Lights Out!!!

DanielRB3169 द्वारा

15.1K 80 6

Being friends with Mike and Maryse since my debut in 2010. I knew they would be married eventually. And when... अधिक

The History of The Hellion From Hell's Playground, USA.
Smackdown Live's 'It' Couple On The Verge Of Losing 'It'.
Elimination Chamber Turns Into A Test Of Resistance.
Switching Gears At Fastlane.
Maryse Gets A New Beginning.
Breaking Bones At Backlash.
Maryse Gives Daniel Some Good News.
The Wedding of Daniel Boyce & Maryse Ouellet.
The New 'It' Couple's Last WWE Event For Awhile, And Their Tropical Honeymoon.
Alexa Delivers Sad News To Maryse And Daniel.
The Hellion And Maryse Retire.

The Hellion Asks The Ultimate Question At MITB.

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DanielRB3169 द्वारा

The next morning,
I was woken up by Monroe's crying. I slowly got up and popped my back in and walked up to her crib and picked her up. "Shh, shhh. It's okay little one." I walked over to her diaper bag. "Okay, let's go through the list." I checked her diaper. She did need a change so I took care of that. Then I bounced her gently in my arms all the while feeding her with her bottle. I clicked my tongue once in a while and didn't notice Maryse had woken up and put on a robe that she brought with her.
"Now isn't this a lovely sight. My boyfriend taking care of my little girl." She giggled as she approached me and kissed my cheek. "But it's also a heartwarming sight." She leaned against my right shoulder as I continued to feed Monroe. "Enjoying being fed by your uncle?" She asked Monroe who slightly grinned. "So what possessed you to take care of my baby?"
"You were sleeping and I was woken up by her cries. Wasn't I little one." Monroe giggled a bit. Maryse took over for me after a bit. Once she held Monroe in her arms, I draped the burping rag over her right shoulder.
"Thank you." Maryse smiled.
"De Rien. My love." Maryse smiled wider as I kissed her cheek. "I'm going to get some breakfast any requests?"
"Toast and eggs with a couple pancakes would be nice."
"Will do." I looked to Monroe. "You be good for your mommy." I smiled as she gently gripped my finger with her hand.

When I returned with both our plates of breakfast in hand. I unlocked the door and gently entered the room. To find Maryse and Monroe sitting on the sofa. "One plate of Eggs, toast lightly buttered as I recall and a couple pancakes with syrup and butter on the side," I said handing Maryse her plate.
"Merci, babe." She grinned as she put the plate next to her. I put my plate on the coffee table in front of Maryse.
"I'll take her while you eat." I gently took Monroe into my arms as Maryse started eating. "Come on little one. Let's play a bit while your mother eats eh?" She giggled and I kissed her forehead. I took her to the bed and played patty-cake, peek-a-boo, and a few other baby games. Ten minutes later I was so engrossed in playing with Monroe that I didn't notice Maryse was watching us and had taken a picture of me playing with Monroe.
Then after walking away a couple steps, posted it onto her Instagram:

Today while I ate breakfast Hellion_wwe entertained Monroe. Here's the proof that hell has a softer side.

The reaction from our friends was overwhelming.

That is truly cute. You're a lucky woman Maryse.

He's a one in a million guy. Hang onto him girl.

I agree with sashabankswwe and alexa_bliss_wwe. You are truly a lucky woman Maryse.

She took over for me as I ate my breakfast and while I was at it and I had my phone in my pocket I checked my social media and found the very photo she secretly took. I smiled as I polished off my eggs and toast with peanut butter. Then when I put my plate and hers on the coffee table I joined her as she was dressing Monroe for the day. I approached her and wrapped my arms around her.
"Hey, have your breakfast?" She asked.
"Yeah. I also noticed the picture you took on Instagram." She blushed.
"I hope you don't hate me for taking it."
"No. Never my love. In fact, it just shows me that you have quite the eye." I smiled. She kissed my cheek as she clasped the last button on Monroe's snap on shirt. "But I will get you back."
"You really are a hellion aren't you."
"That's the rumor." I grinned as she giggled.
"Ooohh, I love you."
"I love you more." I kissed her neck. "And Monroe as well." I smiled
"Well, should we go to Raw or just scrap it for tonight?"
"I say we go. You?"
"Yeah. Besides I'm wondering what will happen tonight."
"As am I." I looked at Monroe. "What do you think?" She garbled and clapped and giggled. Which made Maryse and I laugh.

