Copper for the Charlatan

By DarlingOfDathomir

105 0 0

Much to his chagrin, General Hux finds himself falling for a force-sensitive mercenary gifted to him on Canto... More

Bank it
Coin Toss
Snake Oil
Broken Bottles
Machinations of Ghosts
Side-effect of Spite
Correlian Stand-Off
Ink it in Black
Under the Eclipse
Slash & Flick
Counting Straws
Blood on My Name
Midst Wolfs
Define 'Deserve'
"Are Flowers Appropriate?"
"She was the Moon"
"Frenemy of my Frenemy"
Old Scars, New Wounds
Event Horizon
The Girl who Lived
Peak of Pride
Advanced Falling
Chrome Angels

Salt in the Scrape

3 0 0
By DarlingOfDathomir

Very graphic, CW for blood & sexual violence.

Ichara has a horrible morning, and runs into the two men she so desperately just wants to avoid right now.

Also Phasma is over Kylo's skulking

I hope you guys like it, I'm not the best at smut and I spent forever trying to relay the scene in my head :P

Kylo was awake long before his alarm went off, agonizing at how his actions last night were a mistake on many different fronts. He didn't even have to try to turn her away from Hux- the hateful man had done that himself. Everything seemed to be falling into place, but just before it came to fruition it fell apart instead. He forced himself out of bed and wandered to his library, pulling a random book from the shelf and collapsing into a chair. The smell of her perfume lingered on his gauntlets, and it wafted to him with every page turn. It made his heart drop to his stomach.

He hadn't intended for the turn of events last night to happen at all, but something about the thought of Hux touching her stoked the fire of jealousy in his chest. Not because he was jealous of her, but because the thought of Hux pushing a force user to her knees for him made his face twitch with anger. That man was back-biting snake, and he deserved nothing in Kylo's eyes. He didn't particularly care for her either, though. She was just as shifty and underhanded. There was something off about her he just couldn't place.

Perhaps that's why they got along so well.

He wasn't alone in having a horrible morning. Not that she felt guilty- this was all Hux's fault as far as she was concerned- but she couldn't bring herself to look at him. She rolled over in bed and typed up a quick message.
"Still ill. Notify me should anything come up. My deepest apologizes, General."

While she was thinking about it, she had a bone to pick with her cousin.
I confronted my fears; the worst happened. Thanks for that.
I am no longer in need of your services.
You failed me.
Consider any plans you had null- you'll have to get it on your own.
Even if I wanted to help it's not happening, trust me.
(because you can actually trust me)

It was probably more hateful than she deserved, but Ichara didn't have the energy to care about anyone else's feelings right now. She pulled the covers over her head and savored every second she felt that she could hide from the world. Like every other thing she enjoyed in life, however, it was cut short. Three rapid fire buzzes on her holopad kept rousing her from any attempt at further sleep.

If you've fallen victim to some insidious disease I suggest you go to the medbay for treatment or leave the ship and spare us all.
I do hope your condition improves soon.
I would very much like to speak with you when you have a moment. Preferably today, around 21:00.

The difference between the first and the other two messages was that he read the angry words she'd sent to her cousin. Unable to handle the burning paranoia whispering across his thoughts and eating away at his sleep, Hux had decided to outright admit to bugging her holopad and demanding answers.

She could picture the look of irritation on his face as he typed those out, and it brought a smile to her face. Only Hux would assign a time for someone to "have a moment". A twinge in her heart told her she missed him. A realization which, in turn, just served to make her even more angry at him. Giving up on sleep, she got dressed and made her way to the training room for a more destructively physical release.

Phasma was enduring her own battle with paranoia, as when she arrived at Ichara's doors to talk with her, Kylo Ren came around the corner. She didn't even pause, and just kept marching down the corridor, nodding her head in acknowledgement.


He made a point to stare after her, suspicious as to why she'd be on this hall yet again. She told herself if he was there next time she tried to do this favor it was a sign from the stars that she was to strike him down... half joking and half serious.

