Different Worlds

Par happydaysandersen

38.5K 882 31

An alliance is sought with an English king in the wake of the great army's attacks. Ivar has been chosen to... Plus

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Four|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|Finale|

|Chapter Five|

2.7K 70 1
Par happydaysandersen

"It does worry me a little bit" Ivar said looking at Kendra, she looked fragile in front of him. "I'm pretty inexperienced myself, we can learn along the way" Ivar encouraged, reaching for her hand and stroking it gently. "I just wish things were a little easier for you" Ivar paused "I'm worried I'll hurt or push you to where you can't come back" Ivar whispered lowly, taking her hand and placing it to his cheek.

"I am trying Ivar. I really am" Kendra gave a small smile. Opening her hand up so she could hold his cheek and rub her thumb against his skin. "I scare easily that is no lie. But I am trying my best to be braver around and for you... I don't want to hold you back" Kendra whispered back.

"I don't think you can hold me back" Ivar gave a small smile to Kendra. Tilting his head and kissing her hand where he could. "I will worry about you, whatever it may be. I do care about you, as soon as this is. I can't deny that I care about you" with each word his lips ghosted against her skin. Warming her and sending a fuzziness through her body. Causing a nauseous feeling through her, but it felt good.

"are you ready to get out of the tub?" Kendra smiled "I promise I won't gasp again". Ivar laughed, shuffling his head as he nodded, Kendra let out a laugh as well as she reached for the sheet to cover him up. Ivar heaved himself up in the tub, sitting on the side. Kendra placing the sheet over his lap as she reached over and helped lift his legs up and out.

"If you sit on the chair, I can dry your legs and rub the paste in" Kendra smiled at him. Watching as Ivar shifted his upper body. Ivar reached for the chair holding onto it for support, Kendra holding it still, so it didn't move at his weight.

"Is this okay?" Ivar asked, reaching for his feet to place them on the floor.

"Just right, thank you" Kendra chimed, settling on the floor at his feet. Using the sheet that covered his lower body to pat the skin dry. Kendra got up and went to reach for her paste, walking back to Ivar with the feeling of his eyes on her. She looked over her shoulder to see Ivar smiling at her, as she tied her hair up and out of the way.

"You're beautiful you know" Ivar chimed at her. Blushing as he watched her settle at his feet. "For a Christian" he added, trying to divert from his embarrassment.

"well thank you Ivar, you're quite handsome for a heathen" Kendra looking up at him, smiling at him at her taunt. As Ivar nodded and hummed, watching Kendra flick some of the water in the paste. Using her hands to soften the paste, as she began to rub it into his legs. Ivar biting down on his lip, nervous at her touch. He never really felt much at his legs, except for pain and twinges. But he could feel her fingers massaging at every groove of his bone.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?" Kendra asked looking up at Ivar, concern on her face.

"No, it's just unusual. I never thought anyone except healers would touch my legs" he smiled at her. Watching the way her hands moved and the circular motion of her thumb against his skin.

"Well it's all done" she smiled standing up and washing her hands off in the tub. Ivar reached for her hips and pulled her into him. Letting her sit on his lap. Causing Kendra to let out a small scream at the swift movement. As Ivar laughed, relaxing her immediately.

"You fascinate me" Ivar muttered as he smiled at her.

"in a good way, right?" Kendra asked as she looked over her shoulder at him.

"I do believe so" Ivar smiled back, resting his head on the back of her shoulder.

"is it true that you wear your hair in braids just for battles?" Kendra asked curious.

"That is a random question Kendra" Ivar started raising his brow at her. "We usually wear them for battle or big events, I like to keep my hair back though" Ivar shrugged. "Sometimes in braid sometimes just tied back" Ivar finished as he looked at her.

"Can I braid your hair tomorrow?" Kendra asked with a small smile. "I'd like to practice, since I would like to do it when we are married if improve" Kendra finished.

"I don't see why not, if that is what you would like" Ivar nodded with a bigger smile as he leaned up and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you" Kendra smiled, standing up from Ivar's lap. "Are you ready to try and get some sleep then boneless?" Kendra asked as she stood up to find Ivar a night shirt and some pants. Passing them to him as he nodded.

"Your paste is starting to work, but I'm scared to sleep in case they hurt in the night" Ivar stated. Putting the shirt over his head, his arms through the sleeves as Kendra watched it glide over his toned chest, the view of his muscles flexing with each movement. Kendra shook her head, as if trying to shake any sinful thoughts out of it.

