Repetitions Woes

By BeauJet

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Maverick. Oh Maverick. Again, you wondered back into this lullaby of a repetition, and best of all, you don'... More

Chapter 2 A strange cycle
Chapter 3 Sinister ambitions

Chapter 1 The unforgettable lack of luck

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By BeauJet

Sunday. The last day of the week, and what most would assume the best time to have leisure time to themselves or family; Even not worrying. Yet that was different for me.

It wasn't because tomorrow was the first day of school, or because it was already twelve O'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday. It was much worse.

I force myself up from my purple-covered bed, and hurriedly run down the stairs, to the front door's velvety covers. Then, forcing the light fabric away from the translucent glass, i stare out to the other side of the road.

There, stood a large two story house, that was a light-bluish shade, with its wooden plank-like design, to the beautifully crafted limestone entrance, and it's small lovely garden that oversaw the entire right side of the yard.

But, what disrupted it, was the large white and red moving van, that sat still in the middle of the driveway, where nearby, two men were pointing and talking about i assumed was the house. And, a little further up, a little girl ran excitedly back and forth with her mother, who was sharing a bright smile with the little bundle of energy.

Then he came. I watch him step out of the house, wearing a face of disinterest, as i watched his mouth open and close, while he approached the two men.

I continued to watch his brown hair hug his pink ears, and further down to his strong looking jaw, and immediately i become enamored as i imagine his blue-green eyes again for the first time in forever.

"So..serene.." I sort of mumble to myself with a half-hearted sigh.

He looks towards my direction with a wide look on his face.

Then looking in my actual direction, he just stares at the house. Or was it me.

In his bright blue hoodie, he begins to cross the road, still looking in my direction with even a new look on his face. Lively. Purpose. No longer lost.

Oh no.

In panic, i pull the velvet back in place, and let out a nervous pause of breath as i listen for his movement.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!" His feet pound the outside of the porch.

Does he actually remember that i liv- "Maverick! Come back over here! We got more boxes to unload!" I then hear that familiar rough voice of his dad's, and carefully poking my fingers though the velvet, i see him up close facing me.

In his blue hoodie, blue jeans, and black shoes, he stared back at his dad, his hand stopped inches from knocking on the door.

"But. Dad, i believe Eileen lived here." I then hear his lovely, even casual sounding tone of a voice, say with slight annoyance.

His dad across the street puts his large hands on his hips, his hand moving annoyingly.

"Son. If you wanted to date Eileen , you had all the time in the world before we moved!" I hear his dad hollar, as Maverick's face tightened up in slight embarrassment.

"Dad!" I hear him yell, while i lightly giggle at Maverick's reaction, yet at the same time, i wondered on that thought.

If i were his girlfriend. That would be amazing..No, what the heck is the matter with me?

I shake my head at my thoughts, yet still watched.

He turns back around, and reaching his hand up, he slams it down once.

"Knock!" The door moaned, as Maverick's hand made contact with the door, but before the second one could come, he stops again.

"Maverick ! Boxes! Eileen may not even live there!" His Dad then yelled, as he stops his fist upon the door, and looks down for a moment with a sort of stray look, as if thinking.

"Fine...But i just know she lived here." Maverick muttered to himself, as he begrudgingly walked across the street, and stopped in front of his father again.

I sigh in a huge amount of relief, and in one final moment i take a glimpse of him picking up a box, before i decide to walk away from the door.

He almost found me.

The thought hits me with a huge amount of weight. But, why so nervous?

"Why am i so nervous?" I mutter, as i reach the nicely decorated kitchen, where vast amounts of cabinets wore a classical wood finish, and the limestone counters shared face with the reflecting titled floor.

Grabbing ahold of the large fridge's metal arm, i yank it open, searching around the various foods, trying to find my favorite drink since i was little. Qartx Mixout.

The name was strange immediately to anyone who found it at the stores, or markets, and well, that's how it grew to be very popular amongst nearly everyone.

I finally spot the large bluish-purple container hiding in its usual hiding spot way in the back, where it always somehow gets to, and grabbing it, i close the door.

