Kissing You. Zustin.

By otp4ever

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Kissing you. Zustin. A story about two men, filled with romance, comedy, and drama. Read at your own risk if... More

Part 1. Kissing You.
Part 2. Kissing You.
Part 3. Kissing You.
Part 4. Kissing You.
Part 6. Kissing You.
Part 7. Kissing You.
Part 8. Kissing You.
Part 9. Kissing You.
Part 10. Kissing You.

Part 5. Kissing You.

763 59 21
By otp4ever


Part 5. Kissing You.

Justin was sitting, leaning back on his caleido dark blue colored tampere armchair, his legs stretched out on the matching high footrest, with one earbud playing the soft melody from some random radio station, while the other earbud was hanging low from his shoulder blade. His head was resting on the extra head-rester attached to the high back with satisfied ache all over his body from his morning workout. His face was glowing with the morning sunrise as he bathed in the sunlight and the quiet atmosphere of the early day around him. He had come out to the patio after a long run in his neighborhood and a good hour session in the gym since he didn't have too much time before the kids woke up, to watch the enchanting sunrise from his backyard but he was too exhausted from his long hours of work-recording, attending his friend's niece's birthday party and then running around to drive Joshua and Jesus back and forth from school and doing interviews in-betweens. No doubt he had a driver for that but he was a parent first then a singer, multitasking was his mantra.

Justin thought back to the last week, he wasn't accusing his sons of anything, not with what happened with Sophia and Ali. He understands them and heard what they had to say, it must have hurt when Ali hit their nerve unintentionally and called them out about their mother.

Justin also knew his sons needed him more than before now. This was the first sign that everything was changing, everything he expected would be true and Joshua and Jesus- were smart kids and knew better about the situation but were still young, naive and would act upon their emotions fairly too quickly. They were growing up, their friends were asking them too many questions that always hit too close to home.

When they were younger Justin had tried to tell them about how he was blessed with them but they were too small and young to understand. And now they were growing up too soon for his liking, facing the world alone when he was not there to shield them from the harshness, they were asked too many question and just the two of them to answer. Justin was grateful that his sons were understanding and didn't act without analyzing the situation and not doing what he most probably wouldn't do. But they had gone and caused a fight, hit a girl- okay pulled at her uneven pigtails and pushed the small kid who looked like he was still stuck in the age of three. They were kids but they wouldn't always be if he didn't mold them now than later will be too late for him to do anything.

Justin found it amazing that Zayn hasn't filed a complaint in the school board against him and his sons. Well, it was not really surprising from their first meeting that Zayn would do something so irrationally. Zayn seemed he had his cool under control, had it all figured out from the brim of information, and didn't act upon impulse, was too calm and collected when talking to Sophia and Ali, was very gentle when interacting with Jesus and Joshua. 

Zayn was too good to miss this opportunity to become friends with. Justin would like a parent figure like him in his life, Justin thought Zayn was inspirational if he minuses some weird tactic of him, Justin couldn't understand the weird way he phrased some words and then looked at him like he couldn't believe he said it loud. It was new and refreshing, Zayn was a good man and even better parent, so what if he liked banding- Justin chuckled at that memory of flushing rosy cheeks and shy eyes, Zayn who was his sons' idol was really intriguing- just in a different way for him that Justin couldn't understand why.

"Dad!!" Just as Justin was drifting to sleep as the song playing on the radio changed into another song and his eyes felt heavy with sleep, two cheery voices woke him awake, entering on the patio through the back door with loud footsteps as their socks covered feet pounded on the ground making thudding noises. His sons made it their mission to never let their father have a peaceful and boring life.

"Hey, you two." Justin smiled, his eyes closed and braced himself for the jump. And the jump came with a full impact of two overgrown 10-years-old sons jumping on his lap, their upper body colliding with his chest and legs sprawled on his own stretched one.

"Good morning." His arms went around them, holding them by their waist in one position so they wouldn't try to climb him up and make him go around the garden carrying them on his shoulders this early in the morning. They were little devil manipulators, the fight to not do something outrageous was always one against two, Justin always lost to his sons' amusement to think about even putting up a fight against them. He gave them a solid hug that they never seemed to mind even if at times it was embarrassing to have their father hug and kiss them like some baby, they enjoyed it too much to give two-second thoughts about others- classmates and friends snickering behind their backs.

