
By strawberrywearsskirt

180K 6.7K 4.1K

1st place Romance: Constellation awards. 1st place Romance: The award Contest 2019 Reviewed by: Majestic Awa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 11

4.7K 173 36
By strawberrywearsskirt

Warmth. Warmth is what you need, you'd ever want. Even if you stay cold, cold to the world. Stony to their accusations, you'd always want the mellowness. No matter how closed off you are, no matter how much you pretend you don't need someone, anyone, any support whatsoever. Deep inside you very clearly know that you are desperately in need of it. To hold onto any substratum, any holdfast that could provide you satisfaction. A warmth that would make you realize that you are cherished, that you have someone who you could rely upon. To have someone -be it anyone- whom you may be able to trust, blindly at that.

A feeling of being in a cocoon, wrapped from all the troubles, all the worries. Cozying in the blanket of protection, knowing nothing would ever come to jostle you, to shake you away. A feeling that inclines you towards it, engulfing you in its presence, promising a silent support of forever. A commitment nothing has ever to offer.

Sound of a shutter and a dash of temporary blinding light jolts me awake, making me involuntarily dig my face into the source of the warmth. A satisfied sigh escapes my lips when a whiff of thawing scent fills deeper in my senses, washing my sleepiness away. No nightmare today. Wow. I raise my head to a very slight angle when my squinting eyes make contact with a stubble filled sharp jaw. A tanned, attractive and eye opening jaw. What a beautiful dream. No wonder I slept this peacefully.

Another echo of shutter snaps my head in its direction -wiping away all thoughts of sleep and dizziness- to see a grinning Ken staring at his phone in satisfaction. It takes me no second minute to realize what predicament I was stuck in. I look back and turn to see my head resting on AB's shoulder while he is asleep. His face peaceful as a young boy, his floppy hair messy, untidier than they ever are. His hair are always immaculate, usually gelled in a quiff. The strands now resting against his forehead. His head resting at the back of the sofa while he sleeps in a sitting position. 

Heat rushes to my cheeks when I see one of my arm resting in my lap while the other clutching at his shirt tightly. My strength of my fist crinkling he fabric in its surrounding. My frame is completely plastered to his left side, sinking in his muscled warm body. His cologne engulfing my senses completely, alluring me in. This is where the heat and smell came from. Holy, guacamole!

I unclasp my fist and pull back only to be drawn forward towards him because of the tangling of my untamed hair in his shirt's button, causing a hiss to escape my mouth. This wakes him up, he stares up at me innocently, completely confused just as a toddler being taught different colors at the same time. It takes him a little time before he grabs his stance.

He seems shocked at first before going passive while he discreetly observed the situation we're stuck in. He though, took three times lesser the time it took me to analyze my environment. But then that's me and he's AB. Polar opposites.

We both raise our hands to undo the knot at the same time, ending up brushing them against each other, eliciting warmth. At the touch our eyes rush to find the others'. His green eyes almost clear with specks of hazel being in their lightest shade, caging me in their grasping. His eyes hold mine in an indecipherable lock, open yet prisoning. 

 I avert my eyes when I hear a throat being cleared. Turning around from the swirling daze of the incapacitating green, I look down at our hands to avoid the looks and butterflies all the while my face burns blazing beet. Talk about cliché.

I lose the thought of removing my hair strand from his button, succumbing it on his mercy and being the first one withdrawing, while he very patiently and expertly detangles it alongside saving myself from a strand loss. All this while Ken keeps clicking pictures, earning glares from both AB and I. My burning face does no assistance to the already awkward situation.

He very gently separate them step by step, to hurt me as little as possible. We split apart and I scoot deeper in my blanket to hide away the blush residing on my face. AB reaches forward to grab Ken's phone but he is quick to hide it from his view. He really has got guts to tease AB.

"Uh-huh, No no big guy. We don't throw gold away when we catch its sight" He says smugly. He starts humming the chorus of 'Thinking out loud' loudly, wiggling his brows.

