Little Things

By BrittanyH18

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Book 3 of 4 in the Bad Things Series. A life on tour is something Marley has dreamed of since she was younger... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter One

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By BrittanyH18


Chapter One


Marley takes a deep breath as they make their way onto the tour bus. "It's so much bigger than I imagined." She breathes out, shifting Grace in her arms.

"I'm proud of you." Camila responds softly, placing Jaden in one of the built in cribs.

Marley shrugged. "I never thought I'd get here."

"Well I knew you would." Camila responds, moving over to Marley and taking Grace, putting her in the other built in crib.

Marley smiled shyly. She looked around the bus.

Moving back over to Marley, Camila pulls her close and kisses her slowly and passionately.

Marley smiled against Camila's lips and after a few minutes pulled away. She smiled at Camila before stepping away to investigate the bus. They were just waiting on the rest of Marley's team before they could leave.

The older girl lifts Mason up and follows behind Marley. "Hey Mar, maybe you can just call me Camila instead of mom."

Marley stopped, she turned to look at her mother. "Why?"

Biting her lip, Camila looks into Marley's eyes. "I just figured we've been together for a while and we have three kids. So maybe you could use my name."

Marley swallowed. "I don't know." She shrugged.

Nodding her head, Camila looks down and shifts Mason. "It's stupid, forget it." She whispers.

Marley sighed. She turned away from Camila and went back to investigating the bus.

Mason shifts in Camila's arms. "Mommy," he whines.

"What's up?" Marley asked him, not looking at him.

"Want you." The little boy whines softly.

Marley stopped, she turned to look at Camila. "My team is going to know that I'm a mom. The mom of your kids."

Pain fills Camila's eyes and she looks down. "You're right, they shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come." She whispers.

"I didn't mean it like that." Marley mumbled. "I just thought out-loud."

Shaking her head, Camila makes her way to the bedroom and lays a now sleeping Mason in the toddler bed that had bars because of the moving vehicle.

Marley ran her fingers through her hair. She needed some air and they had only been on the bus about ten minutes.

Camila passes her and picks up the twins from their cribs in the sitting area before taking them back to the bedroom.

Taking a deep breath, Marley headed to the door.

The rest of their team immediately walks onto the bus, stopping her in her tracks.

"Marley," Roger says sending her a smile. "We will just be riding with you until we reach the bus for the team."

Marley looked up at Roger. "I just need some air."

Her manager takes a deep breath. "We have a lot of things to discuss, make it quick."

"Five minutes, that's all I ask for." Marley breathed.

Roger nods his head. "Of course."

"Thank you." Marley squeezed past him and jumped down from the bus.

Five minutes later

Camila was sitting in the back room, smiling at her phone when Marley walked in.

"Hi." Marley sat down. "I didn't mean what I said, I had a moment of panic."

Camila bites her lip and looks up at Marley. "It really hurt."

"I didn't mean it." Marley mumbled. "I panicked."

The older girl takes a deep breath and holds her arms open for Marley. "Come here."

Marley moved over to her mother. She curled into her arms. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Ah! Here you are Marley. We have a lot to discuss." Roger said as he sat down.

Camila shifts them on the bed and looks at Roger. "Can we have a minute?"

Roger sighed. "Sure. A quick one. Because we really need to talk about everything." He got up and left.

Shifting again, Camila leans in and kisses Marley slowly and passionately.

Marley let her eyes flutter closed.

Deepening the kiss, Camila rolls above Marley and tilts her head to the side.

Marley hummed against Camila's lips.

Their kiss quickly grew heated and Camila slips her hands under Marley's shirt, caressing her breasts.

Marley's breath caught in her throat and she pulled away for air.

Moving her lips to Marley's neck, Camila begins to suck on her pulse point. Rubbing her thumbs against Marley's nipples.

Marley shifted beneath Camila.

Camila could feel her daughter's heart racing in her chest.

The older girl shifts above Marley and gently grinds down against her.

Marley moaned quietly.

Sitting up, Camila pulls Marley's shirt over her head and leans down, attaching her lips to Marley's nipple.

Marley gasped before humming.