While messing with the box of what i thought was divine, my thoughts are soon interrupted.

"Hey Eileen! *Bang!* Sweetheart!" Mom's voice called out, as the front door swung open to her.

"Hi." I murmur half absently, while my hand twiddled with my drink.

I meet those familiar dopey brown eyes of hers, as she places a few groceries down onto the counter, and she stares at me for a moment.

Noticing, i look at her with a tight stare, not because i hated her, but more of, i knew well when someone was trying to read my face.

"Aw Eileen, my little girl. Always trying to do what i did with your father.." Mom sighs slightly, her hands flying in a happy manner, while moving to the fridge placing a few groceries inside.

"..I know well of that look, Eileen ." She then lisped with a knowing smile.

"That's the look your trying to give someone, when you clearly don't want them knowing what you really were thinking about. The one that lies." Mom then says with a glint in her eyes, while grabbing one of my locks of Brown hair with gentle ease, caressing it.

"Go away. You and Dad are always wrong about how i feel." I sort of snap, causing Mother to give her rarely, if ever used, stern face, as she continues to stay in front of me.

"Eileen. You always say one thing in one hour, and then another in the next. The same old game, you teenagers play and play over and over until it's not funny anymore." Mom then said in a condescending tone, yet a smile rose to her weathered cheeks, as if reflecting on it.

"I was just like you when i was a teenager. So nasty, bratty, and trying to seem like some sort of tough girl." Mom sighed as she finally leaves me alone, to go to her post of dish duty, grabbing a plate, yet looking at me still.

"But deep down, you are doing it because someone is making you afraid. Afraid to show your true self. That more well mannered, feminine, swee-"

"-I get it mom." I say with a annoyed tone as i grab my drink and go for the stairs.

I hear my mother's tongue click upon my sudden departure.

"Mother like Daughter. There's somebody that's got you so.. defensive..Arrogant.. Bo-"

"-Mom! If you wanted to write a book or something, do it in the study room!" I spout while rushing up the stairs, to at least, escape my interrogation.

Finally reaching the top, i glide across the wooden floorboards, and over into my still open room.

Immediately, i shut the door behind me, and lean my back into it as i stare at my room.

"Geez why can't she leave me alone at boys?" I say directly to my goldfish, who clearly doesn't care about or understand anything i am saying.

I sigh.

"Why did he move back in the first place?" I say to myself, as i find the energy to climb onto my bed and pulling a blind, i get a rough view of their house.

Why? The question lingered again.

I've known him since we were babies. Toddlers. Kids. And, the final years of childhood.

Why is it so different now?

"Eileen !" I hear his voice for moment, and nearly, just nearly, i jerk up in response.

But it was in my head. A much more silly, childish calling from the past.

I close my eyes as i slowly lay down into bed, thinking about his voice again, and again, though while doing this, i unknowingly, dozed off into sleep.

"Eileen ! Come on! You said you would be coming with us to trick or trick!" His voice then murmured into my deep dark slumber.

I feel my feet stutter at the door.

Halloween. October 31st, one year before he moved. We were both thirteen.

"Eileen . Are you coming with?" Another voice said with a slight plea in their tone.

Two weeks before, out of nowhere, i started liking him more than usual. Beyond the simple words of ''Friends''.

"Um..sure..Totally!" I heard myself reply in a barely-masked tone of nervousness.

At my response, one of our party members jumps with glee and with that followed, a enlightened conversation starts amongst the group.

I meet Maverick's eyes, more awkwardly midway, He then smiles as i feel a jab in my heart.

¨Well.¨ Isaac finally says with a his great grin, ¨Candy can't be hunted when we are here on our booties.¨

Maverick earns a enthusiastic voice of approval from the group, as they start turning around, and walk down the dark, yet somewhat busy sidewalk.

I stare down at my hastily done costume, where strands of toilet paper hang off my limbs.

It was a last minute choice.

¨Eileen .¨ I hear Marrick call, making me look up to his semi-worried face.

