Promised To Her

By caitlinneil7

50.6K 1.3K 334

Camila Cabello was a mystery to everyone; sweet, charming, beautiful beyond compare. But there was just one t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

3.5K 83 16
By caitlinneil7

Two days later

"Laur, we still haven't talked names." Camila says as she rocks the screaming little girl in her arms.

Lauren lifted her head from looking down at her tiny son. "I like Tony for a boy." She  said quietly, not wanting to wake her sleeping son.

"Anthony, but Tony for short?" Camila asks softly, shifting her daughter in her arms.

"Does it have to be Anthony?" Lauren asked. "Can't it just be Tony?"

Camila frowns and shakes her head. "No, I want my son to have a full name."

"Oh." Lauren looked down at her son again.

Sighing softly, Camila steps forward and cups Lauren's cheek. "Baby, I just don't like giving the kids just short names."

"I didn't argue with you. I just wondered." Lauren said.

"I know, I was thinking Charlotte for her." Camila says softly, looking down at the now sleeping little girl.

Lauren nodded slowly. She shifted Tony in her arms. He was beginning to feel heavy... or maybe she was feeling weak.

"Why don't we lay them down and go lay down ourselves, take a nap while they sleep." The older girl says softly.

Lauren nodded slowly.

A few hours later

Camila groans as she wakes up to the sound of Charlotte crying.

Lauren remained asleep, her muscles twitching every-so-often. The twitching had gotten worse after she gave birth.

Getting up, Camila moves over to Charlotte's bassinet and picks her up. "What's wrong princess?"

Charlotte shifts in Camila's arms, releasing soft cries.

Camila rocked the little girl gently. "Shh."

Charlotte turns her head toward Camila's chest and releases a soft cry.

Tony shifted quietly in his bassinet but didn't wake up. He was a very quiet and calm baby.

"What's wrong baby?" Camila asks softly, rocking her daughter.

The baby continues to softly crying.

Camila gently rubbed the little girl's back. She lifted her up and smelled the bottom. No, she didn't need changed.

Charlotte tries to nuzzle Camila's chest, kicking her feet and releasing a slightly louder cry.

"Ah you're hungry." Camila said in realisation. She carried the little girl down the stairs and into her kitchen. She made the little girl a bottle, not wanting to wake Lauren up.

Shifting in her arms, Charlotte continues to cry as she waits for her bottle.

Camila made the bottle as fast as she could and once it was warm, she pressed it to her daughter's lips.

The tiny girl immediately latches on, her entire body relaxing.

"There you go. All better." Camila said with a fond smile.

Tired green eyes stare up at Camila, the little girl's hands resting on the bottle.

Unlike Tony, Charlotte was practically Lauren's double while Tony looked more like Camila.

However, Tony had Lauren's quieter more gentle side.

A soft whine escapes Charlotte when Camila pulls the bottle away to burp her.

"Hang on." Camila said softly. She burped the little girl before putting the bottle back to her lips. She was glad to have had the experience looking after her little sister before she had her own children. However, Lauren didn't have a clue what she was doing and every time she got it wrong, she got upset even though the twins were only a few days old.

Lena, Clara, and Kara helped out as much as they could. Even Lewis tried to help every now and again, when Lena wasn't trying to get him to do his homework.

Relaxing, Charlotte closes her eyes to as she takes the last ounce.

Camila smiled down at the little girl. She couldn't keep the happiness out of her eyes.

Lena appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. She stumbled over to the sink and filled a glass with water. She yawned. She hadn't seen Camila sitting at the table with Charlotte yet.

A soft whimper escapes the baby when she realizes the bottle is empty.

Lena jumped at the sound of Charlotte's crying, spilling her water down herself. She hadn't been sleeping well since Lewis's father had called her and she'd been really jumpy ever since.

"You okay?" Camila asks softly, shifting Charlotte so she can burp her.

Lena jumped again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and refilling her glass of water, not caring that her shirt was soaking wet.

Frowning, Camila looks at Lena. "What's on your mind?"

Lena took a sip of her water and turned on her heels. She leaned back against the counter. "Nothing." She didn't look up at Camila. She kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"It's not nothing, talk to me." Camila says softly.

Lena took a deep breath. She sat her glass of water on the counter beside herself. "He's coming... I can feel it. Lewis's father is coming." The room began spinning around her and she had to close her eyes to get it to stop but it didn't help.

Camila immediately lays Charlotte in the bassinet by the table and moved over to Lena, pulling her into her arms. "Breathe."

Lena collapsed against Camila, losing consciousness.

"Shit," Camila gently lays Lena down and rushes to get Kara.