"I love you." Camila whispers against Marley's nipple, sliding a hand between them and into Marley's skirt and panties where she begins to rub her clit.

"I love you too." Marley breathed out.

Pulling away from Marley's chest, Camila looks into her eyes. "I want you to ride me."

"Ride you?" Marley breathed.

Nodding her head, Camila takes a deep breath. "Yes."

Marley swallowed, she took a deep breath.

"Will you?" Camila asks softly, she didn't want to scare Marley.

"Um..." Marley hesitated.

Camila sends a soft smile. "We don't have to."

Marley nodded. "Okay." She shifted and moved to sit up.

"Where are you going?" Camila asks softly.

"Nowhere." Marley said, leaning back on the bed. "I was uncomfortable."

Nodding, Camila shifts them so Marley is straddling her hips and goes back to kissing her just as the door opens.

Marley flinched away from Camila as soon as she heard the door open.

Camila immediately blocks Marley and hands her the shirt. "Can you go?" She growls out, looking at Roger.

Roger put his hands up in defense. "Don't yell at me."

"Start knocking." Camila responds, glaring at Roger.

"Watch your tone." Roger said. "I really need to speak to your daughter before you leave, if you have forgotten, I'm not going."

Sighing, Camila continues blocking Marley. "Can you leave so she can get dressed?"

Roger nodded before closing the door.

Swallowing thickly, Camila turns to face Marley and help her back into her shirt. Flinching when the younger girl pushes her away.

"I can do it myself." Marley responded. "I'm not a kid." She pulled her shirt over her head.

Looking down, Camila stands up and makes her way into the bathroom, her erection noticeable.

Marley sighed. She fixed her hair and wiped off what was left of her make-up before leaving the room to speak to her manager.


Roger was sitting at the tiny kitchen table. "Marley, you have to be careful on tour with them."

"Careful?" Marley asked. "What do you mean?"

Sighing, he runs a hand over his head. "Don't get caught with her by anyone, or this could end your career."

Marley swallowed. "I know."

Standing up, Roger looks at her. "We've invited Ty Dolla $ign on tour to pretend to be your boyfriend."

"But I didn't agree to that." Marley said.

"It's the only way to keep speculations under wrap." Roger responds before turning to leave.

"But that's not fair on me." Marley said.

Roger turns to look at her. "It's not your call." He says before completely leaving the bus.

Marley slumped back in the chair. "But there's like twenty years between us."

Two hours later

Camila had just given the twins their bottles and Mason his food when Marley walked back into the kitchen.

"You okay?" Camila asked softly. "You seem kind of upset."

"Roger is forcing me to date Ty Dolla $ign." Marley mumbles.

Tensing, Camila looks into Marley's eyes. "No." her eyes were filled with jealousy.

"He said I don't have a choice but he's nearly in his fifties." Marley mumbled. "I don't know him." she mumbled.

The older girl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I do."

"You do?" Marley asked, staring at her mother in disbelief.

"He was a senior when your mother and I were in high school." Camila responds softly.

"Oh." Marley swallowed.

Camila nods her head as she watches the twins take their bottles.

Grace drops her's and immediately begins crying.

Camila picked her daughter's bottle up and gave it to her again.

"We should be to the team's tour bus soon." One of the team member's says, walking into the kitchen from the sitting room.

Marley looked up at her, she nodded. "Okay."

Shifting, Camila tries not to get upset, her mind was wandering to the possibilities of what could happen.

Marley leaned back in the seat and ran her fingers through her hair, sighing heavily. She really didn't want to have to date someone almost twice her age for publicity. Her mind wandered to Jake, her very first boyfriend, and what he might think about all this. Would he be mad?

Marley lifted her head and looked at her mother, knowing she hated the idea of her daughter dating anyone besides her, but they'd never actually been on a real date, they'd only spent time together around the house despite what Lauren thought and felt.

Marley's thoughts wandered towards her mother. She never got to say goodbye before she left. She pushed the tears away from her eyes. Why would her mother say goodbye? 'She hates me now because of my relationship with mama. I ruined my relationship with my mother.'

Taking a deep breath, Camila turns to face Marley. "When we drop them off. We need to talk." She says softly.