"You didn't tell us that you met with Zayn Malik yesterday." Instead of returning the greeting his always sweet Jesus accused, pushing his father away, breaking their embrace and sliding to sit on the left armchair. His legs dug in Justin's thigh just a little too forcefully and his tone turned very serious.

"How could you dad? I thought we were family. We are supposed to share everything with each other, you told us that, and now you are being all sneaky and meeting Zayn Malik behind our backs." Joshua copied his brother's position, crossed his arms sitting on the right of the armchair, his legs kicking at his father, pouting the whole time.

"Oh! I just thought..." Justin trailed off with the sudden accusations and questions about Zayn when he was just thinking about him not minutes ago. He lifted his eyebrows when something else caught his attention. "Wait how did you know about this?"

"There is a picture of you two on the tv. I just saw it on the news. Someone must have taken it when you were at the coffee shop." Jesus mumbled not liking that they were met with questions instead of answers.

"I didn't saw anyone though." Justin scratched his neck trying to remember if there was any paparazzi following him or Zayn when they left the school grounds. The media had supported after Justin had requested to not involve his sons with anything related to industry and so far everyone had been supportive. If someone had followed him, it must have been tiring to wait for him to come out of his house and only be seen with his sons nowadays to follow him to the school at the last resort. If that had actually happened, his and Zayn's photo out than it will be red wedding in front of their company reporter swarming the place wanting to know what the two most well-known singers around the world were doing together in a coffee shop of all thing. Shit.

Justin knew Zayn had taken some legal action to not follow him when he was with his own kids, it had hit big news, front pages of newspapers all pasted with news and photographs of Zayn, Sophia, and Ali- when he had gone to public appeal. That time Justin had thought it was normal for some celebrities to place request like that, but after meeting Ali in person he understood Zayn must have been frightened for Ali more than anything, at that moment the father had seemed ready to murder someone if they even thought about approaching Ali when they got out. So it was unlikely that he would find any reporters outside the school since the coffee shop they went to was quite far from there.

Justin didn't budge at all from all the leg kicking his sons were doing, though they have gotten stronger after starting their baseball practice. But his muscles were already starting to get immune to their antics.

"But you met Zayn Malik. That's like so awesome and so cool." Joshua had stars in his eyes as he leaned closer to his father not caring how their photograph was clicked and was already trending since it was broadcast in the morning news. He didn't mention many things since all of that flew out after his attention was grabbed only by his idol- one and only Zayn Malik sitting with his father, sipping tea and coffee so casually. "How is he in real life? Isn't he just incredible? What did you guys talk about?"

Justin stared at his sons' wide curious eyes, he took out the other earbud and let it slid on his lap. He wasn't surprised at his sons' reaction- they did tend to go overboard when it came to Zayn Malik, their hero. He still felt bad that they were photographed and what might Zayn must be feeling right now, or what if he canceled their plans. It was inevitable if Zayn did did that. He wouldn't want Ali in public if the paparazzi didn't listen to his request in plain language to not bother Sophia and Ali at any occasion. He was very clear with his demands when he and his company gave a public statement regarding Zayn's daughter and son, they didn't go into deep details but they didn't come as district either, it was all said indirectly and understood the same way. Justin had found Zayn more respectful than before after that interview three years ago.

"Is he just as unbelievably magnificent as he looks on tv? Did he talk like a star? Isn't his voice sounds just like angels?" Jesus clutched onto his father's sweaty hooded long sleeve white top arm. Generally, he would whine about his father being sweaty and touching them with his gross sweat hands but today he was too excited to complain and apparently it was okay to slap Justin constantly on his arm while talking about Zayn with those two big and too admiring eyes.

"What did you guys order? He likes tea, so suddenly. He used to always drink coffee. Did you guys also eat lunch together? That would be nice. Did you managed to take the mug he drank his tea in?" Justin was asked the last question so seriously like that's what he was supposed to do, that he had one job in this world and Joshua wanted to know if he did it properly or failed his child's expectation.

