I'm Stii Here (Exo, Bts,Seven...

By tori28_

964 58 11

continuation of Miss JulyWritings Book " I'm Still here " So to understand this book i recomend reading "4 ma... More

first of all
im sorry.......
Important note! please read!
im really sorry not an update but please take time to read


65 5 0
By tori28_

You knew that it was none other than luhan so you quickly chant a spell to make your face look different and your voice to sound different after that you turned around and said thank you and paid him since he used his moyney to buy you orange juice but he quickly refused and said that you dont have to pay him since he did it to help not to get paid so you just said thank you again and left with a heart beating rapidly

At home


He looks good on the outside but when you looked into his eyes you knew he was broken his eyes also looked puffy and red

Seems like he still has'nt forgot about me......

And with that you broke down and cried for hours....... letting everything out sadness, anger,loneliness, and most of all regret.....

You regret it, regret not being able to stop the curse in time and most of all you regret hurting your loved ones..... you thought that maybe if you were not born you wouldnt cause so much damage to your friends, family and the innocent people that shouldnt be involved but still got hurt

Regret was slowly eating you alive but you had to stay strong but what keeps you alive was your parents you didnt know if they were alive or not and you had promised your mother to take back your kingdom but this time your not gonna use violence to take it back, this time you would do it the right way but first you needed a plan.......

Luhan's POV

I was at the park trying to relax myself i looked horrible but i had a face mask on so no one would recognize me and after a few laps i was thirsty so i went to a vending machine to get something to drink

but i saw  a girl trying to insert  a bill but the machine wouldnt accept it so i helped i took out some money and got her an orange juice and surprisingly i felt this sort of connection to her its like i know her and all but when she turned around she didnt seem familiar so i just shrugged it off 

After taking her juice she tried to give me money but i didnt take it and told her that i didnt help her to get paid and she looked so shy and nervous for a reason? Maybe she was just tired yeah thats probably it.......

Your POV

It is currently 11:00 am and there is nothing to do i was not in the mood to eat at all and i looked horifying yup thats what you are y/n a horifying creature and there is nothing that you can do about it.....

*sighs heavily*

*grumble* oops well my body has betrayed me welp gotta eat!

But im too lazy to cook and my mind is too jumbled up to use magic to cook ughh

But i did write that spell that can give me money

(author you are very delusional spell that can give you money???)

(Well what do you expect? Its not like she had a job when she was in jeju so how was she supposed to have have money? Well all i could think of was magic soo yeahhh)

Welp gotta put make up on i mean i look terrible so yeah gotta cover my red eyes then i have to change my clothes

Hmmm clothes?

This should do


Last but not the least making my face and voice different

Hmmmm my tranformation isnt bad Well done y/n i guess practicing that transformation spell was worth it

Okay gotta blast!

At the mall

What to eat?

Lets see uhhhhh.............











After walking for 20 mins

Where is it? Dont they have a barbecue restaurant here????









Finally! Found it!!!!

Skip to after eating (cause im lazy to write about eating and i might get myself hungry so yeah 😂😂😂)

Hmmm maybe a little shopping wont hurt i mean i do need clothes to survive....

Okay then lezzgo

After a few shopping bags later........

Hmm why is that shop so crowded?

Lets see wait is that a kpop store?

Ohh so thats why its crowded.....

Checking it out  wont hurt just  a little peek....

Woah this is huge....

Wait is that bts? Oh hey what do you know guess they are really succesful now....

Hmmm oh hey thats Got7 wow they sure got better looking *chuckles* and here we have... exo.........


"Aishhh im not supposed to think about this im supposed to be enjoying my time alone!" You said to yourself

Wait maybe buying a few albums wont hurt.... yeah lets just buy some

And by means of some you bought all their albums including bts

And so you left with a smile plastered in your face

Maybe this day wasnt so bad at all......

Heyyyyyyy there!!

So we have 13 reads???? In two days????? Wow thanks alot never expected it to be that fast ya know?

Anyways heres a new chapter ya'all and promise ill try my best to update as much as i can byeeee see you on the next chapter!

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