Kylo sighed, staring at her door, biting the inside of his cheek. After standing there for a minute, trying to decide what he was going to say, he stormed to the training room. He hesitated when the doors opened to reveal Ichara practicing blaster volleys against three droids. She hadn't noticed him, and he walked over to the control panel to turn off the program.

"I need to talk to you."

Already irked from the morning, she stomped over to the panel. "You really don't." She reached down to recommence the program and he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"About last night..."

"Why the scavenger?" she blurted out "Do you have feelings for that desert girl?"

He yanked her to him "Say that again and those words will be your last." He released her roughly and she rubbed her wrist, scowling.

"You weren't the one horribly insulted last night! You don't get to treat me like that!"

"Nothing I could do would be more insulting than what you've already done to yourself." he retorted, looming over her.

"What is your fixation on him? Stars know this has nothing to do with me ."

He didn't answer.

"We should just spar. Come on."

As soon as he entered the practice floor behind her she whirled around and ignited her saber in one stroke. He stumbled as he went to block her attack, but quickly recovered. She swirled and struck aggressively, staying low to the ground- frustrating to someone of his height. He held his own, primarily defensive at first. The aggressive maneuvering and flitting required a lot of effort, and as he predicted, she soon tired. He came in with heavy swings, almost cutting her as she stumbled during a particularly low deflection. There was an undercurrent of tension as they fought, and each weren't entirely sure the other wasn't secretly attempting to cut their partner down. Panting, sweat clinging hair to her forehead, she raised her hands in defeat.

"The Ataru form. It's quite effective when your opponent isn't also strong with the force, as I'm sure you now know." he said condescendingly. "Who taught you?"

"I did. Force users were in low supply where I came from."

"And where is that?"

"Irrelevant." she shot back

"I'm tired of your vague answers. You've had your chance."

He narrowed his eyes and clawed his hand out toward her, splitting into her mind. She did her best to push back, but under the strength of his power she knew it would be impossible to hold him off forever.
I'll give him exactly what he wants, then.

Struggling to move whilst simultaneously keeping him at bay, she gritted her teeth, stepping close enough to reach him and grasp his outstretched hand. Suddenly he was in the fire- he could feel her fear, the pain exploding like fireworks at the edges of his vision. The smell of burnt flesh filled his nostrils, screams echoed around him. He looked up through her eyes, and a golden droid hand appeared from the smoke to pull her from the burning rubble.

It was so familiar.

He watched her run from an arms dealer's tent with a pair of stolen sabers, collapsing the building on him as she left. In the darkness of a cave, she activated the blades. The crystal inside squeaking and tinkling as it fractured, bleeding the blades from blue to a crimson hue.

Her cousin, much younger then, sent her out to dispatch some urchins pick pocketing on her block.
"I didn't expect you return so quickly, much less at all. Perhaps I'll have use for you yet".

More and more images flitted by rapidly- smuggling with a twi'lek who eventually turned on her, torturing on Bakura, contract killing, the thread of loneliness and hate tied them all together with a repetitive whisper echoing as flew past. "The killer, the general, and her fleet"

She yanked her hand away, tears streaming down her face from both the emotion and the effort. He stood in silence, overwhelmed and surprised at everything she had just shown him.

"I hope that answers your questions, now kriffing leave me alone." She all but ran from the training room, resolute to see him as little as possible till it came time to strike him down. Upon returning to her quarters she poured a drink and snatched up the book, falling onto the couch with a graceless thud. Today was clearly going to be horrible, and she'd resigned herself to hiding from it the best she could.

Yet again, anything she wanted didn't seem to last- after a few hours of peace came an interruption.

He forced himself to punch his code in the door and closed his eyes as he stepped into her quarters. She looked up from her book, unmoving.

"Do you want to know a secret, Hux? This book is cursed. Every time I start reading it, someone I don't want to see shows up."

So she's still at it. "You're quite ungrateful to someone who saved your life the other night." he snapped.