¨What's with the gum face?¨ Maverick says with a caring tone, while attempting to look deeply into my eyes.

I try to keep my nervousness concealed.

¨Nothing. Nothing to worry about.¨ I say with a false smile spreading to my lips, making Maverick twist his head in a suspicious way..

He grabs my hand unexpectedly, making my chest swell, as he starts leading us back towards the group.

In the sweat-breaking silence between us, we pass a few trick or treaters, and the large spooky decorations of two houses nearby, before we eventually catch up to the group.

When we do finally catch up, Maverick slowly lets go of my hand, even looking at my eyes as he does it. I felt a surge in my stomach, as my cheeks blushed slightly.

But as soon as i feel my cheeks light on fire, i look down in embarrassment.

Finally, though, we as a group were now walking in a frenzied state of happiness, while discussing many topics close and aboard of Halloween.

But i couldn't help shake the feelings of what i had a moment ago, while at the same time, it felt like eyes were on me.

Glancing up, i see Maverick Staring off towards a heavily web-covered house, while two other people of our group, glance up at the yellowed full moon, which only left the last two people in our group of six.

Jason, wearing a Nordic warrior's outfit, donned with a Nordic helm, and welding around a stupid plastic axe, is a short dark brown-eyed blonde, with maybe a IQ of forty, who always tends to be morinc in the worst ways possible.

Then Felicity, an even shorter, light brown eyed girl, sporting a witch's tunic, where a pointy purple hat rests upon her black hair. Also known as my friend.

"Heyyyyy!" Jason shouts with a wry grin, only one tooth present, as he walks over making me give him the very first scowl of the day.

Following behind the big lard, Felicity, stops besides him, and gives me a gentle smile.

Hey, Eileen ." She says with a wave, while patting down her tunic.

"How's it going Eileen !! You need some saving from a Nordic ma-" Jason starts, but i scowl again, even raising my voice.

"-I will break my foot off in your face if you even try to "save me." I snap to the now wary Nord warrior.

Felicity gives me a stare, even directing her eyes towards the others. A stare i only understood.

"Anyways.., Jason, you can stop cowering like an idiot now." I say, scratching my soft pink ear, to so called "Brave Nord man".

He lowers his axe, and with a frown says "I am no coward, for every single raider shall be killed by my hand alone!" He then bellows, while eagerly searching the streets for his next "Raider".

"That's Jason for you, but anyways, what are you supposed to be?" Felicity questions, with a very confused look on her face.

I look timidly down at my hastily put together "costume".

It was supposed to be a mummy or something. Yet it was a last second decision.

All strewn across my arms, and barely even contained to my legs, was your average toilet paper, and further up, was my clearly showing yellow long-sleeve t-shirt, and my knee-long blue skirt, that i didn't bother taking off.

"Well..i.." I murmur with a slight timid voice.

Felicity stares hard at my eyes, clearly ready for a answer.

"..I didn't think about going out this year..and well this was a last minute effort design." I say with a higher and more embarrassed tone, making Jason give me a grin.

"Well..that's ..oka-"

"-I never heard Eileen sound as cute as a princess in distress!" Jason then bellows, completely cutting off Felicity, and dragging the entire group's attention over to us.

I give him a even bigger scowl, and stare daggers at him, while Maverick and the other two come over with curious stares.

"What's with the yelling?" Maverick asks, as Jason sort of holds his fake axe up in defense, giving him a smile.

"Oh. Eileen's just being a very salty bandit." Jason waves his axe around with a simple toothy grin, and looks at me, maybe expecting a outburst.

I feel a blush hit my cheeks, as he calls me that, while Maverick gives both of us a confused look, his nose visibly twitching in response.

"What?" He finally says with a look to Jason, a clear tone of uncertainty escaping his voice.

Jason processes what he said for a moment, or maybe was too dim-witted to figure out what he meant for a second, as he stood there silent.

"Oh..Eileen's just being really defensive in my advances." Jason says with an attempt of some sort of medieval man's voice, even bowing slightly.

