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Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.

~Mother Teresa

I forgot to tell you; when my parents said that 3 years had passed they were serious. Exactly three years, so guess what was coming up.....indeed my birthday. I was turning 21 in five days and I would officially be a spinster( forever alone). How awesome is that?! So to continue were we left it, I was now walking inside the dense forest and it was actually getting pretty dark. You see, the road to the devil's house was actually a week's trip, and my awesome parents hadn't given me any money, so I was to camp in the forest for the night.

I was in the middle of a vast meadow picking up some night flowers. The sun had gone down hours now but I didn't really care; I was used on sleeping in the morning and be awake at night, so it was like morning to me. I was totally alone when from the right side of the meadow, I heard someone running. I was taken aback since I didn't expect to run into anyone that time of the night.. I mean it is common knowledge that after midnight vampires and other creatures of the night roam the world but I didn't expect to meet one of them so soon.

If I had to choose I would prefer to run into a fairy or something, anything but a vampire actually. Just the idea of turning into a vampire sent shivers down my spine.

It is true that I already had the looks of a vampire , being almost as white as a sheet of paper, but the whole drinking human blood wasn't my thing. I even blacked out when I saw my own blood so if I was to become a vampire I would have to be a vegetarian one and to be honest that sounded completely ridiculous.

The steps were coming closer and closer now and before I really got the chance to react, a person had just appeared in the meadow. He was wearing a hood so I couldn't actually see his face, but it was definitely a man and seemed to be quite out of breath. I could tell from his running and body though, that he was actually pretty athletic. From somewhere behind him, I could hear various feet coming our way as well and voices of more than one man. The man was apparently chased.

As I was standing there, obviously not invisible -something that hadn't occurred to me- I got his attention, as it was only natural. I saw a bright smile flash under his hood and he started approaching me with large steps. If I had to feel the discomfort about the approaching man, I surely did not. Interested as I was I didn't give a shit about the danger I was facing. I mean let's face the facts. A young man that runs like a lion is chased and he notices me and decides to approach me. It definitely isn't my beauty that got him interested now, is it?...

'Hello. What's your name?' he asked, flashing me another wide grin and still hiding his face. His voice was definitely melodious though, not too gruff and still holding on to some tints of young age. It resonated inside my ears, for reasons that I did not know. Yet, I wasn't intimidated to the slightest.

'You tell me yours first!' I demanded strictly.

I had heard a rumor that if you knew the real name of a vampire you could become its master. And I had to admit having a vampire as a pet didn't actually sound as a bad idea.

Aaaaand he smiled yet again. It was annoying that I couldn't see his eyes and don't get me started about the constant grinning; what the hell was he, a freak? At least there were no fangs to be seen whatsoever.

'Interesting.' He commented.

'What is?' I asked confused.

'You smell!' he blurted out suddenly and like it was the most obvious thing in the whole wide world. Damn it I knew that I should have taken a bath today.

'No I don't. You smell!' I retaliated stubbornly.

He laughed but the deep sound was quickly stopped as the steps were getting closer. Both he and I turned our attention almost immediately to the side of the meadow and just in time to see a group of men appearing exactly from the same place he had appeared just moments ago.

~The Little Red Riding Hood Untold~Where stories live. Discover now