Once Upon A Dream (Book #1)

By alizeLSPbarnes

275 23 1

This story kinda aligns with Disney's Sleeping Beauty.But werewolf edition.Everyone knows what happened in th... More

002~Birthday and curse
003~Mystery Man
004~True Loves First Kiss
007~Mate Mark/Bond
009~Remember Everything
011~Baby Boy/Girl
012~His Lullaby


47 4 1
By alizeLSPbarnes

Many years ago the prince of wolves found his mate in a poor commoner girl.She worked for the castle and he never noticed her until he came of age to find his mate.He fell in love with her so quickly his parents barely had time to accept her and bring her into the family when they planned to be married.The prince and his mate were married by the time the wedding was set.The king and queens first son Dominic was married, now they had only two to marry off.Dominics twin brother Jonathan and their little sister Monica found their mates soon but both said they wanted Dominic and his mate Rachel to take the throne.

Before Jonathon had found his mate Dominic and Rachel had given birth to their first son.After they were named king and queen of the Wolves they conceived and gave birth to twins.A son and their first and only daughter.

The day came where the packs around the castle came to celebrate the birth of the princess and prince.Just as they did Prince Trey and every new generation before.They marched into the palace cheering and singing.
"Joyfully now to the new prince and princess we come.Bringing Gifts and all good wishes we pledge our loyalty anew.
"Hail to the King
Hail to the Queen
Hail to the princes
Hail to the princess!!"

When the packs finally arrived to the castle.They piled into the ballroom and made room for the Most respected Alpha, beside King Dominic, Ryan and his son Quil to walk through.Only the chosen month old children were ever to be betrothed to royal blood.But the children were always allowed two years after they come of age to find their mate before they are married to their betrothed.
Alpha Ryan walked his son letting his Mate and their daughter wait in the crowd.They bowed at the feet of King Dominic and Queen Rachel.Prince Trey sat at the foot of the cradle of his siblings.Dominic stood and smiled at Quil.

"Dear why don't you introduce Young Quil to our daughter."Dominic said and his Queen stood her smile bright.She took a couple steps toward Alpha Ryan and Quil."Come Sweet Child."She said.Her voice like a melody.Quil looked to his dad and then took steps toward the Queen.He bowed making her smile.She held her hand out Palm up.Quil took her hand and allowed her to walk him toward the twins.He stood tall next to Trey.

"Prince Trey."He said softly.He bowed but Trey shook his head."Do not bow to me Quil...please meet my sister."Trey said and Quil nodded.Trey was 6 years old only the tiniest bit taller than Quil who was 5.Queen Rachel picked her daughter up and let her lay in her arms.She looked to Dominic and he nodded.She knelt down her gown covering her."Quil this is our daughter to whom you are betrothed.Our little Eliza."She said and Quil knelt down next to her.He let his eyes roam over the baby.

Her face was already beautiful even he could tell.The golden sunshine in her hair could already be seen.Her eyes were closed hiding the beauty they held.Her lips tho small were red as a rose.Her skin was like porcelain but lightly tanned."Shes beautiful."Quils child voice spoke.

The queen smiled and picked Eliza closer to Quil."You want to hold her?"She asked and the boy looked to his queen."May I Queen Rachel?"He asked politely.Rachel smiled brightly and slowly carefully helped Quil hold her daughter.Quils eyes roamed the baby's face.The small spark that flowed through his body was foreign.But it felt good comforting.So he smiled.

"My Beautiful Betrothed."He said softly and left a small kiss on her forehead.
That day forward he was connected to her and everyone around them could feel it as clearly as they could see it.When he visited her every cry was comforted by him every laugh was because of him.He grew fond of being around her.They even had a nap time that ended with him waking just to watch her sleep.

