sigh*Now we must replenish ourselves" He said before he started eating and looking at us

"You know, that Dark Lord Chara is certainly no joke! We're all in a lot of trouble with that scoundrel around." He said with a sad look as we nod

"Go and warn the princess while we take care of this.Om nom nom nom..."He said as he started eating, we head to the doors on the right,when we walked through the doors we saw Princess Toriel looking out the window

"Hm?" She hummed as she turns to us

"And who might you be?" She asked, I guess she dosen't recognize me

"I'm Sans and these are my friends, Asriel, Papyrus and Frisk" I said as we explained to her what's going on

"The Dark Lord went to Greenhorne?" She said as her eyes were wide and she started shaking

"What for...?" She asks

"To take faces and cause chaos" I answered

"Is Johnson OK?!" She asked worried

"I... I don't know..." I said uncertain

I haven't seen him in a long time... The last time I saw him was when he was with Princess Toriel taking care of me when I was 5 years old after that I didn't see him since

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm worried about my friend in town." She said

"I understand your worried everyone knows you two have been friends since you both were little" I said, It was true.

"Would you check on Johnson for me?" She asks as I nod

"Sure!" I said as she smiles

"Oh, thank you, thank you! Please tell him that... Toriel is worried about him." She said as I nod

"Okay!" I said

We left her room and headed to Greenhorne town to find Johnson, as soon as we entered the town I saw Roselina shaking and Toon Link not there. Worried, I walk over to her

"Roselina what's wrong?" I asked

"Oh, Adventurer! Toon Link's gone missing!" She said as my eyes widen in shock and worried

"I can't find him anywhere! Would you help me look for him? Please?" She said as I nod

"Okay" I said as she sighs in relief

"Oh... Thank you ever so much! Actually, I asked someone else too." She said, she did?

"Maybe this is a bit rude, but... I don't think they're up to it. So it's a relief that you're here! My child shouldn't have gone far. Could you search near town for me?" She asked as I nod

"Sure" I said as we leave the town to search for Toon Link. Until we heard a voice

"H-here goes...Toon Link! Where are youuu?!" The person said, wait that voice! Is it

"Come on guys!" I said to the others as we followed the voice

"No! Stay away!" Toon Link yelled as we heard his voice

"That voice!" THe person said

"S-somebody help me!" Toon Link screamed as we kept following the voices

"I-I've got to do something... You! You get away from him!" The person said as by the time we got there we saw a Man with black hair and blue eyes get beat up by three Goblins

"Gah!" He said, that's got to hurt without abilities

"Ughhh..." He groaned as he was lying on the ground, we approached him

"There's nothing I can do... Please, save the boy!" He pleaded as we engaged the Goblins, Asriel defects the Goblins with Lighting in one hit

"Nice work Asriel!" I said as we smile at him

"Thanks" He said with a smile. I turn to Toon Link

"Waaaaa! Mommy!" He said as he runs back into town still crying

...I'll check on him when we get back to town, I turn to Besmirched Noble's Son/my old babysitter, Johnson. He smiles

"Thanks you so much for your help. My name is Johnson" He said, he must've forgotten he used to babysit me

"So you're... Princess Toriel is worried about you." I said as He smiles

"The Princess... Is worried about me...?" He said, uh...

"Oh!" He said as gets up

"Focus! What in the world were those monsters?" He said as he looks around

"Monsters with peoples faces" I said as I continued to explain so he can be brought up to speed...

"I turned my back and all this happened... And the way you handled those monsters... That was incredible!" He said as he was sad

"I was as useful as a chocolate teapot." He said as he started walking backwards

"I-I think I'll be leaving now!" He said as I watch with wide eyes

"Well that was... Something" Asriel and Frisk said as Papyrus turns to me

"Sans? Does he always leave like this?" Papyrus asked as I sweatdrop

"Maybe...?" I said unsure

We took a quick rest at the Inn before returning to the Castle, to speak with Toriel. After we entered the Castle we went to Toriel's room to tell her the new

*A tiny time skip*

she looks at us with wide eyes before sighing in relief

"So Johnson is safe... That is a relief! Please accept this as a award!" She said as she gave us 1000G. Then Asgore put in the room

"Now, now, child... You must forget about that Johnson chap. You are betrothed to Prince Flowey after all! Is that clear?*chomp chomp*"He said before leaving the room, Toriel was sad now

"But, Father..." She trailed off we felt bad for Toriel, we walked out the room to the throne room

"The princess's fiancé should be on his way. Ah since you're here... Will you please see him to the castle?" He asks, as much I hate seeing Toriel sad I had no choice but to accept

"Sure..." I said

"Much obliged! The princess's fiancé is from yonder kingdom. He should be waiting at the Arid Frontier. Could you head for the Frontier?*Munch Munch*" He asked.

I nod and me and the others head to the Arid Frontier... I hope this goes well.

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