Maverick's face holds a very perplexed look for a second, but finally his blue-green eyes flex with a glimmer, as if understanding.

"Oh. So you're hitting on her?" Maverick says with a straight face, and in a very blunt tone.

I give Maverick a wide eyed look, while Jason chuckles at that statement, earning a few awkward stares from the group.

"Hitting on her? Are you crazy? She's practically a rattlesnake on ponce mode, whenever you say anything about her." Jason finally says, trying to hold a straight face.

Maverick still looked utterly confused, while the others sort of nodded in agreement.

Did i mention Maverick doesn't exactly know me in a different sense?

"For instance." Jason clears his throat. "Eileen's beautiful green eyes stand out in the limelight of the great forbidding yellow moon on this very Halloween night." He says with a very medieval-like phrasing to it, while i try not to scowl at him.

Maverick sort of shoots Jason a look of concern, while the ginger-looking guy in our group, who wore a hooded suit, looked at Jason, smiling.

"You should of been a jester or something this year." He then said with a grin.

Jason then looks at him, trying to avoid my clearly hostile eyes, saying "Fear not! I shall be our legendary Nord-jester of the year! Now, let's go!"

And with that said in a meaningfully stupid medieval phrase, Jason takes the lead in running down the street after the comb-webbed house.

"Of course you run you coward." I mutter, as i run after him with a frown, while the others begin to also pursue Jason.

The first house was a large bluish-grey two story building, where lots of fake cobwebs hung to its shape, and mainly fake limbs of sorts laid strewn about the yard.

While the others, who were surprisingly taking their time walking up to the house, me and Jason were the first two amongst a ghost and vampire to be at the porch.

I stare hard at Jason as the door opens up to a older women in a bee-suit costume, her hair bouncing slightly atop her head in a happy manner.

"Aw. Just look at you guys!" she says as the rest of our group arrives at the door with a somewhat happy standing.

"Let's see what we have for this year!" She says digging about in her large red bag, pulling out wads of candy.

At the moment, i forget about Jason's crap, as we receive quite a good start for our Halloween candy collections, each of us receiving quite the amount of candy.

As she finishes handing out candy to everyone, she gives a cheeky smile saying "Happy Halloween! Don't let the undead get you!" and as she says that the limbs in the yard start crawling slowly across the ground.

With a small smile, our group crosses the limb infested yard with some fun, while the little ghost and vampire that were with us, shirk and run back over to their happy looking parents, earning a good snicker from our group.

We step out into the large road again, where now lots of people roamed in various of costumes and suits.

"Well then." Jason finally says holding his axe up.

"I guess this is where we go into our own raiding groups nearby, and meet back up at CenterField park as planned?" Jason says with a questioning look escaping his dark brown eyes.

Maverick for once, understands his gibberish, and says "Of course, just don't be raiding for too long. After all you'll have to get back home before eleven 0 clock."

Everyone in our group starts pairing together.

Felicity and i believe Matt, the ginger-haired guy wave, before going off together, while the now running off samurai warrior, Chris, appears to be going solo, leaving Jason, Maverick , and me.

Jason looks at us both with excitement.

"Oh this is going to be great Maverick ! Think of all the loot in our conquest!" Jason says while pretending to rub his "axe" with his imaginary beard.

Maverick smiles, even saying "Well of course, it's Halloween after all..but that way of talking is going to confuse us all night at the rate you're going." Isaac then says pointing at Jason's gear in emphasis.

Jason gives a small frown.

"Come on it's fitting with the costume, and we love playing that game all about-"

"-Yes Jason, i know. But tonight until we meet back up with the group, tone it down a little." Maverick says cutting Jason off with a calm tone.

Jason grumbles slightly, but finally looks up to both of us.

"Fine." His voice goes to a normal average tone as he responds slightly upset.

"So i guess it's just the three of us then?" Jason asks, who points to the now disappearing duo.

Maverick scratches his neck while saying "Yeah, Chris is not much of a fan waiting when it comes to Halloween night."

