Completion Of Tumblr Rambles

By A-Black-Pegasus

2.1K 13 3

Giant/tiny Marvel writings and other writings -Marvel -Gravity Falls -DBH -Harry Potter -Original Random seri... More

Beth's Neighbors Part 1
Beth's Neighbors Part 2
Beth's Neighbors Part 3
Beth's Neighbors Part 4
Beth's Neighbors Part 5
Beth's Neighbors Part 6
Survival of the Biggest Part 1
Survival of the Biggest Part 2
These Giant Feelings Part 1
These Giant Feelings Part 2
Just a Little Magic
Just a Little Magic Part 2
Just a Little Magic Part 3

Survival of the Biggest Part 3

83 2 0
By A-Black-Pegasus

Part 3

Daniel slowed down after awhile, and began to walk. With the hand moved out of the way, Beth jumped up and tried to climb out only to be poked down by Daniel.

Frustrated Beth yelled up at him. "Hey! Let me out!"

Daniel stopped, and smiled down at her. "Well all right, but tell me this, where are you off to in such a hurry?"

Crossing her arms she huffed. "Nowhere but-"

"Well then how about you sit and enjoy the ride," he began to walk again. "Besides we're only a little ways from the hoard, we should keep going."

Beth muttered a string of curses making Daniel laugh. "Your a bit of a spitfire aren't you?"

Despite Beth's initial annoyance at being left in a pocket, she had to admit it wasn't that bad. This was really the first time in months she had been able to relax.... somewhat.

"At least I'm not being smothered in the blanket." She thought. He walked for hours, passing long stretches of car clogged highways, a few deserted rest stops, and about a hundred wandering zombies, the temperature steadily dropped as he traveled. A bit after sundown, they came across a gas station where Daniel decided to stop.

"This looks like a good place to rest." He remarked, groaning as he sat on top of the building. Beth snapped alert from the lull of the walk and stood.

"Where are we?" Beth demanded irritably. Daniel chuckled.

"I don't know kid, but we should stop and get some sleep. Maybe then you'll be less moody." He teased. Beth glared at the wall of cloth in front of her.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your kid." She argued folding her arms. Daniel shifted and before Beth knew what he was doing he plucked her by the back of her shirt, despite her protests, and lifted her out into the air.

"Well, I mean no offense, it's just a habit of mine. If you don't mind me asking how old are you?" He asked setting her besides him on the roof.

"None of your business is what! And stop picking me up all the time I'm not a toy!" She snapped.

She had forgotten momentarily who she was talking to, and braced herself for his anger, but Daniel didn't look angry or offended, only amused. It didn't settle well with Beth, in fact she would have preferred at least his annoyance. It was if what she said didn't matter to someone so big, like she was an insignificant bug, the idea made her stomach twist.

"Apologies, I don't mean to pry just making conversation." An akward silence followed. Outside the pocket it was borderline cold, there was no shelter besides the store, and it was too late to clear that out of any lurkers hiding inside. She leaned over the side of the roof, to get a better look at what she was on.

Daniel scratched at his beard. "I was thinking we should wait till the morning when the sun gets up, and we get some more light." Daniel suggested. "It's a bit risky going in now."

"I know." Beth said backing away. Crossing her legs she took her backpack off and pulled out her book.

Daniel tilted his head over. "Whatcha got there?"

Beth shifted the book away from his sight. "Once again, none of your damn business." But he wasn't to be deterred that easily.

"Are you a writer? It would explain all the fuss you make about everything."

Beth gritted her teeth and glared at him. "No I'm not."

Daniel shut one eye, and squinted the other, bending over a bit at the waist to read what was in the book. "Hmmm, well from I can tell, you're a pretty good artist."

Something in Beth gave a lurch. "I didn't draw them, my brother did." She hoped he would take the hint in her tone, to stop talking.

Instead Daniel gave a sigh. "I understand." And he stood and bent down, settling against the store. "It's getting cloudy, I bet they'rll be rain." He commented, changing the subject.


"It's getting nippy for March," He continued.

"What? It's not March it's February." Beth insisted.

"Nah I'm pretty sure it's late March. I think it's maybe the 24 or so."

Beth shook her head. Unbelievable. She ought to go find a town, or trading Post and compare dates. "That may be hard to do if Daniel was around." She muttered to herself.

"Weather is getting weird lately, it'll be cold one minute and burning the next," Daniel interrupted her thoughts. "and you got all these plants growing up every where. It like nature's in overdrive."

"Yup." Beth agreed, rubbing her arms.

Daniel twisted his head to look at Beth. "Are you cold?"

"I'm fine." She said hastily.

He smirked. "Your as stubborn as a mule." He said reaching his hand towards her.

"Hey, wait a minute! Don't—" she scrambled to back away, but he stopped the hand a few feet from where she was sitting.

"I won't grab you, but I'm almost certain it's gonna rain." He held his hand waiting. She packed up her book and stepped on hesitently.

He was quick to bring her towards him, but let his hand hover at the pocket, letting Beth slide in on her own.

"It's unusually chilly tonight, don't want you to get a cold." He mumbled pulling the blanket around up her. "I'll get you something to eat in a the morning." He promised.

Beth started to protest, but she bit back her tounge, deciding instead to grumble inwardly. It was too cold to sleep on the roof anyways.

Daniel slouched down, leaning at an angle against the store, and placed his hand by the pocket. "Well goodnight, don't let the zombie bite!" Daniel said cheerily.

Beth rolled her eyes, and layed there wrapped loosely in the blanket for a few minutes.

"I'm seventeen." She said quietly not sure if he heard her or not.

But above her Daniel heard and grinned.

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