Translucent Waters (Nanase Ha...

Por FujiwaraYuko

284K 9.3K 2.9K

~1st Place Winner of the AnimeWattyAwards Free! Category~ Mizushima Kasumi is a girl who used to swim competi... Más

Chapter One: Agreement
Chapter Two: The First "Meet"
Chapter Three: The Ol' "Met Over Some Coffee" Quote
Chapter Four: Swimming the Dophin
Chapter Five: Where Did It All Go?
Chapter Six: Commotion
Chapter Seven: Feelings
Chapter Eight: Relaying the Lines
Chapter Nine: Moments
Chapter Ten: Exploration
Chapter Eleven: Bring It On
Chapter Twelve: Secrets
Chapter Thirteen: The Race Begotten
Chapter Fourteen: Je T'aime
Chapter Fifteen: Five-Hundred Meters to Heaven or Hell
Chapter Sixteen: Hell-Bent or Heaven-Held
Chapter Seventeen: Silver Gold
Chapter Eighteen: Opaque
Chapter Nineteen: Silence Is Our Always
Chapter Twenty: Beguiling
Chapter Twenty-One: Until We Meet Again
Chapter Twenty-Two: More
Chapter Twenty-Three: Big Screen
Chapter Twenty-Four: #Tokyo
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Difficult Decisions"
Chapter Twenty-Six: Countdown
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Under the Mistletoe
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Christmas Festival
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Christmas Day
Chapter Thirty-One: A Dream Gone Wrong
Chapter Thirty-Two: My Brother's Wedding
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Choice Is Yours
Free! Watty Awards
Epilogue II: Part 1
Epilogue II: Part 2
Epilogue II: Part 3

Chapter Thirty: Preparations and Invitations

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Por FujiwaraYuko

Chapter Thirty

Preparations and Invitations


Mizushima Kasumi’s Point of View


            It had been a few months since Christmas—the last time I saw Nanase. Though we had planned for me to stay until New Year’s, his Head Coach and Mr. Sato called the entire team into order and practice since someone from Europe forged himself as threatening competition to Japan’s win for the Olympics by breaking the world record Nanase completed just a few days before at Japan’s National Championships. Therefore, Nanase was busy all day long, coming home at late hours . . . That was the reason I left earlier than usual to tend to my studies and make sure Masaru-nii wasn’t fooling around at home.

            Today, however, was nearing one of Masaru-nii’s biggest days of his life—his wedding day. Of course, Asami and her sisters already picked out her wedding dress, and Masaru-nii was going to wear his tux with a grey-stripped-silver tie. Mother and Father were finally going to visit us since after forever. Their headquarters were stationed now in the States, so their commute to Japan was much more difficult to attain than before.

            Asami’s youngest sister was to be the maid of honor, her younger/middle sister was to be a bridesmaid, which was what position I was to be as well for the wedding.

            Nanase would be coming as well as one of Masaru-nii’s groomsmen, and it would also be his first time meeting my parents. His plane was dropping in today, and I would be picking him up.

            “The wedding’s just three days away!” Asami freaked out as she was staring at her wedding dress. “After all the planning and everything it’s finally coming to the point where I am officially freaking out.”

            As I was the only other person in the room, I replied passively, “Evidently.”

            She sighed before asking for my input, “Should I pin up the hem of the dress a bit more or . . .”

            I observed the dress, making each and every note and contradiction of whether or not the dress’s hem should have been lifted or not before replying with a smile, “Naw, it’s good.”

            “Phew,” she exhaled in relief. “So many things to do . . . And I need to call the catering again to ensure that they arrive with the meals on time . . . and then I need to make sure that all the bridesmaids still fit their dresses . . . again . . . though I just asked them a few weeks ago . . . You never know nowadays . . . The eating good food is irresistible.”

            I chuckled before replying, “Indeed.”

            “So when will Nanase be coming?” she raised an eyebrow at me before covering her immaculate white dress with the plastic cover and putting it away in the closet.

            “I’m supposed to leave at 5:30 P.M. to get there, though he won’t be arriving until 6:15,” I responded hastily as I sowed the last stitch to my bridesmaid outfit, since I lost about ten pounds from when I bought the dress. “I still have about half-an-hour until I have to go.”

            “Yeah . . .” she trailed off before continuing. “Excited to see him?”

            “Most definitely,” I nodded my head in agreement. “We barely get to see each other any more. At most, it’s about three to four times a year, but it’s satiable since we still text and call one another.”

            “Well,” Asami sat down next to me on the bed. “You’re almost done the first part of medical school. The next one will be more difficult, however. That’s why I quit and became an engineer instead. A good thing, since I met your brother and fell in love.”

