Ninjago-The Journey

By hannahruth1999

8.8K 210 35

This is the journey of Kaia, A Master, or rather, Mistress of Fire, she was born with the control of Fire. Sh... More

The Beginning of this Story.
Rise of the Snakes
Flight With Cole
Home Part 1
Home Part 2
Snake Bite.
Getting Away
Training Troubles
Can of Warms.
A Time for Concern and Advice
King Of The Snakes
Tick Tock
Sickness, Planning, and Bridges
Meeting and Meanings
Chapter 18
Chapter 19


338 12 1
By hannahruth1999

It was another two days of practicing with Mr. Lou. He worked mostly on Cole and I. Much to Cole’s disappointment. I did my best to keep a middle ground between the two and the fun thing was. When the sun went down and all was said and done, Cole and I would head up to the roof and spar. He would be so pent up he would just brood until I asked him to spar. From there things continued on. Till the last day. Just as we were finishing a spar we were done on the ground, in the backyard. A call rang out.

“I knew it, I knew it,” Mr. Lou cheered as he came down the patio pointing at us. I looked up to Cole confused. He shook his head with a shrug at my silent question. His hands clasped on his cane before him.

“You were holding out son, do that last movment again, if you would both please.” He looked so excited. Again the silent questioning we both just shrugged. He had just kicked were I had ducked. So we stepped back into a normal fight stance.

“You sure about this?” Cole questioned looking at me wanting the truth.

“Yeah, it’s just a mock fight,” I told him. He nodded his head in agreement and with that we started. Mr. Lou drilled us wanting us to move slowly in a fight. It continued for a long time well into the night.

“Dad, enough, the Auditions are tomorrow and we need to rest.” Cole reprimanded. Mr. Lou stepped away, not wanting to push as he once did.

“I am sorry, Cole, but you two have given me several ideas for the actual competition next week. And I believe, you will like the new routine even better than the old. With that he left us in the cool night’s air.

“You okay Cole?” I asked rather concerned

“Yeah, I’m a fine.” he grumbled. Looking off to where his father had disappeared too. I poked him in the side

“Come on tell me the truth, Cole.” I told him, moving to where I was cutting off his sight of the house. He sighed looking down to me.

“Kaia, you were sick only yesterday. Now you had to stay out here for a few hours.” He spoke concerned as he took my hand.

“Well if you are that worried let’s get inside and warm up. I think I spied some hot coco in the shelves earlier.” That did get his attention. He loved chocolate as much as I loved my family.

(Time Skip)

We got the audician over and done with, us getting past rather easily with light singing, Mr. Lou was working us even harder. The harshness of his words only set off the phantom sensations or pain on my back and arms. It was making me into a bundle of nerves. Ready to just make a run for it. I had found myself speaking less and less.

Another argument broke out and Cole made it were no one had to sing anymore. I was thankful for that. Even with this I still wanted to make a run for it.

Getting out of my bed and heading down to the kitchen for breakfast with the others. Another argument broke out. Cole had noticed my nerves and also Jay’s. Getting us the free day Jay ran away from the house Zane chasing after him to make sure he stay out of trouble. Cole pulled me along and out of the house.

“Are you okay, Kaia?” He asked rather concerned leaning down to be on level with me.

“I’m alright,” I answered him. “Could we go into town, I don’t really want to stay at the house all day.” I asked him. He smirked.

“I thought you would never ask.” He spoke sounding relieved. He took hold of my wrist and pulled. Before I knew it we were far out of the house running away from the small hell that had been a week.

We went to the competition only to be meght by Pythor and his followers. There Baritone whatever were absolutely horrible. I glared at Pythor from the side of the stage from behind the curtain.

“Kaia,” Cole asked stepping up behind me. I turned and gave him a small smile before going back to glare at the snake.

“He ate someone.” I spoke softly not wanting there to be a panic. He followed my gaze.

“He does seem a little pudgy. Cole sighed in agreement. “I don’t know if I feel comfortable with you noticing that.” Cole spoke reaching down to comb his fingers through my hair.

“Oh hush you, You are the only one I notice in a romantic light,” I tried to pacify.

“Oh so you look at others?” He questioned raising an eyebrow . I moved away from the curtain to have a proper conversation with him

“Cole,” I spoke softly. His hand came to my face a smirk forming.

“I’m just teasing Kaia.” he smirked kissing my forehead. “You okay with the recent change Dad made?” He asked.

“Well, I’m not the one who has to sing now am I?” I asked putting up a false brovo. “What are you singing anyway?” I asked. Cole and his dad had been talking in hushed tones for the past day and a half.

“You will see,” Cole spoke with a smile still present. The dance Mr. Lou had us doing was very close to our fighting styles so it wasn’t much of a challenge.

“You may not admit it, Cole, but you are in your element here.” I told him.

“I was raised in it, born really. makes me wonder…” he trailed off.

“Wonder what, Cole?”

“What would have been if I had completed that stupid move.” he answered darkly.

“Well,” I started. “You would have likely been one of the most eligible bachelor going from one girl to the next. Me likey in some gutter wandering around aimlessly. Zane, running around still pushing his limits.”

