Copper for the Charlatan

By DarlingOfDathomir

105 0 0

Much to his chagrin, General Hux finds himself falling for a force-sensitive mercenary gifted to him on Canto... More

Bank it
Coin Toss
Snake Oil
Broken Bottles
Machinations of Ghosts
Side-effect of Spite
Salt in the Scrape
Correlian Stand-Off
Ink it in Black
Under the Eclipse
Counting Straws
Blood on My Name
Midst Wolfs
Define 'Deserve'
"Are Flowers Appropriate?"
"She was the Moon"
"Frenemy of my Frenemy"
Old Scars, New Wounds
Event Horizon
The Girl who Lived
Peak of Pride
Advanced Falling
Chrome Angels

Slash & Flick

4 0 0
By DarlingOfDathomir

Hux is tricky as ever, Kylo is as unpredictable as ever, and the Baroness is mucking up things for Hux yet again.

She didn't always stay with Kylo- the tumultuous state of their interactions saw to that. He seemed torn as what he wanted from her, and the manic behavior was wreaking havoc on her nerves. During some training sessions he would be calm, seemingly entertained by her frustration if something was taking longer to master. His corrections were kind, and he was patient.

The rest of the time, though, he was gruff and short-tempered. Often he'd yell what a disappointment she was while sparring rougher than necessary. When he was like this the very air around them felt strained. It threatened to snap their mutual tolerance of each other and lay bare the ugly bones of their relationship; both hateful, both unable to trust or be trusted, but stuck here together nonetheless. She wanted to run him through, and he grimaced like he could barely stand the sight of her.

But the nights they did spend together he would hold her tight, as if she were the only thing anchoring him to this plane. He was gentle, kissing her softly, running his fingers through her hair, falling asleep always with his arm over her. Sometimes he'd mumble a compliment, but more often than not they laid together in silence. In the mornings she would leave soon after waking, spending the day dreading what man was going to greet her at training that day.

Sometimes they went a day or so without meeting, hiding from the world and each other in their quarters. It was during these periods of his reclusion that she would read from the Sith tome and meditate, thick plumes of incense swirling through the room. Never had she reached so desperately into the darkness. Up until now her use of the force was survival, what would have almost been considered "grey" as opposed to dark or light. She found herself in unknown depths, treading water instead of advancing, and used the pain from her conflictions to immerse herself in the ever darkening grip of the force.

The killer, the general, her fleet.

She chanted this mantra, a reminder of her dedication to the endgame; but the path to it was clouded. It wasn't just the timing, but how exactly it was to be done was still a mystery. Trying to answer these issues while simultaneously handling Kylo and dodging Hux was wearing her down.

Luck had evaded her yet again, and to her dismay, today he was the horrible man.

"You aren't trying!"

"I am trying! You're a foot taller than me, Kylo, there's only so much I can do when you have me fighting like this!" He always harped on the ineffectiveness over her over-head swings, and his height combined with the fact that the blade of his saber was longer made it impossible for her to swing through successfully.

"That excuse is pathetic."

She couldn't even formulate a response and growled in frustration as she swung again.

He pointed at her left hand in frustration "Why is your damn hand... wait." the anger disappeared and he chewed his lip, lost in thought. "Give me your saber."

She handed it over reluctantly, unsure of where his train of thought was going. The hilt was sleek and solid black, save the silver buttons and one silver claw on the emitter. There was a slight curve milled into the metal that was only visible when looked at from the right angle.

"Where's the other one?"

"Excuse me?"

"This curve- the fighting style is different when you wield two sabers. The indentation makes it easier to spin them. They come in pairs, so where is the other one."

"Oh, I, ah, lost it a few years ago. What does it matter?"

"So you're used to fighting with two sabers, and never thought to tell me?"

"I didn't think it mattered, I-"

He shoved the saber to her chest and ran his hands down his face in frustration. "Just go. We're done for today."

"I'm sorry, Kylo, if-"

"Get away from me." he growled, stalking to the corner with the automated training droids.