"Huh?" Kara groaned as Camila woke her up. "What? Who?" She reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her glasses. She put them on. "What, Camila?" She whined, not noticing Lena was missing. "Ugh! It's three in the morning." She hated being woke up.

"Lena collapsed." Camila responds softly.

Kara sat up quickly. She looked beside her. Lena was gone. She went pale and got up quickly off the bed. "Where is she?" She asked immediately. "She's done this before. Her body shuts down, it can't deal with stress. The last time it happened was when Lewis was born. It nearly killed both of them."

"Kitchen, I laid her down." Camila says softly, leading her to the kitchen.

Kara nodded. She followed Camila quickly to the kitchen and fell onto the floor beside Lena. "Lena, honey, you need to wake up." She pressed the back of her hand to Lena's forehead. "She's burning up. Call an ambulance."

Nodding her head, Camila grabs her phone to call for an ambulance.

Kara rolled Lena onto her side and positioned her body in the recovery position. "Please, Lena, wake up." She begged.

After a few minutes, Lena begins coughing as she wakes up.

Kara released a relieved breath. "Don't move. An ambulance is on its way."

Taking a deep breath, Lena slowly relaxes against the floor.

Kara ran her fingers through Lena's long black hair, trying to work out what had her girlfriend so upset.


Tony released a soft cry from his and Charlotte's shared crib, kicking his feet and waking his sister who also begins crying.

Lauren rolled out of bed and got up. She moved over to the crib and looked down at her son and daughter in the crib, not sure what to do.

"You get Tony, I'll get Charlotte." Clara says as she walks into the room, Camila had gone to the store to get groceries and baby items for the house.

Lauren nodded slowly. She lifted Tony out of his crib.

Clara reaches down and lifts Charlotte into her arms, gently beginning to rock her. "See if he needs changed."

"How do I...?" Lauren frowned.

"Lift him up and sniff his bottom." Clara responds softly.

Lauren did as her mother instructed her. She sniffed her son's bottom and was almost sick from the smell. She turned a pale green.

"I want to go see my mommy!" Lewis yelled at Kara from down the hall. "Now!"

"Are you going to be able to change him?" Clara asks her daughter softly.

Lauren hesitated for a long moment before nodding slowly.

"Lewis, it's bedtime. You can see mommy after school tomorrow." They heard Kara tell Lewis softly before the sound of the bedroom door being slammed and Kara sighed defeatedly.

Charlotte had relaxed and fell asleep in Clara's arms, her head turned to the side.

Lauren changed Tony's diaper, accidentally putting the clean diaper on backwards. She disposed of the old diaper and washed her hands.

Kara passed the door and made her way down the stairs.

"Let me see how you did." Clara says softly, moving to check Tony's diaper.

Lauren stepped out of the way and bit her lip anxiously.

A soft laugh escapes Clara. "You did good, but the diaper is backwards."

Lauren hit herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand and slumped down on the bed. "I did that last night too." She grumbled unhappily.

"It's okay Laur, it took me multiple tries to put your diaper on correctly when I was your age." Clara says softly.

Lauren frowned. "You were my age?" She looked up at her mother. "Is Lena your daughter? How old were you when you had her?"

Sighing softly, Clara fixes Tony's diaper and turns to look at Lauren. "Yes, I had Lena when I was about fifteen, then you at nineteen."

Lauren's eyes widened. "So Lena's my sister?"

"Yes Lauren, but your father never knew." Clara responds softly.

"You never told dad? What... she has a different dad?" Lauren sat down on the bed with a confused expression.

"Yes, her father was a man I loved before your father, he was my first love and he died tragically before Lena was born." Clara explains softly.

"So... why did you give her up?" Lauren asked.

"I was fifteen and wasn't ready to be a single mom." The older woman responds softly.

"Oh." Lauren looked down. "So you gave her up and she ended up living with a horrible family."

Clara closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I didn't know that would happen."

"You have a chance to fix it now." Lauren said. "Do it. Tell her. Fix it."

"I will when she's better." Clara responds softly.

"Finding out might make her feel better." Lauren shrugged.

Clara doesn't respond, laying Tony back in the crib.

Lauren lay back on the bed with a heavy sigh. She wondered that, if once Lena knew they were sisters, their relationship would change.

"Get some rest." Clara says softly before leaving the game.

Lauren sighed. She rolled onto her side and closed her eyes, begging for sleep to come.


The house was extremely silent when Lauren woke up, almost too quiet and it was starting to freak her out not hearing anyone.

Moving over to the crib, she became even more scared upon not seeing the twins.

Swallowing, Lauren cautiously made her way out of the bedroom and into the hall. She crept along the corridor until she reached the stairs.

The green eyed girl was growing more and more nervous the longer she went without hearing anything.