Marley shook the thoughts from her head and opened her eyes to look at her mother. "Talk? About what?"

"When they get off." Camila responds, not wanting to talk loud.

"Oh. Okay." Marley nodded slowly.

Mason begins rubbing at his eyes tiredly, smearing mac and cheese on his face.

"Mason." Marley moved over to her son. "Come here, let's get you cleaned up." She lifted him up and carried him to the bathroom to clean his face. "Then it's nap time."

Shaking his head, Mason rubs at his eyes again. "Not tired mommy."

"Yeah you are." Marley said. "I can see it in your eyes."

The two year old shakes his head, before releasing a soft yawn.

"Yes you are." Marley responded, sitting her son down on the counter.

Wetting a washcloth, Marley begins cleaning him up.

Mason huffed dramatically.

"Mar, we're dropping the team off." Camila says softly, standing in the doorway.

"Okay." Marley turned her head to look at her mother.

"I'm going to put the twins down for their nap." Camila says softly, before going to get the twins.

Marley ran her fingers through her hair hair and sighed. She went back to cleaning her son's face.

Yawning, Mason tries to pull away. "Mommy," he whines.

"Mason, Stop." Marley said firmly. "I have to clean you up."

"Done," the two year old whines, trying to pull away.

"You're not clean yet." Marley said.

"Clean mommy!" Mason responds, he hated getting cleaned off.

"Mason, sit still." Marley said firmly, trying not to get angry.

Tears fill Mason's eyes and he sits down, staring up at Marley with his bottom lip pouting out.

"Don't look at me like that." Marley said.

The little boy begins to softly cry, he hated getting clean.

Marley continued to clean him before lifting him off the counter and placing him on the floor.

Mason immediately holds his arms up toward her. "Mommy!"

Marley took Mason's hand. "Let's change your clothes."

Whining, Mason drops himself down on the ground and begins crying.

Marley sighed. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"He wants you to sing him to sleep." Camila says softly, standing in the doorway. "You haven't done that in a while."

"He needs to change into his pjs first." Marley told Camila. "But he won't come."

Sighing, Camila bends down and picks Mason up. "He doesn't like walking when he's tired."

Marley sighed, she ran her fingers through her hair. "Why am I so bad at this? I barely know my own son."

Biting her lip, Camila looks down. "You've been busy."

Marley sighed. "I don't know if I can do this." She breathed out.

"What do you mean?" Camila asks softly, shifting Mason in her arms and beginning to walk to the room so she can put him in pjs.

"The tour. I barely know my kids and now I will barely get to spend five minutes with them. I'll have to spend so much time with this Ty guy." Marley responded.

"We're here." The bus driver called.

Camila sighs softly and places Mason in his bed. "Don't give up on your dream."

"I'm trying not to but it seems to be getting harder and harder the further I go and the more famous I get." Marley leaned against the bunks and sighed heavily. She closed her eyes.

Shutting the door to the bedroom, Camila walks over to Marley and pulls her close. "Why don't we lay down for a bit while the team settles on their own bus."

Marley nodded. She had no idea when Ty was joining them but she wanted to savour as much time alone with her family as she could.

Leading Marley over to the bedroom door, Camila leads her into the room and shuts the door and locks it. "Why don't you sing to Mason so he can fall asleep."

"Sing what?" Marley asked.

"Anything you want." The older girl says softly, picking Mason up and passing him to Marley.

"Um..." Marley went quiet as she thought.

Smiling softly, Camila moves to their bed and kisses Marley's cheek. "How about your song Consequences?"

Marley looked at her mother. "I don't know if he'll like that one." She looked down at her son. "What should I sing to you baby?"

Mason points at her cd case, waiting for her to get it.

Marley pulled a cd off the rack and passed it to him.

The two year old points at the song Messy.

Marley nodded. "Okay." She took a deep breath and began singing quietly.

Laying his head on Marley's shoulder, Mason listens to her voice and starts to fall asleep.

Marley brushed her fingers through Mason's hair and sang until he fell asleep.

Lifting him up gently, Camila lays him in his bed before laying down and holding her arms out for Marley.