"I am going to stop you right there, you crazy fanboy." Justin shook his head placing his hands on his son's mouth when his predictions, imaginations, and craving just overboard from normal to steal-the-celebrity's-utensil crazy.

"But you met Zayn Malik. How could you have not taken the mug? It was right there." Joshua said pushing away his father's hand. He set rumpled up now scooted in his father's lap and looking up with pouting lips. Justin softens little more, they were so childish and incredibly cute when no one was around and so free to act like whatever the way they pleased.

"Maybe because I am not crazy enough," Justin said. He decided to ignore the fact that while he was out for a run his sneaky little munchkins woke up and watched tv after sleeping late last night, it was after midnight that Justin was able to coax them into sleep after playing some board games. Justin felt so tired and here they were with an infinite ball of energy bursting through their veins like blood. He shouldn't have been competitive last night if he wouldn't have then the game wouldn't have lasted this long and his sons wouldn't have been competitive themselves either. If he hadn't introduced them to the board games, or the video games, or the card games or any games- they wouldn't have learned from him to fight till the end and win no matter what, well it was too late, they have learned too much and improvised on their own.

"Dad you had the once in a lifetime opportunity. You know people would die to be in your shoes." Joshua signed like his father had done something incredibly stupid and was not understanding the situation he had created.

Justin laughed at his sons' ridiculousness and imagination of everything related to Zayn. He confessed that he had an equal part in making them superfan of Zayn. When Joshua and Jesus first found out about Zayn Malik they were so transfigured by him that the next thing Justin knows he is standing in an absurd disguise of a hippie at two in the morning with his two sons shivering in his arms, in the queue to buy Zayn Malik's album, to be the first customers. It was so worth it, their smile and gleeful expression when the store opened and when Justin bought them the album, the adoring look as they touched the cd case; the cold, running nose, the two-week bed rest was all worth it.

"I am sorry, okay. But why don't you meet him when he comes to drop off Sophia and Ali in the morning." Justin ruffled their hair lovingly giving them a better option to interact with Zayn than to deploy their father in a theft.

"Are you serious right now? Dad, he probably hates us with what happened with Ali and all." Joshua shook his head violently and little sad that his role model might just hate his guts.

"He doesn't hate you guys." Justin shielded his eyes from the sun, it was getting time to dress them up for the school. After some thought, he placed a hand on Joshua's shoulder and gave a soft squeeze hoping that they wouldn't feel so troubled. "He really doesn't."

"That's what you think. He doesn't hate you. He was all smiling at you yesterday, was laughing with you..." Jesus jumped off from the armchair with a loud huff and stomped his feet on the wooden patio like the kid he was. "I am so jealous right now. Uhh..."

"Poor you." Justin teased getting up. Maybe Zayn would be more than a good friend, if Zayn was around Justin could always see Joshua and Jesus this happy all the time. "C'mon let's get you ready. You might see him at school if we are early."

"Do you think he will come today too?" Joshua said he and his brother followed their father inside like a lost puppy waiting for the bone.

They might have noticed Zayn Malik yesterday and freaked out when he came to drop of Sophia all the way to class, they also might have gone little too stunned to concentrate properly in the class. Their friend who was not a bully- Parker got little worried that Mr. Malik must have scolded them that day after the fiasco with his children that's why they were acting all weirdly, and he also apologized to them for leaving them alone and also that he tried to find them but couldn't then the principal called him- Jesus had stopped Parker from rambling more and he rescued him that he wasn't in fault it was all caused by Andrew, Felix, and Tyler. Parker told them that he appreciated that the board didn't suspend their friends, Parker was a loyal friend and he had been friends with Andrew, Felix, and Tyler from the senior KG, so it would have been really lonely and hard for him if they were thrown out. Parker said he was also grateful that Jesus and Joshua gave them another chance and still were talking to them and him and he promised that it won't happen again.

"Maybe. He does seem busy these days." Justin shrugged. He wanted them to meet Zayn, he would have brought their hopes high but that would be just cruel if Zayn had some work and didn't come to school.

"It's time for his new album. OH MY GOD. HIS NEW ALBUM." Joshua shouted before running past his dad and into his room to dress up fast and get to school on time to see if he could see Zayn Malik again, the last time they met it was awful first impression and he couldn't think anything horrible than that. It felt like he was on Santa's naughty list seventh time in a row.

