Until I Found You

By summerdreamin

8.1M 337K 164K

Nadia Washington spent majority of her life in an overly strict household, being the last child, her parents... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Thank You 🌷
Lost & Found (Chris x Celine Spin-off)

Chapter 71

77.5K 3.5K 1.8K
By summerdreamin

I felt even guiltier then I did before. I ruined Nadia's birthday for this bullshit and I had no one to blame but myself.

I hate my self for being so damn nice and fucking gullible. I just couldn't leave this shit alone. I couldn't let Ruby die even if she was not all there in the head—I just didn't want her taking the easy way out.

I valued life so much that I just couldn't let her die knowing there was a way I could help. She no longer wanted to live and her final fuck you was to have me watch her do it. She blamed me for everything and I took that blame as her last words echoed in my head.

Standing in the shower, I washed the remnants of her blood away scrubbing my skin raw.

| E A R L I E R |

I raced towards the address that Detective Rios sent over hoping I wasn't too late.

Ruby and I had our fling, but I didn't think the girl would become obsessed with me. I couldn't let her die knowing I could do something and that by doing so she could get the help she needs.

I remember the Ruby before all this happened. She was fun loving—partied quite a bit, kind, motivated. I could've saw myself with her, but that wasn't what I wanted. Did I cut her off a bit too harshly? Probably. Thinking back to that night, I couldn't help but that that maybe that was what triggered her.

Was she always crazy? Did I make her crazy?

These are the questions I ask myself as I was held up in busy traffic.

| F L A S H B A C K |

"You did it?" Tev asked me as he drank his beer

We were all sitting around Chris' place chilling as we watched the NFL draft.

"Yeah I sent her a text" I said putting my phone down. I was not about to face her knowing she's dramatic as hell and I wasn't with the crying bullshit.

"A text?! Damn, you foul! That's some shit I would do, I've taught you well" Chris laughed as he patted my back

"Man get off me" I laughed as I shrugged him off my shoulder "ain't nobody tryna get like you, I just rather not deal with her again"

"What she do?" Tev asked chuckling

"She told me she loved me while we were having sex" I said shaking my head in amusement as I took a sip of my beer "don't get me wrong she's a nice girl but I wasn't in it for all that. I should've broke it off a while ago I knew her ass was getting a little too clingy"

"I hate when females do that shit. They know what it is then tryna get more out of you! Ain't no way I'm tryna wife your ass up if this relationship was built off sex from the jump" Tev said shaking his head

"Tev you still dating that girl?" Chris asked curiously

"Hell yeah! She's one of the good ones, I ain't even hit yet. Got a nigga sweating" he laughed

"I'm happy for you, Tev" I said raising my bottle towards him right as my phone rang

"Watch that be her" Chris said goofily

"It is" I said laughing as I declined the call and put it on silent.

"She gon keep calling, that's how clingy bitches are. She knows you fresh in the league you about to make that good money and she want to secure her spot that's all it is" Tev said shrugging his shoulders

Nodding I got up and placed my phone face up on the coffee table and sat back down "let's see how many calls I'll get"

"Bet money on thirty calls" Tev said sipping his beer once again

"Nah she seems like the crazy types I stay attracting, I say fifty" Chris said confidently

"And there goes one right now" I said chuckling as I got up from my kitchen bar stool and headed towards the fridge "y'all want more beer?" I asked

"Nah I'm good, Hunt" Tev said before turning back towards my phone screen

"Yeah I'm good, too" Chris said

"More for me" I mumbled to myself as I popped one open

I walked back into the living room and looked at my phone in the coffee table seeing the calls and countless voicemails coming in and that's when I heard a harsh knock at Chris' front door

"Hunter, I know you're in there" she screamed through the door causing me to stop mid way before the beer bottle touched my lips.

My new house was getting renovated and I was staying with Chris for a while, I never told her where I was though.

"Holy shit" Tevin said bursting out laughing

"Oh she crazy" Chris said trying to hold in his laugh

"Fuck y'all" I said laughing before I went towards the door to answer it.