Later when we arrived at the arena, we were approached by Hunter, Steph and the trainer. I was a bit wary but Maryse just kept smiling as she held Monroe.
"Okay. Either I just walked into my own funeral or something else is going on." I told them.
"Well, the good news is that you should be 100% by Money In The Bank." Hunter started.
"What's the bad news?" I asked.
"Well, your ribs are not just bruised. There's a chance that one of the attacks to your ribs slightly caused a hairline crack through one of them." The trainer said. "So until we're sure. You'll be taken out of active competition temporarily."
Surprisingly enough I wasn't too upset about it. "So Daniel, we have set up an appointment for an x-ray to see if there is a hairline crack in one of your bruised ribs," Hunter told me.
"So we just want you two to just sit back and relax tonight," Stephanie said as Maryse and I just shrugged.
"The appointment is with Mountain View Hospital on Wednesday at eleven in the morning. And until we get the results. You'll be on paid vacation."
"Well, normally I'd try and fight you on it. But. Since Monroe is near, and Maryse is my girl. I don't think I need to fight you guys on anything. Just one thing?" I asked. "Who is my opponent for Money In The Bank?'
"Well, since Seth didn't get to enact his rematch clause in his contract. Your match will be against Seth in a ladder match." Hunter said.
"Sounds pretty good and exciting." I smiled.
"Well, just enjoy the show and don't forget the appointment for the x-ray." Steph smiled.
"I'll make sure he doesn't." Maryse smiled as she kissed me. They nodded and left us alone.
"Well, that could have been worse." I grinned as Monroe reached out to me. I gently took her an held her for a few moments and like clockwork. She fell asleep.
"The cool uncle strikes again." Maryse scoffed as she leaned into me.
"Well, it's like you said in your Instagram post earlier. I'm proof positive that hell has a softer side." I smiled and kissed Maryse' forehead. We ended up watching the whole episode of Raw and they did touch on the fact that there had been an order handed down that I had to get an x-ray to see if I had cracked ribs. Which I appreciated Corey telling the crowd and audience although I would have preferred to tell the universe myself. But there was very little I could do. After Raw, we just headed to the car with our bags and then to the hotel after dropping by a sandwich place. Maryse got a veggie sandwich with a couple slices of turkey in it. I ordered my usual oven roasted chicken breast with extra lettuce.
When we got to the hotel, ate, put Monroe to bed. We changed into our sleepwear and headed straight to bed.
"Goodnight, babe." Maryse kissed me.
"Good night, my love." I smiled as I kissed her back.
We laid down facing each other and after I put my glasses on the bedside table and turned off the light we fell asleep.

The next morning, we both woke up and got some breakfast in our belly's as we took Monroe downstairs to the hotels dining room for breakfast and we smiled at Monroe playing with some eggs and neatly and thinly sliced pieces of pancake.
Once we were finished with breakfast we went back up to the hotel room and packed up for our flight back to Idaho Falls and by proxy my home. However, when we were packed up. A knock came to the door. "I'll get it Maryse," I said. I opened the door to see Mike. "Hey, Mike."
"Hey, congratulations on giving Dean the beating of a lifetime last night." He said.
"Thanks, please come in." I stood aside as he walked in. "Maryse, Mike's here."
"Oh, hey." Maryse smiled as she walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm guessing you're here to take Monroe."
"Yeah." He sighed. Maryse smiled as I kissed her cheek as I went to get Monroe and her diaper bag. "I must say, Maryse. You bring out the best in him. And no I'm not jealous of him. I had my chance and time with you. And I wouldn't change any of it. But when I got Monroe back after you guys had her. I couldn't get her to sleep."
"Yeah. Sorry. Daniel has this hidden talent." Mike looked at her with an interested look. "He can play guitar and sings her to sleep. I couldn't believe it myself. But he's a good singer. But when she's really tired or barely tired. All he has to do is hold her. And she's out like a light."
"Huh. Cool." Mike said and I came into the room with Monroe and her diaper bag. When she saw Mike she reached for him. "Hey, how's my little princess?"
"I uh. wrote down some songs you can find on Spotify that will put her to sleep. So that way you don't have to fight her to get to sleep." I handed him the list.
"Thank you."
Maryse smiled as she took Monroe for a moment and kissed her cheek and hugged her and I rubbed her head gently and kissed her forehead. Once Mike took her. He smiled.
"Thanks, guys." I wrapped my left arm around Maryse as she leaned into me.
"No problem," I said as Mike smiled a bit as he took Monroe's diaper bag and carrier. Monroe waved goodbye to me and Maryse as she and Mike left. I could feel Maryse gently hold me tighter with both her arms. "Hey. She'll be okay."
"I know." Maryse smiled. I hugged her tightly as she started to cry a bit.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh. Come on we have a flight to catch." I kissed her and let her go and as I went and got dressed for the flight. Maryse noticed a brown envelope on the floor.
"Ha. Mike must have dropped this." She opened it and saw that it was the divorce decree. Mike had already signed it. I came back with our bags and saw Maryse reading a packet.
"What's up?" I asked as she continued reading it.
"This is the final divorce decree babe." She told me. I looked over her shoulder and soon she put it on the coffee table and pulled one of the hotel's pens from the surface of the coffee table and signed it. "Let's drop this in the mail when we get home."
"Okay." I grinned. She looked at me and leapt into my arms.
"I love you."
"I love you more." Once we pulled away from each other, we headed to the airport to catch our flight to Idaho Falls.

