Beautiful Scars (Kakashi Love...

By Gojou_Satoru_wife69

16K 486 162

[COMPLETE] When Sataki was really young she was tortured for unknown reasons by the guy known as the archer... More

hidden scrolls part 1
second hidden scroll
First hidden scroll
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four


2K 47 9
By Gojou_Satoru_wife69


Screams. Screams can be heard from a small girl. Her hair the color of blood in a mess, but her matching eyes hold no tears. She's in pain, but her face betrays that as she refuses to cry. Near her mouth you could see blood trickling down as blood oozes out of an open wound caused by the archer. Her screams seem to quiet down as she realized she is no longer being hit.

Her eyes wonder to the archer. Something is familiar about him, yet her small mind couldn't comprehend why. Blood dripping onto the dirt floor below, her mouth hangs open as she struggles to breathe. She takes this moment to observe him.

The archer, she notes, sits in a chair next to a table nearby cleaning his bow he had used to hit the small child as he chuckles. His black hair was in a low ponytail in the back. His piercing brown eyes caused the little girl to squirm uncomfortably. He smiled at this. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed seeing her squirm, she noticed.

She takes a moment to observe the situation at hand. Her wrists were bound by chains while she hung from the ceiling of the cell. Her feet were a good five feet off the ground. She struggles to breathe as she feels her head becoming extremely heavy and difficult to keep up. She is light headed and very pale from the blood loss.

She must have an infection somewhere because the poorly healed wounds all over her torso are beginning to throb. She holds in a whimper that so desperately wanted to come out.

She is barely hanging onto consciousness when footsteps are heard outside her cell. She wills herself to stay wake as she stares at the door of the cell that is rusty with a window made of iron bars.

The cell door opens creaking as to say "I'm in no condition to keep quiet. I need oil." Or it just needs to be replaced.

A man younger than the archer yet much older than the girl walks in. He had brown hair that covered his coal eyes. He walks up to the archer and tells the him in a deep tone that he is needed elsewhere and to let the girl be. "It's not like she'll live for much longer, but the boss says he needs her alive a little longer." His voice was cold and void of any emotion as she strained to hear.

"Oh alright." The archer's voice was deep and held annoyance in it. He didn't like leaving his toy unattended.

Altogether, he was an intimidating man. As the two walked out, they were suddenly thrown back. Blood was evident as the little girl realized they were killed. Her head becomes droopy as more blood falls to the ground, no longer coming from just her mouth, but the multiple wounds all over her torso as they reopened from the poor medical treatment she received a few hours ago.

The little girl hesitantly brought her face up all the while struggling to see if she could see who killed them. Maybe they would save her. Maybe they were from that leaf village the archer was always complaining about.

Maybe they were here to finally end her suffering. She would accept death with open arms. A chill running down her spine at the thought she managed to see whom she believed would be her death warrant.

But, the person the little girl saw, was a man with blonde hair. He had strands of hair framing his face. But the hair was not what caught the little girls attention. No. It was his unusually blue eyes. They held sorrow and pain.

He wouldn't put her to death, she thought as hope spiked anew within her core. He looked to be too kind to ever do such a thing.

The small child hoped he would save her. She didn't care if he was bad or good, all she knew was that she was going to get out of this wretched cell.

As her sight became blurred she willed herself to at least see where he was from. If he was a loyal shinobi or a rogue, she wanted to at least see that much.

He adorned the leaf headband allowing the little girl to realize he was indeed a leaf shinobi. The little girl was sure that she would be saved by this man as she gave a strained smile.

The man looked surprised and relieved as he noticed her smile. He walked up to the little girl grabbing the chains that held her prisoner and broke them as he got her down from the chains catching her before she could fall with a thud. The little girl couldn't keep her head up any longer and let it drop. Blotches covering her sight, she could barely stay awake let alone keep focus anymore.

His eyes held sadness in them as he took in her condition. He thought to how she smiled at him as he placed the little girl on his back. He figured she knew he would get her out of there. He couldn't explain it, he just could tell she knew. After he placed her on his back, she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her legs so she wouldn't fall off. It didn't long before she had blacked out.

The blonde ninja noticed this and said, "I promise you I will protect you." He was quiet as he looked to the red headed woman waiting for him down the hall. She looked worried when she saw the child hanging off her comrades back. Then a thought hit him. "I know. You can live with me." His smile was a genuine one as he thought of exactly how he was going to convince the Third Hokage to let her stay and how he would be a part of this little girl's life.

With that, he and his partner who had her hair in a ponytail, her grayish blue eyes held the pain and suffering she knew the child was in as they left for the leaf village. Their mission, to retrieve the victim, accomplished.


I could faintly hear the beeps of a heart monitor. 'I'm in a hospital. Maybe, just maybe, I have a place to stay,' I thought. I tried to open my eyes, but it was too painful. I could hear someone talking, but couldn't make out what was being said. But it was feminine, so a nurse most likely. If I'm in a hospital, it means I'm alive and I know I am breathing, so I know I am gonna be okay. I went to open my eyes, but all I could accomplish was to squint.