"Well if Eileen's fine with it then i am." Jason says, casting a eye at me, making Maverick stare at me too.

"Sure..Butthead." I say with a small frown, making Jason smile.

"Yessh!" Jason says, even fist pumping the air with his axe, as Maverick shakes his head slightly with a smile.

We then began our journey from house to house, where many cobwebs, skeletons, and gravestones stood.

Stepping down another set of steps, that led to a porch, all three of us walk down the cobblestone path, our bags starting to gain quite the weight.

It was almost ten o'clock, and yet it's only been nearly two hours, yet i was having so much fun.

Despite Jason pulling his Nordic stunt every now and then, Maverick tended to talk to me about Halloween or even about me and my friends.

"Jason's an idiot sometimes i know." Maverick says with a smile, while Jason, completely unaware of our conversation swings his axe in front of himself for fun.

"Does he like have..a brain problem or something?" i asked with a semi-serious tone.

Maverick shook his head at my question. " No. He just really likes messing with you, that's all."

I give him a questioning stare upon his answer.

"What? I can't answer exactly why he does it. He just does it to everyone, and often tells me it's fun messing with you." Maverick says with a small smile.

"How so?" I feel my more defensive side kick on as my hands go for my hips.

Maverick lets a slightly bemused expression escape his face.

"Like..How your so defensive about yourself..or more of your inner motives and feelings." Maverick says, even giving me a honest stare in my eyes, as if he knew well.

"He always says things like that." I say, trying to push back the sudden feelings from earlier, and my current headed feelings.

He slows down slightly, his pace matching the dragging of his golden-like robe.

I believed he was some sort of monk or something this year, now that i noticed the obvious markings on his cheeks.

"Everyone says that though." Maverick says with a neutral expression, finally ending my silent thoughts.


"Everyone doesn't know me." I say with a slight amount of tension escaping my voice, as i feel my feelings slip out.

Maverick stops, watching Jason completely and utterly unaware, wander off without us.

He looks at the large moon for a second, as if thinking, yet troubled, then to the large large houses towards the left.

"Eileen ." He finally says with a low tone.

I look at him with a badly masked expression of worry.

"I didn't want to tell everyone this,'s a really bad time to say,but..i am moving. Moving back to California." Maverick said, even relaxing a bit, as he takes that information off his shoulders, and unknowingly gives me a massive burden.

I feel my lips gape slightly, as i stare at him disbelief.

"..I know. It's just dad and his stupid job. Always having to move because of it."

His voice begins to murmur in and out, as i repeat his last grave words.

"Moving back to California." Nonononono!

"..And yeah..i can't do anything about it." Maverick says as i focus back on his lost looking face.

"But what about Jason, Felicity, Chris, and the others?" I ask with a slightly tensed tone, my own feelings starting to escape it's tiny cell.

"They'll know. I told Jason already. But, yeah...Anyways Eileen .." Maverick explained, but towards the end, he leans into my face.

"Yea?" I say with a slight blush to my cheeks as i feel his warm breath hit my face.

He grabs my arm, and then pulls me into a hug.

"..I'll see you again. Someday.." Maverick murmurs, as he looks back the way we came and starts walking away, but halfway he stops.

He turns to me with a unknown expression. "Eileen.. Always be you. Never let that change." Maverick then said, and with a frown, he starts walking down the road alone, passing a few trick or treaters.

I felt a weld of tears hang in my eyes, as i attempt to wipe them away, even feeling my chest sting with a painful tremble.

Slowly walking over the sidewalk, i sit down onto the concrete edge of it, and put my hands in my lap. I then felt a slight sob escape me.

Then another and another. I never felt so miserable, horrible, or just angry before.

I remember, after my bawling, i did eventually find Jason after i calmed down, and we did go to the park as planned, yet it wasn't great.

Despite all the laughter, excitement, and happiness of us five sharing our "loot"that night, i couldn't help feel cold. Very cold on the inside, and it never left me.

Never did.