When we landed after close to fourteen hours, we took a taxi to my home and on the way we had the driver make a detour to a drop box for the US Postal Service to drop the final divorce decree in one. When we finally reached my home it was close to 1 in the morning. Once I paid the driver and got our bags into the house. Maryse stood in the driveway looking at the beautiful starry sky. Once I put the bags into the house. I approached Maryse and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "You okay?"
"Yeah." She said.
"Maryse darling?"
She sighed a bit. "No, not really."
"Is it the divorce decree?"
"Yeah. Me signing it. Just makes it all so official now. I'm a single woman again. Not that I'm disappointed about it. But just seeing Monroe as Mike took her with him so he could take care of her for a while. Just made it hit home somehow."
"I actually can explain that." She looked me expectantly. "You think that since your officially divorced from Mike. You think that you'll never get a chance to see Monroe all that often. But you're unconsciously feeling guilty about divorcing him because in some ways you still love him. Even after his actions and words that led to your final decision. And it's been so long since you've dated that you're afraid of being alone. But I'm here for you. I'll help you with everything I have. As long as you have me. You'll never be alone darling. I may go on the road without you from time to time. But I'll always call, text or even facetime you. Just to make sure you're okay and safe. And Monroe will always remember that you're her mother and that you love her. I promise you that." I smiled as did she.
Just as we looked up at the sky a moment, Maryse' phone went off and she looked and saw that it was Mike. So she put it on speaker. "Hello?"
'Hey, Maryse. Did you and Daniel happen to find a manila envelope after I left.'
"Yes, we did." She said.
'And I'm guessing you know that it was the final divorce decree?' Mike asked.
"Yes, she does," I told him.
'Well, if you signed them which I'm pretty sure that you did. Then that would mean that as of whenever you signed it. We are officially divorced. And as much as I want to be sad about it which I am. But I do know that I'll be alright. As will you. And I know that you're in good hands with Daniel. Don't worry this isn't a suicide phone call. I'm just saying that I know that it will be hard to continue on separately. But I know we can move on from this. It's just going to take some time. Hey Daniel.'
"Yeah," I said.
'You take good care of her alright?'
"I will." I smiled as Maryse kissed my cheek.
'You two take care of yourselves. See you guys at Money In The Bank.' He said and with that, he hung up. Maryse turned her head and her lips met mine.
"Well, you have an appointment later this morning. Let's get to bed." Maryse held my hands in place with hers as she led the way inside. Luckily I had a spare set of sleepwear and after she changed into her spares and I changed into mine. I went throughout the first floor to make sure all the windows and doors were locked and the alarms were set. Of course as isolated as my place was. The odds of having an unwelcome guest that could get past me was slim to none. Once my security inspection of the first floor was done. I returned to the master bedroom and Maryse was looking at her phone and I surmised that she was checking her social media.
"Hey, darling. The home is secure." I saluted comedically.
"That's good. Now come here. It's getting cold to be in this bed by myself." I smiled as I walked over to the bed and slid in next to her. She put her phone down and I took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and Maryse turned off the overhead light and we both pulled the blankets over us and I pulled her in close and she smiled as I kissed her gently at first and she returned the favor tenfold. After a few minutes, she pulled away, rested her head on my left shoulder and draped her left arm on my chest and rested her hand close to my neck.
"Goodnight, my love." I smiled.
"Goodnight, babe." She kissed my cheek before we both fell asleep.