Marley crawled into Camila's arms and closed her eyes.

Kissing her forehead, Camila can't help but smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." Marley whispered before yawning.

Shifting, Camila leans in and kisses her slowly and passionately.

Marley relaxed under Camila's touch.

Deepening the kiss, the older girl cups Marley's cheek.

Marley pulled away. "Can we take a nap?"

"If that's what you want." Camila responds softly.

Marley nodded. "Yeah."

Shifting, Camila lays on her side and pulls Marley close.

Marley buried her face in Camila's chest and it wasn't long before the two of them were asleep.


"Marley, this is Ty Dolla $ign." Marley's tour manager, Annie, introduced Marley to her soon to be fake boyfriend.

Ty grins and stares at Marley's chest. "Nice to meet you."

Marley shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, her anxiety was beginning to kick in.

"He'll be staying on a different bus, but we want you to be seen together." Annie says softly.

Marley stared at Ty uneasily and swallowed.

"We'll talk more tomorrow." Annie says softly. "Mar, go ahead back to your bus."

Marley snapped her head towards her tour manager.

Annie sends her a soft smile. "Go ahead."

"Thanks." Marley whispered before turning and and making her way back to her bus. She had her hands clenched into fists to stop them from shaking.

Camila was sitting alone in the sitting area, waiting for Marley.

The door to the bus opened and Marley climbed up, sighing heavily.

"How'd it go?" Camila asks softly, holding her arms open for Marley to sit on her lap.

"He kept staring at my chest. It was creepy." Marley sat down and sighed heavily. "I don't want to do this."

Wrapping her arms around Marley, Camila releases a soft sigh. "I'll call Roger and Simon."

"Roger said I don't have a choice." Marley mumbled, burying her face in Camila's neck and letting her tears fall.

Rubbing her back, Camila gently rubs Marley's back. "I've got you."

Marley sobbed quietly. She was trembling. "We have to do an interview later today at Miami Radio, both of us. Him and me."

"I'm calling Annie." Camila responds softly, pulling out her phone and calling Annie.

"She can't do anything." Marley sobbed.

Camila just holds Marley, waiting for Annie to pick up.

Marley sniffed.

"Hey, Camila. What can I do for you?" Annie asked.

"Get Roger on this call." Camila commands calmly.

"Sure." Annie said. She changed the call to a conference call, bringing Roger into it.

"Hello?" Roger asks, confused on why he's being called.

Camila shifts on the couch with Marley on her lap. "I want to end this PR relationship you set my daughter up with or I'm pulling her out of this tour."

"Woah! Camila calm down." Roger said. "I will do no such thing. She needs this."

"No she doesn't, not when Ty is scaring her because all he does is stare at her chest and ass." Camila snaps out. "Either cancel the PR or find a new job."

"I'll drop your daughter, take everything from her." Roger said.

Camila tenses up angrily. "I dare you to try, I can find her a better manager that doesn't put her with a thirty-two year old man that scares her."

"She'll be fine, she's just overreacting." Roger responded.

"You're fired." Camila snaps out, rubbing Marley's back. "Annie, end this call and include Simon."

"Okay." Annie cut Roger off before calling Simon.

"Hello?" The familiar British voice of Simon comes through the phone.

"Simon, we fired Roger, I need you to get Marley a new manager that knows about us. I also need you to keep Roger from spilling things." Camila sighs and looks down at Marley who had cried herself to sleep. "I also want this PR relationship with Ty to end."

Simon let out a long breath. "I'll see what I can do in such short notice." He said.

"Thank you." Camila says softly, hanging up the phone.

Standing up, she carries Marley to their bed and lays her down.

She kissed the top of Marley's head softly. "I'll get this sorted out." She whispered softly.

Laying down on the bed, Camila pulls Marley into her arms.

She gently ran her fingers through Marley's hair.

Two hours later

Camila wakes up to find Marley wide awake beside her. "I took care of everything."

"Everything?" Marley asked through a yawn.

"Everything, Roger is no longer your manager." Camila says softly.

"I don't have a manager anymore?" Marley asked, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. "But what about my tour? This is everything I've ever wanted."