Had Alejandro found them? Did he hurt Camila and her mother? Did he hurt Lena and Kara? What about the twins and Lewis. So much fear was coursing through her that she almost jumped out of her skin when a hand touched her shoulder.

"Woah, hey. Baby, what's wrong?" Camila asks softly, pulling her hand back and looking at Lauren worriedly.

Lauren's heart raced in her chest as she spun around to look a Camila, a panicked look on her face.

Kara walked passed carrying a plate of bread. She didn't even see the other two girls. She was just determined to make sure Lena didn't get stressed out again and have to go back to hospital. She'd picked Lena up while Lewis was at school before picking him up as well.

Stepping forward, Camila cups Lauren's cheek. "What's the matter?" She asks softly, looking into her wife's eyes.

Lauren swallowed. "It was quiet. No one was here. You were gone. The twins were gone. My mom was gone. I thought something bad had happened while I was asleep."

Camila immediately wraps her arms around Lauren and holds her close. "I'm sorry baby, we've been out back setting up for the barbeque and your mom and Lena have the twins."

Lauren buried her face in Camila's shoulder. She took a deep breath. Her shoulders twitched under Camila's hands.

Rubbing her back, Camila kisses the side of Lauren's head. "Shhh, you're okay baby."

Lauren calmed down after a while, her heart rate slowed but her muscles continued to twitch. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Do you want to go take a warm bath while the food cooks? I'll even join you." Camila tells her softly.

Lauren shook her head. "I'm okay. I just need some fresh air." She said.

Nodding slightly, Camila takes her hand and leads her outside.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Clara asked her daughter softly.

Nodding her head, Lauren leans into Camila's side tiredly.

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren and kissed her forehead.

Charlotte began to fuss in her bassinet, they had set up an area in the shade and even put umbrellas up to block the sun from the twins eyes.

Lauren opened her eyes and got up off of Camila's lap. She moved over to the bassinet and lifted Charlotte up.

The tiny baby immediately turns her head toward Lauren's chest and nuzzles it.

"Camila, can you make her a bottle?" Lauren asked quietly.

Nodding, Camila gets up and heads into the house, making a bottle for Tony as well before walking back outside just as Tony begins to fuss.

Lauren took the bottle from Camila. "He's hungry too."

Nodding, Camila moves over and picks Tony up, holding the bottle to his lips.

Tony immediately latched on to the bottle.

"They're so tiny." Camila mumbles as she looks down at her son.

Lauren nodded in agreement.

Charlotte was squirming in Lauren's arms as she took her bottle.

Lauren rocked the little girl until she settled down.

A soft whine escapes Charlotte, she needed to be burped and always got fussy around that time.

Lauren put the bottle down and lifted the girl up. She patted her back until she burped.

A little bit of spit up escaped the baby  and she released a soft cry.

Lauren brought the little girl back down. She grabbed a napkin and wiped the spit up off of her daughter's chin.

Charlotte begins to grow fussy, wanting her bottle once again.

Lauren held the bottle to Charlotte's lips.

The little girl immediately latches onto the bottle and closes her eyes.

Lauren watched her daughter with soft eyes.

"Hey," Camila says softly, sitting down beside her.

"Hey." Lauren glanced up at Camila.

Leaning over, Camila kisses her gently before pulling away and turning her attention back toward Tony.

Lauren returned her eyes to Charlotte.

The little girl's eyes had fluttered closed and she was falling asleep as she took the last ounce.

Once the last ounce of milk was gone, Lauren laid the little girl in her bassinet. She looked up and around the garden.

Kara, Lena, and Lewis were playing a game and Clara was sunbathing.

"Dance with me?" Camila asks her, having put Tony in his bassinet.

"I can't dance." Lauren responded.

Laughing softly, Camila gently pulls her up. "You don't have to know how to dance."

Lauren shook her head. "No, I'll fall and embarrass myself."

"I promise you won't." Camila responds softly.

"Pinky swear?" Lauren held out her pinky.

Grinning, Camila connects their pinkies and kisses her gently. "I promise."

Lauren looked into Camila's eyes for confirmation.

"I love you." Camila whispers, looking into her eyes.

"I love you too." Lauren whispered.

Smiling softly, Camila pulls her close and begins to gently sway them.

Lauren rested her head on Camila's shoulders. She fixed her gaze on Lewis, Lena, and Kara who were squirting each other with water guns.

Camila's whole body was relaxed as they continued to gently sway.

Lauren furrowed her brows as she watched the little family across the yard. She swallowed, wondering if her family would ever get that way.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks softly.

Lauren shook her head in response, her eyes never leaving the little family across the yard.

Kara suddenly stops spraying Lena and grabs her hand, she seemed to say something that Lauren didn't quite catch.

Lauren stopped swaying and watched the couple.