She turned away as Ivar wormed his legs through his pants, pulling them up and doing up the ties on them. Coughing to get Kendra's attention. Kendra turned and walked up to him, letting him link his arm over her shoulder as she supported his weight. Helping to shift him to the bed, as he moved his legs on to the bed.

"I will stay with you, as promised. Making sure you do not wake Ivar" Kendra smiled, reassuring Ivar that she won't leave him. Kendra pulled the furs up and over Ivar, before standing up and blowing out all but one of the candles. His face barely illuminated by the light, his blue eyes still shinning and glistening, almost as if guiding her way in the dark. Kendra pulled the chair closer to the bed, holding Ivar's hand as her thumb caressed the skin.

"why don't you climb on the bed?" Ivar asked, a yawn escaping his lips.

"I wouldn't want to take any room" Kendra gave Ivar's hand a squeeze.

"I want to feel your arms around me" Ivar whined, reaching out to touch Kendra's face in the dark, caressing his thumb over the skin.

"Would it help you sleep?" Kendra asked nervous. As Ivar nodded, knowing Kendra couldn't see his nod in the dark. Kendra stood up moving the chair away as she pulled up the furs, shuffling under them.

"Is this okay?" Kendra asked opening her arms, so Ivar could cuddle up into her, he soon wormed in next to her. Resting his head on her breast, resting his hand over her and gently settling it onto her hip.

"Just fine" Ivar smiled to himself as he settled in, Kendra began tracing her fingers through his hair. It didn't take long for Ivar to finally drift off to sleep. Kendra could feel his body raise and fall with each breath. She smiled to herself at the feel of his body against her own. Looking forward to getting to feel the same feeling a dozen more times. Kendra slow fell asleep keeping her hand tracing through his hair, until she drifted off soundly to sleep.


Morning had broken as the sun light began breaking through the fabric of the tent. Kendra waking up slowly, noticing Ivar was still sleeping on her. She smiled to herself, as she slowly and gently moved from beneath him. Watching Ivar stir as she slowly knelt and played with his hair. Gently soothing him back to sleep. As stretched and gently made her way to the castle fetching Ivar some of the breakfast from the kitchen. Quickly rushing back to his tent, a tray in her hand with food for them both. By the time she got back she saw Ivar moving around.

"Ivar get back in bed, I brought food" Kendra hushed, placing the tray on the desk.

"I thought you had left me" Ivar hissed, "I let you in showed you myself as my most fragile and you left" Ivar hissed again under his breath getting dressed into his tunic.

"I didn't mean to scare you Ivar, I went to bring you breakfast. I wanted to surprise you" Kendra approached Ivar, slowly reaching for his shoulder.

"Well you left" Ivar's tone softened looking up at her. Ivar shifting his weight to sit on the bed.

"only to get you food, I wanted to surprise you before braiding your hair" Kendra urged him to believe her, she sat next to him placing the tray on her lap. Resting her head on Ivar's shoulder, as his hand reached for one of the pastries on her tray.

"I guess these are good, I can forgive you" Ivar whispered kissing her head gently as they both say there and enjoyed the selection of foods Kendra had brought back with her. Once the food had been finished Ivar had sat in the chair, allowing Kendra to braid his hair back for him. She smiled at the way his hair slipped through her fingers, as she tightened each braid. She noticed Ivar had closed his eyes as she leaned down and kissed his braids once Kendra had finished.

"All finished Ivar, I think they look good" Kendra smiled.

"I'm sure they are perfect for your first try" Ivar started smiling up at her, holding Kendra's hand giving it a squeeze, as placed a kiss to her hand. "I have meetings today but before we go, I need to ask you some information about the neighbouring and waring counties Kendra" Ivar looked up at her.


Ivar and Kendra had spent time talking about the neighbouring cities, which days would be best to attack. The notion of equipping a heathen army with information to be used her own people didn't feel right. Ivar had noticed this as he reached for Kendra's hand.

"They're not your people if they turn on you like they have" Ivar whispered.

"They're still my brothers and sister under god" Kendra whispered back.

"If we don't attack Kendra, they could take this place. You and your father with it" Ivar paused looking at her face, the sadness of it hitting a nerve. "They wouldn't think of you both in that way" Ivar hushed as he placed a kiss to her head. Feeling Kendra hold onto his tunic as she nestled into him. Ivar's eyes went wide, feeling Kendra relax at his touch. Ivar wrapped an arm around her holding her in closer to him.

"I know you are right, it saddens me that we have come to this" Kendra whispered looking up at Ivar as he nodded at her.