            She said the last part dreamily, but wondered how on earth she could fall in love with such a pervert of a guy.

            “What do you find in my brother anyways?” I asked her out of curiosity. “He’s such a pervert, though I must admit he is a really funny guy.”

            “Hm,” she placed her pointer finger at her chin while her left arm hoisted her right. “Masaru is really funny. But, there was this one time where I was so depressed I couldn’t make it through the second phase of medical school, and I was so very upset over it. Masaru was the only one at engineering college who consoled me. He was a fourth-year at that time and I was a first-year. After that, he invited me to sit next to him during classes, and we met up between classes and even after classes. He and I were really good friends. He told me about his life and all, and I told him mine. It wasn’t that long afterwards he asked me out, and, yeah, he made some perverted jokes when he was at my house sometimes, but, otherwise, he’s an amazing boyfriend, and I couldn’t ask for anyone else better.”

            I smiled as she talked about my older brother. She seemed so absorbed with him, and I could say the same about him about her.

            “You guys are so cute together, I swear,” I chuckled as I placed my bridesmaid dress onto a hanger.

            “So are you and Nanase,” she smiled. “I’d be surprised if you haven’t done it yet, considering how many girls would come to fangirl over the guy. Olympic swimmer . . . nice body, no offense to Masaru, it’s a fact. He’s on TV everywhere too . . .”

            My cheeks flared crimson as I placed the item of clothing into the closet.

            “Wait,” she yelled ‘softly.’ “You two already did?! I thoughy the rule in your family was to wait until after marriage!”

            “No, no, no, no!” I sweat-dropped, smacking my forehead. “We didn’t. I swear. I believe, like the rest of my family, to save those tensions until after marriage.”

            “You scared me there for a moment,” Asami chuckled before glancing at her watch. “I think you’d better go now. You’re running a little behind schedule.”

            I glanced at the clock, “Oh, crap! I’m ten minutes late! Well, not exactly, but it’s late for my schedule . . . Gotta run. See you soon, Asami. Dinner tonight, right?”

            “You’re helping me cook,” she snapped her fingers, giving me a wink. “Salmon sushi.”

            “You got it,” I flashed her a smile before putting on my shoes, grabbing my keys, and rushing out the door.

            I ignited the engine before driving to my destination—the Sawamura Airport.

            I parked the car at an empty parking space before entering one of the many entrances of the airport.

            I waited at Port A-12, and sat down at one of the seats out of the many rows of them.

            After a while, the speakers announced, “Port A-12’s luggage belt is now functioning.”

            I stood up and walked to the belt, where I awaited Nanase and tried to recognize any of Nanase’s luggage out of the lot of them.

            As I was looking at which luggage was tagged with whose, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

            I turned around to see Nanase standing directly behind me.

            “Haruka!” I called his name with elation as I embraced him abruptly.

            He was taken aback at first before returning the hug, “I miss you too.”

            “How’s practice been?” I asked him as we were still embracing one another.

            “Good,” he replied passively as always. “Tedious, but good.”

            “I missed you,” I sighed—a slight glint of sadness rang from my voice.

            “I missed you too,” he replied automatically before we released each other from the other’s grasp.

            “Let’s get your luggage, and go back to my place,” I smiled at him before he stood directly beside the luggage belt, waiting for his luggage to pass by.

            Once it did, he took it and rolled it out of the building while I took his sports bag and carried it towards my car—a grey Toyota Camry.

            “Want me to drive?” he asked me as he scratched the back of his neck.

            “Naw,” I shrugged as I placed his sports bag and luggage into the trunk. “You have shotgun.”

            “Alright,” he nodded his head as he took off his sports sweater, revealing a non-sleeved navy t-shirt underneath, which kind of matched the darker navy shorts he was wearing.

            I unlocked the car as we both took our respective seats. As I was revving the engine, Nanase took my cheek and smashed his lips onto mine. His hands were cupping my face as my hands slowly wandered to embrace his neck. The kiss became more heated as he hesitantly pulled his tongue into my mouth. I must admit that he was a hell of a good kisser, for it wasn’t long before we had to depart to gasp for air.

            This was so not the Nanase I normally knew.

            My cheeks were scarlet as my eyes looked straight into his.

            “Sorry,” he replied, looking the other way. “Just . . . missed doing that.”

            I smiled at him before pecking his lips and started to drive back home.


            The drive back home was silent, and the only movement was of the car’s and the fact that I took one hand off the steering wheel to hold Nanase’s hand. Probably not a wise thing to do if I was new to the roads or a reckless driver, but I wasn’t a bad driver, so I decided it was alright. Besides, Nanase didn’t fuss, so that was all that counted.