Opening the door, I quickly sobered up from laughing "hey, what's up" I asked

"What's up? You weren't answering my calls that's what's up! You broke up with me over text that's what's up" she said fiercely

"First of all we weren't dating, there was no break up" I chuckled out "I told you what this was, you caught feelings and I dipped end of story" I shrugged about to close the door until she stopped it with her hand

"I told you I loved you! Does that not matter at all? Does that no change anything at all?" She asked as her eyes glistened with tears

"Listen Ruby you are a nice girl and I'm sure some nice guy is gonna come along and sweep you off your feet but sadly that won't be me" I shrugged. That whole speech was unsympathetic on my behalf and I hoped to God that she brought it

"You don't love me back? After all those nights we spent together?" She asked

"Okay this is getting a bit repetitive, you saw the text. Therefore there's nothing else for me to tell you. I don't even know how you found me" I said annoyed

"Wow Hunter"

"Yep" I shrugged trying to hold back my laugh at how dramatic she was being "you knew this was just sex, I never promised anything to you"

"You know the saying 'if you love something let it go...'? You'll see me again Hunter" she said with a sad smile as a tears slid down her face

"Alright bet" I said sarcastically before shutting the door in her face

"This man said 'alright bet" Chris said full out laughing

"You got no chill Hunter" Tevin said

"Man I don't have no sympathy for girls like that" I said grabbing my beer off the counter and sitting next to Chris on the couch

"Fucking c'mon!" I was getting frustrated at the car in front of me moving slower than it should have been.

I felt bad leaving Nadia's dinner so abruptly but I planned on making it up to her after I got this settled.

The car in front of was still driving slow so I cut in front of him causing the driver to flick me off. I didn't give a fuck, I had somewhere to be.

When I finally arrived at the location the outside of the apartment was surrounded by cops cars. I quickly parked and stepped out of the car and jogged over to Detective Rios.

He was the one that was handling my case and would call me up when there were any leads and new info

"What's going on? What do you want me to do" I asked quickly

"You're a little too late, we got it handled" he said

"What are you talking about" I asked before I heard the front door of an apartment open and out came a cop calmly escorting Ruby out with front handcuffs

"I don't understand-"

"I guess she realized you weren't coming and decided to surrender" he shrugged as he said that Ruby lifted up her head making eye contact with me as she drew closer

"You came" she said tiredly

I said nothing and just stared at her. She looked like she hadn't eaten in days.

"Why'd you call me over here?" I asked dryly

"I wanted to tell you that I still love you and I'm sorry" she said causing me to scoff

"Have a nice life Ruby" I said before turning around

"Wait! Wait!" She yelled ass they walked her to the patrol car.

"What?" I asked irritated

"You really didn't feel anything for me all those year ago, honestly?"

She seemed a bit unstable, but I wanted to be honest—maybe it'll allow her to heal once she gets help

"I really didn't" I said honestly

"It's her right? She got in the way and she's gotten in your head! You were supposed to come back to me! It wasn't supposed to be like this!" She screamed as the cops righted there grip on her

"Ruby calm down" I said holding my arms out in surrender, I was only a few feet away from her and I took a cautious step back

"You made me like this! It's men like you that make women fucking crazy! You ruined my life!" She said as the cops pulled open the cop car

"Get her outta here!" Detective Rios said to the cops detaining her

"fuck you Hunter, my blood is on your hands!" She screamed

It seemed like it all happened in slow motion.

Ruby swiftly slipped out of the cops hands pulling his gun that was strapped unsure from his holster.

"Don't!" I yelled

It didn't matter because she had already aimed the gun inside her mouth

Effectively pulling the trigger.

Blood splattered everywhere as her body collapsed on the ground.

I stood frozen in my spot as it seemed the world finally started spinning once again. The only thing I could hear was the ringing of the gun being fired.

The blood from her body began to puddle onto the ground.

My breathing immediately picking up as I was escorted by cops away from the site.

I completely zoned out as the cops tried to speak to me—my brain going a mile a minute.

I felt like I couldn't breathe

"Mr. Reece!" He yelled finally getting my attention

"Yes" I asked snapping out of my dazed state

"Are you okay to drive? We could take you home" he asked

I looked down at my clothes spattered with blood and nodded slowly at him

"That's my girl's car and I don't want to ruin it. If someone can drive it home with me that'd be appreciated" I said finally sobering up a little from the shock

"No problem man, anything for you" he said patting my shoulder

I gave him an appreciative nod as I followed him to his car. "Where are the keys to the car, my partner will drive it"

Fishing it out of my pocket, I handed it to him.

"You can just hop in the car" he said

Hunter wasn't answering his phone and I was getting a little worried.

