charmed ☆ legacies [ON HOLD]

By BrewerChantelle

179K 4.3K 1.4K

"don't look at me with those judgy little eyes!" legacies s1-s? oc x rafael waithe (ON HOLD) © 2018 CB. All... More

A/N: Final revelation - I swear


15.2K 332 57
By BrewerChantelle

Alex dressed in a yellow floral top with a sweater, light blue ripped jeans, and white sneakers. She split her hair down and raked her fingers through it until only a slight wave remained. She sprayed a little perfume before grabbing her phone and opening the door where Rafael was leaned against the wall, waiting for her. "Alright, let's go to this party. But if it's lame, don't say I didn't tell you so" Alex said, pulling her jean jacket off the back of the door. "And if you have fun, then I told you so" Rafael says as the two walked down the stairs.

"We'll see about that" She responded. As they walked towards the door, they passed by the kitchen. Inside, the maintenance crew was cleaning up broken dishes and glasses all over the floor. "Woah, who did that?" Rafael asked. "Probably Lizzie. She gets a little pissed sometimes and that is how she releases" Alex said. "That may have been partly on account of me" He said. Alex stopped walking, turning towards the boy with a confused expression. "Earlier at the game, she said some things about my ex girlfriend Cassie. She also said in hot, angry, and damaged" Rafael said. "Lizzie kinda just babbles when she's nervous which she must have been around you" Alex explained,

"And I know sometimes saying sorry actually makes it worse but I'm really sorry about your girlfriend. We all are." The boy nodded, "Thanks. Anyway..." As Rafael started to speak, a voice yelled out behind them. "Yo, Salvatore! Nice job in the game today!" A female werewolf said to her as she passed into the main room. "Thanks Maya" Alex responded. "Hold up. Salvatore. As in...Salvatore" Rafael motioned to all around them. "Yeah, this use to be my dad and uncles house. Then my mom owned it for a while and lived here" She said. "And where are they now?" He asked. "My parents live in town, closer to actual civilization. My uncle Stefan passed away saving the town from the devil" Alex said.

Rafael laughed but stopped once he realized that she wasn't joking. "The actual devil?" He asked. "Yeah, it's a pretty long story. Are you in a rush to get to this party?" She asked. "No, why?" Rafael asked. "C'mon. I'm gonna show you something" Alex grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him towards the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library. Right by the entrance, there was a plaque with a picture of him next to it. "This is my Uncle Stefan" She said solemnly, "He's also Lizzie and Josie's stepdad." Rafael looked at the picture before looking at the girl who stared at the picture so fondly.

Alex broke her eyes away from the picture to lead Rafael over to one of the few display cases. Her finger hovered over the glass, pointing at a vintage Polaroid. "That's my dad next to him and that's the woman I was named after" She said. In the picture was Damon, Stefan, and Lexi. Underneath the photo read, "New Orleans, 1942." Rafael was confused as to how old her father was but before he could ask, she moved onto another picture. "This is Katherine Pierce. She's my mothers doppelgänger. She turned my dad, my uncle, and the twins mother. And she killed my Uncle Jeremy. But to sum it up, that's what my mom looks like" Alex said before heading towards the door, "Anyway, ready to go?"

"You just dropped like a lot of knowledge on me so sorry if I need a minute to process" Rafael said following after her. The two walked out the door and began to walk to the Mill. They walked almost in silence as the werewolf boy was still trying to process what he had just learned. "So you're dad...he's a vampire?" He asked. "He was. He took the cure" She answered. "There's a cure for vampirism?" He asked. "Yes, only one" Alex said. "And you and your brother are witches?" Rafael asked. "Nate prefers warlock, but yes. We're witches. Travelers to be exact. The last of our kind.

Our DNA traces back to the first immortal being, Silas. He was my uncles doppelgänger" She said. "The twins told me that you and your brother are the only ones who can do that disappearing thing" He says. "That's true, we're not sure as to why. We don't even know how it happened. One time when we were kids, we were playing tag around our house. I remember Nate was chasing after me in our upstairs hallways and all of a sudden I was in the kitchen with my mom. She was so freaked out that she dropped the bowl that was in her hands.

