Final Fantasy VII: Something...

By Levi_Erenzz

111 0 0

A girl named, Ally had always been bullied for the strange marking on her right arm and her mother and father... More

|The Dream|
/The New World\
Chapter Four: The Dreams

The Girl With The Mark~

42 0 0
By Levi_Erenzz

Ally walked down the hallway of her school. Some of the kids pointed and laughed. Other whispered to each other. It was a hard life for Ally. She had a star marking on her right arm. The kids said it was weird and called her 

"Alien girl." 

The teachers didn't even help her with the bullying. They just watched and laughed as poor Ally got bullied. Ally wished to get away from this world!! To be somewhere she was wanted! To go on adventures! Meet new people! Find a home! But....she was stuck in this stupid little town where everybody thinks she's a Alien! All she had was herself....she was alone.....her parents left her to rot.....nobody wanted her....because of her mark....she was forever alone and it killed night she cried herself to sleep....she wonder why she was hated so much by everyone she met....she wasn't different then other people! She was human! And yet....she was treated like some kind of monster! She was shunned, kicked, and sometimes even hit by people! There was nowhere she could go to escape this horrible fate! But one night...she had a dream...

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