AB abruptly stands up, making no eye contact with me whatsoever. He gathers his possessions and storms out the house without talking or interacting with anyone at all. Not that he is known to do anyway. Ken follows him out, continuing his humming and I remain confused with a flushed face. What on earth was I thinking, blindly cuddling him. Angry Bird. Sleeping with him like we were long lost buddies. We barely talked, I hardly know him yet I'd slept all over him. What must he be thinking of me?

Coming to think about him, I don't even know what his name must be. Great, just great. But AB is just what fits fine. I don't think I would want to know his name just yet.

Ken walks in the room, lifts a pitcher without any notice and pours it all over the sleeping body of Cassie. He walks forward unperturbed by her screams, keeping his calm face on, he splashes the remaining water over me.

"I was awake, you booger!" I yell, rubbing away the cold water droplets from my face. Cassie jumps up cussing and starts throwing pillows at Ken, he dodges them professionally.

"Yeah I knew. But I thought cold water would bring you out of your angry bird daze and besides I never wanted you to feel left out. If Cassie is wet, you are wet."

"And if we are wet, you are wet too." Cassie and I yell at the same time.

"There, there. You don't want me to tell you what it sounds like to me, now do you?" he winks, causing us to groan. "Enough crying. Come outside and help me clean the masterpiece you've made. I just slipped on the fackuting slime. My bottom just shattered" he says scowling. We giggle.

"What is fackuting and bum? What are you Ken, five?" Cassie asks groggily.

"Nope! Much older than that but Smurf hates it when someone cusses. My ass hurts really bad though!" Ken all but whines,

"Serves you right" I reply.

We clean the porch and head off to our respective places. It was Sunday and I was really tired, so I just cleaned my place, called Jerdy and lazed around Netflixing the entire length of the day. It was fun. Preparing my clothes for office next day, I set my alarm to wake up at the right time. Its exciting to rejoin your job after good 15 days of break. I flicked open the night bulb and fell asleep.


Entering the office, a wave of a totally different vibe hits me, unusual than the familiar mundane environment of the premises. The atmosphere all so different from where I'd last left it. The tired and scowling faces now replaced with glowing ones, emanating excitement and what seems to be the spark of hope and expectance for something good coming up, something positive. The sudden happy atmosphere washing over me in hopes of dragging me to join them in their warmth, and so is my mind. Wanting me to melt and smile wistfully but their remains a nagging void within me that seems to suppress the growing ecstasy. Indicating that there indeed is something coming up, something that might satisfy others but not me.

Shrugging my thoughts away I walk past the people in the bustling ground floor of 'The White GOI', ignoring their acknowledging better yet judgemental stares. A few snide comments whistle past me whiffing around the topic of my absence but I pay no heed to it and head off to the work station, waving and smiling on my way to the genuinely nice people who ask me about my health and me going MIA.

I greet Lanter and proceed off with my work until Cassie comes drumming against my table, begging for me to go with her to shop for clothes to wear for the office party later evening. One I hadn't been clearly told about. According to Ken and Cassie, I had been told numerous times about the event but I never paid enough attention to know when it was or where it was. The party was being thrown by Board of Members of different collaborative firms to award 'Mr. White', who had won 'Business Achiever Of The Year'. No surprise now, or is there?

The staff'd been let off early for the preparations and the décor of the venue, don't ask me where it is. Ken has taken responsibility for my pick and drop. SO, I didn't even bother to ask.

Cassie practically dragged me out of my seat once I completed my work and took off straight to the mall for shopping. On my way to the mall, in the car I think about how my rejoining day at the office went.

The entire day was usual, besides the extra hyped atmosphere of the office or the incessant whining of Cassie. But something about Ken seemed off, he looked uneasy; fidgeted even. Not that he is a controlled man and a stiff person like AB is, but his quirky nature had an unfamiliar touch to it. As though he was waiting to talk to me, like he wanted to say something yet couldn't speak. I did try to ask him but there wasn't really an appropriate time when I could do that. I was swarmed with bulk of work from when I was on my leave for me to focus on anything besides it, but Ken's anxiety came like an interaction. A constant and probing one at that.