"Is that how you see it? Oh Hux..." she laughed "Who do you think you are?" - mimicking the insult he'd levied at her the other day. "No, no wait, don't tell me." She jumped up and sidled over to her counter to pour from what little whiskey was left "You're General of the First Order, and you can replace me whenever you wish. Why don't you go ahead and do that then and leave me alone, sir." she finished the statement with a sarcastic bow.

"I've been trying to explain myself to you but you've been naught but a horrid bitch to me."

"Do you really think anything you said to me would be justifiable with an explanation?"

"Yes." he said, matter-of-factly.

She cringed as she finished her drink in one huge gulp and exhaled sharply, "You are such an ass!" She threw the glass at him as hard as she could and it barely missed his head, shattering on the wall behind him.

"This is why nobody likes being around Force users, you're all unhinged!" he shouted at her. "I'm trying to, damn it, I'm trying to fix this."

"Oh that's rich, 'Let me explain why calling you worthless trash was acceptable.' By the force, you're both useless. Kylo can't fuck right and you can't apologize right. The leaders of the mighty First Order are worthless." she sneered, purposely treading into dangerous territory. Between the slight nudge of alcohol and the complete, utter exasperation she felt, all caution had been thrown to the wind. "There's more salt in the gutter I came from." She grumbled, pouring another drink in the remaining glass on the countertop.

Every muscle in his body tensed, and he clenched his fists as he spoke; voice low and strained, "What. Did. You. Just. Say?"

"Which part, because I said a lot, though not as much as you had to say the other day."

The look of pure hatred on his face would have brought any of his officers to their knees. He walked over to her one step at a time, forcing each word slowly through clenched teeth. "I... distinctly recall... you... implying... that you... fucked... Kylo Ren."

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Hmm. You smell like tea and soap. He smells so different, must be the outfit." she polished off her drink again, and sucked her teeth at the firey taste on her tongue. He gently removed the glass from her hand, and set it down on the counter, heartbeat pounding like thunder in his ears.

"Did you... or did you not... fuck him." He strained to keep his voice level.

She smiled "Oh, Hux... I did. But why would you even care, you--" his backhand cut her sentence short.

"You fucking bitch!" he screamed. The distant rage rushed into him like a flood. Before she could recoil he grabbed her by the jaw and whipped her face back up, "How could you?"

"What do you care, I'm replaceable, remember?!" she yelled, shoving him and following close as he stepped back "I suppose the 'whorehouse' you found me in rubbed off on me!" she pushed him again and he stumbled backwards to the floor, yelping in pain at the broken glass stabbing into his palms when he fell. She straddled him and pushed him down onto his back, shards crunching beneath him.

"And so I let Kylo climb on top of me and fuck me like he wishes he could fuck that scavenger girl." she growled. Somewhere distant she didn't want any of this to have happened, but right now she wanted him to feel the pain she felt, and strove to cut him as deep as she could. He pushed her out of his face, the glass embedded in his gloves scraping her cheek.

He leapt to his feet, peeling off his bloody gloves, pain not even registering in his fury, and kicked her back to the ground as she tried to stand.

"You are going to pay for what you have done to me!" he shouted, bloodied hand removing his belt, and she cried out as it landed with a crack across her back.

"To YOU?" she cackled. "What, you just want me to suffer? Fine. Here's your suffering." she bodied another swing with a hiss as she made it to her feet. She took a shard of glass and sliced down her palm, yanked him to her by his collar, and ground her bloodied palm into his face "Here's your fucking suffering. You hurt my fucking feelings you asshole!" The last sentence came out sounding more distraught than she had intended it to.

He grabbed her wrist and nuzzled into the bloody offering, her crimson running across pink lips as his hateful gazed burned into her. "I didn't think creatures like you had feelings"

She yanked her hand away "Oh I wish I didn't- instead I made the mistake of having feelings for someone who cares for nothing but himself."

"No, I cared about you and then you let that psychopath put his dick in you! You don't have the right to be angry at me for anything!"

"Cared? In what kind of fucked dimension do you exist in that you say those things to someone you "care" about. Tell me, do you fuck all the 'hired help'?" her voice climbing as she screamed at him.