The next morning, we both woke up in time to get dressed and head to Mountain View Hospital.
Once there, I filled out the necessary paperwork and we were taken to the radiology department and told to sit in the waiting room.
We sat down in some comfortable chairs and just looked through her phone. She laced her left arm with my right as she showed me a few pictures she took of my home's landscape. I loved her eye for detail and when to take the perfect picture.
"You are quite the photographer darling." I smiled.
"Maybe when we get home from this you and me can take a stroll through the forested area near your home and I can take some pictures of both of us."
"I'd love that." She kissed my cheek before we were called into the radiology main room.
"Mr. and Mrs. Boyce?" The nurse asked.
"No. Umm."
"Not yet anyway." Maryse grinned. I looked at her and smiled.
"Right this way." She led us to an x-ray room and after the x-rays were taken she then led us to an examination room and said, "The doctor should be in momentarily with your results."
"Okay." I sat down in one of three chairs and Maryse sat in my lap, then leaned her head into the left side crook of my neck.
"Hopefully this isn't going to be too serious." She said as I rubbed her back with my left hand and slid my right hand under both her left hand as her right arm was around my neck.
"I hope so too. I'm not too worried about it. Besides. The title doesn't matter much to me anymore anyway." I looked to my left and into her eyes. "You are more precious than any of the titles I have held or will hold in the WWE." I kissed her lips and she smiled as I pulled away.
"Can I ask you something?" She had a nervous look on her face.
"When you do retire, what do you plan on doing?"
"Possibly open a wrestling school. I mean it would be kind of cool to train and teach the younger generation how to not only wrestle and be in this business. But I think it would be incredible to teach them how to survive in the business."
"I see your point." She smiled.
"Plus I may try and start a workout attire line." I looked at her as she sat up in my lap. "And I was hoping that you'd like to join me in that venture."
"I'd love that. It would actually give us something we could do together."
"Glad you agree." I smiled. The doctor came in with the x-ray and Maryse quickly switched to the chair next to me.
"So, Mr. Boyce. According to this, you do have a couple of fractured ribs. But as long as you don't do anything too strenuous for the next few weeks. They should heal up really well."
"You do realize that I'm a pro wrestler. That kind of work doesn't usually promote nice and easy." I told him.
"I know. I saw the order for the x-rays and the results. So my suggestion. Just keep the physical stress to a minimum as best you can. And hopefully, you'll be good to go by the next major event for the company you work for."
"Thanks, doc."
"No problem. I'll send the results and x-rays to the trainers and doctors offices and you should be good to go."
Maryse and I made our way back home but I stopped off at a nice and serene spot near home and got out along with Maryse. I sat on the edge of the hood and she slid into my arms and we both looked out at the spot. "This is a very special spot for me."
"Oh? Did you bring Ashley here?"
"No, actually," I said.
"You mean I'm the first person you brought..."
"Here?" Yeah." I grinned. "This is the spot I always imagined being the home of my wrestling school," I told her.
"It definitely looks like the perfect spot."
"Yeah. It's not too far from home so I could walk here every day."
"True." She was smiling so much I thought that her jaws would lock up.
"You know what the best part is?"
"I think that the logo of the school should have us both on it. What do you think?"
"I think it would be great. But there's one thing that will cement that?" I looked at her smiling as I knew what she was going to say. "You need to marry me first." She smiled.
"I plan to," I told her.
"When are you going to propose?" She asked.
"Patience my love. Patience. You'll get your wish soon enough." I said making her pout a bit. But I kissed it away.
"Alright." She grinned.
"Now, one last question?"
"How many kids do you want?"
"I'm hoping to have at least, five more kids. I mean I love Monroe."
"As do I."
"But. I would like at least a few more children."
"I want that too darling." She smiled as I kissed her cheek. We soon got back in the car and continued to my home.