            We arrived home without any troubles, and I took his luggage into my room. Masaru-nii had his own room, and Asami was living with us as of now, since all her relatives were currently living at her house and it was already packed enough. The plan was to give Nanase my room, since I didn’t really want for Masaru-nii and Asami to sleep on the couch before their wedding day. Not that I couldn’t do it, it was just not . . . courteous.

            I dragged Nanase upstairs and showed the room he would be sleeping in.

            “The other guest rooms are taken, so you’ll be sleeping in my room,” I informed him as I dropped off his luggage. “Not that you would or anything, but just don’t break any stuff in here. If you need anything, Masaru-nii is down at the end of the hall, and Asami’s room is across from yours. And, if you need me, I’ll be in the living room.”

            “Living room?” he raised an eyebrow as he plopped down onto the bed pulling me along with him so that I was atop of him—my back against his chest.

            “Should we really be sleeping with each other?” I asked him innocently as we both sat up, and my getting off of him.

            “You didn’t have a problem with that a few months ago,” he replied with equal innocence.

            I blushed, “Not that we did anything, but Masaru-nii and Asami might get the wrong idea.”

            “Does it matter?” he replied, gazing directly into my eyes, entrancing me into the endless pools of cerulean.

            I hesitated, “No.”

            “Then sleep with me,” he responded monotonously. “It doesn’t matter what they think. As long as we don’t do anything we’re not supposed to, then I think it’s fine.”

            “Yeah,” I answered. “I guess so.”

            Right then, a knock was at my door. I stood up and opened it, revealing Asami.

            “Ready to make dinner?” she asked me her hands at her hips.

            “Absolutely,” I replied with a smile. “I’m starving, and I’m pretty sure Nanase is too . . . After his long trip.”

            “Ah, Nanase,” Asami smiled at him, giving out her hand for him to shake, which he did. “Nice to meet you. Masaru and Kasumi told me all about you. Not to mention to television references.”

            Nanase gave her a curt nod before replying passively, “Nice to meet you too. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I am glad to be a part of it. Though I don’t know what to do as a groomsman.”

            “It’s fine,” Asami waved it off. “We’ll be having a little, quote quote, ‘rehearsal’ for the wedding coming up tomorrow. It’s kind of a last minute thing for those who just came out of town. For the other groomsmen live here, so they already know what to do.”

            “Oh, alright,” Nanase replied, before noticing her baggy eyes. “How about Kasumi and I cook dinner, and you get some rest? You look tired.”

            “Do I?” Asami raised an eyebrow. “It’s probably just nothing. I insist to do the cooking tonight.”

            “No,” Nanase stood his ground. “I insist that Kasumi and I do the cooking, and you rest. Besides, I could spend more time with Kasumi anyways while helping her cook.”

            Asami was about to say something before agreeing with his suggestion, “Oh, alright, I suppose that I could use the rest. Wake me up if you need anything or if you change your mind.”

            “I will, but although that most likely will not happen,” Nanase replied with his normal poker face. “Have a good rest.”

            “Thank you so much, Nanase,” Asami smiled. “No wonder Kasumi has taken a liking to you. You too are so cute! Remember our discussion earlier, Kasumi?”

            She gave me a wink before closing the door to her room to supposedly sleep.

            “What are we cooking?” Nanase asked me as we dashed down the stairs.

            “Salmon sushi,” I replied before noticing his cast-fallen state. “Sorry! No mackerel today.”

            “It’s alright,” he shrugged it off. “As long as it has to do with seafood.”

            I rolled my eyes as we went into the kitchen.

            “Could you get the rice from the pantry?” I asked him as I took the salmon from the freezer. “Lowest shelf to the left. Three cups of that, put it into the rice cooker bowl, add the right amount of water until it reaches the top line of the pointer finger near the nail as you stick your finger in, and then put it in the rice cooker, and press cook. Oh, and wash your hands.”

            He nodded his head as he washed his hands and then rushed to do whatever I asked him to.

            I then opened the salmon package and took out the contents. I turned on the grill and turned the knob to ‘sear.’ I then placed the long strip of salmon onto the grill, and seasoned it with some soy sauce, rosemary, and salt before turning my attention to the drink for the night.

            I took out four Thai milk tabs from the pantry and boiled some water. After pouring the liquid into four separate cups, I placed a tea bag in each cup respectively before returning my attention to the salmon.

            “I finished preparing the rice,” Nanase informed me as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. His neck was at the crevice of my neck.

            “I’m almost done with the salmon. I just need to flip it over and season the other side,” I told Nanase as I did just what I said. “Why don’t you place the rice into the bowls I set on the counter. Fill it up as you see appropriate.”