He looked disgusted, taken aback by the bluntness of her question "No! Is that really the kind of person you think I am!?"

"You want to know what kind of person I think you are? I think you're a hateful prick!" she snatched his ruined collar with her bloody hand, buttons popping from the force as she yanked him inches from her face "And I think you're pathetic" she whispered.

Her words echo'ed Kylo's and it flipped a switch inside him.

"Oh... Oh I'll show you pathetic, beast." he snatched her arm and drug her to the bedroom so fast that she couldn't catch her footing, then slung her on the bed. He unbuttoned his shirt, chest heaving, looking like a man possessed with his bloodied face and usually perfect hair fallen in his eyes.

She thought he was gorgeous.

"Take those off." he ordered.

She laughed. "No, you don't get to order me around anymore."

He lunged at her, grabbing her throat with a bloody hand and pinning her to the bed. "I am General Hux of the First Order and I do whatever I damnwell please. You will take them off, beast." he released her gruffly and finished undressing.

She curled her lip, but slipped out of her clothes and walked over to him, a twinge of sadness prickling at the realization she'd never seen this much of him. She ran her hand down his chest, over the silver dog tags that hung around his neck, streaking him with blood as if he were being anointed. "If it makes you feel any better, I wished he was you." she said, only, half taunting him. He snarled and pushed her back onto the bed. Just when he thought he couldn't get angrier, he saw his crop on her side table.

He snatched it up and his voice jumped an octave "Did you let him use this?!"

She furrowed her brow, as if that was somehow the most insulting thing he'd said all night "Absolutely not- I had that out because I missed... you." She started the sentence before realizing what she was saying, and her words drifted off into a mumble

He ground his teeth at her admission, but refused to acknowledge it. He looked away and pointed with the crop "Against the wall." She slunk over to face the wall, hands held together, raised above her head.

Just like Canto Bight. The worst mistake of my damned life. He lamented.

Every word that left his mouth next was accentuated with a calculated strike. "You. betrayed. me. you. absolute. bitch." he attempted to fix his hair and catch a breath for a second before spinning her around "I want you to look at me." He gently opened her mouth and placed the crop between her teeth, pushing her jaw shut with a trembling finger. "You will be silent."

He slipped a hand between her legs and growled at the slickness. He dipped into her for a moment, fingers stroking her in small, perfect circles- her breaths started to get faster and shallower, and her legs started to shake. He reached up with his other hand running a ghost of fingertips across her before stopping at her throat.

"Look at me." he commanded, eyes glowing sistine blue as he stared at her with disdain. She struggled to keep fluttering lashes open, and at the first moan she let slip he pulled his hand away and yanked the crop from her mouth. "Is this you or our beloved supreme leader?" he hissed, shoving the two fingers into her mouth. She returned his icy stare, and sucked hard before releasing them with a juicy pop.

"Do you really want to know?" she taunted him.

He growled in anger through bared teeth "You are going to regret that. Get on the bed."

He was on her in a flash, pinning her wrists to the bed as he kissed her, both their lips sticky with blood, drawing more as he nipped her lip with a canine. He nudged her legs apart and reached down to position himself; making a point to enter her slowly, a wicked smile crossing his face as she moaned in frustration.

"I hate myself for even touching you." he growled.

"I know." her voice was soft and breathy before crying out as he thrust into her "Oh I missed you" she breathed, barely audible. She wove her fingers into the chain of his dog tags and pulled his face to hers before he could respond, all tongue and teeth as she kissed him savagely. The chain broke in her hands as he pulled back to scowl down at her.

"You don't get to say that" He was aggressive as he took her; already sensitive from his ministrations earlier, it didn't take long for her to peak underneath him. She tried to pull him into her but he took one hand to hold her down by her throat as she came.

"No, beast." She dug her nails into his biceps, a shuddering cry escaping as he pinned her down and fucked into her relentlessly. He could almost hear her whispers creeping into his head but he pushed them away. It would be too much, he didn't want to let her words twist him anymore.

