Second Star to the Left

By disidoro_zarah

80 1 0

The first star to the right wasn't the only star. You've seen Neverland now meet Alwaysland More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

54 1 0
By disidoro_zarah

"As you look at Wendy, you may see her hair becoming white, and her figure little again, for all this happened long ago. Jane is now a common grown-up, with a daughter called Margaret; and every spring cleaning time, except when he forgets, Peter comes for Margaret and takes her to the Neverland, where she tells him stories about himself, to which he listens eagerly. When Margaret grows up she will have a daughter, who is to be Peter's mother in turn; and thus it will go on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless."

― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

As I read the last line, I felt all the joy and pain they must have felt. The joy of flying and going on adventures with Peter Pan, then the pain of forgetting how to fly and watching your child take your place. Peter, will you ever grow up?

I put my book down and stared at the wall. Today was the day, the day I lost my parents and the day I lost my childhood. I was only 10, and I'm now 17. I was at my aunt's house, making cookies with my cousin when all of a sudden we got the call that my parents got into a car accident with a drunk driver. They said that both my parents and the drunk driver died in the crash. So I did what any ten years old would do (I think), I moved in with my aunt Cassidy and my cousin Layla.

My aunt Cassidy is a very outgoing woman, she's also been a person I can lean on when I'm feeling sad. She became a second mom to me, and I know my parents would be happy that she's the one taking care of me. She only has one child Layla, her pride, and joy after her husband left her when Layla and I were only two. Layla is only a few months older than me but looks to be a few years older than me. She's one of my best friends. She has long black hair that reaches her mid back and ice blue eyes. Her five foot six and a half inches frame toward over my five-foot-three-inch frame. I have black hair as well and bright emerald eyes. Most people mistake me for being Layla's fourteen-year-old sister.

I have two other best friends Tam and Flooly. They are the best friends you could ever ask for. You see the three of us have been friends for as long as I can remember, they were there for me when my parents died. Tamani or Tam for short is the classic nerd, with the looks and body of a jock heartbreaker. He has slightly tan skin with rich chocolate brown eyes, his hair is short and the perfect shade of bronze and spiked up at the front. He has this smirk that's just per-

"Ash! Can I come in? It's an emergency!" Layla practically screams through my closed door. I stand up off my glorious bed and open my door to see Layla holding three different pieces of clothing with a wild look in her eyes. I roll my eyes; I should have known, a fashion emergency. I step aside anyway, and she bolts in and starts setting the close on my bed. "What should I wear for school tomorrow? It's the first day, and I have no clue what to wear." I look at the different pieces of clothing on my bed. One seems very flashy and attention-grabbing Short shorts and a sparkly tank top, another was quite fancy with a baby blue dress that has a jeweled waist belt, and the third was very plain with a pair of leggings and a DC shirt. Three very different outfits. "I like the dress but I think it's too fancy and I think it's going to be too hot for me to wear leggings." I nod in understanding, I'd rather wear my Marvel shirt and my knee length black legging tomorrow, but that's just me. And yes she's a DC fan, and I'm a Marvel fan, and I will admit, its weird.

She continued talking and pulling clothes from her closet and bringing them to my room to show me. I just nodded, I didn't know anything about fashion I just wore what was comfortable. About 20 minutes later she finally found something to wear, a sleeveless flowy white shirt with a v-neck and some booty shorts along with her favorite white crocs. "What are you wearing? Please tell me you're going to wear something nice tomorrow." I scowled at her and did a 'You wanna go there' look, and I didn't want to go there. She's tough and stubborn as an ox. I sighed, and she ran to my closet then to hers, then it was silent. I didn't care as long as she was out of my hair, I did not care what she was doing. I laid back and closed my eyes. "Let's go! You have nothing to wear for tomorrow, and I refuse to let you go in anything other than perfection." I sat up and groaned, nope not out of my hair; she's not going to drop this. "We are going shopping! Let's go!" I groaned louder this time but grabbed my bag and followed her to her car. I hate shopping for clothes; It's so boring.

By the time we got home, it's almost dark, and I have a new dress, that I must admit nice, and a new pair of flats. Layla got and a new pair of flats as well as some makeup. We stopped at Taco Bell for dinner since my aunt has to work late and my cousin can't be trusted cooking, and I'm too lazy to cook tonight. Once inside I go straight to my room put my new dress and shoes away, set my alarm and get ready for bed.

Once that's all done, I watch some tv and fall into a blissful sleep dreaming about what's to come tomorrow.

Hey, it's EW!!!!! This is a story I've been working on for a long time; I hope you like it! Please comment, I love ideas, positive remarks even advice on what I could do better! Till next time, Peace ☮

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