Neither of our parents were witches so they didn't know what we were going through or how to help. The twins' mom suggested that we come to the Salvatore school where we could be with people like us and learn how to use our powers. They were just doing what was best for us" Alex said. Rafael nodded as the two continued to walk. "You know what? It's kind of a long walk to the Mill. I can just transport us" She said. "You can take people with you?" He asked. "I can, but I'm not supposed to. It takes energy out of me" She said. "That's okay. We can just walk" Rafael reassured.

"It's okay. I'll be fine" She said, holding onto his arm. Before he could stop her, the two were at the party. The flames from the bonfire flickering on the girls face as she stumbled backwards a bit. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm good. Just a little fuzzy" Alex said. He held onto her arm as the two walked until she regained her composure. "You should go talk to the wolves. You're gonna be apart of their pack eventually" She said. "And leave you alone? Nah, that's rude" Rafael said. "I'll be fine. I'll just go talk to MG or Penelope. Just go! Mingle with your kind!" Alex said supportively. 

The boy laughed before nodding his head and taking off. Alex sat down on a log, waiting for her head to settle. Nate sat down next to her, holding out a drink. "You came. And I see you brought a friend" He said, referring to Rafael. "Yeah, he convinced me to come" Alex said. "Wait, so he could convince you to come but I couldn't?" Nate asked before closing his eyes, a light smirk appearing on his face, "Oh, I see now. You're starting to like him." Alex punched her brother in the arm, "Stay out of my head, asshole." Just as Alex had a weird bonus power, besides the one they shared, so did Nate. He could get inside peoples head, psychic, if you prefer the scientific term. The gift passed down directly from Silas.

"Well, Nathaniel. Usually when your involved, there's a high level of delinquency" She defended and took a sip of the drink. The taste disgusted her causing her to spit it back in the cup before sitting it down next to her. "Ew! What is that?" She asked, wiping her lips in the back of her hand. "Bourbon" He smiled, taking a sip, "Anyway, what happened to your motto of 'No new friends'?" Alex shrugged once again. "Well, Ms. Tig did say I should start accepting others for who they are so..." She said, talking about the school psychiatrist. "Well would you look at that! My little sis making a change for the better" Nate said. "Don't get used to it" Alex said before walking away.

She ducked as a witch with blonde hair used her pyrokinesis to gather flames from the bonfire and blow them into the air. Alex met up  with Penelope who was standing against a tree, brooding. "What's up with you? Aren't you usually the life of the party? Or shouldn't you be somewhere making Josie's life hell though you're clearly still in love with her?" She asked. "This party is horrible. And I can't seem to find Josie anywhere, so I guess you're the next best thing" Penelope said, downing the end of her drink. "Oh Penny! You act like you hate me but I'm your only real friend" Alex said, knocking into the girl slightly. She spotted Josie just as she spotted Rafael.

He had just stopped talking to the other wolves and turned to walk off. "Look, there's Josie" She said to Penelope before walking off towards Rafael. "Hey, what's wrong?" Alex asked. "It's just...Landon. He's locked up in the basement while I'm here, partying" He says. "I may be able to help with that" She said raising an eyebrow. "How? You can get him out of there?" Rafael asked. "Well, not alone. But Josie has been working on a summoning spell. I know one but it requires a piece of jewelry" Alex said, looking for Josie. She found the girl sitting on a log right by the bonfire.

"Hey, Jos. I can use your help, really quick" She said. "What's up?" Josie's asked, standing and following the girl a few meters away from the party with Rafael on their heels. They explained the situation before Josie agreed to help. After they cast the spell, they waited. And waited. Soon they saw a black figure being dragged towards them. It stopped in front of them and looked up. "Raf?" Landon questioned, "What the hell man?" The two embraced, clearly ecstatic to see each other. "Y-you alright? They helped me get you out" Rafael pointed behind him to the two girls. Alex waved as Josie's spoke, "Summoning spell. Did we bruise you? I'm really still working out the kinks."

"Summing Spell" Landon laughed in disbelief. "Let's get a drink bro" Rafael said, putting an arm on Landon's back and guided him back towards all of the people. "Thanks Josie" Alex touched the girls arm before following after the two boys. Rafael seemed to be excited to be around other people like him. "Watch this, they teach it in PE" He said. One of the werewolves jumped to the first level of the mill before catapulting to the top. "You seem good. I was worried" Landon said. "I was talking to these wolf dudes back here. All that stuff I've been feeling? Everything that gets me into trouble? It's normal. I want you to meet them" Rafael said, "Oh, and this is Alexandra. Or just Alex. She helped me get you out."