I heard about what happened on the local news, it didn't give too much detail. I still wanted to check on Hunter just incase.

My parents had long gone back to their hotel and it was just Celine and I in the apartment. The second I got home I immediately changed into comfortable clothing with my phone in my hand.

"Should I have went with him Celine?" I asked nervously

"Hell no! It's your damn birthday, you don't need to caught up with that mess. And I bet she knew it was your birthday too" Celine said rolling her eyes

"Yeah you're right" I sighed "he's not answering his phone Celine"

"He's probably sleeping" it was twelve in the morning but still.

"No way he's asleep after that" I reasoned

"Let me guess you want me to drive you over there?" Celine asked

"Please" I said clasping my hands together "just to check on him"

"Fine, but it's late and I'm not about to be waiting outside for your ass. Just sleep at his place"

"I feel the love Celine" I said laughing

"I know right" she said grabbing her keys. I wasn't even gonna change my clothes, I saw no point. We both grabbed our coats and were out the door.

"Thanks Celine" I said before climbing out the car making my way out into the cold weather. I knew Hunter had to have been home because I saw my car in the drive way.

"Alright" she said as I shut the door.

Walking up to the steps, I pulled out the spare keys Hunter gave me and unlocked the door.

The kitchen light was on. Hunter would never leave it on, he turns all the lights off before bed.

"Hunter" I called out as I removed my coat and hung it by the door

I immediately walked into the kitchen and saw Hunter on the bar stool nursing what looked like vodka.

"Jesus Hunter" I said grabbing the vodka bottle only to see that it was unopened. I looked at him in confusion.

He had yet to look at me, but as if he could feel my questioning stare he spoke up.

"I have a playoff game soon didn't think it was smart to partake so I just left it there" he shrugged

"Then what's that?" I pointed at his cup

"Water" he chuckled dryly

"Smart choice" I nodded as I climbed into the seat beside him "You okay?-"

"I ruined your birthday and you're asking me if I'm okay? God I don't deserve you" he said shaking his head

"I mean you did see someone die right in front of you" I said with a bit of worry in my voice. He seemed a little bit too calm with everything that just occurred.

"I'm good" he nodded still not making eye contact with me

"No you're not Hunter" I said softly "Hunter look at me"

"I said I'm fine, I promise" he urged

"Hunted I'm not about to play with you" I said seriously

"I really am, I'm fine" he said as he finally turned to me tears brimming his eyes "I should've listened to you, God I should've listened to you"

I've never seen him like this, this was new to me.

"I fucked up your birthday and if I hadn't have even shown up she would've surrendered to police no problem" he said shaking his head

"Forget my fucking birthday Hunter. You did what you thought was right, and killing herself was her choice not anyone else's. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Shit happens that's life!" I said to him

"When I ended things with her I was such an asshole Nadia, you don't understand. It wasn't okay"

"You had a fling with her not an actual relationship Hunter. She just got a little too attached" I reasoned

"Yeah, but-"

"Hunter stop" I said as a tear escaped his eye

"God why the fuck am I crying" he said chuckling unhumorously as he vigorously wiped his face "I'm such a bitch"

"Men need to cry sometimes too. You don't always have to be strong around me. You just witnessed someone take their life, if you didn't show any emotion frankly I'd be worried" I said softly as I leaned my head on his shoulder

We sat in silence for a few minutes as Hunter calmed down.

"now we are even—you seen me cry and I've seen you cry" I said laughing lightly as I broke the silence

"I guess so" he laughed

"We should get you to bed, it's been a long day for both of us" I sighed

"Stay with me please" he said placing a kiss on my forehead

"Of course"

My heart broke for him. I wasn't about to be petty either and be like I told you so. Everything happens for a reason and I have to help him push through it just like he did for me.

"I was supposed to give you your last present but it's not even your birthday anymore" he said as we laid face to face on our side

"Well then show me tomorrow, well later today actually" I said with a small smile

"I'm sorry Nadia" he said

"That's fine, just show me later" I said furrowing my brows

"That wasn't what I was talking about"

"Go to sleep Hunter" I said playfully "And Merry Christmas Eve"

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too babygirl. I love you" He said seriously

"I love you, too"

As he closed his eyes I closed mine too, hoping we could move forward and put this all behind us.

A/N: it's been a minute 😅 hope the chapter is okay 😪

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Chapter not edited. Grammatical errors

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