            “Alright,” he replied simply as he let go of me to do as I asked.

            After seasoning and searing the salmon to my liking, I then turned off the grill and cut the fish into small pieces before placing them into four equal sectors for each person. I then sprinkled the bowl with crumbled seaweed leaves before setting the table.

            “I thought we were eating sushi,” Nanase asked me as he helped me with the table.

            “Yeah,” I answered. “Everyone’s making their own.”

            Nanase simply nodded his head, and before long, we were done and ready to call Masaru-nii and Asami down for dinner.

            “Oops,” I smacked my forehead. “I forgot to set the tea on the table. Could you call those two down here for me while I do the last minute touches to the drinks.”

            “Sure,” he nodded his head before rushing up the stairs.

            I then took the tea bags out of the drink and poured some ice into each cup before topping it off with a mint leaf for decoration. I then placed the drinks before each plate for each person.

            I then heard a barrage of noises as Nanase, Asami, and Masau-nii were dashing down the stairs as boisterous as always.

            “Oh my, gosh,” Masaru-nii commented as he sniffed the air like a dog. “Food! Yummy!”

            I deadpanned, “I still don’t know what you see in him.”

            Asami simply chuckled as we all took our seats.

            “Itadakimasu,” we all chanted before digging into the food.

            Nanase and I set plain seaweed onto a plate, so we just grabbed the leaves, placed the rice with salmon in it, rolled it, ate it, and drank the tea. It was a simply venue we did in repetition until the food was all gone.

            “So how’s the training in Tokyo, Nanase?” Masaru-nii started the conversation as he was munching on his food.

            “Good,” Nanase replied simply as my brother sweat-dropped.

            I kicked my boyfriend’s (still so weird to say, by the way) leg, signaling him to talk more, as I kept my straight face, eating my sushi.

            “Well, um,” Nanase ‘coughed.’ “Excited for your wedding coming up? How many people are coming?”

            Asami replied after she swallowed her food, “Excited, but kind of nervous. I’m afraid I might trip on my heels and make a fool of myself, but, whatever, and about . . . a hundred people will be attending. All those relatives, second cousins, so forth, co-workers, friends, et cetera. So many people.”

            She sighed.

            “Wow,” Nanase remarked simply before taking another bite of his food.

            I then whispered in his ear, “You’re such a tsundere. Talk more.”

            “I did,” he replied simply after swallowing his food.

            I rolled my eyes, “You’re such a loser.”

            “I’m pretty sure I win at swimming,” he muttered in such a way that caused me to laugh.

            “Evidently,” I replied, deadpanning.

            “You guys are so cute!” Asami ‘fangirled’ as she looked at the two of us.

            Nanase and I responded by looking at each other for a mere moment before looking the opposite direction in embarrassment.

            “Lover’s quarrels and, oh, my, Masaru, aren’t they adorable?” Asami’s eyes sparkled as she said so.

            Masari-nii sweat-dropped, “E-e-eh, sure.”

            It wasn’t long thereafter that we finished. I offered to do the dishes as Masaru-nii and Asami rested and Nanase settled in. After doing that I entered my room, where Nanase was nowhere to be seen.

            “Nanase?” I called his name as I glanced about the room.

            “In the bathroom,” he replied simply as I plopped down onto the bed, changed into my pajamas, and took out the manga book “L-DK” to read, and I must admit, it was the best romance manga I have ever read in my entire life.

            A few minutes thereafter, Nanase exited the bathroom—his hair wet and was wearing a grey t-shirt and black sport shorts.

            I closed the manga book and then patted the spot on the bed next to me. He then took his seat beside me and placed his arm around my waist. I, in turn, rested my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes in the process.

            “I missed you so much,” I murmured, my eyes still closed.

            “I did too,” he replied, kissing the top of my head.

            I then opened my eyes and moved my head to face him. I moved my hand to outline his face as he gazed directly in my eyes, engulfing me in endless pools of cerulean like he always did.

            I then leaned in to kiss his lips softly, my hands cupping his face. He then proceeded to cup my face into his hands, deepening the gentle kiss.

            We then released one another, our foreheads touching as we looked into each other’s eyes.

            I smiled as I kissed his forehead, pulling him under the covers along with me.

            “Sleep?” I raised an eyebrow.

            “Sure,” he replied simply as he flicked the ‘off’ switch to the lights, and took his place beside me.

            He then wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, as his other arm was about my neck and strapped across my chest.

            “Love you,” I mumbled before I succumbed to sleep.

            The last thing I heard before I was lulled to the darkness was the words . . .

            “Love you more.”

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