~The Little Red Riding Hood U...

By Aria_Flosh

499 36 10

What if the fairy tales you know so well end up to be lies? What happens when the story is to be told by the... More

CHAPTER 3 :It's gonna be a long journey
CHAPTER 6: Wolf in Sheep's clothing
And they lived Happily ever after...


223 11 10
By Aria_Flosh

Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place where we find the deepest heartache.
~Iyanla Vanzan

So let's see, how do people start stories.....oh! Yeah, right! Once upon a time, in a far, far away place there lived a..........

You know what forget it. This is my story and i'm going to say it the way I want! Seriously I was actually forced to tell this story because those idiots the Grim Brothers are not good listeners. I mean dude! I was telling them about my first most beautiful and romantic story of my life and they turned it into some shitty stuff with bloodthirsty monsters and little girls trying to run away and save their grandmas and shit!

I mean, for God's sake!

Yeah, indeed you guessed right. I'm talking about the story of the little Red-Riding-Hood. And yeah you guessed right again I am the Red-Riding-Hood, even though my actual name is Scarlet but of course my name didn't make it to the story –those two idio-.... Whatever lets' just start. Where was I? Oh yeah, right!

So I was a drop-dead-gorgeous 18 year old girl with beautiful long, rich blonde hair and perfect green eyes like two living emerald stones.......Ok, that's not true, actually I was kind of short with medium hair length and both my eyes and my hair were pitch black....I know, I know; damn plain, but what can I do, my parents weren't all that pretty. Be glad that I wasn't born a dwarf.... As I was saying, I used to be a bit of a tomboy, always wandering around in the dark forest with the boys, while other girls in my age used to make flower wreaths and sing like angels-that-came-to-earth. But lucky me (irony) I wasn't good at singing and honestly the girls were so fake, that I couldn't handle them. But the boys were so easy to hang out with. Loud, cheerful and always honest. I loved them. They were so funny and I was kinda like them. I mean they didn't realize I was a girl since I turned 12 and puberty started stepping in, resulting into me growing boobs. It was a big shock for them, trust me. Well they got over it.

So considering my tomboyish behavior and lack of giving a damn about it, my parents and my 3 sisters were actually really worried about me. I was reaching adulthood and their biggest fear was that I would never find a man. Actually I think that they were actually afraid of me living with them forever. Hahahaha....that's actually sad to admit though.... Well whatever. If I remember correctly it was 5 days before my birthday (1st of February) and I decided to make a big promise to myself: I was going to confess. You see growing up with boys didn't actually mean that I didn't have the heart of a maiden. On the contrary, I was super romantic and I actually had fallen in love with Dean, the most famous boy in our group. Every girl wanted to date him but he was really distant with girls. I mean, when he would see a girl he would change direction. Especially Mary, oh yeah! I think he actually hated her. Every time she showed up, he would turn red and turn his back on her. It was painful to watch cause if I was her, I would be so sad. But I actually hated her and being the only girl that Dean could handle was making me a bit special!

Or at least that's what I thought.....

~ * ~

It was another beautiful day and I was getting ready to go out to play. I put my white cape on as a final touch to my rather comfortable outfit and rushed to the kitchen for a quick snack. In there was only my mom; I guess everyone else were sleeping or working or something, I didn't actually care a lot. I sat down and took a chocolate chip cookie that my mother had just taken out of the fire.

'Good morning sweetie! Where are you going so early in the morning?' She said with a huge smile on her face.

'Mom I don't think it's early, everything is dark outside.' I pointed out while biting the cookie nonchalantly.


'Well didn't you always say you wanted a boy mom?'

She looked at me intensely and I could practically see a vein in her forehead making its appearance, rising like the sun. If I wasn't able to get out in 5 minutes I would definitely be dead.

'I'M GONNA KILL YOU!' she yelled.

Damn it, I thought I had more time.