"You are too innocent in the way you look at things" Ivar mumbled kissing her head, he pulled back he could see her eyes closed as she smiled at his touch.

"Maybe we complement each other" Kendra whispered back at him.

"How do you mean?" Ivar asked raising his brow at her. Kendra sitting up straight, moving away from his grasp.

"Well we are both different ends of the spectrum... You're on the brute force and impulsive end" Kendra smiled at him. "While I'm on the innocent and calm end of the spectrum" Kendra watched as Ivar's face softened and he nodded understanding. "Maybe between the pair of us, we can find the middle and help each other" once Kendra stopped speaking, she saw Ivar smile.

"I like the idea of us, as a partnership" Ivar whispered. Kendra leaning in and kissing him. Their lips moving gently together. Ivar's hands fell to Kendra hips, helping her onto his lap, not once breaking the kiss. Ivar's eyes closed once Kendra sat steadily on him, his hands keeping firm on her sides. This time it was Kendra who had licked at his bottom lip. Ivar's eyes going wide in surprise as he parted his lips and his tongue met her own half way. They began to dance as Ivar leaned up to Kendra getting as close as he could until they parted with a pop of their lips. Kendra taking in deep breaths while her hands placed on Ivar's chest felt his chest raise and fall.

"You surprised me" Ivar smiled at her "in a good way" Ivar finished.

"that was nice, was it okay?" Kendra asked a little frightened.

"It was incredible Kendra" Ivar stated as he kissed her head and held him close. It was when Ubbe poked his head around the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Princess" Ubbe started as Kendra stood up and faced the oldest brother.

"Please, call me Kendra" she smiled at him as he nodded.

"I need to bring my brother to finish battle plans" Ubbe smiled at Kendra and then to Ivar.

"I will be right with you, let me just say bye" Ivar spoke reaching up for Kendra hand.

"That is fine by me, have a lovely day Kendra" Ubbe chimed before leaving.

Ivar looked up at Kendra as Kendra placed her hand to Ivar's cheek, leaning into him and placing a chased kiss to his lips. Ivar's placing his thumb to his lips at the lingering sensation of her lips against his.

"Thank you for last night and this morning Kendra" Ivar smiled at her as she nodded.

"I hope we get to do many more times" She smiled at him.

"I must go to talk battles. But I come find you once I am finished?" Ivar smiled at her "Maybe we can go for a ride in my chariot? Or go see Elwin if they finish early enough?" Ivar asked as Kendra smiled and kissed him once more.

"I would like either of them Ivar" Kendra smiled as she made held his hand. "I will leave you be and let you get ready, let me know if you need any other information" Kendra smiled as she walked off, Ivar keeping a hold of her hand until her was forced to let her fingers slip through his grip. His eyes never leaving her, until she vanished from sight. Ivar immediate grumbling to himself about how he had to be focussed for the talks. Eventually, making his way out of the tent and over to the main tent for discussing battle plans.


After talks with His brothers, sharing the information Ivar had been given from Kendra. It had been decided that they go to battle the morning after. Ivar gave a nod to his brothers as he parted and went back to his tent, asking some of his men to ready his chariot for the ride in the morning. Ivar slowly paced up the steps of the castle. Eventually being granted passage, he asked for an audience with King Alden. Discussing their plans to go to battle in the morning. How it could last several days. But they will try their best warranted their gods were on their side. Alden was grateful of the news, the promise of an end to the madness and threat to his land and people. As Ivar went on to the servants, asking where Kendra was if he could see her.

When the servants directed Ivar to the sewing room, waiting outside the door for when he could go in. The servant had opened the door, holding it open for Ivar to pass. Closing it behind him but lingering outside.

"Hello Ivar, is everything okay?" Kendra asked before standing and greeting him.

"Kendra" Ivar smiled before motioning if he could sit down. Kendra offering him her seat as she sat on the stool next to him. "I came to speak to you, we have news on when we go to battle" Ivar rushed out. Looking up at Kendra a sense of sadness on her face.

"You're leaving?" Kendra asked putting her sewing down on her lap and looking at him.

"Tomorrow morning" Ivar confirmed reaching for her hand. Kendra's grip tightened around his hand.

"You and your men are ready?" Kendra asked sincerely.

"We have fought so many battles, this may take some time. But we could be away for some days" Ivar states placing her hand to his lips and placing a gentle kiss to it.

"promise to come back to me... at least try to Ivar, it's only been a matter of weeks but, I care for you" Kendra asked, opening her hand up and placing it to his cheek.