I tried to open my eyes once more to have a bright light blind me. I instinctively shut my eyes turning slightly to rid myself of the blinding light as a quiet groan escaped me.

"Well look who's finally waking up." It was the female voice I heard before. I went to open them again this time being victorious.

As I was finally able to open my eyes, I noticed she was indeed a nurse. I looked to the side as I heard the door open.

Next to the door, the man that saved me was leaning against the wall looking at me with relief evident in his eyes. He smiled a small smile, but it wasn't genuine. I could tell. The nurse turned as she finished checking my vitals and the rest of her check up with me to the ninja.

"Minato, now that she is awake, will you please get some sleep?" Once the words left her mouth I looked over at him and noticed that the ninja had bags under his eyes that said he indeed went a few days without sleep. 'He definitely needs rest' I thought as I looked with worry written on my face.

He looked to me his eyes widening a little.

"Minato," I tried to tell him he should rest, but as I said his name it came out strained and raspy from the lack of use over the past months I was spent in that cell.

"She speaks," Minato gave a genuine closed eye smile as the nurse spoke those words in relief.

Minato walked towards my hospital bed and knelt down. "Hello there, little red. What's your name?" He asked me.

Little red? Why is he calling me that? No one has ever liked my blood red hair. If anything, he should be calling me what my parents called me... Blood fiend. Or maybe monster, blood demon? But no, I got a cute nickname. Maybe if I tell him my name he'll understand.

"Sataki." I said with less strain. "My name's Sataki." I couldn't bring myself to tell him my last name. I flinched as I waited for it.

But when I took a chance at a peak, I widened my eyes in surprise. He was smiling at me, no judgment, no look of disapproval. "Well, Sataki, what do you say? You want to try staying with me at my place?" I didn't get it, he was still being nice to me. But I let that go as I soon realized something.

I squinted my eyes in suspicion. "What's the catch?" I asked my voice still raspy. The nurse laughed as he gave me water to drink.

"Aren't you a smart one. In return for you living here, the Hokage asked that you join in the academy to become a ninja."

The nurse spoke this but Minato didn't like her response. I could tell by the way he looked at her. But it wasn't the response. No, not the response. He hated how she said it. Like I was to be a tool here, a weapon here. I drank the water as a thought hit me. 'What if they already know of my bloodline limit?' I finished drinking the water he gave me as I gave her a sceptical look deciding to keep that at the back of my mind.

Minato looked back to me giving me a small smile. He knew I understood.

My eyes widened as I subconsciously brought a finger to my face where the cursed scar is. Suddenly, the thought of going outside with such a scar on display came to mind. I don't want anyone asking where I got it from. I don't think that I would be able to handle it.

Minato noticed this and brought out some bandages and wrapped it around my face to cover the scar. The bandages went up to the bridge of my nose. "Better?" he asked. I nodded my head. How did he do it? I wonder how he somehow managed to know what I was thinking.

This wasn't the first time either. But at the same time, it was like I could read him as well, just what is the meaning of this? The nurse was watching this exchange with keen eyes. She was observing. Should I trust her, I wonder?

I decided I was gonna sleep on it and wait until morning.

The next day, Minato brought some scrolls in to teach me what the academy was learning. Until I was fit enough to move around without help, I was stuck in the hospital. I decided I should keep my options open, but to keep a close eye on the nurse.

The time I spent with Minato I realized that when he is around, nothing else matters. I completely ignore my surroundings, the voices outside whispering. The glances I keep getting from those who pass by.

Everyday was something new. He taught me the basics from what chakra is to demonstrations on how to properly hold a kunai. He would have me read up on Konaha history, and then test me on what I learned.

Needless to say, he came everyday to make sure I wouldn't be bored and to give me a challenge. He knew I needed someone. And he came to make my day a little less tedious. Even with all the rehabilitation I have to go through, I would speak out loud what I read and prepared myself for when he would test me next.

I read up on the basics of chakra control and math for when it came to throwing kunai, the angles I would need to throw to get a bullseye.

It didn't take long for us to realize my natural ability to sense people's chakra signatures. And so, he had me read up on that. Understanding what it means and how it works, he even went as far as having me meditate where I learned to sense my own chakra.

One day as I was studying the texts, he walked in and sat down leaning on his knuckles to watch me study. I didn't hear him walk in, but I could sense his chakra after a few minutes. Without looking up, I spoke. "How long do you plan on staring, Minato-San?" I asked causing his eyes to widen. He made it a kind of test to see how far I had gotten in chakra training.

He would test me on sensing him while he hides his chakra signature. I'm confident I could sense a jounin in hiding, if I focus enough.

"You are getting better and better at this, huh?" He gave me one of his famous closed eye smiles before his face went serious. Obviously, this gave me a cause for concern causing me to panic a little. 'Was everything okay? Am I progressing too fast? I heard of what happens when someone of my age gets too far ahead, they get the title of prodigy. From what I hear, that title, means a lot of things but... it gets painful, and lonely.'

"What is it?" I asked concern shown on my face.