She grabbed a frying pan and started swinging it around menacingly, while getting closer to me by each step at a time, something that was far than good right now. I had to get out now.

'Sorry mom!' I yelled while I was jumping above the table and reaching for the door with hasty movements 'I'll be coming late tonight.'

With the quickest moves I could master, I closed the door just in time to hear the frying pan landing behind me.

'Close one.' I said to myself, while I heard her voice saying something about a red paint? Oh who cares let's just go and find Dean. I think it would be best to tell him today.

As I made a step outside, I immediately realized that it was actually raining. The dark sky provided the transparent drops of water with the perfect cover to make their way towards the ground undetected, the only thing that was giving away their presence being the soft sound that they made as they touched the ground, as well as the majestic smell of dust mixed with water that always seemed to remind me of the hottest summer days. Which was a nice add right now. A good omen indeed. The whole place around me was completely empty, since most of the people had already retreated to their comfortable houses, sheltering themselves away from the rain and making the whole scenery around me look like a deserted town; not that I minded much for all that mattered.

'Oh how perfect!' I said happily, smiling at the dark sky. I grabbed an umbrella that was laying there and started running fast towards the luxurious forest.

If I was quick, I could also go back to the house when mom would have calmed down and tell them the good news. Of course I was planning on getting married the moment he would tell me that he also loved me since forever. I knew he would do that. Maybe he would also lean down and give me a kiss. And then the rain would stop, and from somewhere white flowers would definitely fall while the birds would sing melodically.....

Oh how perfect my life would be.

I kept on running with quite some speed, my feet used to walk on this particular path of the forest, so they just led me on their own, minding not to make me trip over any protruding root or something like that. I knew that by now, Dean would probably be at the river bank throwing rocks along with the other boys. Maybe the boys wouldn't come today since it was raining, but he would definitely come, I was sure about it. As I was getting closer, I could clearly hear someone talking. Oh well, even if the boys are there, I will definitely tell him and then everyone will be happy and congratulate us or something.

'No stop it someone might see....'

Huh... that voice isn't from anyone I know...Definitely not a boy...Maybe there is someone else in the riverbank. I should probably take a look without them noticing me, I thought. Don't make a fool out of myself.

'No one will see only an idiot would come out with so much rain.' Someone reassured the first voice.

Heyyyy...I'm not an idiot....

I carefully leaned down, trying not to be found out and took a look with great caution. I could definitely see a girl with blonde hair like liquid gold. She was wearing a pink dress that, despite the heavy rain, was untouched. What the hell is she, a witch?..... Hmm why does that dress look so familiar.......? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! Is that Mary?! Daaaaaaaaaamn! Is the other voice her boyfriends'? Let's see...... Oh yeah chocolate brown hair, tall...Hmmm that blue shirt reminds me of someone....

'Come on don't tease me...' Mary said while smirking widely.

'I'm not teasing you I really love you.....' the boy replied.

Oh that is interesting... I could see him leaning; he would kiss her any second now and I would be able to recognize him.

'Then kiss me.' she said

Ohhh yes kiss her......

His hand reached out to her and even in the dim light, I could see her blushing. Oh, how nice must it be to be in love.....He was getting closer and closer I could finally see his face, of course I knew that face, that was Dean, how nice..........................wait a minute............That is Dean! My Dean.........MY ONE AND ONLY DEAN........oh my god NO! STOP KISSING HER......NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


What was that.....? What is this noise?....Oh yes, its blood from my hand....Why is my hand bleeding.....? What is this pain....Oh my God, i'm biting my hand!

I took my hand out of my mouth while in the distance I could still hear them kiss.....My vision was going black....I could see my white cape becoming red from the blood that was coming out of my hand like a true waterfall.....I....I can't see.....shit....no.....don't faint now....no.........................................

