Bride of th Dragon King -Now...

By HeidiFedor

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Prologue: Her Recurring Dream
Chapter One: Lover's Betrayel
Cast of Charcters
Chapter two: A Stranger's Hospitality
Chapter Three: Echos
Chapter Four: The Dragon's Most Prized Treasure
Chapter Five: Physician Heal Thy Heart
Chapter Six: Uncontrollable Temptations
Chapter Seven: A Rose By Any Other Name
Chapter Eight: Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter Nine: Animalistic Desires
Chapter Ten: Deja Vu
Chapter Eleven: What Dreams Are Made Of
Chapter Twelve: The Truth Can Hurt Sometimes
Chapter Thirteen: Where True Monsters Come From
Chapter Fourteen: Confessions From The Heart
Chapter Sixteen: Let The Festivies Begin
Chapter Seventeen: Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighteen: Shadows
Chapter Ninteen: Roots And Wings
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Price Of Love
Chapter Twenty Two: And A Child Shall Lead them
Chapter Twenty Three: Accepting The Inevitable
Epilogue: A New Kingdom

Chapter Fifteen: The Ties That Bind

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By HeidiFedor

Since it was a warm summer day, Elisabeth decided to walk around the village. She couldn't help but appreciate the beautiful, and quaint surroundings. There was just something nice about the unspoiled landscape. No cars, pollution, or even politics disturbing the environment. It was almost as if she were on a completely different planet. She just closed her eyes, and took in the warm breeze.  The air itself felt peaceful, and the town had such a quiet tranquility. Yes, she loved the city life, but it's nice just to get away from reality now, and then.

She saw some of the residence setting up for the harvest festival.  Everyone would smile at her, but she felt as though they were avoiding her. Many times when she tried to help, they would tell her that it wasn't necessary. Part of the benefits of being Queen was that she didn't have to do any labor. Elisabeth ran into Bridget, who seemed happy to see her. However, since she wasn't supposed to bother her that night, Bridget also seemed to try and avoid her. But she did shoot Elisabeth a wink. Why did Constantine tell the villagers not to disturb her?

Everything was so lovely, she almost dreaded going home soon. Then there was Constantine. They had professed their love for one another, and he said they could male it work. She just wished she knew how. Maybe he was planning on moving to Philly?  He did say he couldn't wait to meet her parents. Maybe that's why he didn't want the villagers talking to her? Perhaps they would be ferocious with her for taking the town monarch.

As she kept walking, she saw what looked like a priest in a hooded robe walking towards the church. That had to have been Father Francis.   She was hoping to see him, she wanted tho thank him for finding her. He probably saved her life. She then walked up to him, and tried to introduce himself.

"Excuse me.", she said, "Father Francis I presume."  He turned around, and she extended her hand. The hood was so big, is completely engulfed his face.  To her surprise he got down on his knees, and began begging for her forgiveness.

"Please!, I'm sorry!", he cried, "Please forgive me!  I'm so sorry I hurt you!  May God gave mercy on my soul!  I should not have wronged you!"  He wouldn't stop crying, or begging for forgiveness. Elisabeth was more that confused. She kept trying to comfort him, but he wouldn't even try to listen to her.  What the hell was going on?  Elaga most have seen everything, and ran over. 

"Father, please!", said Elaga, "You have to calm down!  You're having a panic attack. This is Elisabeth, the girl you found at the bottom. of the ravine the other day. It's okay, father you just need to relax.

"I'm sorry.", said Elisabeth, "I didn't mean to upset him,I just wanted to thank him for finding me the other day."  She felt horrible.

"It's okay dear.", replied Elaga, "He was once involved with the missions, for the church when he was younger. He and a group of nuns were attacked in a third world country. The good Father was the only survivor. Sometimes he has flashbacks, and gets upset when he sees a woman he's never met before."

"Yes.", said Father Francis, "Please accept my apologies. I'm getting up there in my years.  Also, I'm blind in my right eye.  Our attackers sliced the right side of my face. That's why I hide my face under this hood. I know vanity is not supposed to be part of a priest's life, but I just feel too self conscious about it."

"That's okay.", said Elisabeth, "I didn't mean to upset you.  I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for saving my life."  She looked at him with a kind smile.

"It's okay my dear.", he replied, "I hope that I didn't upset you. It was very nice meeting you Elisabeth.  If you ladies will excuse me, I have to prepare of the Benediction before the feast tonight. I will see the both o you later."

"Thank you Father.", said Elaga. He then nodded, and began to walk towards the church. As he walked away Elisabeth couldn't help get the feeling that he was rather sad, and lonely.  As if he was an outcast, but maybe he felt more comfortable that way. Witnessing what he saw, it would be understandable.

"That poor man.", said Elisabeth, "That must have been horrible."

"Yes.", replied Elaga, "He can't help but feel guilty. His been paying for what happened ever since."  As she kept talking, Elisabeth kept studying Elaga's face. She then began to smile, as something had just dawned on her.

"I know who you remind me of.", she said to Elaga.  She took put her smartphone, and going through her pictures.

"What is this?", asked Elaga.  Elisabeth was a bit surprised that she didn't know what it was.