“And Jay in some high end collage.” Cole finished with a sigh . We looked at eachother a smile forming.

“till something called us to Ninjago. You wanting a good fight.” Cole grinned.

“You would come out not wanting to be showed up by a girl.” I smirked.

“Oy!” he shouted indignantly he lunged for me. I laughed spinning just out of reach. He was careful not to go through the curtain turning in an attempt to catch me.

“enough of that now.” We turned to see Mr. Lou walking up towards us flanked by Zane and Jay. Jay meshing with a remote while Zane held a Cape I was supposed to wear. Cole and I were both wearing dress robes for today.

“Are you two ready,” Mr. Lou asked us. I look the crimson red cape with red accents, from Zane pulling it over my shoulders and tieing it into place.

“Ready as will ever be.” I answered.

“we are ready Dad.” Cole answered. Mr. Lou nodded to his son before holding out my sword to me.

“Remember, use this in the end.” Mr. Lou answered.

“Still jealous that your dragon taught you how to use your weapon like that.” Cole muttered softly.

“Maybe you should have trained those eight months and impressed Rocky.” I elbowed him in the side a smirk on my face.

“how could I, you charmed the dragons into liking you more than us.” Cole spoke in an essaspered tone. Our name was called and we turned to the stage.

“You two have fun.” Jay looked up from his invention giving us a smile.

“We will keep the Serpentine from getting to you two.” Zane promised. I nodded to Zane.

“Break a leg, you two,” Mr. Lou smiled to us both. I just looked at him confused.

“Why should we break a leg, isn’t that counter productive?” I questioned and it caused the others to start laughing as Cole pushed me on stage.

We came to the middle of the stage and stood across from each other. On my right and his left sat the crowd and on my left his right was the curtain.

“Remember,” Cole said softly. “It’s just you and me.” He said softly.

“They don’t exist,” I finished what he had told me on the car ride here. He nodded a smile on his face, We crossed wrists and raised our other arms to our respective diaphragms. The notes started to filter in and Cole opened his mouth to speak. The song was easy to recognize.

Tired, I should have known. It was easy to recognize the beat. We moved in harmony A well telegraphed already dictated fight. One that it was him pulling away to sing and talk as I turned at times fire licking at my hands and feet. It felt… like I was on Flame again. Free and floating…. it was exhilarating.

There was a sound from above. We both looked up and there falling from above were Serpentine. The fell around us. Cole, for the amazement that was Cole didn’t even hesitate or stop singing. We moved back to back. ducking and weaving. When one got close to Cole I saw out of the corner of my eye Mr. Lou he was frantically waving a red lace. His symbol for sword. I pulled my sword with this and fire danced around us.

“Just let me love you when your heart gets tired.” I sang with Cole before moving into action fire circled. Responding to my call as I twisted and spun protecting Cole.

As the notes come to an end there is a weight on my shoulders before it leaves me. Cole’s feet hit the head of a Serpentine and he balls up flipping once, twice three times before landing on his feet clashing the last with clawed fingers and a growl.

The crowd went wild as Cole spun around at me beaming as he ran up to me and hugged me tight. The crowd and announcers cheering about how he completed the once thought impossible move called, the Triple Tiger Sashay.

“I did it,” he muttered unbelieving,

“You sure did tiger.” I smiled hugging him tight. Pulling away Mr. Lou, Jay and Zane ran up to us. All smiling, all with praises on his lips.

“Son, I am sorry, and I am very proud of you.” Mr. Lou spoke, his pride very noticeable on his face and in his voice. Cole hugged him tightly.

Soon the Blade cup was brought to us. Cole accepted the award. He couldn’t stop smiling. We were all backstage before he spoke again

“Thank you Kaia.” He smiled down at me. I just smiled up to him and shrugged.

“It was a group effort Dusty.” I elbowed him in the ribs lightly.

“You just helped me get there Firebird.” He winked. There was a clatter We both looked up to see a solid mass of scrap metal falling from above.

“Look out,” Jay screamed him and zane moving away. They now had the cup. It was to late for me and Cole to get out of the way. He pushed me down covering me as the metal fell over us. I closed my eyes waiting for pain only for there to be none. Slowly opening my eyes I looked up To see… Cole glowing. His Gi was in place, even though it wasn’t before.

“You alright,” He asked not even bothered with the weight on his back

“Cole… You…” He looked over himself.

“Well, seems I’ve done it.” He spoke happily. “Now let’s get rid of this shall we.” He spoke rhetorically pushing up on the weight, getting the metal off of us both.

“You’re alive,” jay cheered moving some of the metal away as Cole got us free. He hugged Cole tight and Zane offered me his hand. I clasped his arm before I noticed something.

“The blade cup,” I whispered. Laughing came from behind us. We turned to see Pythor laughing. He and the other Serpentine leaving the building.

“So even when we win we fail.” I sighed A hand came to my shoulder. Turning to look it was Cile. He pulled me in close to him and kissed me hard.


“Aw gross,” Jay groaned. Two chuckles accompanying him. I relaxed into the kiss, he pulled away soon after.

“Sorry, I had to,” Cole apologized at the deep blush on my cheeks. I just pressed against his side covering my inflamed cheeks. Cole just laughed good naturally.

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