During break, when I asked for where he was to other people, I'd been told that he'd left early. I came across AB, like usual. But surprisingly, instead of cowering away or feeling awkward like I had assumed he would be, after the weekend scene. He was calm and even stopped by to nod in my direction. Despite my blushing, I stood frozen, gawking at the attention from a self proclaimed statue. I swear I saw his lip twitching up at my harmless almost star struck gazing. I nearly asked him whether or not he stayed and nodded but he was most definitely expecting that, which is why he just shook his head and walked away. Safe to say, it took me a pinch from Cassie to thaw me out of my frozen state, a few minutes after he'd disappeared.

I thought it would be easy to shop. What could go wrong, all you needed was a dress. Something to wear, you could just pick whichever you'd like. But I never knew I'd spoken too soon. According to Cassie, dress searching is not a child's play. It is an art. A form unfamiliar to a few and known only to experts; like her. She towed me from shop to shop looking for ' The dress'.

In between our search, she'd received a call, after responding to which, she precisely went forward solely for 'The green dress' search. Whose call was it, I knew not. You think I didn't ask. Well, 'asking' would be putting it simply. I begged for her to tell me, but fruitless efforts like always.

Cassie said she's shopped for her dress a few days back when she went out with her cousins so she didn't need any but the ones I had at home weren't fit to be worn, therefore I was desperately in need of one . After hours of aimless strolling round in the mall, her eyes caught sight of a beautiful jade dress. Being very honest, it really was stunning. It grasped my attention at the first sight. The first thing the color reminded me was the color of someone's eyes. A pair of gorgeous mesmerizing eyes.

I shook my head at the thought and touched the material of the fabric. It slipped off my fingers with a cool trail. A black bodice of dull sequences blending like a dream in its design. I knew that this was the one I was going to buy and Cassie's beaming smile told me she was on the same page with me on this one.

We purchased the dress. It was expensive, not enough to leave me in debt. Just adequate amount that my wallet could afford. Most importantly, one look at its intricate design and combination of colors and you'd know that it was worth it. It's beauty was definitely worth a couple extras. We bought a black pair of stilettos to match my outfit and Cassie insisted me to buy another one, according to her, the gold wedges were begging to be bought by me, they were that beautiful. She wanted to go ahead with her shoe hunting but thank God we had little to no time -excluding the time that was estimated by her for us to get ready- was what stopped her from going any further.

We went back to Cassie's because she apparently thought I didn't know how to get perfectly ready and would ruin the attire if I don't dress and wear makeup accordingly. So she took the responsibility of dolling me up for the event. I complied, I was too drained to waste further energy in arguing around with people. She reminds me of Britney, sometimes.

I grab a quick bag from my apartment brimming with toiletries, charger, spare clothes and other essentials, roughly in about 7 minutes, ignoring the yells of her for me to hurry. This girl I tell you. She wouldn't mind traipsing aimlessly in shopping arenas but a few extra minutes I am in need of are adversely affecting her plotted schedule. 

Reaching at Cassie's I showered and was then attacked by her who forced me to sit on a dressing stool, facing away from the mirror and started working her magic on my face. She patted, splattered and smashed products back and forth smack on my face. The feeling was pretty satisfying so I didn't complain, even tough the probing on a few instances poked my eyeballs and other sensitive regions of my face, other than the very reflexive 'Ouch'. She worked on my hair, going ahead with heating, curling and playing with them to her heart's content. She sprayed different products on my hair and face simultaneously to manage my made up looks.

I begged for her to make me have a look at myself and the work she had done on me, but the response was just an eye roll and a promise that she would let me see it once it is completely done. After what seemed like eons, an accomplished sigh escaped her mouth.

"Oh God Jenna! You look so pretty. Some CEO's would lose their minds today" she said winking at me. My brain struggled to analyze what she tried to insinuate but came out blank. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she stared at me wide eyed as though she'd said something she wasn't supposed to say and twisted my stool around for me to face the mirror and get distracted.