~ * ~

I actually don't know how I got home, so don't ask me....All I could remember, were my feet walking through our backyard.... I could still feel my hand burning from all the biting I had done to it....But I didn't care. The love of my life was stolen....Stolen!!!! From that bitch!!! I mean, what does she have more than I do??? Huh??? Is it the hair??? No; everyone knows that black hair is much better than blonde right???? Is it maybe the green eyes??? Of course not; black eyes are more mysterious..... Maybe the pale skin???? No, it can't be she looks like a fucking ghost.... Damn it! I guess I will never know.......She doesn't even have a character, so fake.... Maybe boys like fake..... Well screw boys then!! I will become a lesbian!! Actually what does that even mean???? Screw it I will die alone! Dying alone is always so interesting.... Maybe I'll adopt a cat...Or two....Maybe a wolf?! Nahh, a wolf would probably eat me... But it would be so cool to have one!

Why is life so hard?!

I kept walking, paying no attention whatsoever to the scenery around me. It was already late, as the sun had gone down hours now and I was probably the only one still wandering on the streets altogether. Everything was so dark I couldn't really see.... My mother had even shut the lights of the house off... That's how much she wanted me to not come back. Maybe this time she was really mad...

'Who cares?' I mumbled to myself....I don't anymore!....

It was so dark.... I couldn't see where I was walking and then it happened. Due to my awesome luck that always beats me up mercilessly, I stepped on something, maybe a bird, cause it definitely moved and as a result I fell hard on my butt. And as I was falling something also fell from somewhere and I could feel a liquid on me....

'DAMN IT MOM!' I need some light....

Right as that thought dawned to my mind, noise was heard coming from inside the house and someone got in the kitchen and opened the door, flashing the lights on. It was my mom!

'Scarlet what the hell did you do?' she immediately demanded to know.

I looked at her and I finally couldn't keep the tears in anymore.

'Mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Dean is dating Mary and my heart is broken and I bit my hand so much it bled and it's probably gonna leave a mark and you didn't leave a light open cause you don't love me anymore and I stepped on something and fell and now I am dirty and no one loves me and I will die alone with 100 cats!'

In my words, she lets out a big sigh and helps me stand up once again.

'There, there! Mother is here for you and I will always love you.....Also you are allergic to cats so no cats for you~ <3.' She murmured softly.

Ohhh, the legendary hug of the mother. The only power in this world, that can make everything melt away like ice on a hot summer day.

'I love you mommyyyyyy.'

'I love you too sweetheart. Now let's get you to bed.'

It was so weird. The moment I laid on my soft-as-heaven bed -of course after I had taken a bath- my eyes closed and I couldn't feel anything anymore.

~ * ~

Something bright was blinding me even though my eyes were tightly closed. Why was no one in this world on my side? Even the sun hated me!

'Moooom close the curtains they are blinding meeee!!!!!' I whined loud enough for her to hear me.

'CLOSE THEM YOURSELF AND GET YOUR LAZY ASS HERE, DADDY AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU.' was the sweet good morning that rang like a gunshot throughout the whole house.

'Shit that can't be good....' I murmured, tossing the covers to the side.

I got up and looked at the mirror. I was in fact a walking mess. My hair was messy, my clothes were wrinkled and my eyes couldn't open completely. At least I was thin. I didn't even make the effort to wash my face. Who cares! I'm ugly and I know it bitch! I got down the stairs with heavy steps and there they were, in the kitchen, sitting quietly waiting for me.

'Good morning' I said and got no reply. Damn it, I'm in serious trouble.

'Sit down.' mom said laconically.

I did as I was told and was about to grab a cookie when my mom took them away from my reach.

'Come on i'm hungry!' I nagged.

'I don't care; first we're gonna talk.'

I looked at the cookies, that were now across the room, with a stare filled with longing and gave in 'Fine what is it.'


'Your father and I decided to send you for vacations to granny.' Came the alien words straight out of my mother's mouth.

My jaw dropped immediately. Maybe I had heard wrong. Yeah that's it. This can't be right; mother would never do this to me.... No actually she would, but daddy wouldn't let her. I could practically hear the sounds of life that were coming from outside, as the silence was filling the atmosphere like a heavy cloud.

