Friends of Hogwarts

By fayally1998

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This is the tale of 4 friends, from 3 different houses, just trying to get through their time at Hogwarts, wi... More

1. (Chamber of Secrets) Draco and Chet
2. Ginny the weirdo
3. Big beast on the loose
4. Poor little Colin Creevey
5. Harry Potter talks to snakes
6. A world of pink
7. Annabeth is worried
8. Bad snake
9. Ginny is kidnapped
10. Safe and sound
11. (Prisoner of Azkaban) Evil cloaks
12. Sing song
13. Friendly werewolf
14. Ginny can't sing
15. Not a snitch
16. Bullies
17. Friends again
18. Murderer in the castle
19. The Squib
20. Shirtless Harry
21. Webby
22. Happy Christmas
23. Happy families
24. Pure-blood ball
25. The other Molly
26. A knifed murderer in the bedroom
27. Never have I ever
28. Tank muscles
29. (Goblet of Fire) A lot of red heads
31. Going back to Hogwarts
32. The secret room
33. Moody knows
34. Old boys
35. 4 champions
36. A dragon sized problem
37. Dancing partners needed
38. Romance
39. Party dresses
40. Solo's at the ball
41. Barty Crouch
42. Moody tells all
43. Arya daydreams
44. Rebels with a cause
45. Family reunion
46. Arya is lonely
47. Cadwyn reveals the truth
48. Death of a Puff
49. Cadwyn is distraught
50. Everyone is sad

30. Caught in the middle

50 0 0
By fayally1998

Although the girls weren't all sitting together, they still found the game very enjoyable. For Cadwyn and Annabeth, who had never seen anything like it before, it was a big shock to the system.
Professional Quidditch, was much faster, and rougher, than the games they watched at school. And as this match was the final, it was even dirtier than usual.
But in the end, the Irish Chaser's were just too good, so even though Viktor Krum caught the Snitch for Bulgaria. Ireland won the match, because they were already so far ahead.
Despite Rhia begging her parents to let her stay with Arya's family that night, they put their foot down. Meaning that Rhia had to leave, the second the game had ended, so she missed out on all the partying that came afterwards.

"Thank you for letting me come with you all, Mrs Webb. I've had a great time" thanked Annabeth, as Arya and her family made their way back to their tent.
"You're very welcome dear. And please, call me Lilith" replied Lilith.
"Yes. We couldn't have one of our daughters best friends, missing out on such an important game" added Harold.
Adrian threw his arm around his sisters shoulders, and grinned.
"I think you being here, made Ari enjoy the game a lot more, as well" he admitted.
Annabeth blushed.
"Well I'm glad I could be of some use... I would hate to have been a burden on you all... How expensive was my ticket, do you want me to reinburse you, I'm afraid I don't have much wizard money though?" Asked Annabeth quietly.
Harold waved his hand, as he took a seat on the table inside the tent.
"I wouldn't dream of it. That's one of the advantages to being a pure-blood. You have rich ancensters, who leave you loads of money" he winked.

"Are either of you thinking of trying out for the Quidditch team at Hogwarts, this year?" Questioned Adrian.
Arya laughed.
"No. I have as much talent on a broom, as a bowl of porridge".
"That I'm aware of. What about you Annabeth?" Quizzed Adrian.
"No. I'm not going to try out. I'm not terrible on a broom, but I don't think that flying is really my thing" replied Annabeth.
"What is your thing then?"
"Potions... And the frog choir of course"
"Nice... I'm quite good a broom. I used to beat Arya in the garden, all the time... But I'd never try out for any teams or anything, me being a Squib, and all"
"Oh, I didn't know you could fly on a broom, if you weren't a witch ir a wizard"
"Yeah, you can. You don't need magic to fly. Since it's the broom, that has the magic. Besides, there is magic in my blood, I just can't actually use it"
"Right. That makes sense".

"Come on you two. Stop talking, and start helping yourselves, to some dinner" interupted Lilith, pointing to the food at the table in front of them.
"It's a shame Rhia's parents didn't let her stay with us tonight" sighed Annabeth, as she began pilling vegetables onto her plate.
"Yeah... Her loss" muttered Arya.
"I thought they'd let her stay with you, seeing as you are a pure-blood, afterall"
"I guess her parents still hate me, since I was involved with the disaster that happened on New Years Eve"
"Still. It's a shame they couldn't have just stayed, for one night"
"Yeah. Her parents were really against staying here tonight. I don't why"
"I suppose they just wanted to get home"
"Yeah, I guess so".

Arya and Annabeth were sleeping in a bunk bed together, but due to the noises from the party outside, they struggled to actually get to sleep that night.
But not long after they had fallen asleep, they were suddenly woken, by the sounds of screams and loud bangs from outside.
Arya, who had been sleeping on the top bunk, jumped down from the bed and ran into the living room, in the centre of the tent. Annabeth was right behind her, shivering in a dressing gown.
"What's going on?" Questioned Arya, as she saw her parents and brother approaching, their outdoor clothes, pulled up over their pajamas.
Her father ran to the flap, with his wand raised, to see what was happening outside. When he came back in, his face was white.
"What's happened?" Asked Lilith, nervously.
"There's some sort of riot going on outside" explained Harold.

With this news, they all ran outside, and were confronted by people running, and screaming throughout the campsite.
Several tents were on fire, and there was a group of hooded wizards in the distance, with their wands pointed to the sky.
Arya looked up, and covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming.
There were several figures bouncing around in the air, 60 feet from the floor, jerking around as if on strings.
"Is that Mr Roberts? The muggle campsite manager?" Asked Annabeth, clinging to Arya's arm.
Arya didn't answer, though she suspected the answer was yes. She was more concerned that the crowd of wizards underneath the muggles, was moving closer to them.