Suddenly Kara drops to one knee and smiles up at Lena. "We've been together for a very long time and I've not only watched you grow into an amazing young woman. But I've watch your son, our son grow into this amazing little boy." Taking a deep breath, she pulls a ring from her pocket. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, Lena will you marry me?"

Lena's mouth fell open in shock.

Kars sends her a warm smile, giving her a chance to let the words sink in.

Lena swallowed, she nodded slowly. "Yes." She breathed.

Grinning, Kara slides the ring onto Lena's finger before standing up and pulling her into a kiss.

Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's neck and smiled into the kiss.

"Yuck! Mommy! Kara! That's disgusting!" Lewis whined, nearly slipping on the wet grass.

Both girls pull away giggling before turning to Lewis and pulling him between them.

"Ugh! Let me go." Lewis giggled.

Sharing a look, Lena and Kara giggle before beginning to place kisses all over his face.

"Ugh!" Lewis wriggled in their arms. "Let me go."

Lena's phone began ringing on the table.

Giggling, Lena releases him and moves over to the table to answer her phone.

"Hello?" Lena's smile faded.

"I want to see my son." The man on the other end responds.

Lena tensed, she swallowed. "No." She said firmly. "You don't deserve to see him."

"He is my son!" The man snaps out.

Lena flinched at his harsh voice. "No, he's not." She said quietly. "He's my son. You haven't had anything to do with him since you got me pregnant."

"If you don't let me see my son, I'll get the Cabello's involved in finding you." He snaps out, not knowing Lena was with the only tracker the Cabello's ever had.

Lena tensed again. "No." She said.

"I warned you." He says before hanging up.

Lena let her phone fall out of her hand.

"Hey, what happened?" Camila asks, pulling away from Lauren upon seeing the look on Lena's face.

"He's coming... Lewis's father is coming." Lena said.

Kara moved over to her fiancé. "Hey, he won't find us."

Camila glances toward Lauren. "I need to make a phone call."

Lauren nodded. "Go make it."

Kissing her gently, Camila makes her way inside without another word.

Lena turned to look at Kara. "I'm scared." She whispered.

"Don't be scared, I'm sure Camila will handle it." Kara whispers softly.

Lena moved closer to Kara and curled into her fiancé.

"I've got you." Kara whispers, rubbing her back.

Lena buried her face in Kara's shoulder.

Lewis wandered over. He wrapped his arms around the two women's waists. "It's okay mommy."


"Yes, I understand the law, but if I see him anywhere near my house or Lena's he is dead." Camila says into her phone, she didn't know Lauren was standing in the doorway of her office, listening.

Lauren frowned as she leaned against the doorframe.

"No, you aren't understanding me. He has threatened to come and take a child he abandoned from the mother that has been there since day one." Camila growls into her phone. "He is not to step near my family or he will be dead, no thoughts about it."

Lauren flinched. She tensed at the words that left Camila's mouth.

The older girl hangs up her phone and drops into her desk chair, her face going into her hands.

"Camz?" Lauren said from the doorway. "Who was that?"

"Nobody important." Camila mumbles, not looking up.

"Nobody. Then why are you so upset?" Lauren asked.

Sighing, Camila looks up at Lauren. "It's nothing, I'm handling it."

"Handling what?" Lauren asked.

"Laur, please. Just drop it." Camila says softly, her head was spinning and she knew she should've eaten but she wasn't hungry.

"Have you eaten today?" Lauren asked.

Sighing, the older girl looks up at Lauren. "I'm not hungry."

"Don't care. You have to eat something." Lauren responded.

Sighing, Camila runs a hand through her hair. "Lauren, I'm not hungry."

"Fine." Lauren responded. She turned to leave the room.

"Don't leave." Camila calls after her.

Lauren stopped. "Then eat something, please, I don't want you to end up in the hospital again."

Sighing, Camila nods her head. "Make me something to eat." She says softly.

"I'll make you some toast." Lauren said, she moved to leave the room again.

"With jelly?" Camila asks softly.

Lauren nodded. "With jelly."

"Thank you," the older girl whispers.

Lauren left the room to make Camila's meal.

Even though she was slightly upset, Camila knew that Lauren was just trying to take care of her.

Lauren came back into the room about ten minutes later with Camila's meal. "Here." She sat it on the desk in front of Camila.

"Thank you." Camila says softly.

Lauren offered Camila a small smile.

"Sit with me?" The older girl asks, she hated filling out paperwork but she had to for her job.

Lauren sat down in the seat across from Camila's desk.

"I hate this, why did I want to run my own business?" Camila asks, looking up at Lauren.

Lauren shrugged. "You have a passion." She said.

"Passion sucks." Camila mumbles.

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