Intrigued By Him

By ssparklingstarz

20.6K 1.3K 173

"Move in with me." He asked-cum ordered me. "I...I...No...I can't. You know I can't." I stammered unable to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

509 40 3
By ssparklingstarz


I hate everyone and everything here and now I even regret every decision I have made in my life especially coming here to London leaving all my family and support system behind. I regret befriending with Emily and Jessica too, even though a part of me knows it wasn't their fault but I was too angry to reckon that thought. I don't know what was I thinking when I put forward the idea of studying masters from London in front of my parents but certainly, I wasn't expecting this. This city is excessively different than I imagined it to be.

The long night came to an end and finally, the Sun has risen up. I still lay on my stomach on my dorm's bed and wiped my tears as the memories of that kiss or should I say that assault flooded my mind. Everything was going fine. I had actually started liking the place but no Ashton has to ruin everything for me. He has to do something or the other that ends up making me feel humiliated everywhere.

I didn't want to leave my bed as a sleepless night had started taking its toll on my body. I shuffled on the bed but I was tired of lying down from so long into my last night's clothes that I decided it's time to get up. Wiping my tears, I got up and my eyes landed on my broken phone. It looks worse than I thought it would be. Gingerly, I picked it up from the floor where I must have thrown it last night and went up to my charger as it's battery was either dead or my phone has been damaged real bad.

But as soon as the charger was plugged it, it lit up and I relaxed. Once it was charged enough to boot it, I unlocked its screen but that made me wince in pain as some pieces of glass pierced my thumb. I checked my phone and my bill of repair extended as some places on the screen weren't working which meant more money for repair.

Deciding to get it repaired later, I saw the missed calls and messages from both Emily and Jessica, which I chose to delete without even reading them as I know what was written in them. Then I saw Navya's message about which I had completely forgotten and once again, as I recalled her text, I went into a state of panic. I quickly opened her new message and read it.

Hi di. Everything is fine. Don't worry. I just couldn't sleep so thought of talking to you. I miss you :(

Once again tears filled in my eyes. I miss her too. I had never thought in my life that my life would be so empty without Navya. Her constant endless talking and bickering over nothing were like salt of my life and in a situation like this where I was already feeling low, this added fuel to the fire.

I fell asleep. I miss you too baby and you see I will be back in no time...<3

I send her my reply. It's 10.30 a.m here which meant it's around 4 p.m in India. She must be free or would be enjoying her holidays with her friends.

Navya is a complete opposite of mine. Where I like to stay at home and keep it up to myself she likes to stay out of the house more. I have few but precious friends Navya as an army of friends. I am more on the introvert side and I take my time before mingling with someone whereas Navya is an extrovert.

But after whatever happened last night, I think I have lost the only 2 friends I made here and I don't think I will be able to make any new friends here.

I huffed and got up from the bed all the way to my washroom. I feel tired after crying constantly for the whole night. When I reached the washroom and looked myself in the mirror, I gasped. With a birds nest on my head and my seared kohl and mascara all over my face, I look like a wrecked, homeless girl. Not wanting to see myself like that, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and took a long shower. My lips still burn a little, as the water hit them and the places from where he held me aches as nasty bruises are forming everywhere.

I turned off the shower and wrapping a towel around me, I walked back into the room. My mood was so down that I couldn't even think straight and selecting pretty clothes was something out of my list. I took out the first thing which came in my hand and start wearing it. My every movement in my arms hurt, so I was taking my time. I was wearing my Pajamas when my phone beeped and hoping it was Navya, I picked it up but a scowl appeared on my face as I read Emily's name on my phone's showing a new message. Whatever happened yesterday wasn't her fault but I can't help myself from feeling dejected. Moreover, if she wouldn't have forced me to be there, this wouldn't have happened.

A part of me wants to answer her text but another part of me kept reminding me she was Ashton's friend and I hate everything related to him. Deciding I won't be reading, I was about to throw it back on the bed it rang this time with a call from Emily but I threw it back on the bed switching it off.

I didn't want to leave my room today, so I skipped my lunch. I just want to go home if it's possible but I have to keep reminding myself it's okay when it wasn't okay. What was Ashton thinking before trying to hares me like this? There was not even a single sane reason for him to do this indecorous, disgraceful and unacceptable.

I was lying on my bed when there was a knock on the door and I stood up to get it. Unwilling to meet anyone, as I opened the door I saw Eveleigh standing with a trey of food.