"We've got to go and help the Ministry. You three need to get out of here, and stick together. Get to the woods, we'll come and find you there. Adrian, the girls are your responsibility, look after them" instructed Harold.
Adiran placed his arm protectively around his sister, and nodded his head at his father.
Lilith then took hold of her husbands hand, as they ran into crowd, to join the rest of the Ministry officials, who were trying to save Mr Roberts, and his family.
"Right come on" shouted Adrian, over the screams.
He began to pull the girls through the field, towards the forest, to get as far away from the hooded wizards, as possible.

Once inside the trees, they immediately crashed into another trio of people, doing the same as them.
"Harry!" Gasped Arya, as she realised who she had bumped into.
"Arya? Annabeth?" Replied Harry.
"Where's Cadwyn?" Asked Annabeth, as she looked behind Harry and his friends, hoping to spot her own friend.
"We lost her, Ginny, and the twins, as we entered the woods" explained Hermione.
"Oh, right... Shall we stick together, while we try and find them? You know safety in numbers" suggested Arya.
"Good idea. If you could look out for my wand as well, that'd be great" replied Harry.
"You've lost your wand?"
"Yeah. I haven't had it since we got in here".

"Who's this?" Questioned Ron, pointing to Adrian, who was hanging awkwardly behind Arya.
"Oh. This is Adrian. My brother. Ade, this is; Harry, Ron, and Hermione" introduced Arya.
"Nice to meet you" mumbled Adrian.
"You too... We should probably get searching now though" replied Hermione.
The group did search high and low, for Harry's wand, and the others, but they came no closer to finding either of them.
But just as they were about to give up, they heard a strange voice from the bushes nearby. Suddenly a bright green light was shot into the sky, which began to take the form of a large snake and a skull.
Harry raised his hand to his scar, and winced loudly, as if in severe pain.
"What is that?" He gasped.
Arya opened her mouth to reply, but before she had a chance to, 20 or so wizards suddenly apparated around them.
She screamed, as Harry pushed the group to the ground, narrowly avoiding the stunning spells, that had been shot at them.

The wizards prepared to shoot again, but before they could, two middle aged wizards ran towards them.
"Stop! STOP! That's my son" shouted the first man, who Arya recognised as Arthur Weasley.
The second man was her own father, who had begun to run towards her, embracing her in his arms.
"Arya. Adrian. Thank Merlin, that you are alright" he sighed, squeezing his children tight.
Arya looked over his shoulder, and saw her mother smiling back at her.
Unfortunately not all of the faces around them were smiling.

"Which of you did it? Which of you conjured the Dark Mark?" Asked an angry man, as he made his way towards the group.
"Barty. Don't be silly. They're just kids. They'd never have been able to-"
"They've been discovered at the scene of the crime" continued Crouch, interupting Arthur.
"We didn't do that" shouted Harry, pointing to the sky.
"Then who did?" Asked Arthur.
Harry then began to explain about the voice they heard in the bushes, and moments later the body of a stunned house-elf, was brought into the clearing, holding a wand.
The elf apparently belonged to Crouch, and the wand was actually Harry's.
After using the spell, Prior Incantato, it became apparant that Harry's wand had created the dark mark in the sky.
Crouch then escourted his house-elf, Winky, from the scene, after announcing that she would be sacked immediately.

"Come on. Lets get you all back to the tent" suggested Harold.
"No. Wait. We have to find Cadwyn, and the others first. To make sure that they're safe" replied Arya.
"Well, you're welcome to come back to our tent with us. It's likely that they've returned there. Now that the crisis has been averted" offered Arthur.
"Thank you Arthur. Do you think you can find your way back on your own?" Harold asked Arya.
"Yes. I've done the trip a few times now. I'm sure I can find our tent" she answered.
"Alright. You go with Arthur, to see if your friend is there. And then you come straight back, no matter what the outcome is. I don't want any heroics from you"
"Yes father".
Adrian hugged his sister goodbye, and returned to the tent, with their parents, while Arya and Annabeth went off in search of Cadwyn.

Luckily when they reached the Weasley tent, Cadwyn, and the rest of the red heads were there. Safe and sound.
Arya threw her arms around Cadwyn, and had to fight back the tears, as she hugged her friend tightly.
"Easy there" said Cadwyn, patting her on the back.
"I thought you were dead. When Harry said he lost you in the woods. I immediately thought the worst" cried Arya.
"Well. I'm fine. We're all fine. When the bad guys dissappeared, we all came back to the tent" explained Cadwyn.
"That's good... You didn't try and push Ginny into a ditch, while in the woods did you?" Whispered Annabeth.
Cadwyn pushed Arya off her, and smiled.
"No. I have to lay off her, now that I'm dating George. Hopefully she has forgotten what we did to her, last year. But if I'm mean to her again, I'll lose George, and I can't risk that" replied Cadwyn.

"Shame... I still don't understand what the fuss was all about back there. Someone cast a green snake into the sky, and suddenly a whole bunch of wizards are trying to kill us. Because we were standing nearby" complained Annabeth.
After explaining what had happened, to Cadwyn, she frowned.
"That is weird... I can't believe that the Ministry actually shot stunning spells at you" she said.
"Yeah, it was really scary"
"I expect our walking encyclopedia can explain it all to us though".
Arya sighed, and shook her head.
"No. I can't explain their behaviour. I mean, I know that the mark, was You-Know-Who's mark. But that's about it... I can't explain what happened tonight".
"Well that's a first. Arya not knowing something" replied Cadwyn.
"Yes. And I don't like not knowing. But don't worry, I won't rest until I've worked it all out. You have my word".

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