Smiling softly, Camila kisses her gently. "I've handled that as well."

"How?" Marley breathed out, she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I spoke to Simon." Camila responds softly.

Marley nodded. "Okay." Her stomach growled but she wasn't hungry.

Leaning in, Camila kisses her once more.

Marley leaned into Camila's soft touch.

Deepening the kiss, Camila moves ao she's above Marley.

Marley hummed against Camila's lips.

Shifting, Camila slips her hands under Marley's shirt.

Marley wrapped her arms around Camila neck and tangled her fingers in Camila's hair.

Running her tongue along Marley's bottom lip, Camila rubs her hips.

After a few minutes, Marley pulled away for air.

Leaning their foreheads together, Camila tries to catch her breath. "I love you." she breathes out.

"I love you too." Marley breathed heavily.

Laying back down on the bed, Camila relaxes. "What do you want to do?"

"Can you read to me?" Marley asked quietly.

"What would you like me to read?" Camila asks softly, kissing Marley's forehead.

Marley thought for a moment. "To Kill A Mockingbird?"

"That's an easy one." Camila says softly before beginning to site the book without needing the actual book.

Marley rested her head on Camila's shoulder and listened to her mother talk.

Camila stops talking once they hit chapter four, sitting up to grab her water bottle.

Marley smiled softly. "You memorized this whole book didn't you?"

"I did." Camila says softly, turning back to face Marley. "That was the only book I ever read."

"Seriously?" Marley looked at Camila. "You're the opposite of Mom then, she loves to read."

Chuckling, Camila sits up and stretches. "I've read, but To Kill A Mockingbird was the only book I liked."

Two soft cries come from the built in cribs in the room.

Marley giggled before getting up to see her kids.

"We're almost at the radio station." The bus driver called.

Getting up, Camila makes her way over to the cribs as well.

Grace cooed up at Marley while Jaden continued to softly cry.

"You just wanted some attention, didn't you?" Marley asked her daughter.

The little girl cooed.

"I'll take that as a yes." Marley responded.

Picking Jaden up, Camila moves him over to the changing table and changes his diaper.

Jaden continues to softly cry, he was a very fussy baby.

"Shh, buddy." Camila cooed, bouncing him gently.

Slowly, the little boy relaxes and coos up at Camila softly.

Camila smiled at him. "You look just like your mommy."

A tiny smile appears on Jaden's lips and he kicks his feet.

Camila giggled. "I love you, buddy."

Squealing, the baby kicks his feet again before turning his head toward Camila's chest.

"Let's get you a bottle mister." Camila said softly.

Jaden grunts in agreement.

Camila made up a bottle of formula and heated it up.

"Can you make one for Grace?" Marley asks softly.

"Sure." Camila nodded.

The younger girl smiles softly. "Thank you."

Camila smiled and began making Grace's bottle.

"Up!" Mason yells from his bed.

"I'll get him." Marley turned and went to see her son.

The two year old grins as soon as he sees Marley. "Change mommy."

"Change?" Marley asked, confused.

Nodding his head, Mason holds his arms up.
As soon as Marley picks him up she catches a whiff of his poopy diaper.

"Woah." Marley felt sick as soon as she caught a whiff of the smell.

"Change." Mason says immediately.

"Okay, baby." Marley picked up the diaper bag.

As soon as he is changed, Mason looks up at Marley. He was tiny for being two and still had to wear diapers. "Eat!"

"Okay. What would you like?" Marley asked softly, looking at him.

Shrugging, the little boy lays his head on Marley's shoulder.

"Okay. Let's see what kinds we have." Marley held her hand out to her son.

Grabbing her hand, the little boy sends her a soft smile. "Love."

"I love you too baby." Marley responded, leading him into the mini kitchen area.

"Mama!" Mason yells excitedly upon seeing Camila.

Grace and Jaden were leaned back in their built in carseats, taking their bottles.

"Hi, buddy." Camila smiled softly.

The little boy grins and waves at Camila. "Hungry!"

Camila giggled.

Marley opened the cupboard that had the cereal in it.

"Mama up!" Mason says excitedly.