"Thump!" I hear my foot slam into the wooden frame of my bed, after failing off, making me wince my groggy eyes, trying to force myself out of bed.

It was a dream. Just a dream. He's not here. Can't be.

I prop myself up, and strain my still semi-awoken eyes to the other of the street, staring hard at the large two story house.

In the dark lighting of the moon's reflection, and moving dark green bushes nearby, i could recognize that old blueish Jeep his dad drove, it's right side missing a slight strip of paint on it's door, the metal gleaming at me from across the road.

Nope. I am wrong.

I feel my eyes narrow with a harsh stare. Then soften.

Why the hell was this a tug of war, in my own feelings department?

Over the span of two years, somehow he's come back, and so much has changed.

Jason has become some genius of some sort, Chris acts like such a dick now, Felicity acts all weird now, and lastly i have become a major ass in a way.

Not that i was already, i feel the need to say rude things to anyone, for any reason now.

Mainly the guys, as i always get a dude approaching me, with a wide grin, thinking they can get me to date them.

High School sucks, and Middle school sucked after Maverick left halfway.

After his disappearance, our group hangouts fell apart, Chris, again, became some sort of dick who'd always talk openly about getting me as a girlfriend, or even claiming he's "tamed the beast", and Jason as said before, became some sort of smart guy.

It was weird. But, it felt mostly horrible, just from how our group burned out.

Why is being a soon to be Sophomore hard?

A soon to be sixteen year-old with no idea what she's going to do with her life.

Three years, or more of two years being gone, and he's back.

I barely even recognized him.

'Hopefully he doesn't recognize me.' I hear my voice say in my head, making me frown.

'We are a much bigger pain in the ass than we used to be. Horrible.' I hear my inner thoughts say, making me sort of nod my head in agreement.

I was right. Consciously and unconsciously aware of my shitty attitude, shitty relationships, and shitty behavior.

I became worse after he left.

But, yet despite my harsh actions, sometimes; Ive grown into a "beauty" as mom puts it.

I walk over to the tall purplish standing mirror of mine, looking at myself.

I met my green eyes with a frown, as i skimmed over my light freckled cheeks, somewhat pouting lips, and the vibrant chestnut brown hair of mine, my ears poking out of it, as it reached my breasts.

I was nearly C cup. I felt the weight of my breasts with a little strain, despite the bra i had on.

My eyes went further down to my feminine waist, where my girly hips, and derriere complimented it.

I was like some sort of picture perfect girl from those stupid high school movies, who was a asshole to everyone, and hung out with the popular jerks.

I thought Karma had it's way with things? Like it got you when you were in the act.

Or was it just waiting for me to least suspect the storm?

"Great." I mutter to myself, while i finally take the effort to look at the clock. It was ten o'clock, and i somehow slept for ten hours.

I peek through the blinds again, with a slight frown on my face.

And, with a slow gentle movement, i grab the edge of the black end-table near the edge of my bed, and yank open the small covert, revealing those long forgotten memories, that managed to get captured forever.

A series of pictures sat plainly in front of my eyes, as i grabbed them, looking at the images with a small spark of interest.

From group pictures, to our birthday parties, then to simple days of us enjoying ourselves spanned out, as i spread the pictures.

Then i ran into a picture of Maverick , and me, smiling.

"Shit.." I mutter, the foul word slipping from my lips, unconsciously, as i hid it back under the stack with a odd feeling in my stomach.

I laid back down, frowning more at the that picture i kept envisioning in my head.

"Tomorrow's school." I said to myself, looking at the calendar, that read August 24th, Sunday, a large ugly red X across its face.

"What am i going to do?" My voice echoed in my head, and at the same to time, i muttered pitifully.

"He'll find out, and you know it." I heard my thoughts spout, a tip of spite slipping out.

"He doesn't know." I say to myself, trying to reassure the part of me, that is mildly nerved by my own thoughts.

"I'll think of something. Surely." I reassured myself, as i then laid back down, and tried to sleep in my troubled thoughts.