When she turned one Quil was there to help her as she staggered a bit walking.He talked to her endlessly.He sung her happy birthday and gave her a piece of cake.They sat together on the floor and Eliza took a tiny handful of cake and got up.
"Eh."Her small music like voice said as she offered Quil.He smiled and opened his hand but she giggled and crawled closer to him.She held her clean hand in his offered one and smeared the cake on his mouth.He laughed as she giggled at his face.

Alpha Ryan and his mate Alpha Female Liliana watched with King Dominic and Queen Rachel as their betrothed children laughed."It would seem we've betrothed future mates."King Dominic laughed and Alpha Ryan laughed nodding."May the Moon Goddess bless us so graciously."Liliana said making Queen Rachel smile."We might have more than one blessing.."She said looking pointedly at her eldest son Trey and Alpha Ryan's youngest daughter Beth.

Alpha Female Liliana smiled brightly and lightly nudged Alpha Ryan to look at their daughter.They all turned from Quil and Eliza to Trey and Beth as they both played by the shallow water of a pond.Beth pointed in the water and Trey knelt down and got elbow deep into the water.He retrieved a pink sparkling rock for Beth and dried it off on his jeans.
"Here you are Beth."He said softly his cheeks faintly pink.Beth smiled and took the rock.She squealed softly and then hugged Trey."Thank you Prince."She said and leaned up to give Trey a kiss on his cheek.His cheeks blushed harder and he cleared his throat."Anything for you Beth but please to you i am Trey."He said softly.
Her cheeks tinted pink and she nodded her brunette locks moving with her movement.

When Beth was born Trey was betrothed to Beth.So it wasn't unusual when Trey would opt for hanging around Beth.Prince Hunter wasn't betrothed yet but when there was a baby he could be betrothed to the King and Queen hoped they would make the right choice.Queen Rachel had him in her arms most the time or playing with his toys.

At the end of the day as Quil kissed Eliza's cheek as a goodbye, She giggled and hugged him.Her gums were bumpy as her teeth began to grow but the smile was as bright as ever.Quil hugged her tiny body back.He was knelt down kind of slouched."I'll be back tomorrow my princess."He said softly and her tiny fingers gripped his shirt her legs tiring.He smiled and helped her to sit before stealing a baby snack from the baggie he had in his pocket.

"Here no crying my Aurora."He whispered softly brushing the fallen tears off Eliza's cheeks.Aurora was a nickname he had given her.He remembered a story his mother read to his sister for bedtime saying something about the first light of dawn was aurora.How beautiful it was how bright and warming.It slipped one day in front of the Queen and he explained his reasoning for the name.He was delighted when the Queen said he would be allowed to call her by the nick name.
Eliza smiled and her bright violetish blue eyes roamed his face.She yawned softly and he smiled."Queen Rachel Eliza is ready for another nap."He said and Queen Rachel smiled in thanks."Thank you Dear Quil."She said and scooped her daughter up.Quil stood and his eyes never lost her as he made his way to his family.

"We appreciate the hospitality King and Queen."Alpha Ryan spoke softly but before any other words were spoken warriors surrounded the entrance and one ran to the King and Alpha."My king enemy witches have come with message and armed with Rouges."The warrior spoke quickly.Fear was radiating off him."What message?"King Dominic asked as he stood by Alpha Ryans side.Queen Rachel touched Alpha Female Lilianas arm and she motioned for Liliana to bring her children back in case they needed to run.
Quil stood next to Trey feeling an intense pull to protect his princess.Trey made sure his betrothed was behind him ready to throw his life for hers.He knew as much because he knew his father would do it has done it for his mother.