'Are you kidding? No! I'm not going! If this is about my behavior, you should know that my heart is broken and I can't get over it so quickly.' I proclaimed.

'I understand.' She said calmly.

'Then why are you sending me to this Demon-woman? I know I've been doing nothing for a while now, but it is difficult; everything reminds me of him. Like this fork! I once saw him eating an apple with a fork...It was hilarious!!! I can't forget him that easily.'

'I understand...' she said once again, plainly.

'Then why?!!!' I demanded.


'So?' that was the only word that escaped my lips as I crossed my hands over my chest, leaning back and looking at both of them.

This only infuriated her more though 'So?! Your sisters are already married, you didn't come to any of their weddings and you've been here for ages without helping or doing anything! You need to get out!' she yelled.

'You are kicking me out?!' I replied awestruck.

'Don't take it like that!'

'Then how am I supposed to take it?' I asked while my head was trying so hard to understand what was happening.

'Treat it like a vacation. With no return.' She added.

'Oh my God! Dad what do you have to say about all this?' I turned to him, but he offered me no reply. Dad was never actually the guy that would talk. He was always quiet; the best dad in the world. Sometimes I would even forget about him or ignore his presence....He was adorable.


'I'm sorry Scarlet, you know how much both me and your mom love you but we need to be alone from now on...' he calmly replied, looking at me sternly.



I think Satan just got into my dad. There is no other explanation. I stood there for a while looking at them petrified. I can't go to this old witch's house. She's gonna eat me for breakfast. But they were kicking me out so I didn't actually have a choice.

'Ok I understand. I will go.' I finally agreed with only half of my heart 'But if in one month from now you get a letter telling you that this devil-woman killed me, you will be the ones to blame.'

I stood up without giving them another word or gaze and climbed the stairs as quick as possible. The trip would be long and I knew it would be painful, since everything out there would remind me of him. I opened my suitcase and stuffed everything that was necessary from my room. Mhhh what should I wear... How about this black leather pants? Mhh, no it's too flashy. Maybe my brown cowboy boots... No they are outdated. I know!! I opened my closet and there it was. The only untouched thing. My white cape.... Actually since that unfortunate day, my cape was now red. I later found out that the liquid that I had felt was the red paint my mother had bought to paint the roof. Lucky me; a new outfit. Not too flashy. I mean red is such a cute color. I put it on, took my suitcase in my hand and got in the kitchen to say my goodbyes.

My mother kissed me on the forehead. It was ok, I expected it from her. I was actually surprised that it took her so long to kick me out. But my father. He was a traitor!

He leaned to kiss me goodbye.

'Judas.' I whispered and leaned back.

He was petrified; or angry, I couldn't actually tell. Behind this poker face my father, Alejandro, was probably thinking what he would have for dinner.

'Scarlet, take this.' Mom said and handed me a basket 'It's for your grandma.'

'Oh is it poison?' I asked with hope.

'Stop it, your grandma is an angel.'

'Yeah right, an angel of death!' I yelled.

'Be careful deary and watch out. It's better if you take the road cause in the forest they say that there is a wolf.' she advised me as I was leaving.

I nodded and turned my back to the house. I was turning a new page in my life. And I would totally not go from the road; my mother was also a scary lady, she probably wanted me to go from the road where the wolf would really be, so that I could get eaten so she would never had to worry about poor little Scarlet ever again. Ha! I wasn't an idiot. The forest it is then!

And so my journey began....

Hey there to whoever is reading this, 

So this is something i've been working on for a really long time. I have written and rewritten this story a million times ,but this time i finally found a satisfactory end. So this is my first complete story ,special thanks to my sister for helping me correct some mistakes i had (English is not my native language so it was only natural , right ? :P) .And finally thank you so much for reading, it means a lot ^_^

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