"I CAN'T WAIT," Jesus screamed excitedly, he jumped and leached himself on his father's arm.

Just to amuse him Justin lifted his arm so Jesus could swing properly and scream all he wanted. He slipped his phone and earbuds into his sweat pockets.

"Will you take us to the MusIC Store after the school. Please daddy." Jesus lifted his legs up and wind them around Justin's waist while his arms were up and curled around Justin's bicep, using Justin's tall built physique as his personal monkey bar.

"If you behave and eat all your veggies, I might consider it." Justin closed the patio door and stumbled a little when Jesus let go of him entirely by pushing his legs on his side and then letting go of his grip on his arm suddenly, he effortlessly jumped back on his foot.

"I will spread the good news. Gracias."

Justin shook with laughter watching his son disappear in the hallway and tell the news to his brother, which was followed by more screaming. Every day was like this, too loud, too cheerful and always with happy laughter in the Bieber household.

Now though it was time to give the monsters their breakfast. It wouldn't take too much time for them to bath, get dressed and join Justin for breakfast so Justin had to hurry up.

Jesus and Joshua had started waking up by themselves somewhere between two years ago when Justin was on the world tour and when he told them how he would never leave them alone. Of course the babysitter, the nanny everyone were great in taking care of his sons, but whenever Justin came back it took time for him to bond with them and to do it every year was not healthy for their relationship and Justin was scared if he left them alone for too long he might just lose them this time. It was the worst decision he had made two years ago, thinking it was okay, that they were little older to be left alone, though he himself didn't last more than three days and had run back from his concert in Dubai. Joshua and Jesus had cried and hated him for a while but he had made up with them, promised them millions time to never do that again, never leave them alone, had cried with them for hours as they set hulled up together on Justin's favorite chair on the patio, said he's sorry, asked for forgiveness.

Justin still had his guilt, it was three days, but he felt like he left them for years. Joshua and Jesus had forgiven him the moment they had seen Justin running to them when they were sitting on his chair and envelope them in a big bone-crushing hug. But Justin never forgave himself till today.

"Dad, dad... I am hungry." Jesus came running, dressed in the school uniform black blazer and pant and white shirt tucked, with the school symbol threaded on the black tie, elegantly- perfectly, his hair styled back the way he preferred and the way the school had primed them to always look neat. Still, the parent in Justin scanned him up and down, the school was a little strict and reputed with all its authoritarian towards the image their students represented.

The school was the best Justin could have imagined for his boys to be in, and it was the best he had come across after visiting half of the school in L.A., at one point he thought he would have to send them to all boys school in New York, the thought of them living in hostel and only meet them once every few months and calls on special occasions maybe hang out on their birthdays- were very threatening to his heart that he had called his manager to sent him all the best schools in L.A. and had visited every single one of them. 

When he came across Roosevelt Jefferson Central School, he was sure this will be it for them. The school was not just famous for its culture and upholding some very old tradition to it since 1885 but it had the best educational curriculum Justin could ask for, the security was a bit too much but when he remembered the bash of media they had in their last school with reporter disguised as parents- this was way better. And after meeting the principal he had no doubt that he couldn't find a more suitable school for Joshua and Jesus.

With their past mischief, it was a miracle they were even interviewed or accepted, Justin likes to not think about that part- not wanting to jinx his life any more than it already was. But who was he kidding, the pranks his sons played were still worse, even though the school had shaped them in every good way- they had also given their students freedom to spread their wings, which was bitting Justin in the ass at home with how many times Joshua had replaced his shampoo with fake blood they made with seniors on An Adventure Day -the school has this weird days they make to have the students always excited and eager to learn some cool stuff-, well it was horrible for Justin when he closed his eyes pouring the shampoo on his head and when he looked at his hand, he had screamed bloody murder and saw his life flashing in front of his eyes in a matter of second. Joshua and Jesus giggles from outside his bathroom doors had stopped him from telling Alexa to call 911, still, it was horrible. Justin still had to go through many many pranks like that once a day or if he is really having bad luck thrice a day.

