The Resurrection Curse

By calmbeforethestorms

1.7K 41 29

What would have happened if fate or destiny had brought The Tenth Doctor and Donna together just months... More

Chapter 2 - Donna
Chapter 3 - The Reckoning
Chapter 4 - To the Death

Chapter 1 - Collision

501 6 6
By calmbeforethestorms

 The  Daleks stood watching the images being beamed  from Earth. Finally one spoke  ‘Daleks are the supreme beings . We.. will..  destroy.. The Doctor.. and ..all ..he.. holds.. dear.’     ‘Affirmative’ chorused the others.  Suffering,  other peoples suffering that’s what the Dalek race thrive upon. Even now when their own people had barely survived after The Doctor and his human companion had defied them yet again by destroying the reality bomb and wiping out  most of the Daleks in the process; they were full of hate. A few of them had survived , enough of them to start again. If the Daleks had anything at all  in common with humans  it was their instinct for survival.  The five  continued to address each other ‘It.. is... time. Daleks..shall.. reign.. supreme.. again!’  With that they left the small viewing platform. 

They continued  down the corridor of the star ship that was currently home. Other Daleks  joined  them,  all making their way along to  the hall where they had been summoned to congregate. Their newly  appointed leader for, of course Davros had perished, went to the front of the hall to begin the  rallying call to arms…

Donna turned the car onto the car park, she was going to be late, damn it ; she moved into a space and crunched the gears into neutral. So intent was she on making her appointment on time that she never gave the man with the  sad brown eyes  a second glance as he watched her from across the street. An  hour later, her  meeting over, Donna walked out into the sunlight again. She was ,she decided, going to treat herself - she was so worth it she thought. Seeing her stop at a cash point The Doctor was reminded with a pang, of their first encounter. Donna ; ready for her wedding all feisty and stroppy because she had materialised in the TARDIS, of them trying  to hail a cab. The Doctor smiled wanly then ducked swiftly into a doorway as Donna passed within inches of him - so close he could almost touch her. He would have to be more careful;  he still wasn’t certain if even his mere presence might trigger some memory in her. More worryingly he still hadn’t figured out why he had been brought here , all he knew was that it couldn’t be good ,that there must be some imminent danger. He decided to return to the TARDIS. She hummed softly in greeting as he closed the door behind him. He had already decided that his best course of action was to boost the scanner  signal from the TARDIS in the hope that she might pick up anything unusual appearing in the skies . Quickly he set to work ,flinging his long coat over a nearby seat he prised open the grill on the floor and lowered himself  down. Some time  later with a small piece of  TARDIS element carefully extracted  and woven into the scanners capabilities  everything was ready. The Doctor gazed anxiously at the monitor as it beamed images from deepest space , nothing. Well not nothing  exactly; the TARDIS picked up plenty of noise and  movement ,but nothing unusual  that wasn’t part of the ebb and flow of the universe-, shooting stars, dying suns , new suns... just everything that The Doctor would expect to see. Then he saw   ..he wasn’t sure at first, then his blood ran cold and the hairs on his neck prickled with fear. He staggered back , How , how could they have survived?  a fury surged  in him They always survive, always.  DALEKS!   Sickened he realised that Donna especially, could be in danger given that The  Daleks  would be sure to make her a target both to get at him and to make her pay for the part she had played in defeating them that day. He knew what he had to do,  he set the TARDIS in  motion. No one save for a startled dog even noticed the TARDIS de-materialise. Seconds later The Doctor set her down again and checked outside. Just  in the distance lay Wilfred Motts allotment. It was almost dusk, so he knew the old man would be along soon for his nightly stint of stargazing. Sure enough The Doctor did not have to wait long before he spotted a familiar bobble hatted figure carrying a thermos flask making his way up through the allotment. He waited a moment unsure as to how to approach him. Wilfred was setting up his telescope as the Doctor walked up from behind,  he called softly  ‘Wilf, Wilf’  Wilfred  spun round , ’You’re  you’re ba.’ He broke off his eyes glistening with tears . He clasped The Doctor to him warmly ‘I never  expected to see you again.’ The Doctor grateful that Wilfred  at least seemed happy to see him   , returned the embrace. ‘It’s good to see you Wilf.’  Wilfred  broke away and gestured towards the telescope.  ‘See Doctor, I kept my promise, I come here every night and look at the stars like I said I would, on her behalf  .. For Donna.’  The Doctor nodded  ‘How is she?’ …  ‘She’s good Doctor , she’s ok.’ The slight pause before Wilf   answered told The Doctor otherwise. ‘Wilf , what is it ? Tell me.’  ‘It’s probably nothing Doctor; just fragments of memory. She has these dreams , and from what she tells me it’s of her time with you.’ Wilf looked at him pleadingly ‘She’s going to be ok isn’t she?  I mean it’s not a sign her memory’s returning is it?… Doctor ?’  The Doctor sighed   ‘I don’t know Wilf, If she’s had the dreams from the start then it probably doesn’t mean anything,  but  I don’t know for certain . She’s the only  human to ever have a meta-crisis. I’m sorry.’  Wilf nodded and  indicated the flask ‘Join me?  We have a lot to talk about…Well, I’m guessing that you haven’t just popped in for a social visit; you’re here for a reason aren’t you?’  The Doctor regarded Wilf for a second or two, the old mans eyes blazed with a keen intelligence that he had always respected.  He settled  down beside  him ‘Ahh You got me there Wilf.’   The two men sat companionably together as The Doctor relayed everything he had seen earlier. ‘So ,you think these creat.. Daleks will come looking for Donna?, I remember them from before, nasty malevolent tinny  things .’  ‘I’m just trying to think ahead Wilf , one things for certain, they’re on their way here.’  Wilf looked at The Doctor steadily  ‘Can you stop them Doctor? The Doctor jumped up helping Wilf to his feet as he did so. ‘I will defend the Earth to the end Wilf.’  ‘That’s good enough for me Doctor, What happens now ?’   ‘Ahh you know me Wilf,  I’m a man with a plan, but you I want you to go home now to your family.’   

The two  hugged  goodbye and The Doctor made to  set off   back to the TARDIS.  He then turned back to Wilf  ‘AWW What am I thinking? Come on I’ll give you a lift.’ 

Wilf grinned ‘Thought you’d never ask’ 

There were eight  of them in the small inner sanctum on the Daleks ship,   six Daleks stood in a semi circle around the two other creatures. A Dalek  addressed the two  ‘We.. know.. your powers. You .. will.. assist.. the.. Daleks , and help us to create New Skaro !’  The others joined in as one,  ‘New Skaro …New Skaro … New Skaro …  New Skaro…!!!  ’ Meanwhile the two weeping Angels stood silent  and immobile. 

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