Once again, the person stuck out their hand. "Landon. Nice to meet you" He said. Alex slowly reached and shuck his hand. She saw flashes of him being burned with cigarettes and locked in a closet. It was horrible. After touching him, she recoiled her hand. "Are you okay?" Rafael asked her. "Um yeah. It's just that when I touch people, I can see parts of their pasts. That's how I knew about Cassie" She said. "And what did you see?" Landon asked. "The cigarettes and the closet" Alex answered. "You can thank my foster dad for that" Landon joked, trying to make light of the situation, "But anyway,  I think it's best if I just take this opportunity to jump the fence and disappear."

"I'll go with you" Rafael said, causing Alex to snap her head at him. "Raf, no" Landon sighed. "Lan, it's you and me! So, whatever we do, we do it together" Alex admired his loyalty. "Yeah, we'll talk about it over a drink. Want anything?" Landon asked. "I'm good" Rafael smiles. The boy turned around and walked towards where the drinks were. "So you can really see the past?" He asked. "Just bits and pieces. I try not to touch people so that I don't invade their personal memories. The other day when you shuck my hand, I didn't want you to think I was rude so I had to" She said.

"And the memory you saw was Cassie?" He questioned. "The car accident to be exact" Alex said before taking a long pause, "She was really pretty." Rafael nodded, "Yeah, she was." Saved by the bell, Alex's phone buzzed. It was a text from Hope. Dr. Saltzman will be shutting down the party soon. Get out of there. -Hope. She sent her best friend a quick thank you text before turning her attention back to Rafael. "This party's getting shut down in a minute. We should probably get out of here" Alex said. "Ok, let me go find Landon" He said. "I need to find my brother" She said, "Meet back here in 2?" The boy nodded before they went their separate ways. Alexandra found Nate smoking with some of his "acquaintances".

"Nate, the party's getting shut down" She said in his ear so he could hear over the loud music and chatter. His eyes widened as he handed off the joint to the boy standing next to him. "Well gentlemen, it was a blast. But now it's time for me to blast" Nate said before disappearing before them. The girl looked around to see if any of her friends were still at the party. Josie was nowhere to be seen so she must've left. Though she didn't know it, Penelope and MG had left together. Alex turned, meeting Rafael back in the same spot, the two both empty handed. "Landon?" She questioned. "He must've went back to the school. Your brother?" He asked. "He left" Alex responded.

The two began to walk back to the school, avoiding the path that Mr. Saltzman was most likely gonna take. When they arrived, Rafael walked Alex to her door. As she opened it, he spoke. "So?" He asked. "So what?" She asked, clearly confused. "Did you have fun?" Rafael asked. "I mean, it was ok. It was a pretty average Salvatore party. But I'm glad that you had fun though" She smiled. "Thank you. And thank you again for helping me out with Landon" He said. "No problem" Alex said, "Goodnight." She waved, slightly beginning to close the door. "Goodnight, Alexandra" Rafael said.

The next morning, Alex watched from the window with Hope as Rafael and Landon said their goodbyes to each other. She felt bad, knowing that the two had to be split up, but Landon didn't belong at the school. Alex came outside just as the two seemed to be wrapping it up. "Are you sure?" Rafael asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I promise" Landon said. They gave each other one more glance before Landon turned and walked away. Once he was at the gates, Alex stepped up to Rafael. "C'mon. Let's go drown our sorrows in ice cream" She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. The boy didn't get how ice cream was gonna help but he still obeyed.

They snuck into the kitchen and stole a gallon of ice cream and two spoons. They then brought it to Alex's room and ate it while sitting on the floor. It wasn't even two hours before a school assembly had been called. The girl and boy sat together in the middle of the right section. Lizzie looked at the two, envious of how well they got along. The students conversed until Headmaster Saltzman arrived. "For ten years, we've gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret, has been our singular mission. Tonight, I need your help to find Landon Kirby...before he exposes us all" He said. Alex looked at Rafael who was clearly confused, not knowing who to believe. But all Alex could think was, What did he steal?

ten comments for an update

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