Well, it did work as a distraction because when I saw the girl who stared back at me, I was speechless. Chocolate brown eyes framed with mascara lined lashes blinked back at me. My makeup was phenomenal, so beautifully done, maroon lips plump and fuller. Balanced products and stupendous results, my cheekbones glowing and shaped. Hair rested in soft curls, flowing down my back. A little shimmer of eye shadow dusted my lids and a dash of rosy blush tinted the apples of my cheeks. A delicate heart pendant belonging to my mother laid on my neck.

The black spaghetti straps of the dress rested against the pale skin of my shoulders.They extended to a little black lacey bodice, with patterned sequencing, a satin jade ribbon wrapped around my waist which further flowed down to a silky, jade gown. A slit was opened down my left leg, right below my knee It had plates from where it joined the black fabric, making it all the more supreme and breathtaking.

I stood up in a daze, mesmerized at the sight before me. Twirling around I faced Cassie and hugged her.

"Thank you. I look different. I don't look like myself. Loved it. Thank you so much Cas!" I said, clutching her tight.

"No problem Jen, now if you'd step back that would be good because I wanna get ready too. Put on a movie while I get ready. Ken will be here in an hour"

"Jeez! Sounds like you are a mother and I'm your toddler, ready to spoil the clothes I wear"

At this, she rolled her eyes and walked inside the closet whereas I settled on scrolling through my phone. Cassie had worn a black gown with a sweetheart neckline, her makeup was in the shade of nudes and so were her shoes. She looked absolutely pretty.

Ken came around to pick us up and his expressions were priceless. He looked at me carefully to see if I was the same person also asked Cassie to assure him if I'd been abducted or in someway changed to be someone else. He smiled at Cassie looking at the color of the dress I'd adorned. Was he the one who'd called her to suggest the color? But my question as usual was ignored by both.


Reaching at the venue, my nervousness grew ten folds taking in the extravagance of the place. My anxiousness turned prominent. I had always been scared of getting the center stage, I'd never in my life appreciated attracting people. It seems like I'm being judged, every step I take, every work I perform I feel people are trying to stomp on your choices, crushing them even though those might be satisfying for you.

I know that I wouldn't be the only one at the party and the party isn't for me, but I also know that I look different, a kind where people would definitely double take to see who the person is. Good different or bad? I'd never know. I look nothing like the typical Jenna who grumpily walks down the office premises everyday wearing satisfactory work outfits and a makeup less face. I look bold, proud, unharmed even, though from inside I'm anything but that.

We walk around the cars and Ken notices my struggles and inner battles -which grow more fervent- when I see a swarm of photographers, paparazzi and inerviewers buzzing and hungry for content.

My hands start shaking in fear, fear to be in limelight. Ken dials a number and talks in hushed voices, he gets in the vehicle, we follow suit. He drives it round the location and stops outside the door, which seems like a private entrance to the same place.

He's so sweet, why would he do that?

"C'mon Smurf, let's get going" he says as I pop out of the vehicle with a grateful smile on my face. Cassie whines,

"But I want to go from the main entrance, I want people to see me. I want to be in the news tomorrow 'A very gorgeous lass in yesterday's White GOI success parties, she was smart and stunning, the internet is going gaga over her beauty and-"

"Wake up, wake up my child! Did you sleep well?" Ken says sarcastically with a chestire grin plastered to his face, clapping and mumbling lullabies as though Cas was a baby.

"Ken I'm fackuting serious or you'll have to face some serious troubles when I drop you out of the car or unleash zombies on you" she says

"You have those? I kinda knew you're that kind to be training zombies and keeping them in your condo"

"No I don't do tha-"

"Guys!" I yell, "enough. Would you both stop?"

"Don't yell Smurf! Why do you have to fight always?" Ken mocks me in the same tone I'd used.

