Hurts (bnha)

Por Catehugnstuff

95 0 0

A story about a boy who had nothing but grew to have everything. Okay I know the description is bad but just... Más

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Smut)
Chapter 9 (Smut)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Fluff)

Chapter 1

19 0 0
Por Catehugnstuff

Rin fell to the ground covering his stomach tightly with his arms. Blood pooled on the alley floor beneath him, steam rolling off of the sticky red as it mixed with fresh snow. His right eye was swollen shut, making it nearly impossible to see but he knew who hit him. It was the same person who always did.

"Hey faggot, how's that dirt taste, huh?" Another punch to his left cheek sending him sprawling to the ground. Rin relaxed his body to be more limp. It's hurts less this way. "God, you's is so fuckin pathetic, faggot. No wonda' ya daddy left, huh?" He kicks hard into Rins stomach, just below the ribs, causing him to cough and sputter. He licks the blood off his lips gingerly, feeling a cut.

"We's gotta stop meeting like this. Maybe I can knock some sense into that thick fuckin head o' ya's." Gabe rolled up his sleeve. Rin took a deep breath knowing what comes next. In mere moments, his face had become a Picasso painting. He laid on his side, watching the blood pool from his mouth. Tastes like pennies.

Gabe rose to his full height, smiling to himself. "Don't botha' comin ta school tomorrow okay, bub? Wouldn't want ta break ya's nose again, yeah?" Rin didn't respond, it would just lead to more trouble if he did. "Pft, see ya around, faggot." And just like that, he was gone.

After a few seconds, Rin flipped onto his back to watch his breath float ever higher. The attacks had been becoming more frequent. Was his dad drinking more? Maybe his mom got hit this time. Whatever the case, Rin forgave him. He knew it was wrong and that no person in their right mind would, but he did. He knew how bad Gabe had it and had read dozens of articles about the reason people bullied. It made them feel good. Made them forget the pain of their own lives. And Rin was okay with that. His mother had told him over and over again that he shouldn't be, but he was. If it made Gabe happy, good. He deserved a little happiness.

He flipped over on his hands and knees once the blood started to fill in the back of his throat. His knees wobbled and shook as he stood, begging to be put to rest once more. But mom was home alone, and she needed him. So, he started walking. The people that saw him walking by, gave him dirty looks. He was always walking around with either a bruise or blood on him at all times so people came up with the idea that he was a bad kid who liked to get into fights. He got used to the looks pretty quickly.

He didn't stop walking until he got to his apartment complex. He stood for a few minutes, staring at the stairs and trying to will himself to climb them. When he could no longer feel his fingers from the cold, he finally started to climb the stairs.

His face was blank, as it always was. Never showing so much as a smirk or a frown. What's there to smile about? What's the point in frowning? He liked to keep his own demons to himself. They're too dangerous.

He got lucky this time, the elevator actually worked today. He stepped inside and the lights flickered sadly. He presses the button and after a few seconds it starts to rise but the doors never closes. He couldn't care less. He runs his tongue over the cut on his lips a few more times. Pain. He licks at it more.

The elevator stops halfway between his floor and the one above. He crawls out from the bottom and almost doesn't get up. He walks to the door at the end of the hall and squeezes his eyes shut. 'Please let mom be asleep,' He hopes. Slowly he creaks the door open and shuffles inside.

"Rin? Rin is that you baby?" Damn, she was still awake. She walks out of the kitchen and tears form in her eyes instantly. He just lowers his head and drops his bag on the floor with a thunk. "Oh, Rin!" She cries and rushes to her son. She wraps her arms around him tightly and cries into his once white but now pink with blood, hair. "You're only 13, you shouldn't have to deal with this!" She cries, now shaking. Tears start to form in his eyes as well but he doesn't know why. Slowly he wraps his arms around her as well as she grips him tighter. "Why do you let him do this to you!? Why, why!?"

She takes him into the bathroom and grabs the first aid off the counter. Just a few weeks ago it was filled to the brim. Now, there's only a few bandages and half a bottle of rubbing alcohol. She darts in and out of the room, grabbing ice packs and towels and anything else that maybe helpful.

"Anything broken?"


"Are you sure, baby? I can take you to the doctor?"

"We don't have the money for it."

"You stop that right now! If you need a doctor I would move heaven and earth to get you one. Now tell me the truth, is anything broken?"

"No, mom, I already told you, I'm fine."

"No you are not fine!"

Rin sighs and covers his swollen eyes with the ice pack. The cold burns on his tender skin. He pushes a little harder.

"You come home everyday with bruises and broken bones and you call that okay!?" She spoutes trying to keep herself together but the pain in her heart was so great. She wanted to be able to bring him to and from school but if she did, there would be no money for food. Guilt sat like a boulder in her stomach. She just wanted to help her son. 'He needs a father, or a second mother, or something! Maybe I could start dating again, but then how will I be able to take care of him? If only his father was here, he's a horrible man but at least we wouldn't be starving.' She thought to herself.

"Mom, are you thinking of dad again?"

She sighs loudly and wraps up his arm tight. "Can't get anything past you, huh? Did your quirk tell you that?"


"You want to know why?"


"Because crystals never lie, especially to their kin."

He rolls his eyes hard and she pinches his cheek. She holds out her palm and creates a small crystal horse and hands it to Rin to play with. He turns the toy around in his hand then grips it tight.

"Tell me about dad . . . Please?"

She closes her eyes hard and feels a pain in her chest. Just the thought of him makes her soul quake.

"Your father was-is a hero but in occupation alone. He is not a good person, I pray you won't be like him."

Rin looks off the side in thought, "What does he look like?"

"Red hair, tall, strong, handsome, kind of like you." A faint smile appears on his face as he shakes his head.

"But he was a liar, Rin. He used me, he used us. He just wanted me to create a baby for him, he didn't love me and he didn't love you and on top of that, he was an already a married man with kids."

"So I have step siblings?"

" . . . I suppose, maybe."

"Does he love them? Why would he love them and not me? Is it because of my foot?" He sticks out his left leg to her to show her. Where his foot should be, there is only a deformed nub. He uses his quirk of creating crystals to make a prosthetic foot for himself and has gotten quite used to it. It saves on buying and maintaining a real prosthetic limb.

She shakes her head sadly, "It's part of it, yes. You weren't breathing when you were first born and you were very small. The doctors didn't think you would make it past three." She places a hand on his cheek and looks at him with love. "But you did. You've made it so far and you're gonna go further. He may not love you, Rin, but I love you with every fiber of my being and I will never, EVER, stop loving you."

He smiles and nuzzles into her hand. With his mother is the only place he ever smiles. Once he's cleaned up, they head to the kitchen. She hands him a plate of grilled cheese as he reads a book called "Maximum Ride." There are more in the series, but he's never been able to afford the sequels. That's what she plannes to get him for Christmas.

After dinner, they brush their teeth together and hop into bed. The apartment only had one room so they slept in the same queen sized bed together. She pulls him tight and kisses his forehead.

"I love you, Rin. More than anything."

"Me too."

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