Completion Of Tumblr Rambles

By A-Black-Pegasus

2K 13 3

Giant/tiny Marvel writings and other writings -Marvel -Gravity Falls -DBH -Harry Potter -Original Random seri... More

Beth's Neighbors Part 1
Beth's Neighbors Part 2
Beth's Neighbors Part 3
Beth's Neighbors Part 4
Beth's Neighbors Part 5
Beth's Neighbors Part 6
Survival of the Biggest Part 1
Survival of the Biggest Part 3
These Giant Feelings Part 1
These Giant Feelings Part 2
Just a Little Magic
Just a Little Magic Part 2
Just a Little Magic Part 3

Survival of the Biggest Part 2

105 1 0
By A-Black-Pegasus

Part two

Beth woke up to a headache, not that that was unusual seeing how the apocalypse was like one big migraine.

She opened her eyes and saw nothing. It was dark, and she was wrapped up in a blanket, a hot heavy blanket. Beth rationalized that she must have rolled a lot in her sleep, because she couldn't move much and was beginning to feel claustrophobic. She shifted around till she found the end, and popped her head out.

"What is this, a tent?" She couldn't remember setting one up, she didn't even carry a tent!

Suddenly Beth remembered. Memories came back at once hitting her like a truck. Her stomach flipped, he was real— and huge, and had her trapped in some sort of bag!

Beth froze when she heared the giant give a deep chuckle. Invading fingers poked into the pocket and dug around trying to grab a hold of her. Doing everything in her power to not get nabbed she tried to fight, to kick and punch the fingers, but with the blanket wrapped around her, she could barely yank her arms out before he picked her up.

It was less stuffy outside, the sun barely peeked over the building, but it was just enough to hit Beth in the eye, blinding her.

"Put me down!" She demanded, her arms pinned to her side. Kicking her legs was useless, but an idea struck. Beth leaned forward and bit his hand causing him to drop her.

For a second she seriously regretted her idea, but the hand caught her once again, and this time manuvered her till he held her pinched by the leg. She flailed her arms and kicked her free leg, if possible with even more fire than before.

The giant watched her struggles for a moment, and gave an annoyed huff.

"I'm not going to set you down until you can get a hold of yourself, I'm not going to hurt you, and I don't want to see you hurt yourself." He said calmly. Beth eventually gave up and hung limply by her leg. Blood was beginning to rush to her head, and her ankle was starting to get sore, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"That's better." he smiled lowering her down on his palm slowly. She layed there for a second letting feeling come back to her leg. When she finnally stood to her feet she took a step back and got a look at him.

He looked like he was sixty, but his eyes were still clear, if wrinkled in the corners. He had a gray beard that needed a major trim, and he wore a pair of faded patched jeans, a long sleeved shirt and some sort of giant cloth shawl that had the pocket she was shoved into.

"What's your name little miss?" He asked looking down at her. Beth couldn't meet his eye, to her it seemed like he enjoyed staring down at her, making her feel small, she wasn't used to the feeling. The giant was still waiting for an answer.

"Well what's your n-name?" She tried to snap, but ended in a nervous stutter.

"Daniel Johnson Holdson, but you can call me Daniel." He replied courtesly. Beth bit her lips.

"Beth... Just Beth." She answerd giving him a quick glance.

His smile only seemed to grow more."Well alright, just Beth, what brings you into the city?"

She didn't speak. If she answered truthfully that she was looking for supplies he would surly be angry. And what if the city was his territory? Sure it was a dump, but she had seen fights over less, and she wasn't about to get crushed for a few batteries and an expired can of soup. This was a fight she knew she could never win.

She sat on his palm, and swung her backpack around, hastily Beth dug around and pulled out the can and batteries, and set them to the side. She hoped it would be enough to let her go.

"There, thats all I got from let me go." she hesitated and added. "Please."

David looked confused. He squinted at the things she placed in his hand; realization soon dawned on him. "No I don't want your stuff dear, you can keep it." He used a finger from his free hand to nudge them back over to her. She bent down slowly and gathered them back.

"I'm only interested in what your doing. It's dangerous in the city, and you're clearly no fool to have survived this long. So why come to this zombie infested piece of hell?"

Her stomach clenched. "Why? Why do you care?" She asked suspiciously.

Daniel shrugged and leaned against the building. "Well for starters, you're the first person I've been able to talk to in two years," he gave a short pause and said in a dissapionted sigh. "even if you are scared witless."

Beth snapped her head up and forced her eyes to meet Daniels. "I'm not scared!" She retorted firmly.

"Well, I can tell you don't want my company much, I'll let—" he stopped suddenly and whipped his head to the right. "It's the Dead," he said softly after a moment. "Their coming. Do you have a telescope or...?"

Beth took a moment to respond before reaching down in her jacket and pulling out a small pair of binoculars. She looked to where Daniel pointed and sure enough— In the not to far distance, a swarm of zombies came. They scrambled over cars and tripped over each other in their speed. Whatever had started their marathon of death wasn't around anymore, but that didn't keep them from running. Beth lowered her binoculars and turned to Daniel.

"How did you,—" she began to ask, when her stomach dropped as she, and her bag, went sliding into the pocket again. "HEY!" She yelled. "Let me out of here!" She began to beat against his chest, when his hand pressed her flat against him, prohibiting movement. She gave a muffled scream against the cloth.

"Stop that, we got to go!" The hand backed away slightly giving her a bit of room.

"Let me—!" She was cut off by a violent jolt, her head jerked back against the hand supporting her. He had started running. Beth gave up on standing on her own, after a few wobbly attempts, and leaned into the hand, bracing herself for a long ride.

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