Three witches and four Rouges surrounded one witch green mist flowing over her hands.
"What do you want Vivia?"King Dominic growled.The sick smile on the witches face made Alpha Ryan growl."Why King Dominic..I only assumed it was your twins birthday I came to bestow my gift upon them."She spoke.
Before in the day some friendly witches had come to bestow gifts upon the twins the same they done to Trey on his first birthday.But they had more to give Eliza since she was their only girl.They gifted her with the gift of song, beauty, kindness, and intelligence."Is that all?"Queen Rachel asked and the witch gave the queen a feigned smile of heart.
"Yes."The witch answered.King Dominic growled Alpha Ryan's growl echoing it when the Rouges took another step."Now now the prince gives me no interest but your darling princess...what is her name...ah..Princess Eliza..I wish to bestow her a grand gift."The witch said and Quil let his hand touch his auroras foot.The witch smiled and rose her hands.The green mist circled.

"Ah yes ...When the times arises on her 18th birthday when she is to find her mate or accept her betrothed she will wander in the forest to pick the most grand ruby rose and she will prick her finger on the sharpest thorn...on that day she will die and my spell only be broken by true mates  first kiss."

Green mist fogged over on the princess and sharp gasps flew from the Queen and Alpha Female.Dark laughs left the witches and Rouges as they ran.

King Dominic and Alpha Ryan finally returned after hunting the witches and Rouges.Quil stayed knelt by the Queen as she cradled her princess.His eyes wet with tears and his cheeks drenched.Eliza didn't know what was happening but she hugged her mother in return then reached for Quil.
King Dominic fell to his knees in front of his Queen and Princess.His eyes red with anger and sadness."I'm so sorry Rachel."His voice broke and his head bowed."Do not apologize Dominic I do not blame you."Rachel spoke softly and she lifted his face."That witch what if she comes back what if she's impatient with her spell we must hide Eliza."She mumbled sadly.

"We'll take her."Alpha Female Liliana said.Rachel smiled in thanks but shook her head."She would look for you next we must hide her where even we do not know."Queen Rachel's lips quivered as she brushed Eliza's hair with her fingers."Who could we give her to?Who could we trust?"King Dominic asked."You could trust us My King and Queen."They all looked up to see the friendly witches who had gifted their children earlier that day.
"We will hide her protect her until her 18th birthday when we will bring her home."One witch said."We could even see what we can do about the curse."The second one spoke.Queen Rachel stood making King Dominic stand as well."You must promise to care for her as you would your own."The queens voice shook with sadness as she spoke.

The first witch held the Queens free hand and squeezed softly."My Queen I promise she will return to you safe and happy."The witch spoke.Queen Rachel smiled sadly in thanks and then looked to her daughter.She hugged her close and tears dropped from her eyes.King Dominic shook the witches hands and he hugged his daughter as well.
"Now we've heard the wicked witches trick all I can say in this the darling princess Eliza will grow in kindness love and beauty on her 18th birthday she will pick the most grand ruby rose and prick her finger on the sharpest thorn she will not die but fall in a sleep as deep as death only to be awoken by True Loves First Kiss."
The witches changed the curse.Trey stood with Quil."She will return Quil."He said lightly.He was about ready to drop to his knees hearing his princess Aurora was being taken from him.Alpha Female Liliana held her sons shoulders when Princess Eliza giggled.
When the king and Queen prepared the witches Quil sat with Eliza in his arms.
"I promise you will return to me my sweet princess Aurora no matter what."He whispered to her as she yawned.She fell asleep in his arms surrounded by his warmth and scent.

At midnight when the sky was dark with barely enough light from the moon the two witches took the sleeping princess.They disappeared into the forest.King Dominic held his weeping Queen and both his crying sons.Tears leaked down his cheeks as he finally lost sight of the witches and his sweet daughter.

Quil did nothing but think of the princess praying to the moon goddess that she was safe.Praying that soon she would be able to return to his arms.He swore she would return to him no matter what.He meant to keep that promise.


Thank you for reading.It means so much to me.this isn't the only story I've got up but it's a bit more important.I think anyway.So I'm gonna be doing shoutouts so whoever I shoutout can you please share and vote don't forget to comment only positivity and Share.
Love and Thanks to XxItsMeJulsXx 
I hope you like it
~Alizè 🖤🖤

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