"Good, you're being fucking awful anyways." she muttered, holstering her saber as she stormed out.

"Did you have something to say!?"

She ignored him, grateful to have made it just past the doors before he decided to drag her back into the room. Her chest burned like an inferno, and the stress demanded a physical release. An officer ran into her as she flew around a corner, the impact cracking her thin shell of self control. Without thinking she spun him around by his shoulder and punched him square in the face, turning to continue on to her quarters without saying a word.

Still unsatiated, she decided to take a page out of Kylo's book and dipped into a supply closet. Screams echoed in the small room as she wailed on whatever it was that surrounded her, raining down destruction till the smell of burnt plasma was unbearable. She fell to her knees, chest heaving and hands shaking as she stared at the glowing gouges of molten metal. Various canisters and their contents were scattered about the floor. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she took a deep breath, and left as if nothing had happened.

"What happened to your face, lieutenant?" Hux arched an eyebrow at the man before him, a fresh split in his lip.

"The apprentice, sir, I ran into her... it was an accident, and... she hit me. Then, um, the supply room on level 26, she went in there and, well... you know how those people are"

"Indeed I do. I'll discuss this with her."

His eyes widened in fear "No! General, it's my fault, I-"

He held up his hand and cut the man off "Dismissed."

The man wrung his hands nervously as he walked to his station, fearful that there would be a round of retribution should Hux say anything to her.

It had been almost two weeks since the last time Hux saw her, and he jumped at the excuse to summon her. Every day that passed he kept expecting her to traipse into his office, rudely demanding something from him, and every day that she didn't he found himself missing her a little bit more. He left the bridge to mull the situation at his desk, tip of his thumb resting on his teeth, lost in thought. His holopad buzzed, and sure enough the storage room had been decimated. It was bad enough having Kylo maiming equipment, but he refused to add the cost of a second feral force user to that stack of damages.

The next day he gave a stormtrooper specific orders to tell her to come to his office, then take the rest of his shift off. He wanted her coming to him alone. After the trooper left he waited a few minutes before leaving his office to stop in front of a closed door, waiting. He was afraid he'd timed it incorrectly until Ichara came whirling around the corner like a phantom. She almost tripped over her own feet when she saw Hux leaning up against the wall, smiling. Perfect planning as always

"Fancy seeing you here" he purred before snatching her arm and dragging her into the supply closet, shoving her into a set of mangled shelves as the doors closed behind them.

"Ah, General Hux. What an unpleasant surprise." She was startled to see him, and did her best to cover it with condescending snark.

"I have absolutely had it!" he jabbed an index finger into her chest to emphasize every word. "I will not tolerate this from you!"

She flicked his hand out of the way and sauntered to the back of the closet, running a finger along one of the gouges she'd put there "Mmm. Dangerous words, Hux..." She turned and leant against the back wall, arms folded as she stared at him ambivalently. "Especially for someone who can't back them up."

Hux laughed. It was a harsh, mirthless sound that sent a shiver through her.

"Kylo Ren can dress you up like his own personal force harlot if he likes, but you and I both know that underneath it all you are still my beast ." He reached into his great coat and removed his crop- it flicked out of the darkness to rest underneath her chin. "Tell me it isn't so."

She was completely taken by surprise. He must have come to her quarters when she was with Kylo- perhaps the jealousy was the reason behind his sudden boldness? Regardless of the motivation, she found herself remembering what attracted her to him in the first place. He was sharp, cunning, always coiled like a venomous snake ready to strike... and stars she wanted his bite. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed nervously, unsure of what he intended to do, and more importantly of how she would respond.

"Fuck you, Hux." was all she could manage to say; it came out as a choked whisper, much more pathetic than she'd intended. He smirked- her breathless tone an admission in itself.

He pushed up against her jaw and lifted her face to meet his. "Is that so?"

