My Abusive Thug

By TelleTheMisfit

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Copyright (c) 2014 by @TelleTheMisfit All Rights reserved. The characters and events in this book are fictit... More

My Abusive Thug
Introduction of Marques
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Not an Update!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Meeting The Parents
Good News
Chapter 7: A Night Out of Town
Chapter 8: Getting Ambushed
Not an Update
Chapter 9: Three Steps Ahead of You
Chapter 10: Playing Dirty Part 1
Chapter 11: Playing Dirty Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Stay Strong
Chapter 14: A Moment of Truth
Not an Update
Chapter 15
Not an Update
Chapter 16: Tired
Chapter 17
Ch. 18 Too Little Too Late
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Boyfriend #2
Chapter 21: A Baby?!
Not an Update
Ch. 22
Character Looks, and descriptions
Ch. 24 When You Least Expect It Part 2
Ch. 25 Push It
Important News
Its here

Ch. 23 When You Least Expect It Part 1

37.5K 1.1K 323
By TelleTheMisfit

Sunday Night

Mel's Pov

Moy was sad to see his mother go. I honestly could care less. Every chance she got she made it known that she doesn't like me. I should've known her kindness was just a little act.

I don't care what anyone says I'm not a hoe. Yeah Moy happens to be one of M's friend. Correction ex friend. I had no idea that they even knew each other. I know who the father is of my baby and that's Moy. It's as simple as that.

I was so into my thoughts I didn't notice Moy walk into my room.

"I'm going to drop my mom off. You want anything while I'm gone?" Asks Moy

"I want McCdonalds let me get a #12 I want it crispy with ranch sauce. Some fries and a Oreo mccflury. Oh and a large lemonade."

"Mel you know that is not healthy. I don't want you polluting my baby with all this junk food." Says Moy

"Please I'm hungry and I want it!" I start pouting. It's a wrap after that. He can never say no to me.

"Okay fine. But this is the last time. Next time your getting a salad of at least grilled chicken." Says Moy

"Yeah yeah. Hurry up your mama is waiting for you."

"You don't want to say goodbye?" Asks Moy

"No I'd rather not." 😒

"I'll tell her you said goodbye." Says Moy


"Love you too." Says Moy kissing me on the forehead before leaving.


Once Moy was gone I called my girl Lena. I haven't talked to her this whole weekend.

"Hey boo." Says Lena

"Girl what you up to? I miss my Bestfriend."

"Aww I miss you too. How about we hang out tomorrow." Says Lena

"Sounds good to me. I need to get out of this house. All I do is eat and sleep."

"Oh that's not good. You really shouldn't lay around all day." Says Lena

"Yeah I know. Moy says the same thing. But anyway how are things with you and Khris?"

"Good I have no complaints so far." Says Lena

"I'm happy for Lena. You deserve to have a guy who will treat you right."

"Thanks boo and true. How are things with you and Moy?" Asks Lena

"Perfect couldn't be better. Sike let

Me stop playing. Me and Moy are fine. It's his mother I can't deal with. She basically hates."

"Aww why?" Asks Lena

"I overheard her talking with Moy. She basically called me a whore and thinks that I'm trying to trap him. Then she has the nerve to say that it's not his baby, and wants a DNA test."

"Whoa that's crazy. Who else could be the father. You ended things with M months ago. His mom is trippin. Oh some real shit." Says Lena

"Exactly. There's nothing I can do about it. That's his mom at the end of the day. She's not leaving no time soon. I'll just have to deal with her."

"I'm proud of you. If that was me she would have got cussed out. At least your being the bigger person." Says Lena

"I'm not wasting my time. I don't need the stress in my life."

"I love how calm you sound right now. Keep your head up baby girl." Says Lena

Just then I get a incoming call from a blocked number.

"Lena baby hold on. Someone is on the other line."

I switch over and see who it is.


"I hear you for pregnant by that bum nigga. I guess congrats are in order." Says M

"Ugh I should have know it was you. How did you get my new number?"

"When will you realize that you can't hide from me. I know everything. That house you and my boy got is cute. I hear y'all playing house and shit." Yells M

"Why are you so obsessed with me. You have a girl so stop riding me. Like damn what do I have to do to get it through your fucking head. What are you slow or just plain stupid. I don't want yo sorry ass. You put me through so much shit. What did I ever do to you to deserve this?"

"Poor Mel right. Because you're the victim. Yeah I hit you here and there so what. It's not like you didn't deserve it. I slept with Leah so what. Get over it. You'll always be mine." Says M

"Fuck you with your psychotic ass. Find some else to mess with. Your days are bothering me are over."

"We'll be done when I say so. Just watch your back. You're going to see me sooner than you think. Your man won't be able to save you this time." Says M before hanging up in my face.

I switch back to Lena.

"Oh good your back. Bitch what took you so long?" Yells Lena

"Girl stop yelling. Your killing my eardrums trying to make me deaf."

"Oh my bad. So who was on the other line." Asks Lena

"Marques bitch ass."