"Are you for freaking real Ken, was I the one fighting now? And Cas you too, 'fackuting' what's that and why do you both use it so much?" I said looking over Cas who in turn smiles sheepishly at me.

"Okay forget it. Ken, Cas wants to go from the front. Might as well take her before she goes all hulk in you. I'll find my way from here" I say.

"Are you sure Smurf you'd be okay to go in alone? Knowing you, you'd probably run in a close door multiple times if it's not open because hurting self counts in your to-do list" Ken says grinning. I glare at him.

"Go away, I'm good. Will see you inside. Bye!" I said waving over at me.

Their car pulls in reverse from the driveway while I walk in towards the gates from where the guards escort me inside towards the main function.
I walk steadily and carefully. The dim lights of the passage wash in the little hall from where leads a larger passage that opens up to a giant hall. From the little peak in the window my eyes bulge open to the size of golf balls when I see the decor and arrangements of the place.

Decorated in silver and blue, the grand ball room looked exquisite. From the sight where I stood, I saw a huge pool, with floating candles in little containers of their own. The lightening of the hall was nothing less than extraordinary. The dark blue flowers pinned and placed in so much precision as though they were measured before getting arranged. Round tables crowded the corners, a mini bar at one corner, a stage lateral to it. Right to the side were the arched stairs lined with their usual silver blue decor. Blue panels flowing with silver intricacies.

Almost in a daze I walked further to lead myself to the door of entrance in the place. Bunches of sliver, white and dark blue flowers tied with ribbons were scattered in the nooks. Wine glasses were filled with water and blue lotuses which further had vodka shots glasses floating inside which contained a neon blue candle inside. Must've taken a lot of effort. Huge silver candles stood on each table with bulky white candles burning.

The tables were set with pristine white plates and dark blue napkins. Huge chandeliers hanging in the lengths of the hall. Gold lights washed over the decorations accompanied by the dim white ones.

My hazy steps further moved when my eyes took account of the people littering around.

Immaculate! That was the first word that came to my mind at their appearances.

Beautifully dressed people filled the hall, lingering near the bars and loitering around the halls. They were so amazing, a few even resembling models I'd seen in magazines. Because they probably were. My already present anxiety heightened and my clammy hands fisted the clutch Cas had given me as an accomplice to the dress.

I inhaled a staggered breath and pushed open one of the French doors, opposite the entrance. A wave of cool air whipped against my face. Heavy perfumes and alcohol lingered in the flow of wind, choking my throat with a sudden impact. I coughed to clear my throat a little bit and placed my heel clad foot over the carpeted floor. Clutching tighter onto my purse, I moved forward, a few familiar faces came in my view, faces of collogues from my own department and others. Certain smiled at me, certain scowled looking down at me and certain stayed nonchalant, silently observing me. I held my head high to not let them see the effect their gazes are having on me.

My eyes darted towards the other side where I saw Cassie and Ken entering through the double French doors. They walked towards me and my nerves relieved a tad at the presence of my friends. Ken got himself some alcohol while Cas and I stuck with nonalcoholic beverages. We chatted and talked. The atmosphere felt lighter.

Suddenly I felt a gaze on me, bringing a familiar tingly feeling with it. My eyes lifted up to meet jade ones and a swarm of butterflies exploded in my stomach. He was clad in his signature grey Armani. He stood frozen where he was with a phone in hand, not moving, just gazing in my direction. I looked behind me to see if there was something that caught his attention, but there was nothing until realization hit on me. He was looking at me, just me. A dark red filled in my already blushing cheeks. He stood as though in a trance, not even responding to the person at the other end of the line.

Why is he looking at me like that, do I look that bad?

He walks over towards where we stood, his phone now lowered, his gaze unmoving. Cassie and Ken both look over at the gawking statue of AB. Ken sniggers and cheers 'whipped' which effectively breaks AB out of whatever spell he was induced in. He gulps, looks over at both idiots then switch his gaze back towards me.