Camila bent down and lifted her son up. "Okay. What cereal have we got?"

"Cheerios, Fruity Pebbles, S'mores, and Reeses Puffs." Marley says, looking at the four boxes of cereal.

Mason lays his head on Camila's shoulder. "S'mores."

"Okay." Marley responded, pulling the box of cereal from the cupboard.

Yawning, Mason struggles to keep his eyes open.

"Buddy? You said you were hungry." Camila said softly.

Nodding his head, Mason grips onto Camila's shirt.

"You can't fall asleep if you're hungry." Camila said softly.

Sitting up, Mason rubs at his eyes. "Comfy."

"Comfy?" Camila asked, looking at him.

The little boy nods and points at her shoulder. "Comfy."

"Alright buddy, here's your cereal." Marley says softly.

"Thanks mommy," Mason mumbles.

"You're welcome baby." Marley says softly, sitting the bowl on his high chair table.

Camila gently puts Mason in his seat.

Mason began eating.

"Mmm, you're beautiful like this." Camila says softly as she wraps her arms around Marley.

"Shh." Marley whispered.

Frowning, Camila spins Marley around and connects their lips together in a rough and needy kiss.

Marley smiled into the kiss.

Lifting her up onto the barely there counter, Camila deepens the kiss.

Marley wrapped her arms around Camila's neck.

Grabbing Marley's thighs, Camila wraps the younger girl's legs around her waist and pulls her close, letting her feel the growing erection in her jeans.

Marley's breath caught in her throat.

Pulling her closer, Camila unbuttons her jeans and pulls her erection out before lifting Marley's skirt as coverage.

Marley pulled out of the kiss and rested her head against Camila's shoulder.

"Lift yourself up." Camila whispers in her ear as she pulls Marley's panties down slightly.

Marley did as Camila asked.

Pulling the panties down further, Camila stops them when they reach Marley's thighs.

"Mm, make sure you're quiet." Camila breathes out, sucking on her pointer and middle finger before reaching between them and beginning to rub Marley's clit.

Marley's breath caught in her throat and her heart sped up in her chest.

Once Marley is wet enough, Camila grabs her erection and pushes the tip inside Marley, thrusting in and out of her, but never putting more than the tip in.

She knew that Marley loved being teased and they didn't always have a chance to tease each other.

Marley moaned into Camila's shoulder quietly.

"Do you want more?" Camila whispers in her ear, gripping her thighs and thrusting into her slightly harder, but still only pushing the tip in.

Marley nodded against Camila's shoulder.

"Use your words." Camila says softly, continuing her movements.

Marley moaned quietly.

"Do you want more?" The older girl asks again, lifting Marley's head and looking into her eyes.

Marley nodded. "Yes." She breathed quietly, her eyes falling closed as Camila smiled and pushed all the way into her.

Tangling a hand in Marley's hair, Camila crashes their lips together and begins thrusting into her fast and hard.

Marley moaned against Camila's lips.

It wasn't long before they both crashed over the edge.

Camila gives one final thrust before coming deep inside Marley.

Marley let out a low moan against Camila's lips.

Pulling away, Camila looks into Marley's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." Marley breathed.

"We're at the radio station." The bus driver called.

Pulling out of her, Camila fixes their clothes. "We should fix your hair and makeup real quick."

Marley nodded. "I have an interview."

Leading her into their room, Camila quickly helps Marley clean up. "Remember, you have nothing to worry about." She whispers in Marley's ear when she's ready.

Marley nodded. "I know." She breathed.

"Go out there and have fun." The older girl says, kissing Marley quickly. "We'll be waiting here on the bus."

Marley nodded, she took a deep breath and left the bus.

"Mama!" Mason calls from where he is still in his highchair.

"Yeah, buddy." Camila moved over to him. She turned on the bus radio and changed it to the station that Marley would be on.

"Up?" The little boy asks softly.

Camila lifted Mason up.

Curling into her, Mason closes his eyes. "Mommy?"

"She's doing an interview." Camila said softly just as the interviewer announced Marley's arrival.

Mason lays his head on her shoulder and listens silently for Marley's voice.

"Hey." Marley said. She sounded happy.