" You have responsibilities Eileen. Being royalty and making sure you'll be a good heir, is hard. But, telling me you don't care much for that life, and wanting to be here is strange to me." Mom said to me, as we sat across from each other in the dining room.

I looked at her , uninterested and tiredly, as she gave me a frown.

"Your dad and me, thought every child would want that, or at least, that's what the movies told me. Your quite a unique girl, Eileen."

"But, refusing to accept the fact, that your going to be the future of our family, is pure proof that we may have failed to teach you the importance of all of it." Mom said, clasping her hands , holding them still, while looking at my bored face.

She then grabs that strange bag she had dragged out, it's tattered dulled fabric, straining with whatever was in it, and starts digging through it.

"Where are..oh there they are." My mother muttered, looking up me with a small smile.

Her hand drops a large weird looking blue, yet shiny looking stick, that curved into a diamond, a key, and what i assumed was old paper.

She looks up at me with a mixed face.

"I thought telling you this would be appropriate when you turned eighteen, but it appears that sooner is better."

She grabbed the blue diamond-like stick.

"This. This, is a special artifact, or more of a heirloom of the family. It poses great power. Power beyond normal." My mother said, as her fingers glaceed the edges of the blue diamond.

I felt my brow raise with a questioning look, even more of 'You gotta be kidding me look'.

Which explained her narrowed stare.

"Eileen. This is no game. No fantasy. This heirloom, is a ancient object capable of bringing the magic out of one's soul. If they are capable of course." She then stood up, and walked over to me.

She let her hand flexed, as she let the heirloom fall into my lap.

"Take a hold of it. That is all i need to see." My mother said in a strange tone.

I looked down at the heirloom. Grab it? That's it?

I felt my nimble fingers grasp the odd stick, and i held it up.

It was surprisingly light, but then it glowed with a blue hue, nearly startling me as i looked at mother.

Her face was icy. Or ghastly, as she silently reached over, and grabbed it from my hands.

"What? You said grab it." I said with a simple tone, as she walked back over to her side of the table, and put the heirloom down.

"It's been so long since I've heard blue coming up as a color... I have to go ask your father something..We'll talk about this later." Mother said, abruptly grabbing the bag, and putting everything back in the bag.

Only to leave, without another word. Ah. This dream, despite it being real, always confused me.

But instead of moving on in the weird, mysterious world of dreaming, i sat there, feeling odd.

Like i was being watched, and not only did i feel the now hot sweat drip down my body,it felt like eyes were on me.

"Hey." I hear a voice. But not just any plain voice of a dream. One clear as day.

As if in reality.

The strange world went blank, as i felt my mind kick into override, a jumping, clenching taking of my surprised heart.

I felt myself surge up from my bed, my eyes going wide, while i searched the darkly lit room.

Jesus. I felt my mind share the same thought, as my panicked heart slowed down, upon the confirmation no one was here. Yet, again the night never made me comfortable. Yet i was never afraid when Maverick was around.

He was a light in my world. So long ago he was.

I shake my head at my surging, yet personal fanatics, and stare at the clock.

3 a.m, yet again, school was later, not here yet, despite the dread i felt for it.

I'll just have to see in the morning, it can't possibly be the end of the world.

I'll just see tomorrow.

And, closing my eyes again, i try to sleep again, the night's uncomfortable yet gentle atmosphere catching me again, as a gentle howl of the wind somehow relaxes me.

"Suhhhh!!".."Suh!" The wind howls slowly, catching and whispering to my ears, and finally, that blessed ''sleep'' gets me.

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In a future too far for human numbers, on a gigantic biomechanical planet, four souls awake, trapped inside android bodies, and search for the truth...
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I'm so doomed... How am i supposed to live with a very annoying human being. He is going to drive me crazy! If I have to count how many times I've sa...
48 21 7
this story is about a scientist in Antarctica slowly losing his sanity I can feel the corners of my lips tug upwards and before I know it, I'm cackli...
335 72 28
Having faith in something that literally isn't there but is is tiring. Also, the world hates you and you have to fight against the one thing you can'...