Completion Of Tumblr Rambles

By A-Black-Pegasus

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Giant/tiny Marvel writings and other writings -Marvel -Gravity Falls -DBH -Harry Potter -Original Random seri... More

Beth's Neighbors Part 1
Beth's Neighbors Part 2
Beth's Neighbors Part 3
Beth's Neighbors Part 4
Beth's Neighbors Part 5
Beth's Neighbors Part 6
Survival of the Biggest Part 2
Survival of the Biggest Part 3
These Giant Feelings Part 1
These Giant Feelings Part 2
Just a Little Magic
Just a Little Magic Part 2
Just a Little Magic Part 3

Survival of the Biggest Part 1

270 1 1
By A-Black-Pegasus

Survival of the biggest

Part 1

This is just an idea, just something for fun. Not going to be a huge series. Thanks!


Beth ran down the alley, without looking behind her she could tell a mob of the undead where close. Her ears could pick up their moans, that seemed to both get closer and grow louder as she ran. Beth took a sharp left and jumped over a chain fence, where she ran into a fire escape and began to climb. It was old, it had probably been rusted and loose before all this had started eight years ago when she was nine, but now it was really bad. It looked as unsteady as it felt when Beth began to climb it, but it was her only option.

She was stuck in the city. Beth had come looking for anything she could get her hands on, but as luck would have it she had found nothing, save a few stray batteries, and an expired can of tomato soup.

"That's going to be a pleasant dinner." She had thought when she found it, but right now eating anything at all sounded good to her.

She scrambled up the ladder. Her foot broke a rung, and she nearly fell, but grabbed the ledge and pulled herself up at the last minute. The dead gathered beneath her, moaning their displeasure at having lost a fresh meal. A scrawny looking squirrel chittered on a nearby fence, as if it was laughing at her, of course the dead ignored it. Beth rolled her eyes.

"Even when it's in easy grabbing distance, they still ignore the little shits." She mumbled.

The dead had only a taste for the living, living humans that is, and left all critters of any size, shape, or speed alone. In the last few years, nature had made a strong return in the absence of over three fourths of the world's population. More and more animals were beginning to populate the earth, and you could hardly go anywhere without fear of a hidden zombie in the thigh high grass. Bulidings to, were starting the crumble, trees streached their branches through windows and dug their roots into foundations reclaiming lost land. Weeds broke through pavement in many places, covering the black paths in a green carpet.

She shook her head wishing she had a gun, but even so it wasn't much meat, and she would have had a hell of a time getting to it. Beth continued her climb.

Not a lot of anything was left from the bright days, save what was closed off in different boarded up towns, that had the sense to mark their territory and gather the man power to defend it.

She reached the roof and surveyed the city, she was supposedly somewhere in Missouri, if the long outdated map was anything to go by. She swung her backpack off and dug around for her journal. It was a thick book, and the inside was filled with tips, and skills that had been acquired over years of surviving. Her brother had started it when it all began, but he was dead. Now it was hers,and it was her most valuable possession. Inside were detailed drawings of wild plants you could eat and use as medicine, how to tie a sturdy knot, how to filter water with just about anything, first aid, and so much more. Another reason she hung on to it, was all of her brother's notes and doodles he crammed into the edge of the pages.

"If you let your teeth rot out you'll be the lamest zombie."

"If you're reading this you can read! Congrats!"

"Don't eat yellow, red or green snow, trust me on this one."

She flipped towards the end, and in carefull print wrote.

"In Missouri, buildings still intack as of February, 21 2047. No supplies so far." She closed the book and put it away. Standing she began a run, and leaped to the next building. She traveled this way for some time before reaching the end of the block. She was about to climb down to search what looked like an abandoned Pharmacy, when she heard a boom.

She dropped to the roof top and looked around keeping her head down, quietly she drew her crowbar and waited. There was some loud groaning and what sounded like metal on metal when she saw it.

He was massive, when he stood he reached over fifty feet. He was certainly bigger than the roof she was on, and he was not far either, only a few buildings away! How could she not have heard him? Had the been asleep or something? She cursed her luck and walked back slowly hoping he wouldn't notice.

As she walked back, not letting her eyes loose sight of him,she heard a crunch. She looked down and saw she had stepped on glass with the heel of her boot. Beth glanced back up to see giant staring straight at her.

Their eyes locked, and for a moment no one moved or made a sound— then she spun around and booked it.

"Hey! Hold it!" The giant called behind her, but she kept going, heading back in the very direction she was running from. This time, something even more dangerous was after her. The giant moved behind Beth, gaining easy distance with each loud step. She could see his hand reaching out to her, from the corner of her eye. Closer,....closer,... finnally—the hand lundged and tried to grab her, and at the last moment she forced her knees to bend and tucked her head in. Beth rolled roughly underneath the hand, which grabbed nothing but thin air. Beth jumped back up despite her throbbing knees, and went sprinting to the left. As she reached the ledge she stepped wrong causing her knee to flair. She tripped and plummeted to the ground.

Beth couldn't scream, it was too short a fall for that. She closed her eyes waited for a sudden death.

Death didnt come, and the pavement wasn't hard, It was warm, and slightly squishy. Squishy? Rolling over on her back and saw giant boots. Wind suddenly rushed past her as she was quickly brought up to the face of the giant. She jumped and backed up meeting only his raised fingers that forced her to not fall.

His mouth moved, forming words that Beth did not register as she stood there frozen. He moved his mouth again and this time she caught the end of his sentence.

"........,and are you ok?" He asked slowly.

Beth prided herself on having faced just about every situation, every problem an apocalypse could throw out at you, and coming out alive and fighting. She had seen it all, done half of it herself, and yet, when faced with this giant she did the only thing her shocked mind and tense body would allow.

Beth passed out.

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