Over the next couple weeks, I gradually started working out to get back into fighting shape. Maryse laughed as she saw me having difficulty getting re-acquainted with the salmon ladder. Mostly due to the fact, my ribs gave me the worst pain imaginable when I hit the ground the first couple tries. "Enjoying the show?" I asked.
"Not trying to. I don't like seeing my hellion in pain." When I did a couple rounds without incident on the salmon ladder both ways. I pulled myself up and held the bar vertically and landed on my feet. "That's my man." Maryse smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled as she finished up doing a few more weighted crunches. "You doing okay my love?" I sat on the bench for the barbells and just took a long swig of water. Maryse smiled.
"I'm doing just fine baby." She reached her second round of sixty weighted crunches and gently and carefully got up and put the weight back on the wrack. She then made her way to me and sat in my lap. "I'm so glad that your ribs have healed nicely." She grinned.
"I'm sure you are." I giggled as did she.
"You know. Before we head to MITB. Maybe, we could test how much punishment they can take." She smiled as she leaned down and I gently slid my hands behind her head and pulled her closer to my lips as I kissed her. She smiled. "Would you think less of me if I told you that I so need you right now."
"No. In fact, it was sheer torture not being able to touch you the entire time my ribs were healing. Well, I could have but not the way I wanted." I grinned deviously.
"Oooh, my bad," She kissed me, "naughty hellion." She giggled as she bit her lower lip after kissing me once more.
"Oohh, ho, ho, ho, ho. You have no idea." I grinned.
"I'll have to find out later. But right now. I just want my handsome and toned boyfriend all to myself." I tossed my empty water bottle behind me and somehow without even looking or thinking about it. Hit the proverbial bullseye when it went into the garbage. "Oooooh, nice shot baby."
"You ain't seen nothing yet." I slid my right arm behind her back and my left arm under her legs and got up with her in my arms. She giggled as I carried her to our room. Laid her on the bed and began kissing her with enough heat and passion that it would have melted the windows. "God, I've missed this darling." I smiled.
"Not as much as I have." She smiled. "I want you to give me the fucking of my life." She grinned.
"Your command is my wish, my French Canadian angel." I smiled. We picked up exactly where we left off and after an intense, passionate makeout session. We were so turned on that we nearly ripped our workout clothes off each other and I'm not talking just stopping every few seconds or as we continued to make out. I mean we were quite literally tearing at our work out clothes like wild animals.

After close to three and a half hours, Maryse and I were laying near the foot of the bed and covered in sweat. Maryse and I were all smiles as she had cum close to fifty-six times and I came in her twice. "Ooohhhh, that was, incredible." She grinned wider by the word. "Thank you for this baby." She kissed me as I wrapped my arms around her as she was laying on top of me.
"You're most certainly welcome. There were a few times that your pussy got so tight that I was wondering if I'd even be able to hold out for you my love."
"Well, I guess we should get cleaned up, dressed and get something to eat, because tomorrow we have a flight to MITB."
"Ooohhh, I don't want to get cleaned up yet," I whined. Which was a rarity for me. Maryse grinned and giggled.
"I know baby. But we do need to do it." She kissed me and rested her head on my chest. "But I think we can stay here for another hour at least." I ran my right hand through her blonde hair which caused her to breathe deeply and relax a little more.

The next day, after getting everything packed up that we would need for our next few weeks on the road. Before we left, a knock came to the door. "I got it, my love," I said as I answered the door. I found Sophia.
"Daniel." She smiled as she hugged me.
"Sophia. Ha, ha. I'm guessing you'll be house-sitting for us while we're gone?" She nodded. "Alright. Do you need a tour of the place to refresh your memory?"
"No. But thanks anyway."
"Listen while I got you and before Maryse comes down. I was wondering if you would give me permission to ask Maryse to marry me?" I pulled a black ring box that had Jensen Jewelers on it.
"Oh, of course." She hugged me again. I stowed the ring box in my jacket pocket and acted relatively normal as I heard Maryse come around the corner.
"Who is it, baby?" She saw Sophia.
"Hey, mom." She grinned.
"Hello, my darling." Sophia smiled as she walked up to her and kissed her cheek. I headed upstairs and put the ring box within my traveling bathroom kit and zipped up my last duffel bag. Then I packed her three suitcases, two duffels to the front door and after I packed my two suitcases and two duffel bags to the front door. We were ready to go.
"Okay, Sophia. There's a couple sets of extra keys in a hidden compartment behind the small portrait of my mother in the study. So take one with you whenever you leave. All the numbers you need in terms of ahh, I'm sure you know your way around the emergency services." I giggled.
"It's okay Daniel. You just make sure to take care of my little girl while on the road for the next few weeks." Sophia smiled.
"I most definitely will." I grinned. Sophia hugged me and Maryse and I left the house, loaded into a taxi and headed to the airport to catch a flight to the home of MITB.
While on the plane. Maryse and I were sitting in our business class seats.
"You know. I know for a fact that you'll be great in your ladder match against Seth Rollins. But if you lose the Intercontinental Championship. I won't be mad."
"I won't be either." I smiled. "Because if everything goes by the books tomorrow my love. We'll be leaving happier than when we arrived." She kissed me and leaned against my right shoulder as I leaned into her. She slid her left hand into my right hand and I gently squeezed her hand a bit.
"I love you."
"I love you more." I smiled as I kissed her forehead.

