By phelecia12

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Run. Run. Run...... What are you running from? Love. Life. Murder. ****** Cover by @footnoteofhappiness More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 29

91 14 2
By phelecia12

"What are you doing here" I damanded.

"Well, hello to you too?" The person said. Still handsome as ever with is chocolate brown eyes that left me in wonder since the last time I laid eyes on them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again, "Why am I here?"

"You don't rememder?" he asked, standing at the door looking at me with uncertainty.

"No," I replied, staring at him.

"Maybe I should get the doctor," he told me and left through he door before I could get anything else out.

Once he is out of my sight, I sucked in deep breath calming my self and my race heart. 'What is he doing here?' I thought I would never see him again, not after he promise to come see again, but didn't. Seeing him again, I don't know how to feel about it. Should I feel happy seeing him again or angry because he went back on his promise. God, he makes my heart beats so fast, hearing the door opening I snap out of the thoughts that now possess my mind.

A man in a white coat entered with a stethoscope around his neck and a clip board in hand, he must be the doctor. Hearing the door closed I glanced behind him to see the same person again staring at me.

"Ozaria," The man in the white coat said, drawing my attention back to him. "I am Dr. Francis,"

I nod in acknowledgment as he steps closer to my bed. "How do you feel?" he asked.

"Sore, everywhere is so sore and it aches," I told him shifting slight to get more comfortable.

He asked me lots more question as he examine me by checking my eyes and vital signs. While explaining all that he is doing and about what he is going to do. I answered his questions as best as I could, until he asked if I remembered the accident or any thing that relates to what had transpired before the accident. Which I shoke me head 'No' it and told him I can't remember, my mind comes up blank.

"That's ok. It's temporary amnesia. Your memory will come back over time, no need to worry about it. Maybe it's best not to remember too, your brain could be protecting you from remembering the traumatic accident. Since you have been in coma for the pass ten weeks," Dr. Francis says.

I gasp loudly. The only thing I gather from what he said was 'coma' 'ten weeks'. My mind ran with possibles and all that could of occur in those ten weeks of me being in a coma. But who looks after Rose? where did she stay? these are the questions that now plague my mind. I could heard the heart monitor in the back ground beeping wildly and voices telling my to calm down. A warm, comforting hand grasp mine pulling me from the last trance I was in, causing me to snap my eyes up to the chocolate ones that stare down into my own.

Lost in these eyes, I faintly hear him commanding the doctor to leave us, then the door being softly closed. Seeing him again the attraction I thought had died for him seems to have awaken. Rose stirred in my arms causing me to snap my attention from the man in front of me to her. She found her comfort spot again as she settles down sleeping.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I was the one who brought you here, I was there the day of the accident. I tried getting to you faster, I thought you were going to die. I... I," He said, pain dropped from his voice as he failed to continue his sentence.

"You were there? What happened?" I demanded.

"The doctor said maybe it's best you don't know, don't remember...." I cut him off, grabbing his hand, "Tell me! I need to know," I begged him.

"Okay," He said defeated as he signs deeply, "What do you last remember?"

Searching my mind, I focus hard to recall anything at all. "Going to work and my day at work, that's it. I don't remember anything else"

He sat on my bed with my hands still locked with his. He was a bit hesitant then he started, "You were driving home when you were attacked by rouge wolves," He stopped gaging my reaction.

"Wolves?" I questioned looking at him.

"Rouge wolves ......" He continued, but I didn't hear what he said after that. It's as if a light switch went off in my head as imagines after imagines flooded my mind causing me to gasp harshly.


The dark road stretch of road seem to go on for mile. Driving this late only one car had pass me up the road. Trees can be seen at either side of the road, thick and dark. It makes my skin crawl at how dangerous and deadly it looks, reminds me of a horror movie I watch once. 'Wrong Turn' I think the name was, it scared me shitless but didn't stop me from watching it and others.

Rose snoring softly combined with the low R&B song playing on the radio.

Something caught the corner of my eye running. Turning to get a better glimpse of what it was, I saw nothing. Maybe it was my imagination. Well that's what I thought until I focus back on the road ahead.

I saw a naked man two meters in front of me. Stepping on the brakes, I grip the steering wheel praying to God I don't hit him. Just as the car is slowing down, something big crash into the side of the car. Sending it into a spinning spiral. The car spin and skid off the road until it hit a tree stopping it.