"Here you go," Justin said placing the egg sandwich on the dining table, Jesus hopped on his chair and started eating with a loud thank you. Justin was glad he had banned them from the kitchen after they pranked him with Colgate omelette and soap sprinkles on his donut after their Cooking Day at school. "If you want another one, it's just in the oven. Use gloves." Justin warned.

"Dad help me with my tie, please." Joshua came in the kitchen, bundle heap of tardiness, his hair ruffled up, uniform creased, one side of shirt untucked, the tie hanging from his neck like a rugged sleeping snake and god he was wearing the wrong socks on both feet.

"Take the bowl and follow me." Justin handed him his favorite Maple-Berry oatmeal and waved his hand to hurry up back to his room. Inside Joshua and Jesus shared room- which was divided into two parts of spaceship theme of rockets, stars, planets and cartoon theme which was basically all of the favourite character blending into each other. Joshua went to his side of the room and set on his bed, covered in Avenger themed sheet, relaxed and started eating his breakfast like there was not a frantic father dressing him up in a nerve wreck. Justin kneeled down before Joshua on the fluffy red rugged carpet and took off his blazer and gave it a rough jerks few times for a fast but not permanent crease ironing, he was good at that part since this was his regular job to dress Joshua. Then he tucked the white shirt properly and groaned when he saw Joshua had worn the dirty one from yesterday- he could still smell the sweat from his baseball practice. But they didn't have time, he changed his socks from Bart Simpson and Iron Man to regular white socks. The tie was done in no time, though what took time was Joshua's platinum blonde hair which weren't taming down even with gel.

"Finish your breakfast quickly," Justin ordered getting up and ran to his own room. He changed from his sweaty jogging suit and wore a simple plain white button down shirt and regular jeans and ran back to the kitchen spraying some perfume on himself on the way.

"Are you guys done?" Justin asked as he entered the dining room. He went straight to Joshua and lifted his arms up while the spoon he was eating the oatmeals with hanged from his mouth, Justin sprayed a good amount of perfume on his son and sniffed to make sure there was no bad aroma still lingering than narrowed his eyes looking down. "Your shoes?"

"You forgot them in the room," Joshua replied cheekily sitting back, relaxing as his father got up and jogged to his and his brother's room to fetch their shoes as Jesus also decided to play around and left his shoes in the room.

"Did you eat breakfast dad?" Jesus asked when his father bent near his chair to help him in his black polished shoes. Sometimes his father did forget to eat breakfast if they were getting late for school, lunch always since there was no one to scold him to eat properly and he had missed so many dinners since he got all exhausted from the day and had only enough energy to make them something- but their father always set with them during the dinner even if he wasn't eating anything, even if he didn't have any appetite. They would sit and talk about their day, and make plans for the weekend, even if he was tired he would help with their homework, play board games late in the night if one of them couldn't sleep, make smoothies to cheer them up if they were having a bad day at school. So it was natural for Jesus to get worried about his father's habit to forget about taking care of himself.

"I will, after dropping you." Justin smiled up at him.

"Promis." Joshua placed his empty bowl on the table and came around, holding out his pinky. Joshua and Jesus hated pinky promises, said it was too girly, but when they did Justin knew how serious it was for them to ask him for something.

"I promise." Justin twisted their pinkies together, he moved his wrist so their thumbs touched. "Now let's get rolling."

Justin hurried them in his car, in the back seat, not adventurous enough to have one of them in the front and asking him bunch of question about car that he clearly knew nothing about and touching every button to see what it does, last time just say they were lucky enough to not run over by a truck on highway when Joshua decided it was okay to play with the gear.

It was not too long before they arrived at the school and Justin parked at the end of the almost empty parking lot. Since it was a private school many students were dropped by their drivers or they had school buses, rarely any student drove. The only vehicles on the parking lot were some of the staff's. Which gave a clear view of the whole place when Zayn Malik drove in with his flashing silver polished Lexus LS.

"Cool." Joshua and Jesus said together with their face pressed against the car window.

"Let's go say hi," Justin said pressing the button to roll up his window and unlock the car.

"Woah. Wait. No." Jesus shook his head in defensive position, stopping his father from opening the door. He shrinked in himself when Zayn parked his car just opposite them.

