Completion Of Tumblr Rambles

By A-Black-Pegasus

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Giant/tiny Marvel writings and other writings -Marvel -Gravity Falls -DBH -Harry Potter -Original Random seri... More

Beth's Neighbors Part 1
Beth's Neighbors Part 2
Beth's Neighbors Part 3
Beth's Neighbors Part 4
Beth's Neighbors Part 5
Beth's Neighbors Part 6
Survival of the Biggest Part 1
Survival of the Biggest Part 2
Survival of the Biggest Part 3
These Giant Feelings Part 1
These Giant Feelings Part 2
Just a Little Magic
Just a Little Magic Part 3

Just a Little Magic Part 2

55 0 1
By A-Black-Pegasus

Just a Little Magic

Part 2 Would like to thank @nocturnal-birdie for inspiration.


Azura walked along the inner edge of the sidewalk. A few humans pointed at her and one boy tried to pet her, but other than that she remained inconspicuous.

Felix flew over head, carrying Riley and a bag on his back. So far the plan was going as scheduled, Felix watched what was happening from above, while Azura contacted Cherry and Lewis before heading into the store.

Azura jumped onto the wide railing of the old fashioned store. Laying next to a support beam was Lewis, who raised his head energetically as she approached.

"Hey, Azzy, what brings you here, Is Riley around, do you guys want to hang out? Is that bird with you? I like birds!" Rushed Lewis in one breath, licking his nose.

"Focus Lewis," Azura sighed, taking a seat. "How's your owner? Where's cherry?" She asked nonchalantly.

He jumped up, making Azura twitch. "He's really really good. He has a new pack member with him!" Panted Lewis. "And cherry's sick." He dropped his head suddenly. "She doesn't eat, and she barely plays."

Azura furrowed her eyes. What? A new pack member? She twitched her tail, Cherry being sick was a hindrance to the plan. "Is there another human In the store?" Azura questioned before realizing what he was saying. "Does your owner have family over?"

"Yea that's what I said! A pack member." He perked up, and stared intently at the space behind her. Azura risked a look, behind her in the tree, a robin tweeted at Lewis, taunting him as it flitted from branch to branch.

"Lewis...." she huffed trying to regain his attention, but his mind had moved on to other things. "Stereotypical stupid mut." She muttered under her breath. Dropping to the ground, Azura signaled for Felix and Riley to meet her with the thrashing of her tail.

In the back alley, Felix landed on a dumpster and let Riley slip off. "So are we gonna do this or like...." He shrugged.

"There's another human in there, Lewis said that the owners had family with him, and cherry isn't feeling well." Explained Azura. "I think we-"

"Is Cherry going to be alright?" Riley butted in, twisting her hands.

"I'm sure she'll be fine. But we need to change the plans a bit."

Felix shuffled. "I... I don't think we should do this. I mean, another human? And Cherry's sick? I don't know..." He ducked his head indecisively.

Azura looked to Felix, feeling slight pity at what she was about to make him do. "We need to do this," she said softly. "In a few days we won't need to do this anymore alright?"

"Then do we really need to do this at all?" Riley questioned standing next to Nigel "Can't we hold off a few days till my magic comes? Then We won't need to come anymore." Azura huffed, and she had a feeling it was not for the last time that day

"Yes we need to! Now no argument." She stated firmly, moving to the dumpster. Azura frowned at the way Riley crossed her arms, but she couldn't help it if Riley wanted to act like a child.

Felix, sensing Riley's irritation, cocked his head to the side and nudged her with the tip of his beak. He kept poking at her side making her shift and squirm around.

"Felix stop." She complained pushing the beak away. Despite a sudden twinge in Azuras chest, she remained still and allowed Felix to cheer Riley up, knowing that she would work better when she was in a good mood. As predicted Riley began laughing at Felix's poking, and wrapped her arms around his beak.

"Hey, it's the last time. What's the worst that could happen?" Nigel said once Riley had released him.

Azura jumped up, feeling that perhaps now Riley would now be accommodating, and crouched, prompting Riley to climb on.

"Alright me and Riley will go on as normal, but Nigel. "Azura turned to him. "You know how Lewis gets with birds?" She asked hesitently.

His beak dropped. "No! No. No nononono, no, no, no." He saw the look Azura was giving him. "No." He shook his head frantically.



"You can do it Nigel! Lewis won't get you!" Riley encouraged.

Nigel made a noise like a snort. "Easy for you to say, you and Azura love Lewis!"

"Excuse me?"