When sudden a big black wolf jumped on the car bennet. The car shakes as Rose scream and my eyes widen.

"I a-am Sc-scared Z-Zaria," She cried. Then scream when another growl erupts from the rouge-looking wolf chest. The wolf's front paws hit the wind shield hard jerking the car causing Rose to jump and scream even louder as it tried to break through

Just as the wolf was about dive it's large head in, out of no where a bigger brown coated wolf launch at him knocking off my car. The car shakes as they tumbled off rolling in the dirt, snarling and biting at each other.

Before I could turn to looks at what's happening another wolf with red eyes replace the first, where it was on my car. Without hesitation the wolf launch at my face giving me seconds to turn it away. Unbearable pain radiated from my left shoulder where the wolf latch onto, causing me to scream out in pain.

Everything around me is spinning and all I can feel is pain. Black dots cloud my vision as I hear footsteps running towards me, but I tried to blink it away and keep my eyes open. Unable in being successful I breath, "Rose" in a whisper as my world turns black.

End of Flashback

Hands grasp my shoulder shaking my slightly, snapping me to reality as my senses came back. "Hey, snap out off it," I heard him say.

"I remember," I whispered. "I remember" Holding Rose tighter, I look down at her. "I remember how scared she was. I remember everything,"

I feel tears slipping out the corner of my eyes mixed with the swear that bathes my face rolling down. I can't believe we were so close to death. I am crying because I couldn't protect Rose from what had happened, what she must have seen and felt. I am crying because I wasn't there for her during those ten weeks I was in coma and finally I am crying because I am so happy that we are both okay.

The stranger whose name I still didn't know whispered words of comfort and then everything will be okay. He tried taking Rose from my arms but I shoke my head 'no', so he let me be. A while later I had calm down a bit and the tears stopped flowing.

"I was the other wolf, who knocked of the first," He told me with uncertainty watching my face as if thinking I would scream out and pull away, but I didn't, I didn't show any reaction or emotion to is statment.

"I figured," I told him. He looked at me with emotions I could not disiper and confusion, so I went on explaining how I knew, "It was night in the middle of practically nowhere and you said you were there. I figured you must have been the other wolf who saved me"

"Your not freaked out by this at all?" he asked in disbelieved.

"No" I replied simply while shugging. "I have been through too much to be shock at this," I murmured lowly to myself. It seems he heard as well as he gazed at me pluzzed, I could see the questions in his eyes that he wanted to asked about what I had just murmured, but decided against it and I couldn't have been more thankful.

"I am surpised you are not afriad of me and that you know about werewolves," He says shunned.

"I have a friend," He seems ready to question me about that said friend, but seeing the look on my face he didn't.

"You do know I still don't know your name, the person who saved both mine and Rose's life?"

"Oh, ah sorry. It's Marcus, Marcus Dimitri," Marcus told me proudly.

"Marcus," I whispered, testing it out on my tongue. Macus eyes zoom in on my lips as him name slips from them once more. He clench his jaw as if in strain or holding himself back.

Marcus then told me about what had happen after the attack, how he and his maid Isa looked after Rose. How they visited me everyday and all that happened in the two months and two weeks I had been in a coma. I nod and listen to all that he had said and asked question so my own, which he answered.

By the end I could hear the crickets and other night creatures singing night was near as the sun descends below the horizen drawing night nearer. Not once had Rose stirred again, she must have been pretty tired.

"Thank you for saving our life Marcus, how can I ever repay you for what you have done?" I said softly, "I am truly sorry we put you through so much and I am even more sorry for taking you away from your normal life"

"But you are my life Ozaria," He told me, cutting me med-sentence. So much emotion pass through his eyes, pain, love, admiration, guilt, loneliness and so much more. 'why is he feeling all this? why is he feeling this for me? what does he have to feel guilty for?' but the only thing that leave my lips is.

"What?" I feel so confused by his statment.

"You Ozaria is my life," He says again slowly, "You became the most important thing in my life from the moment I first saw you"

"At the restaurant?" I asked.

"Yes my love, from that moment I knew who you were," Marcus told me, gazing into my eyes with love.

I felt afraid to ask because I had a feeling what the answer would be, but I asked anyway, "Who was I?" my breath quicken as well as my heart beat upon what he told my next.

"You my dear is my MATE," he answered smiling brightly.

But that's not what caused me to gasp and pulled my hands away. It's was what Marcus did not asked, but demanded after.

"We are leaving for my pack right away"


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