"Hello. Okay, so question, do we call you Marley, or Marley Cabello or Marley Rose?" The interviewer asked.

Mason squeals upon hearing her voice. "Hi mommy!" He yells at the radio.

"Just Marley is fine, I mean you can call me either of those." Marley responds.

"Okay, just Marley," the interviewer teases. "How's family life now that you're famous? What do your parents think?"

"My mama is very happy for me, she's actually on the tour with me." Marley responds softly.

"Wow! And your other parent? Your siblings? What do they think?" The interviewer asked.

It's silent for a few minutes and Camila can't help but wish she was there.

"T-they're happy for me." The singer says softly.

"You hesitated." The interviewer said. "Why did you hesitate?"

"No I didn't." Marley tried to play it off like she didn't.

The interviewer decided to keep going. "Alright, well rumor has it that you're dating Ty Dolla $ign, he's a little to old for you don't you think?"

"That's not true." Marley said. "I don't even know him."

"So you're not dating him?" The interviewer asks.

"No. I'm not." Marley responded.

Camila can't help but smile as she sits down and listens, Mason was sound asleep in her arms while the twins slept in their carseats.

"Oh thank god, sorry honey but we all pictured you with someone like Shawn Mendes or Austin Mahone." The interviewer says.

"I've never met them either." Marley admitted.


Camila smiles as Marley walks onto the bus. "That was amazing."

"Was it really?" Marley mumbled. She slumped down on the couch and ran her fingers through her hair.

Frowning, Camila makes her way over to Marley and pulls her close. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing." Marley mumbled quietly.

Shifting Marley onto her lap, the older girl kisses her forehead. "Talk to me baby girl."

"It's nothing. I'm just tired." Marley mumbled.

Rubbing her back, Camila sighs. "Why don't we lay down?"

Marley shook her head. "If I sleep now, I won't sleep tonight."

"I didn't say sleep, I said lay down." Camila explains softly.

Marley shook her head. She didn't feel well. The minute the interviewer had asked her about her 'other parent' meaning her mother, Marley's stomach churned.

"I'll leave you alone." Camila says softly, moving Marley off her and standing up.

Marley nodded. She curled up on the couch and covered her face with her hands.

Sighing, Camila makes her way to their room.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She opened her photos tab and flicked through the images.

She stopped on a picture of Mason and the twins after the twins first arrived.

He was sitting on the bed beside Marley, looking down at his new brother and sister while Marley held them.

Taking a deep breath, she comes to a decision. "Mar," she calls out.

"What?" Marley asked quietly.

"Come here." Camila calls out softly.

"Why?" Marley asked.

Sighing, the older girl gets up and walks toward where Marley is still sitting. "Go on a date with me."

"A date?" Marley looked up at Camila. "Why? We'll get caught. Someone will see us."

"Mar, go on a date with me." Camila responds immediately.

"Why?" Marley asked.

Camila frowns and looks into her eyes. "I need a reason to take you on a date?"

"We've never been on one before." Marley responded. "And someone would find out."

Camila cups Marley's cheek and looks into her eyes. "I don't care, you deserve to be taken out on a date."

"I care." Marley said. "I've been judged all my life for what I look like and I don't want that anymore." Memories of Kitty bullying her rush through Marley's mind.

Taking a deep breath, Camila closes her eyes. "Nobody has to know it's a date."

"But they'll assume it's a date." Marley said. "Because that's what people are like."

"Mar, they know I'm your mother. They will just think we're spending time together." The brown eyed mother says softly.

Marley closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I can't do this mom." She whispered.

"Do what?" Camila asks softly, not understanding.

"Everything." Marley whispered.

Swallowing thickly, Camila looks down. "Next stop I'll leave, then you won't have to worry about anything."

Marley opened her eyes and looked up at Camila. "If you want to." She whispered.

"It seems to be what you want, because everytime I turn around you have a reason not to do something." Camila responds.

"Whatever." Marley mumbled. She closed her eyes.

Shaking her head, Camila stands up. "Let me know when you're not ashamed of me and our kids."

Marley watched Camila walk away out of the corner of her eyes.

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