Chapter 2 A strange cycle

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The large white ceiling stared into my cold eyes, as i thought hard about the events of today.

We just moved back. Yet, i cannot help but feel stuck again. This cycle and it's-

"Erghh! Erghh!" The sudden sound of that dang shutter outside of the window, catches my attention, as i stand up immediately, walking over the window.

"Erghh! Erghh! Shuhhh!" The Shutter banged as i opened the window to a blast of wind, trying to somehow close the shutter or atleast stop it.

I stare hard at the grained green wood of the shutter's nails, and cast my eyes down for a second, spotting dad's old Jeep, but a faint yet detectable light across from me grabs my eye's focus.

I stared hard at the light that emitted from that yellow house. The memories, the yet old surging pain. Eileen's old place, or maybe her current residence.

"Who are you kidding? Yourself?" I mutter at myself, even feeling a spiteful hiss escape my lips.

It's been a really long time. And i remember how rushed things were on Halloween that day.

Yet you lie. We already know.

How she was being her usual-well more of being awkward about something, and how i had to tell her i was leaving; But not for good.

If i knew. If i just knew how to break the-It's just not time yet. I can't worry about it now.

I stare hard at the house longer. I know she's there. I've known again and again.

Ever since that day, i  met her, it's like she's become different.

But the past is the past. I can't really- or i just don't want to do anything about it.

I can't.

The amount of things i need to get done, and if i don't do it...

I..just need to sleep.

Sleep always works.

Maverick stared at the house with his eagle eyes one last time, and sighing he then closed the window, and went back to laying down. Yet, his eyes still laid on that very house. The house he clearly knew where she was.

Maverick's eyes slowly settled, while watching the house, as if watching, and finally his faint sounds of slumber came after long hours of waiting for something.

Something, that he knew well, bothered him.

"Ringggggg!" The loud sound of that familiar alarm clock, causes my tired eyes to flush open with pain, and with a unexpected surge of energy, i flip the alarm off, now staring at it's glaring face.

It's morning. And it begins.

I rush up to the window again, and look outside to her house. She's fine right?

I need to get ready anyway.

I go through my route of finding my jeans, hoodie, and remember something else, as i feel her pendent in pocket.

I flip around and see the pendent, as i pick it out of my pocket, staring at it hard.

It was a scorpion encased in special plastic, and had metal letters, faded with a red tint, that spelled out ''Eileen".

I shivered looking at it. It was a object that somehow came with me, from before;a walking nightmare that- I need to stop.

I can't forget though.

Despite this, i put it around my neck, and started pulling on my jeans, then my old hoodie, those two hideous tears in the back made me frown as yet again, memories surged.

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