"Is everything alright? You neither had your breakfast nor lunch?" She asked me and I let her in with my head down slightly embarrassed from last night. I shut the door as she placed the food on my table and when she turned to face me, she shrieked.

"Holy shit Kavya what happened to you?" She asked and unable to control my sob I just straight away ended up running to her and hugging her tight.

I couldn't be more thankful to her. I needed everything bothering me to be out from my system and by letting me hug her she gave me the comfort I needed. Eventually, my cries subsidized and she made me sit on the bed as I hiccupped.

"What's wrong?" She asked me sitting next to me.

"Last night...Last night I went to the club and Ashton...Ashton forcefully kissed me in front of everyone." I told her in between my sobs and she frowned.

"Who is Ashton?"

"He-He is in my University. He h-hates me and wanted to hurt me."

"I am not getting it? Why would he kiss you if he hates you?" She asked and I narrated everything from the first day of my University and she heaved.

"First of all, I don't understand what you were thinking before going to the nightclub with his friend." She said emphasizing on 'his' and I just looked in my laps feeling stupid.

"And I don't know about your India but things like these are very common here in nightclubs and I am sorry you had to go through all this." She added and I shook my head.

"Why are you being sorry? It was my mistake. I shouldn't have gone. I shouldn't have trusted his friends."

"Kavya, this place is different from yours, people are different and you know that. Don't let anyone fool you because...because you are new and a little naïve about the things here."

"My parents wouldn't be pleased hearing this had happened. They would want me to come back." I told her genuinely feeling worried. I hadn't even called them yet because I am scared of what I would be saying. I was already lying and these whole incidents will double things up. I know, eventually, they will know as I suck keeping secrets with my family and our bond is so strong that they will know something is wrong from my voice itself but right now, I am not ready to tell them. I don't want to go back to India.

"If they'll witness you're this state, then they will definitely call you back so just forget this ever happened. Don't tell them anything until the time is right. Act as if nothing happened and really it was nothing." She said and I ponder over her words and she sounded right. It was the only way to keep them away from any unnecessary worries.

"How am I going to face everyone in University? I feel so embarrassed?"

"Honestly half of the people wouldn't even remember last night ever happened. Rich brats must be too boozed to remember anything."

"What about Ashton and his gang? They are calling me since morning."

"Kavya you are privileged you got a chance to pursue masters. Not everyone is lucky like you. Don't let an asshole like Ashton ruin it for you." She said and I nodded understanding her words.

"I forgot I am not at home. I forgot that I should be more careful here." I admitted.

"Yeah, I understand...people here wouldn't have made out such a big deal from this although it was wrong. These are small things which no one cares about it. " She told me.

"But it matters to me. He forced me into something which I wanted to be preserved. I wanted to live every moment of my first kiss. I wanted it to be with the person I loved and wanted to have some memories made out of it. Now it's just like a horrible incident which I want to forget but I can't. It will haunt me forever." I admitted.

"You'll get over it." She smiled encouraging me to smile a bit.

"I hope so. "

"Just forget it every happened Kavya and don' t tell your parents too. Don't want them to have a bad impression of London." She said slyly and I laughed.

"Neither I want to go back." I smiled making her laugh.

"Thanks. I really wanted this to be out of head." I told her genuinely holding her hand.

"Now eat something. This food isn't the 'real food' but it's good enough to satisfy the wild animals in your tummy." She quoted making me laugh. I stood up, got the trey from my table, and placed it in between us on the bed. I began eating and asked her to join me which she happily did.

"Can you tell me where I can get my phone repaired?" I asked her showing her my phone.

"He did that?" She asked looking at my phone and I merely nodded.

"He is an asshole." She muttered.

"Worse than that. See this." I said rolling my sleeves up and showing her my bruises and she gasped.

"Motherfucker! He did this?" She asked and I nodded covering up my bruises.

"He is a monster, I wonder how I am going to face him on Monday."

"Do you think he will be sorry?"

"Nopes...not at all. Ashton White is not someone who will be sorry for his deeds. " I said picking up a muffin and taking a bite from it.

"Even if he is don't forgive him and just ignore him for the rest of your time. That's the safest thing to do for you to keep yourself protected from those rich brats." She suggested and I agreed upon her. I don't want to indulge myself into another horrible experience. 

I want my time here to pass safely without a fuss and so ignoring his existence sounds the most logical thing to me.

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