"I will try" Ivar leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to her lips "I care for you to Kendra, I mean it" Ivar as Kendra smiled, giving him a grateful nod and kissed him once more. "While I am away why don't you start making wedding plans?" Ivar asked watching Kendra's face light up.

"Are you sure?" Kendra asked with a smile, her eyes watering.

"I mean it. When I am back, and we uphold our end of the deals we can marry" Ivar smiled, caressing her hand.

"What about your people?" Kendra asked as Ivar thought for a moment.

"The only thing I ask is we get married twice" Kendra raise her brow encouraging him to carry on. "We can have a Christian wedding, once I get back and everything is safe" He smiled "it can be a celebration for your people, ensuring we meet with your faith" Ivar smiled kissing her hand.

"I like they idea of that, my people will appreciate the end of war and a celebration" Kendra smiled, standing up and sitting on the arm of the chair. Her fingers playing with his hair as he leaned into the soft fabric of her dress.

"But all I ask is that when we leave. Which we will have to and go back to my home" Ivar paused looking up at her "once we reclaim my home. We marry regards to our gods, in the way of my people" Kendra's heart sank. "I am not asking you to believe in them right now, I am asking it for my people". Ivar tightened his grip on her dress, now holding onto her hip. "My people will need something to look forward to, something to have faith in for the future. I believe we can offer that but, we have to do it slowly" Ivar whispered looked at her his eyes almost pleading.

"I don't see why not, I might be unformattable but, your people become my people. We have to compromise for this to work" Kendra gave Ivar a small smile.

"I really do appreciate this" Ivar asked, scooping his arms around Kendra waist and moving her onto his lap.

"I like this, you are being all hands on" Kendra smirked. Ivar eyes going wide as his hands pulled on her hips. As he leaned up and pulled her into his kiss, their lips parting and tongues meeting. Ivar's hand finding its way to Kendra's neck as he pulled her into him. The kiss caused Ivar's stomach to do flips as Kendra, felt reckless for once. Once they pulled apart Ivar smiled at Kendra, their lips still throbbing at the feeling of them being joined.

"I look forward to my future with you Kendra, once with you by my side" Ivar smiled as her felt her soften at his words.

"I hope I do right by you Ivar" Kendra caressed his cheek. "I made you something by the way" Kendra smiled at him, Ivar watching her intently never losing sight of her. As Kendra made her way to a mound of clothing. Kendra opened a shirt and offered it to him.

"I hope it fits you, it should be able to fir under your armour or tunics" She rambled on, getting nervous.

"You made this?" Ivar asked holding it, recognising the same fabric of her dresses.

"Yeah, you could wear it as a night shirt if it gets to heavy" She smiled at him.

"Kendra, I love it. No one except for Floki has made anything for me before. I'll take it with me" Ivar gushed as he held it up. reaching for her hand again, "Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" Ivar asked.

"Kendra smiled and nodded, we can't share beds though" Ivar rolled his eyes.

"Nothing had happened when you stayed with me?" Ivar asked, his tone growing tiresome.

"I know that, I thank you for being patient Ivar. It's just my father, the servants. I can't risk having people talk" Kendra caressed his cheek.

"Well then I will stay at my tent, we wouldn't want to risk your reputation being tarnished" Ivar hissed as he reached for his shirt and walked out the door.

"I didn't mean that Ivar!" Kendra called after him as he walked away.

"Make the weeding plans Kendra, I will see you tomorrow" Ivar turned back to her, taking in the sight of her face. "All I wanted, was a night with you before I go off to battle tomorrow. But you are your damned Christian ways can't allow us that" Ivar hissed, the venom hitting him as Kendra slammed the door in Ivar's face. Hearing him scream in a tantrum as he shuffled away and back to his tent.


The morning had arrived, as the heathen army had prepared for battle. Stocking up on food and resources, lining up horses ready to depart. Ivar being the last to get ready, climbing on his chariot. Looking back at the doors, as if hoping Kendra would show her face. Just as his men started moving off, Ubbe and Hvitserk approached him.

"We can't wait forever brother, she will be here when you get back" Ubbe gave his brother a small nod and he rode on, Hvitserk giving Ivar a sympathetic shrug following on from Ubbe.

It was only at the sound of the heavy door on the stone steps. That Ivar looked back one last time, seeing Kendra standing there, up right and a blank expression on her face. Ivar knew he had messed up. He simply mouthed the promise of coming back to her. Receiving a nod as she understood, Ivar rode off to battle following his brothers and army.

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