Switching Gears At Fastlane.

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Over the next few weeks during the summit as I had called it before to Mike's face. Things were not going well. In fact I had to go into the room to seperate them.
While at work, I was supposedly to go after the IC belt which Rollins was wearing as Champion and our match was to culminate in a major victory for me at Fastlane. Seth was taking some time off from the ring to pursue an acting career but would drop in from time to time. So the storyline was already planned.
But at home. Ha. It was interesting. The last meeting between Maryse and Mike was heated to say the least and not in a good way. Because I had found out that Mike was planning on focusing on an acting career or a commentators chair. I forget which he decided on.

I was in the room on the last meeting since it had become customary for them to argue to the point where they nearly punched or fought with more than just words. Anyway, Mike snapped to his feet near the fifteen minute mark of the meeting. "Don't you tell me what's indelicate or not. I mean you slept with Daniel two years ago when you were both drunk off your ass while I was filming the Marine 5." I hung my head as Mike noticed what he said. "Oh, my." I stood up and walked over to him.
"We, apologized for that. I... apologized for that!" Maryse could tell I was about to break Mike in half for mentioning a drunken mistake we did as Mike pointed out two years ago while he was away filming the Marine 5. She tried to calm me down. Only to get a very fiery glare from me. She kept her left hand on my forearm. "I have tried to forget that night and you of all people know that we have apologized and begged and scrapped for your forgiveness for a month. And just as it was almost forgotten by me." I laughed a bit. "YOU BRING IT UP!!!" Mike slunk back into his chair scared to death of me. I stormed out of the room leaving Mike and Maryse looking at the door then each other.
"Mike. I'm sorry but. I just don't think we can work it out." Maryse picked up her jacket and put it on. Then picked up her purse and after one more glance at the scared look on Mike's face. "I'll contact an attorney and I hope that we can come to an agreement that we both can agree on and that would be beneficial to Monroe." He nodded still sporting the scared look on his face.

Maryse found me standing in the center of a snow drift that a snow plow made. She climbed up close to me. "Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped back there." I said looking in her direction as she approached me from the right side.
"No. It's alright. He shouldn't have brought it up. Which just only proves that we can't work this out. So. After Fastlane. I'm filing for divorce."
"No. I don't want to be responsible for breaking you up." I seethed.
"Daniel." She slid her hands on both sides of my face and guided my gaze to her face. "Your not the cause of us breaking up. You tried to help us patch things up. Is it your fault that we couldn't?" I shook my head. "No it isn't. It's ours. Me and Mike's. And I do know that things like marriages don't work out sometimes. And this was just one of the ones that don't work out. But I am not going to blame you for breaking me and Mike up. Even if my mother will probably leap at the chance to. But I'm not going to blame you." She smiled and pulled me in for a nice hug. "You are not going to be blamed for this Daniel." She smiled.
I pulled away and smiled. "Thank you. For that pep talk." She grinned in response. "So...Should we head home?" She nodded. "Okay." I opened the passenger side door to the newly restored and rebuilt Chrysler Imperial I've had since I first started working for WWE. Maryse smiled as she got in and buckled up.
"I still can't believe you still have this thing." She smiled.
"Well, nothing beats a classic." I smiled as I gently closed the door. Mike came out and I looked at him with disdain.
"Daniel. I'm sorry for bringing that night between you and Maryse up. And I'm sure she's told you." I nodded. "Well, it looks like she's finally trading up." He smiled.
"Don't." I snapped at him.
"You're making it sound like she's trading in cars or homes. You were with her for a long time. You have a daughter with her. Just because there's a distinct possibility that she'll be looking for someone new does not mean that you can lessen her time with you by making it sound she's trading in a car for a newer model." He looked to the ground. "Don't make it sound like she didn't care about you or enjoy the time she had with you. You understand?" He nodded. "Good." I walked around the car to the driver's side.
"Hey, Daniel." I looked at him as I had one leg in the car. "You're going to kill it as Intercontinental Champion. Good luck." He smiled.
"Thank you. And don't I always." I got in and started the car and drove to my home with Maryse leaning into my right shoulder. She gently sobbed here and there and when we got to my home. We immediately packed and took a taxi to the airport to catch a flight to Fastlane.

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