When we arrived in the home city for Money In The Bank, it was early the following afternoon. And that made Maryse and I happy that we decided to get some sleep on the plane. We went to the hotel for a few minutes then once it was three thirty-five. We grabbed our arena bags and headed to the arena that would house MITB this year. When we arrived we went to our locker room then straight to catering to get something to eat. Seth came up to our table. "Hey, Daniel."
"Seth. How's it going?"
"Oh, just fine."
"Good to hear. Ready for our match later tonight?"
"Oh, yeah. And I know it will be a war."
"I wouldn't expect it to be anything less." I grinned. The moment he let us alone. I heard some giggling and turned to see Mike coming up with Monroe. "Mike." I smiled at Monroe. "And sweet little Monroe." I tickled Monroe and she really giggled.
"Hey, Maryse, Daniel." He greeted.
"So who are you facing tonight?" Maryse asked.
"I'm actually involved in the men's Money In The Bank match." He smiled. "And no need to worry I won't come after the IC title. I'm on Smackdown Live after all."
"Very true." After Maryse and I talked with Mike for a few more minutes we headed back to our locker room and Mike followed us with Monroe. When my match came up I kissed Maryse for luck and tickled Monroe making her smile and giggle.
When I got to the gorilla I noticed Seth was already out in the ring. I slung my Intercontinental Championship over my right shoulder and once my music hit. I went down to the ring all smiles as I knew that win or lose. By the night's end. I'd be the happiest man alive.