Her stomach was in knots and she hated how her body betrayed her, aching to have him once more. Hux leant in cautiously, as if she were a trigger set to pull. Her breath caught in her throat, frozen.

No... stars no... don't... please.. She was begging to the universe to save her from herself as he softly pressed his lips to hers. It was like the world around her sped up and stopped at the same time, and she was stuck in the middle of it all, torn apart. His mind raced at the realization of what he had done, of what he was still doing. While he told himself this wasn't his initial intention, part of him knew it was all along.

He pulled away; gaze sharp, victorious as his eyes stared into hers.

"I knew it."

Ichara blinked, speechless. She wanted nothing more than for him to pin her against the wall and take her amidst the destruction around them, but instead shoved past him and rushed out of the room without saying a word. It was all too much. Hux tapped the crop in his hand, smiling as he watched her leave.

She wasn't lost, not yet.

He was involved with his plan, he'd left his holopad in his office when he'd gone to meet her. He strolled back to his office, distracted as his mind ran through the situation he found himself in. He wasn't entirely sure what the implications of their interaction were, but he allowed himself to revel in the satisfaction. She could have done anything she wanted, and in that moment what she wanted was him. The game had changed. While Kylo's grandstanding might intimidate everyone else, it hadn't pulled her away like he thought. His heart soared, and rather than the usual internal monologue chastising him, he allowed himself to revel in this victory.

In the brief time he was gone he'd missed a handful of messages from the baroness from Canto Bight. He put them off till later that day, not wanting to deal with the taxing woman. While it wasn't really her fault, he resented her for being the start of his problems with Ichara in the first place. Not only for essentially forcing her on him, but for being the catalyst that lead to their falling out.

It was ultimately his paranoia and inability to control his temper that lead to the disaster that was their relationship, but it was easier to have a target for his ire rather than stalking about in his self loathing. He'd already finished most of his work for the day, and lacking excuses to further put them off, he opened the messages with a sigh. Sure enough, she served only to bother him further.

With a groan, he sent a message requesting Kylo Ren's presence.

Kylo and Ichara entered the bridge like twin spectres, the tension between the two apparent. After getting Hux's message he went by her quarters to bring her with him, and they both walked in silence. She was still angry with him, but he didn't care. He wasn't even sure her attending was necessary, but he liked the way the General squirmed in her presence. She was a trophy for him to rub in his face, a constant reminder that he won the game Hux started.

Frustrating the man might put him in a better mood, and he wondered if he might smooth things over with her afterwards. Kylo had a notoriously short temper, and he was still agitated by her shortcomings the day prior regarding the saber incident.

"Ah, Supreme Leader. It would appear Baroness Orgida has been unable to contact you directly." Kylo had seen the many messages from her and ignored them. He had no further use for her, and wasn't going to entertain her political ambitions. "She requests your presence at a gala on Canto Bight, with promises there will be many influential sentients there worth meeting. She has requested that I extend the invitation on her behalf."

Ichara smirked, "Well, you are on friendly terms with the Baroness, remember? Everything with her comes at a cost- and one of those is attending her ridiculous social events." After contacting her cousin to acquire the robes she found herself imprisoned in, she was entertained that he'd now have to pay the price for consorting with her.

Hux swore he saw genuine fear flash across the man's face. Kylo's mind shot back to his younger days, his mother dragging him to various gatherings of leaders and diplomats. Well, when he wasn't just left at home with a caretaker.

"No. No I will not be doing that. I don't subscribe to the backbiting politics of the lesser. Hux, you will go in my place. It's beneath me."

"Beneath you? Is that what makes it so logical that I attend? That's ridiculous." The words left his mouth without thinking. Such blatant disrespect was the quickest way to get Hux to short circuit, and that he did.

Kylo went to raise his hand and force choke him, but Ichara grabbed his arm reflexively to stop him. "I think what the General is trying to say is that-"

Before she could finish he yanked his arm free of her grasp and threw her into a control panel. A wheezing cry was forced from her lips as the air was knocked out of her. The officer manning it was too startled to even help her up and just sat there, hands on their chest and mouth agape. She sat for a moment; a dazed, crumpled heap on the floor. The silence in the room was deafening as she rose to her feet, golden eyes blazing beneath the hair fallen in her face.