"It's my smartphone.", replied Elisabeth, "I just wanted to show you some pictures of my maternal grandmother. When she was twenty years younger, she looked a lot like you.  My mother's family heritage is mainly from Ireland. Maybe we're distantly related."  Elaga then took the phone, and was dumbfounded.

"This is incredible, I've never seen anything like this before in my life.", said Elaga, "You'll have to forgive us around here.  We don't leave the village much. Constantine is the only one who really does.  Some have been as far as the path, but not much farther than that.  We're just not used to things like this.  We like our way of life so much, we just cut off the rest of the world. But the drawbacks are lack of knowledge. I can't even phantom a device like this existing. I have seen pictures before, but now like this. You look very happy.  Did you have loving parents?  Were they both good to you, as well as to each other?"

"Yes.", said Elisabeth, "In fact they're both still alive.  I'm one of the few who seemed to have a healthy childhood."

"I'm glad.", said Elaga, "I had such an unhappy marriage.  Also I once had a daughter, but she died some years. You remind me a lot of her.  Both of you were the same, very lovey, and very kind.  If anyone deserved a happy childhood, it was you."

"Thank you.", said Elisabeth, "I'm sorry about your daughter, I can't imagine such pain."

"It was the worst day of my life.", said Elaga tears welled up in her eyes, "Sometimes, I think if only...Well, I can't think about what might have been.  You can only exist in the tangible world.  If only, is an impossible place to try and visit, and it doesn't make one happier one tries. If you don't mind, it's a little hard for me to talk about.  I will say that it's one of the reasons Constantine is like a son to me. We have both suffered tragedy from the death of a loved one.  It's the reason that we've always been there for one another.  I would so anything for him, no matter what.  I owe him so much. I'm glad you're here, he's been so lonely ever since he became a widower. It's as if after she died, you're the one he's been waiting for all of this time. If any two people deserve one another, it's you."

"I'm glad to hear that.", said Elisabeth, "I've only know all of you for a short while, but I just feel a kinship around here.  It was just a few says ago when I broke up with my fiancé.  Until I fell for Constantine I thought my life was over.  A part of me worries that is was too fast though. But my love for him feels so real to me.  I'm worried about how were going to make this work. But Constantine said that love will find way."

"I truly believe that.", said Elaga, "Deep down I always knew this was meant to be.  Well, let's head back to the cottage.  We have to get the Queen ready for the festival. I have a feeling that tonight's festival is going to be the best ever. There's a full moon tonight.  That's when true magic can happen."  Elisabeth gave her a pleasant smile.

"I love how romantic this place can be.",  she said.  She then began to wonder about Josh. She wondered what the two timing asshole was thinking first at that moment.

"I'm going to kill tat mutant bitch!", screamed Josh.  He kept jerking his feet in the futile attempt to break free form his shackles.

"Oh I hope you don't mean me.", said a familiar female voice. He looked up and saw Katherine looking at him. Her arms were folded, and she had a smirk upon her face.

"Well if it isn't just crap!", he replied in anger, while shooting her a cold expression.  Katherine just shook her head.

"You can call me all the infantile names you like.",said Katherine, "But I will always love you, just Josh, and in time you will realize that you will always love me. The same way Agatha, and her husband will always love on another. And the same way my parents will always love one another. My mother had to go away on her long journey, but she's back now.    You need to wash up, for her welcome home party. It's supposed to be a lovely dinner."

"What, is she some demonic harpy that you're going to feed me too?", he asked in anger.

"Of course not silly.", replied Katherine, "My mother is human, like you."

"So why did she have to go away?", asked Josh.

"She didn't have a choice.", replied Katherine, "Let's just say that a lot her kind, didn't like the fact that she married my father.  She could either stay with my father, or save my life. She chose the latter, and my sister's and I haven't seen her since.  But she's finally returned home, right where she belongs.  Now, I'm going to unshackle you.  However you are not going to run."

"Or else what?", he asked with a cold stare.

"Or else nothing.", she replied, "You're just not going to run."  She then took the key, and unlocked the shackles around his ankles. But something was wrong. It was as if he had became apathetic about wanting to escape.  As is a it just wasn't worth the effort."

"How the hell are you doing this?", "he asked, looking confused.

"I'm in your subconscious." She replied, "All I did was take away your urge to flee."

"If you could do that, then why for Fuck's sake have I been shackled to this fucking bed?", he screamed.

"Well, there's two reasons.", she replied, "One, I couldn't control you the whole time you were here. I can only do it for short periods of time, and second...". She then bent down, and whispered in his ear.

"I think you liked it". He was just stunned.

"Why you narcissistic, fetish....", he began.

"Quiet.", she told him taking away his speech, "Don't worry, I'll let you speak again as soon as we're done washing one another.  I don't want you ruining our fun. I'm going to make sure that every centimeter of you is washed thoroughly, and I mean every centimeter. I'm into the hands on approach. The only thing I want, in return, is for you to so the same to me. I promise you, when were done, we'll both be dripping wet."  She then shot him a seductive smile. If only she hadn't been so damn hard for him to resist.

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