Forty-seven minutes into the match,
Seth and I were worn to whispers as we both traded the lead and dominance of the match. Everyone could tell we were very tired and exhausted. But when Seth and I both reached the top of the ladder for the fifty-sixth time. Everytime when either me or him would land blows. The other would teeter on the brink of falling off the ladder. I then thought that it would make my plan more meaningful if I retained my title. So with all the power, I could scrounge together I delivered a right cross that literally made Seth turn a bit and do a swan dive off the ladder. I then reached up and unclasped the title. And clutched it tightly against my chest as I weakly sat on the top of the ladder and slowly and carefully held it above my head. I smiled as I descended the ladder carefully with some effort. I asked Jojo for a mic and she handed me one and I told her to hand me my jacket when she handed me my jacket, I reached into one of the pockets and pulled a handkerchief out of the pocket out of the camera's view.
The crowd cheered at my victory, Seth bro-hugged me before leaving for the back. "Thank you. Now I'd like Maryse to come out here please?" Barely twenty seconds later, 'Pourquoi' blared over the speakers and Maryse came down and into the ring. Once she was near me, I continued. "Maryse. My beautiful and gorgeous girlfriend. I said that I had a surprise for you. All you had to do was be patient." She nodded. "Well," I looked to the crowd and then back at her. I gently laid the Intercontinental Title on the canvas by my right foot. "I've always wanted to do this to the woman I knew I wanted to live out the rest of my days with." I got on one knee and Maryse started to tear up and clasped her hands over her mouth and nose. "Maryse Ouellet." I smiled as I pulled the handkerchief from my back pocket and opened it to expose a beautiful diamond ring. "Would you make me the happiest man alive, and do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Maryse was beside herself with excitement and happiness.
"Yes." She smiled as I took the ring and slid it on her ring finger and she pulled me to my feet and kissed me. I smiled after we pulled away from each other and I swept her up into my arms and she giggled and smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. After swinging her around a bit. I put her back on her feet and picked up my IC title. When MITB ended, Mike came pretty close to winning the men's Money In The Bank match. But as for me and Maryse. We were very happy and were visited by the entire women's locker room of both brands. We were congratulated by some of the superstars as well. After dealing with some more congratulations from everyone, Mike had us take care of Monroe while he got some sleep and rest since he was pretty bruised from the men's Money In The Bank Ladder Match. I smiled as I drove while Maryse held Monroe and tickled her and played with her. Once we were at the hotel and got into our room. I gently took Monroe from Maryse.
"So little one. What do you think of having me as your future stepdad?" I asked. She smiled and clapped and giggled.
"I think she likes the idea baby." Maryse smiled.
"I think so too." I smiled as Maryse came up to me and Monroe.
"By the way." I looked to her and she kissed me briefly. "You have made me the happiest woman in the world tonight."
"And you made me the happiest man alive tonight." I smiled as Monroe cooed and reached for Maryse. "Traitor." I grinned and giggled.
"Ohh, she just wants some mommy time. Don't you little girl." Maryse smiled.
"Well, with that. I think that I should take the first shower and once I'm done. I'll take Monroe while you get your shower in." I wrapped my arms around my French Canadian bride-to-be from behind.
"That sounds good to me baby." I quickly made short work of a shower and once I dried off and changed into some dry and clean clothes. Maryse gently passed Monroe to me and like always. Barely three seconds in my arms and Monroe fell asleep. "What is it about you that makes her fall asleep in your arms instead of mine." Maryse mockingly groaned.
"I have no idea. I guess I just have a natural talent with kids." I smiled.
"Well, that is certainly true." She smiled. "Well, time for me to get my shower in." She kissed Monroe's forehead and kissed my lips and went to take her shower. Once she was finished and dried off and changed into a spare set of leggings and a nice and tight midnight blue top which only made it harder for me to not look at her as she came out of the bathroom. "What?" She asked.
"I'd howl like a wolf if I wasn't afraid of waking Monroe up," I told her honestly. We both laid on the bed with Monroe between us and I slid my left hand into Maryse' right and we held hands as we watched cute little Monroe sleep between us. "I love you Maryse."
"I love you, too Daniel."
"And we love Monroe." Maryse and I said in unison. After we had some room service for dinner and Monroe woke up from her little catnap as the knock from the door when our room service arrived. Maryse smiled as she watched me feed and burp Monroe. She even took a picture of what was going on and uploaded it onto her Instagram.

It's just so heartwarming to see my future hellion of a husband HellionWWE feed and burp my little girl Monroe.

She posted two photos, one of me feeding Monroe and the other of me burping her.

The response if not reaction of our friends was fun, to say the least.
That is more adorable than the last photo you took of him with Monroe. Hold onto him Maryse. He's definitely a keeper.

That is so cute that I can't stand it. Your one lucky woman to be marrying such a sweet man.

I'm so jealous right now. I hope you two have a happy life together. Congratulations on becoming engaged to that gem of a man.

I handed Monroe to Maryse after a while and Maryse took her and gave her a bath and while she was busy playing with Monroe while giving her a bath. I took a picture of Maryse bathing Monroe and posted it to my Instagram.

It's moments like this that make me super excited to marry my French Canadian bride-to-be. I love her so much. I love you Maryse. I seriously can't wait to marry you.

I see your point man. I'm very happy for you bro. Congrats on your engagement.

You both hit the jackpot with each other. I'm looking forward to your wedding. congrats on your engagement. Love you both.

I knocked on the bathroom door and walked in and kneeled next to Maryse. "How're my favorite girls huh?" I smiled.
"Oh, we're doing fine baby." Maryse smiled as I kissed her cheek. Monroe smiled and giggled as she saw the smile on her mothers face. After Maryse gave Monroe a bath, I put a clean diaper on her after Maryse dried her off. Then I slipped a nice sleeping sheep onesie on her and Maryse found the collapsible crib in one of my suitcases and smiled.
"I thought we might need it." She walked up all smiles and gently took Monroe from me and I set up the collapsible crib and she put Monroe into the crib and I started to sing the first verse of 'From Here to the Moon and Back' and she gently yawned as she smiled and started to fall asleep. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

Once she did. Maryse and I changed into some sleep attire and went directly to bed. I took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and Maryse turned off the overhead light and cuddled close to me as I slid my right arm around her and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight my love."
"Goodnight my darling." Maryse smiled as we took one last look at the collapsible crib and gently slid off into a deep slumber.

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