"Face your fear, my sons." Justin winked and got out, and as did the Malik family on the other side. Justin looked inside and saw his sons hauling their backpacks when they saw him they motioned for him to go first and they will follow him after getting their courage. Justin rolled his eyes but did what he was asked to, they always were dramatic when it came to facing Zayn Malik.

Justin walked towards the trio and smiled when he saw Zayn was again sporting a loose tank top with dark violet snakes hissing on it- maybe he was still trying to act scary towards Ali's bullies. Justin admired Zayn for his protectiveness towards his children even if he had some really questionable methods for doing it, he was still the sweet dad who was friendly and kind to his sons. Zayn as always had that homeless look going on for himself and looked very much like Joshua when asked to get ready early in the morning- little flaw but that didn't do anything for Justin's attention to waver from the other father and his mindblowing cynosure.

"Hey Zayn," Justin called out and winced a little for Zayn when the other jerked his neck too fast in his direction like some ghost had called out for him in the dark night.

"Justin?" Zayn stood straight from looking at his reflection in his car window and at Justin who only smiled wildly at catching on what was he trying to do.

Zayn's hands visibly twitched wanting to run his hands in his hair to comb them to smooth them down from its wildness, tuck his tank top a little more on appealing level or do something anything to calm down his nerves that head skyrocketed at just Justin's voice, but he couldn't do those things when those hazel eyes only stared at him.

"Hi Sophia," Justin greeted her making Zayn sign in relief to be not the attention of those knee-weakening gaze. Zayn hurriedly patted his hair down and tried to make himself more presentable in the few seconds Justin Bieber was occupied. "Good morning."

"Good morning Mr. Bieber." Sophia nodded at him with still that dumbfounded look on her face she wore when she was looking at her father a few seconds ago, checking on himself and his muscles on the glass. She shook her head to get rid of those images but they were burned inside her skull permanently and were too amusing for her to tease her father about his parenting skill to scare off students in her class. And from the corner of her eyes, she noticed his frantic movements to know how embarrassed he must be feeling when Mr. Bieber caught him.

"Ali, good morning." Justin waved at the little kid. Zayn smiled at the gestured, many people ignored Ali thinking he would feel more comfortable if they behaved like they didn't saw him or just waved at him without actually acknowledging him. But the truth was, it only made Ali's situation worse to communicate and stay away from people, not only strangers but the people Zayn knew for years, the people who welcomed Ali home when he moved in Zayn's home, threw him his birthday parties, who looked after him when he was on stage or was busy recording- everyone was very co-operative and after Zayn showed them the few little things they could do to warm up Ali to them it was fantastic.

Still, Zayn didn't expect Justin to understand on his own or to actually come out of his way and talk to them in the first place. Zayn was maybe freaking out from inside and was not handling anything related to Justin very well. It was too late to run away that was for sure.

"I..." Ali trailled off and went behind his father's leg to hide from Justin's view.

"That means he says good morning or he wants to play hide and seek. There is no in between." Zayn bent, his arms going around his son's small figure and hauled him up in his arms so he could feel more comfortable with the new presence talking directly to him.

"Papa!" Ali hid his face in the crook of Zayn's neck feeling shy.

"Hide and seek it is." Zayn nodded seriously while patting his son's back soothingly, Ali needed a constant reminder of how Zayn and Sophia were there with him, and Zayn was ready to give anything to rescue Ali of that.

"I don't think the school will see it as an appropriate image." Justin gestured to Zayn's tank top when he was certain Ali would not come out of his shell today.

"What are you talking about? It's perfect." Zayn shifted Ali so he could look down on his snake hissing cloth.

"It's a little inappropriate," Sophia said and placed her finger on some of the red patterns on the tank top, and pointed so her father could see what they were meaning. "This looks like blood, either the snake is bleeding or he had really healthy lunch. So heinous."

"I just brought it yesterday." Zayn walked back to his previous position, and indeed now that he looked closely, it seemed like there was blood spattered, it was disgusting. Zayn's face fell and he looked at his son apologetically. "Ali sorry baba, I can't come inside today."