He reaches close to where we stood and nods at Ken who engulfs him in a hug, making him roll his eyes. Cas suddenly turns very nervous and becomes a blubbering mess, but AB pays no heed with the way he keeps looking at me. Surprisingly, his gaze doesn't make me uncomfortable rather it brings a different emotion, an emotion I cannot pinpoint.

We chatted for some time before a tall blonde guy walks over to us, who introduce himself to be Luke from the company with whom ours has merged with. He stands really close to me with his jaw down. His gaze makes me uncomfortable, there seems a slight hunger in his lustful stare that makes me repulse from his sight.

"What must a beautiful lady like you be doing alone?" he speaks suggestively. My eyes instinctively darts towards AB whose jaw is clenched so hard, that I'm afraid he would break his teeth but Luke refuses to avert his gaze to anywhere but my body.

"If you did not notice Mr. Smarty pants, she is standing with three other people. One of whom might finish you if you don't drop your thoughts away" Ken remarked, but Luke was unaffected.

"Would you like to dance with me, Ms. Stephens?" Luke said. My eyes widen when I hear him say my name, I don't remember seeing him anywhere let alone telling him my name.

"H-how do you know my name?" I ask curious.

"Well Jenna, I did my research. Now would you please dance with me?" He persists.

"How about no, asshole. She wants nothing to do with you. Now if I see you anywhere close to her, you wouldn't be able to walk on your feet again. Remember that." AB all but seethed at him, glowering with a stare that could melt metals, terrifying. His arm wrapped possessively round my waist. Luke probably realized the extent of the edge to his stare off that he raised his hands in a surrender gesture and took a few steps behind.

"Alright, chill out. I never knew she was taken. Specially by you, she's all yours. Got yourself a good one, I must admit" he said, his voice shaking in terror before he completely disappears from our sight. He had said all the impossible, AB feeling something for me is as impossible as Niall never wanting to eat food and Ken stop being irritating. AB only did what he did because he wanted to protect his fellow collogue in a gentlemanly gesture.

AB unhooked his arm as though he was burned and walked away without bothering to look behind. That did hurt, really bad I must admit. Ha Luke, talk about me being his.

I sighed and looked over to search for Cassie and Ken who'd went to fill their plates with food, what else do you expect them to do? Before I could go and join them, Rachel brought her crew along. Rachel is an employee from higher staff administration at our office. She wore a red low cut gown, the fabric clinging on like second skin to her hourglass figure. She'd brought accomplices from the same departments, snotty rich ladies, dressed in slutty outfits. Rachel's red lips pulled into a sneer and she tsked at me.

"Look at that, the bitch all dressed up. Where did you get this outfit? From the flea market?" she asked while her barbies giggled. I'd dealt with bullies all my life, didn't think that I'd be dealing with things here too. But today, I'd interacted and talked to a lot of people. A few new from other companies, a few from my own. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be until this group came along, they are already making me feel like this party is going to be a huge disaster.

"I don't visit flea markets. But the way you so assuredly said that I'd taken my dress from there, you must be a frequent shopper, now aren't you?" I retorted.

She was shell shocked, probably not expecting my reply. I walked past her to head away but her one reply had me freezing in my spot.

"What do you think your mom would've said if she was here looking at you. But Oh! she can't say anything. You killed her" she says and leaves. My body remains glued to the place. It seems like the ground slipped from beneath my feet, my breaths coming out rough and edgy. The environment blurs in front of my eyes that I don't even bother to focus or hear anything that happens in the surroundings.

 I walk where my feet take me that end up being in the terrace of the venue, secluded and tranquil. I inhale sharply, closing my eyes to undo all that I've heard. I didn't know this day would include a conversation so strange. I place my hand to heart and whisper a word,


She doesn't reply, how can she? She's not here. She was gone, long time back leaving me to stay in the claws of the vile world. I lean against the balcony railing lost in thoughts when a presence appears beside me. My body instantly recognizes the identity but I make no effort to turn my head in acknowledgement. We stand for minutes in silence just admiring the silent beauty of the nature, the sound of hustling and bustling of winds weaving in the peace. The crinkling of leaves were loud, slapping against each other bursting against the otherwise serene environment, subtracting the light music coming from inside.