"Just deep in thought on how I'm gonna get you to start training for real." He was quick to lie, but I didn't focus on that. No, I was focused on what he did say. What can I say, I do love myself a challenge.

I smiled brightly, but you couldn't tell cause of the bandages, but my eyes gave it away. He laughed a genuine laugh at this. Before long he had to leave. I sat there practicing the hand motions for properly throwing a kunai. I never did throw it, I just practiced the motion.

Two days later, I was finally out of the hospital for good. I had my hair in a high ponytail as my ninja attire was all black. I had put the wraps on one leg and my newly accustomed weapon pouch on the other.

I also had two swords crossed on my back as I walked into the classroom I was now a part of. I chose to keep quiet and observe yesterday. It didn't take me long to tell who the prodigy was and who the class clown was. I actually have everyone's signature memorized.

I went to the back of the class just like the day before and sat next to Rin. I looked around and saw the kid with orange goggles and black hair, or in actuality, the class clown falling asleep as another kid who had gravity defying hair and a mask on his face, or the prodigy throw a balled up piece of paper. He was stuck up on rules and how a ninja should act. I didn't like him at all.

Everyone laughed, but I kept a serious face as did Rin who sat next to me. We looked at each other and sighed.

'Poor Obito, he is always being compared to Kakashi.' I thought as we were all told to head outside. As we did so, we were told that we would be tested on our kunai throwing skills. Kakashi was first, of course. And he hit all the targets, but as Obito was a lighthearted person and easily distracted, he missed every single one barely missing the sensei.

I was called after, I threw them purposely missing a few to not let Obito feel bad. That was how I made a difference without being noticed. I would stoop to a low level, but not too low, to help Obito.

It was bad enough that he was always getting picked on for not being any good. I really wanted to help him. As school ended I went to see if I could talk to him, but was interrupted by Kakashi. "Why did you purposely miss a few?" he accused looked at me accordingly. I sighed trying to walk pass him only to have him stop me. I got a little angry and voiced my opinion.

"Because it is bad enough that Obito is being made fun of even by our sensei. He believes he is alone in this, but really, he's not. He doesn't need bullying to top off all his stress." I stopped trying to pass him and I gave him my best glare. "Your not the only one who has lost something, give him a chance before you continue to push him away. He needs a friend just as much as you, you know." And with that, I brushed him off walking passed him to talk to Obito but he was already gone.

I was actually disappointed that I let Kakashi stop me from being there for him as I sensed Minato-san. I was pondering on telling Kakashi off, but as soon as I saw Minato-san, I couldn't help but smile and let it go.

Everything seemed to come to a standstill as I searched his eyes. To anyone who doesn't know us, we are just staring, but to those who know our bond, they would know we were conversing with our eyes. We understand each other.

We are able to read each other's thoughts through our eyes. He was always able to understand what I needed and put me at ease. He always seemed to do that to me.

He is calming, and I am...well, broken. He puts the pieces back together and help me to understand. Probably why he adopted me. I might as well be his biological daughter at this point.

I walked up to him snapping out of the conversation giving him a fist bump before we headed back.

We walked home to see that Minato's best friend was there. She had red hair and a pair of bluish gray eyes. She was also an outsider once, and cause of this, we kinda clicked from the very beginning. I ran up and tackled her to the ground with a hug. She laughed as she held me before I got off of her allowing her to stand herself.

"Now why is it that you hide your face?" she asked putting her hands on her hips. I stopped smiling and put my hand to my face. I looked down knowing where this was going.

"Because I have scars that I don't particularly like." I said with little emotion.

"Yeah but sometimes even scars can be beautiful. It shows what you survived from. So what if you were tortured? So what if you almost died from the multiple stab wounds you encountered? All it shows is that you are strong. And that you overcame the pain. The fact that you are here despite those scars shows exactly how determined you are to survive." Minato said this while his hand was on top my head effectively ruining my ponytail.

This is not the first time we had this conversation. In fact, this is our usual greeting when Kushina comes over. They do it to try and get me to take off the bandages but I never do.

A few times I would actually consider it, but then I would hear people talking about me and how I had an ugly deformity underneath and go against taking them off. The whispers and glares are enough to erase what those two have spoken. The scars are hidden, but they are still there.

The bandages doesn't rid me of the hideous deformity I am. It just covers them up like make up covers the pain, the tears, the imperfections.

Several months have gone by, I had finally talked to Obito and became quick friends with him. We trained together and helped each other in what we were weak in. Recently, we graduated from the academy. We promised to still be friends no matter what. We then found out who our teams were. Minato had gotten Kakashi, Obito, and Rin. I was put on a team with Asuma and Guy. I still didn't know who my sensei was. I didn't bother to learn his name, I would just call him sensei.

Eventually, Obito stopped spending time with me as he spent more and more time trying to surpass Kakashi. Challenging him in every turn, like Guy. I still counted him a friend, even if he pushes me away. Needless to say, I never was able to talk to Obito again. But it was then I realized, I was also pushing someone away. Someone else who needs a friend. I just hoped he would forgive me.

I don't deserve it, but I want to make amends.

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