Again she noted he was everything Kylo wasn't. To be so dark without the nuance of the force didn't make him weak or lesser... no... He was a consumptive well of desire so empty and depraved she swore even the darkness of the force recoiled from him- and it made her sick with want.

To his surprise, she moved like a coiled spring, rolling on top of him. She straightened her back, holding his hands down with a flick of her wrist. She knew how much he hated the force, and he pulled angrily at the invisible restraints. He admired how her breasts bounced with every swivel of her hips; the blood streaked across her form looked black in the starlight. Everything was grayscale save her golden eyes staring down at him, surveying the furious man beneath her. A small smile pricked at the corner of his mouth, and her momentary distraction caused her to release his wrists.

He flipped her back over "How dare you." he hated to admit that the force restraints stoked something inside him, and he was already shuddering to hold back his release. He fell on top of her and reached a hand under each shoulder, forcing her into him as he rutted into her. She yelped like a wounded animal as he adjusted himself to push even deeper, the over stimulation both pleasure and agony.

Hux... oh fuck... Hux.... stars... ah... Hux... Hux... She didn't want to stop saying his name, a reminder with every syllable that he was the one inside her, driving her to the edge.

To hear his name moaned so desperately, so pitifully, broke the dam of his resolve. He bit her shoulder, hard; he didn't want to give her any satisfaction from what he might say in the passion of the moment.

With one forceful stroke he bottomed out against her cervix, and she cried out at the sudden pain washing over her in tandem with her orgasm. He buried his face into her neck and let out a strangled cry as he came into her, she could feel his cock twitch with every spurt of warmth he shot into her. A soft moan escaped with every exhale as she came down.

The words he kept inside drowned out her buzzing voice in his head.

They were too perfect- covered in blood and sweat as they laid tangled together in the starlight. "Ichara..." he whispered. He squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, breath tickling her neck as he found himself unable to finish his sentence. He rolled off of her onto his back, and they stared at the ceiling. She reached out and took his hand as they caught their breath.

Neither knew how long they laid there together, wishing time would stand still. The blood and sweat dried, and finally she rose to go shower. She paused in the doorway, looking back at the man laid across her bed, copper hair the only color glimmering in the low light.

"All of this is your fault." she whispered, before disappearing into the next room. She closed her eyes as the water ran down, washing the remnants of them down the drain. He was gone when she stepped out.

Hux had considered joining her, but the dread of what he'd done was creeping up on him. She was right. He dressed in a daze, slowly buttoning whatever buttons remained on his shirt, and left. At the sight of him, a patrol rushed up to stop him in the corridor.

"Sir! We'll get you to the medbay! What happened?" Perfectly coiffed hair disheveled, dried blood streaked across his face, and a torn collar made the usually impeccable man look like an absolute disaster.

He held up his hand to stop them. "That will not be necessary. I assure you nothing in the medbay can fix what's wrong with me." with that he pushed past them and disappeared into his quarters.



(sorry, I love the idea of silly storm troopers being ship bros)
The troopers shrugged and continued on their rounds. "I told, you man, they're both crazy."

"Do you think that was him, like, torturing her earlier?"

"If it was, it sounded like she liked it, I'm just saying."

He elbowed his partner "Duuuuude, gross. Should we check on her?"

The other trooper stopped in his tracks. "You are not serious, man."

"Okay okay, but if it turns out something bad happened you owe me drinks next rotation we have off."

"Deal. And if she's fine then you owe me."

"You really think they're both that messed up?"

The other trooper snorted in his helmet. "Absolutely."

*Fun lore fact- The children on Canto Bight aren't slaves, they're mostly made up of orphans, which are a problem in any large & immoral city in the SW 'verse it seems. So yeah, after the destruction of the academy, the Baroness had a young teenage Ichara go out a kill a bunch of kids on her block to earn her keep instead of taking care of her cousin. Ruxinn is a shitty person and she'll get her own in the end ;) Promise

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