"When I was a kid, I wanted to fly. I wanted to explore, to see the world from a higher place. To know how it feels to be away, in the clouds. At that time, I never had any other intention rather than discovering the beauty of nature from above. But with time, I realized it's more than that. It had always been. The reason I wanted to go above was because I was scared of the people, I never knew how to talk to them, to interact with them. So I decided to run, to float, to fly. To be anywhere but with people who liked to make fun of me, who scared me. My mom saw my struggles, she told me, 'Jenna, you know why birds fly. It's because they were made that way, they were given wings so they could go and fly from the troubles of the world. But we weren't given those. Why? because we'd been given something much more powerful than that, we were made differently, we have something that can raise us higher than any wings can do and that gift is a smile. I know it gets hard, impossible even, but smile. Because when you smile it accomplishes every goal you've ever had. It's the answer to every hard work. The world isn't as bad as it seems to be. There are loyal people among us. People who genuinely care for us'. I've held onto this for as long as I remember but sometimes, I think it doesn't sit with everything. Mom's theory might not always work." I say, I don't know why I do but being with AB brings me so much comfort that words flow out of my mouth without me trying to say anything. I never expected him to answer, not that my words were expectant of any, I just said things, not being in control of myself. But what he says next leaves me stunned.

"A mouthful of seawater contains millions of bacterial cells and thousands of phytoplankton and zooplanktons" he says. I look at him stunned. I don't know what to answer, so I just shamelessly gawk at him. When he realizes what he'd said, a light pink tints his cheeks which he hides away by turning his face in the other direction.

"W-what did you just say?" I ask as laughter bursts out my mouth, uncontrolled. I double over trying to swallow in my felicity and my stomach and face starts hurting from laughing nonstop. When I look over at him, I see that there's a ghost of smile, almost absent curve in his lips. I sober up immediately and just then Ken arrives and drags both of us back inside to join the event.

The air goes back to its lighter area, the way it'd been prior to the Rachel confrontation. Ken grabs both of our hands and pulls us in the middle of the dance floor. I blush profusely. AB offers me a hand and I place mine in the grasp.

The music plays, my hand rests on his shoulder while his wraps round my waist, we sway to the music, looking intently in each other's eyes. Lost, away from every other thought. As though we're in a separate universe. We don't realize when the song had ended but we keep swaying to our own melody until an announcement breaks us from our trance. I move away from our entangled position, ignoring Ken's brow wiggle.

"...we would now like to invite 'The businessman of the year', Mr. Gabriel White on stage to say a few words" says the announcer. AB's eyes widen, he suddenly seems nervous looking at me and then towards Ken who looks ragged by the news as well, while I get very excited, I scan the crowd to have a look at the 'Mr. White' who'd be now going on the stage for the exchange of words. I'd now see what he looks like. My excitement shows at my face, my eyes lightening up in delight. Also, a shadow of scary cloud lingers over when the incident of two weeks back probes my mind.

 Why are AB and Ken so scared? there are so many people here, it's not like Mr. White would insult them even if they'd done something wrong about work. But that would happen if there is a Mr. White in here, because no one steps ahead, no one attempts to go to the stage. In fact everyone looks over at AB, who's gaze stays transfixed over at me, trying to explain me a silent tale. A silent conviction. The announcer calls in for Mr. White again. This time the room darkens and the spotlight falls.

And at that moment I knew my mom couldn't be more wrong. This world is a completely fake place.


Sorry guys, sorry for the late update. I was so busy at the Uni this week and I wanted to update yesterday but then I thought that I should write a longer chapter and make yall happy. So, a super long chapter. Yup I'm proud!

Another cliffhanger, but this one is SO different from the other ones.

New update next Friday. Busy until mids after which I'd post more chapters/ week

Thanks for the love. Make sure to press the star to vote, comment and share.

Love each one of you, also my silent readers :)


Love, S! 

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