"He still running his mouth?" Asks Lena

"Girl Yess. I'm so tired of him. I never should of listened to Leah. She was the main one pushing me to talk to him. You see how that turned out."

"Yeah that is true. But then you never would have met Moy Moy." Says Lena

"I know but sometimes I wish I met him first."

"You know we can't go back in time. Shoot if I could I would change a lot of things. On a serious note just watch out for that fool. If I find out that he hurt you again I'ma stab his ass." Says Lena

"You so crazy. Thank you for looking our for me. I'll talk to you later."

"See you tomorrow." Says Lena

"Bye love."

I hang up the phone and lay back down.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I turn and see Moy.

He walks over to me and hands me all of my food.

"Thanks baby."

I grab my food and start eating.

*********** 6 Months Later********

"Good luck. I know you're going to do great."

"Thanks babe. I really wish you could come though." Says Moy

"I know but my feet and back are killing me. I can barely stand as it is. Maybe next time okay? I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Alright I'm going to hold you too it." Says Moy

"Oh I know."

"Love you." Says Moy

"Love you too."

Moy reaches down and kisses me.

I watch Moy walk out the door and wave to him.

I close the door and sit down on the couch.

I was just starting to get comfortable when the house phone starts ringing. I ignore it hoping the person will get the hint. To my dismay they still keep calling.

I get up and walk over to the house phone.


The person on doesn't say anything.

"I can hear you breathing you creep."

I hang up the phone and walk back to the couch.

I sit down and the phone starts ringing again. 😔

You know what I'm not answering it. People wanna play games on the phone. Like I have the energy to keep going up to get it.

I lay down and cover my ears with a pillow.

The phone starts ringing again.

I turn on the TV and try to block out the noise.

The phone finally stops ringing. Thank goodness! 😫

**** A Few Hours Later ***

*Ding Dong Ding Dong

Now someone wants to mess with my sleep. It takes me forever to get up.

When I get to the door no one is there.

Okay now I think someone is trying to play with me.

I lay back down and try to sleep. I just can't something doesn't feel right.

I try calling Moy but he doesn't answer.

He's probably busy. Today is a big day for him. He's supposed to be on the cover of tins sports magazine. He also has a spread in the magazine about him. I'm so proud of my baby. Maybe he went out to celebrate with friends.

I try dialing Lena but she doesn't answer either. 😩

I tried calling my parents but the phone didn't work.

Great someone cut the line. Just then the lights go out.

Now I'm in the dark.

I walk into the kitchen and look in the cabinet for a flash light. I find it and walk upstairs.

I lock the bedroom door. I don't know what's going on but I'm getting scared. I grab my bat. It's not much but it'll do. I quickly turn off the flashlight.

I hear footsteps coming towards the bedroom.

I could hide under the bed. Please who am I kidding. My big ass came fit under that bed. I've gained so much weight during my pregnancy.

I walk over to the other side of the bed and hide behind it.

The bedroom door opens.

It's so dark I can't see who it is. I can hear them walking closer to me.

The lights turn back on. I see a guy dressed in all black. He has a ski mask on so I can't see his face.

"Please don't hurt me. If it's money you want it's in my wallet. Just take it."

The guy doesn't say anything.

Instead he yanks me by my hair and brings me downstairs.

When I get down there I see a group of guys all dressed in black. Just great.

They grab a chair and tie me too it.

One of the guys takes off his mask.

To my surprise it's Drake.

"Surprised to see me huh?" Asks Drake

I don't even say anything.

"M get in here." Yells Drake

A few minutes later Marques walks in. Why am I not surprised.

"I told you I'd be back." Says M he walks over to me and gets close to my face.

"Can you get out of my face?!"

"Still got attitude I see. Why aren't you happy to see me?" Asks M

"Why would I be. What do you want?"

"You." Says M stroking my cheek.

"Well you can't have me."

"That's what you think. Yo y'all can go I got it from here." Says M

"You sure?" The other men in the room ask.

"Yes I'm fine. Now go I need time alone with my baby. We have a lot to catch up on." Says M

I watch as they all leave.

M turns back to me.

"Aww look at your baby bump. You look beautiful pregnant. You're glowing."

"I love how you could have his baby but not mine. That should be my baby in your stomach. What does he have that I don't? Why don't you love me Melanie?" Asks M

"I did love you. I'm over it now."

"See I tried to be nice to you. Now you're going to regret running your mouth." Says M

He back hand slapped me so fast.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you're mine." Says M

He did the I unthinkable and pulls out a gun.

"If I can't have you... No one can." Says M with a evil smirk on his face.

He points the gun at my stomach.

"Oh my God you monster. Please put the gun down. We can talk about this. I'll do ?whatever you want. Just don't shoot."

By now I had tears running down my face. I was shaking like crazy.

I have a feeling M really might kill me. I should have took his first warning serious.


Please excuse any mistakes in this chapter. A lot is going on in this chapter.

-So who thinks M has lost his mind?

-What will happen next?

Vote and Comment 🌚💕

-TelleTheMisfit 😘😘

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