"Azura tolerates Lewis!" Corrected Felix. "Besides, he's a bird dog! He hunts my kind! Why can't we use cherry?! She's nice!" He asked anxiously.

Azura gave a small angry mewl. "You just have to suck it up and do it!" She snapped grabbing the folded bag in her teeth and jumping down. "The sooner we do it, the sooner we leave, ok?" She made her way over to the low level window, that opened to the stores storage room, the broken screen gave away easily, letting Azura drop to the concrete floor. When she heard Nigel take off outside, she started a countdown.

"Let's go."

Riley slipped off her back and opened the bag, opening the bag before dashing down the towering rows of shelves. She climbed up the metal bars to a box, and pulled the lid open. Her only job in the plan was to shove things over the side for Azura to pack away, and when they got what they wanted from one box, Azura darted off to the next shelf, calling for Riley to follow.

She did her job well, moving quickly and nimbly, but it was automatic, routine almost. Without much concentration or thought involved, she grabbed a small glass jar and all but tossed it over the edge of the box, it fell to the ground and shattered.

Azura jumped about three feet in the air and arched her back, whipping her head up to Riley she hissed.

"Whatcha do that for!?"

"Well I didn't do it on purpose!" Riley spat.

"Quick! They probably heard that we need to get out of here!" Azura said fearfully, her tail twitching. Riley hopped out of box and slid down to the ground, Azura had the edge of the bag griped in her mouth when suddenly, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hide!" Whispered Riley, ducking under a shelf. Azura couldn't hide as easily though, she dragged the bag across the ground and hid behind a stack of boxes, waiting for the owner to pass.

"What in the world?" He gasped when he saw the glasd. "How did— Peter!" From upstairs came a loud yell, lots of cawing and loud barking. The old man hurried up the stairs, Azura creeped behind him, ducking behind the shelves as she followed the old man. Riley joined her, and after a few moments when they were sure he had reached the top, they followed.

Pulling the bag up the stairs was usually the hardest and slowest part, but adrenaline seemed to give Azura speedy streangth. In only a few minutes they had reached the main level of the shop.

The scene they met was one to behold. A crow flew around wildly squaking madly at a dog, who followed underneath barking loudly. Every few moments the dog would jump at the bird, miss, and knock something over. A young boy ran around trying to get control of his dog, and the ild store manager hobbled around with a broom trying to smack the bird out of the sky. All the shoppers seemed to have fled the building.

If their was a picture that described chaos, it would probably look a lot like the sight before Azura and Riley.

"Nigel! Come get the bag!" Riley shouted standing next to a work Azura. In a dive, Nigel swooped for the bag and picked it up in his talons, flying out the door in a blurred state of panick.

"Wait Nigel!" Azura wheezed. "You forget-!"

But Nigel was already in the street, being chased down by Lewis, who was being called after by his owner. Riley could hear the old man shouting. "Come back you stupid dog!"

"Come on we have to go!" Insisted Riley, tugging on Azuras paw. Azura pushed herself up, and headed at a jog for the door.

They were almost at the exit when a wall stomped in front of Riley. She hit it face first and was knocked back, her nose throbbing. A hand wrapped around her carelessly and lifted her up. Riley's feet dangled freely, head spinning like a tossed coin, as her eyes blurred in and out of focus.


Riley blinked her eyes into focus, her eyes landing on the giant face before her. It was so close she could feel his warm breath as he spoke in an awed whisper.

"What are you?" He said rather stupidly as he touched her face.

It was the first time in years Riley had faced a human, tears started trickling down uncontrollably as she shook in terror.

"Wait don't cry, I'm—" he began apologetically but before he could finish, Azura lundged for his face, digging her claws into his skin, and spitting crazily.

He tossed Riley in the air with a howl, Riley screamed as she dropped back down. At the last moment caught by none other than cherry.

"I got you little human." She said threw gritted teeth, that bit the end of Riley's clothes. Cherry set her down on the floor and rushed over to the boys knees, tripping him.

He crashed into a spinning case, long scratches covered the sides of his face, blood trickled out as he layed there in a stupor on the floor.

Azura turned to see Cherry sitting there with Riley at her feet. "Cherry! I heard you were sick!" She panted.

Cherry shook her head. "Not sick, just old and tired." She glanced over at the boy. "Masters new pack member is in bad shape, I would leave now if I were you, before I'm sent after to chase you." She spoke stiffly to Azura, who nodded and crouched to let Riley climb on.

"Thank you, for catching me Cherry." Riley said gratefully. Cherry gave a small nod.

"You're welcome. Now hurry."

They didn't need telling a second time, Azura turned tail and ran out the door.

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