"It's okay papa." Ali smiled timidly but waved it off as nothing. It was clear that Ali was still in shock from what had happened with him time after time, bullying was not something a small child can get over within a few days rest, it was clear in Ali's eyes that he was not okay that he needed help, comfort, love anything he could have, to feel happiness and love from his family.

Justin who was watching the interaction silently waited for his sons to finally come out so he could at least try to clear up the misunderstanding right now, looking at Ali's fallen face was breaking his heart into little pieces- he couldn't wait till the dinner after the parent teacher's meeting, it should be done now if he could help Ali even a little he would. Plus his sons needed to face their favorite person on the whole universe sooner or later anyway. It was sad but Justin had accepted himself as the second favorite in his sons' lives a long time ago.

Joshua and Jesus hadn't come out yet, Justin looked back at his car to know if they were still crowding against the window to look at Zayn Malik from afar, but it was not his sons' wide sparkling eyes for Zayn Malik that caught Justin's attention but them crouching down and making their way out of the parking lot by passing from behind the few cars parked and towards the school doors.

"You can walk them to the main doors," Justin said looking back at Zayn cradling his son.

Zayn ponders the idea for just two seconds and nodded. They started walking to the main doors, with Sophia in the middle of Zayn and Justin while Ali carried in Zayn's arms. Sophia had their both backpacks with her. Justin did offer his help but she declined politely.

"Bye, see you two after school. I love you." Zayn kissed their cheeks one last time and watched them join the long line of students to check in with their ids. Zayn smiled when he saw Sophia placing her hands protectively on Ali's shoulders, standing behind him, he also noticed several students backing away from the line when Sophia shot them mean looks. So now Zayn had to talk with her about not talking back to the teachers every second but also to not engage in any fight with other students. Zayn only looked away when Sophia took Ali's id to scan it when he couldn't reach the machine and they disappeared inside the school among others.

"Is that Joshua and Jesus?" Zayn whispered ask when the said twins circumvented by them with their arms up to shield their faces from anyone's eyes.

"Yeah." Justin nodded crossing his arms over his chest, watching his sons make a b-line for the student line, but their heads were bent down they were still walking in their crouched position which was slowing them down. They didn't seem to notice Justina and Zayn's presence already standing there, watching them make fool of themselves.

"I should go say hi or something." Before Justin could say no and stop his sons from feeling embarrassed with sudden put on spot by their idol, Zayn had already closed the distance and place his hand on Jesus' shoulder to catch his attention. "Hi, guys."

Zayn smiled down at them and waved a little when they didn't respond immediately.

"Hi." They said in synchronize with a small voice and the next thing Zayn know they stood up straight and ran away.

"Did I do something wrong? I feel like I did something wrong." Zayn looked at the running twins and back at Justin. "Do they don't like me?"

Justin snorted a laugh at the ironic situation, how could the three of them think the same way when everything was so opposite. "No Zayn."

"But they just... woosh..." Zayn made a zooming noise with his mouth and made hand gestures wiggling his fingers at the end as the sound he was making hit the end, Justin thought it was quite cute. "... from me."

"You will find out one day," Justin said mysteriously and winked, and it was his imagination but he swears he saw Zayn Malik stop in his track for a second then he looked away from him and started walking back to the end of the parking lot, Justin had also seen when his breath hitched and he gulped down nervously and avoided eye contact with him all the way to their respective car.

"See you around Zayn." Justin waved off his concern as nothing even if he found himself concerned when he saw Zayn leaning sideways on his car with soft dropsy eyes looking at him so intensely. Maybe they should go for another tea and coffee, with how incredibly weakly Zayn was waving at him. But Justin stopped himself from doing that, he recalled what Joshua and Jesus had told him about how Zayn was in the middle of recording his album. He was nice enough to not decline his offer yesterday with his busy schedule, doesn't mean he should take advantage of Zayn's kind personality.

Maybe another day, when Zayn is free or if he even wants to spend time with him. Justin hurriedly got in the car, not understanding his thoughts getting off track and going in the direction that seemed mildly too imaginative and not something he would normally think about. Justin shook his head to get rid off any lingering thoughts, he needed a good rest or food in his system that's what it is and not a company of a messy-haired, innocent doe-eyed singer. who was still in that position with his hand up in the air, halted in the moment.  


Woah... OOohhh






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