Serves you right, beast . While Hux was amused at the sight, he also found he wanted to shoot him in the face for what he did. The fingers on his blaster hand twitched at the idea. She put herself in harm's way to spare him Kylo's cruelty, and while he found it somewhat touching, he scoffed indignantly. I can handle myself, I don't need her charity.

"If I want your opinions I will ask you for them, apprentice." Kylo growled.

"My apologies, Supreme Leader." she muttered between clenched teeth. She wanted to threaten him with a fight to the death here and now and hack him to bits. Everyone in the room was frozen as the two glared at each other.

She slowly made her way back to his side, skimming the thoughts of the officers as she returned to her position. The pity made her ill. While it was good to see they didn't hate her like they did Kylo, feigning weakness at his side was eroding her patience. His eyes followed her, staring her down to make his point. Not wanting to be thrown again, she conceded and averted her eyes to the floor, cursing him under her breath.

"You. You will go with him."

"I, what!? He can take Phasma, there's no reason I should have to go." She was willing to risk another toss across the room to put a stop to this.

Hux frowned, clasping his hands behind his back so hard he thought he might break a finger. "Unfortunately, Phasma is on shore leave." After a few gruff reminders of his promise to her, Hux relented and gave his top officer and her girlfriend a two week pass for leave. The timing could not have been worse. "But the elite guard will be more than enough." They both scrambled to find reasons to avoid each other, unable to stay entirely civil.

"The General is right, my presence would be unnecessary."

"She would be a hindrance, my guard would have to be split between the both of us."

"It would be a waste of my much more valuable time."

"Now that you are the apprentice to our Supreme Leader, I would be distracted ensuring your safety. You should stay."

"Enough!" Kylo glared at him, and Ichara looked back down to the ground, bracing herself for another round of punishment. "You both will go, and you will see to it that those who have not yet sworn allegiance to the First Order do so. I grow weary of the many holes the Resistance has to hide in."

She said nothing and nodded reluctantly, hand rubbing what was likely a blossoming bruise on her shoulder. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

"I expect the news of more allies and support when you return. We are done here." He turned to leave before Hux could respond.

She snatched Hux by the arm and pulled him to her, snarling under her breath "Don't think I've forgotten you and I still have an issue to address."

He leant down into her face, being sure to make a show for the staff on the bridge.

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" he sneered "Schedule a meeting with me in my office any time, my schedule is always open for you, apprentice."

Air hissed as she exhaled through clenched teeth, releasing him roughly as she went to follow Kylo off the bridge.

He briefly considered shooting the pair in the back as they left, setting himself free from the tyranny of the force, but all he could do was sigh.

As a last ditch effort, Hux decided to reach out to Phasma to see if she might consider returning early.

Phasma heard a muffled buzz of her holopad in her bag.

Mara scowled "He promised , Phas. We both are overdue for a break!"

"I know but it could be..." she closed her eyes and sighed "I was going to say important, but it's fine."

Hux was surprised by her lightning fast response- there was no text, though, only an image attachment.

That rude hand gesture was entirely unnecessary.
If I'm murdered it's YOUR fault.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation.


I had trouble with the flow of this chapter, but I hope you guys like it :) Super excited for the next couple chapters!

(also the chapter name is a play on "swish & flick", except Hux has a crop instead of a wand lol)

*Fun lore fact- One must be especially in tune with the dark side to use Sith magic without repercussions, but sometimes even those who were strong with the dark side suffered side effects to both their body and their psyche. Between her studying of the tome and Kylo keeping her on her toes, I'm hoping to paint a decent picture of what's happening to her, and I hope there's a visible contrast between her composure when she first arrived and as time progresses. (sorry to write a novel in the notes :P )

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