A Slice of Love

By Juls131415

234K 5.4K 368

Olive Halls needs a job. So why not work at the famous Pizza Star? Oh did I mention there's a hot guy that wo... More

A Slice of Love
First Day
First Date
Just Another Day at Work
Opening up
Hanging Out
A Day With Matt
Maria Lily
Hitting The Clubs
The plan with a twist
A Little Secret
Girls Day, Guys at Night
Going Downhill
Her Wish
The Bet
Best friends and Walmart
School Starts
First Day Drama
Hanging Out...Alone.
A Surprise
Rumor Has It...Maria's back.
The Collapse
How To Say What Needs To Be Said
I Quit
Running to You
The End.

Leaving You

5.7K 133 8
By Juls131415

"And then he kissed me!" I say and Sarah spits out all of the water she had previously been drinking.

"HE KISSED YOU?!" She exclaimed and I nodded my head. "Holy hell! I did not see that one coming!" She says and I sigh.

"I feel bad. Almost like I betrayed Matt." I say and Sarah nods. We were currently at my house packing things into boxes while listening to music through my iHome.

"Yeah I know what you mean. But you don't really know where he is so if you are taking a break at the moment then it was nothing. Plus it came by surprise." Sarah reasoned and I nodded. Suddenly a new Maroon 5 song I had put on my ipod not long ago came on. I grinned as it began.

You're such a motivator. I gotta get you way
So sick of saying yes sir, yes sir
You're such an instigator, you wanna play the game
Take it or leave it, that's her, that's her
And I can't wait another minute
I can't take the look she's giving
Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million
My lucky strike!

"Got me so high and then she dropped me! She got me she got me she got me now!" Sarah joined in and I sang the next lyrics.

"Took me inside and then she rocked me!" I screamed and we looked at each other and grinned as we sang at the same time.

"She kept me up all night, this is what it sounds like.."  We sang together and belted out the chorus. When it was over we collapsed in laughter.

"Damn I love that song!" I scream and there's a low chuckle at the door. There's a tingle down my spine and my eyes widen. Sarah is sharing the same expression as she stares at who is standing at the door. I gulp as I slowly turn my head to see the same green eyed guy who has been ignoring me for days.

"Hey Olive." He says so casually I think my heart is going to explode from my chest. Sarah jumps up from her position on the floor and she mumbles something about going to the bathroom as she quickly jogs past her.

"How'd you know I was here?" I asked and he shurgged.

"Just followed to sound of Adam Levine." He said with a smirk. That one twitch of his mouth caused a sudden burst of anger coursed through me. I stood up and glared at him before walking to the other side of the room where I continued to place picture frames into boxes. "What was that look about?" Matt asked as he walked over to my side of the room. I sense his presence next to me but didn't look up as I continued to place objects in the box. "Olive?" He asks me and suddenly I can feel the timer that was ticking suddenly go off.

"That look was because you're an idiot!" I yelled and he looked taken back.

"I'm an idiot?" He asked as though he wasn't sure he heard me right.

"Yes!" I screamed and through my hands up, not understanding how he didn't get it. "I told you I was moving and you just walked out and ignored my calls for days!" I said poking his chest in annoyance. I saw him trying to hold back what he wanted to say.

"It was a lot to take at the moment." He said so calm it was scary. But I was not in the mood to be intimidated. No it was his turn to get what he deserved.

"Oh bullshit!" I screamed and he looked surprised by my curse word. "It was a lot for me take in. I needed you to listen and be there for me. You went god knows where and to think you can come back like you were never gone. Well you must be shitting me if you think so!" I scream and anger flares in Matt's eyes. Matt leans down, an angry scowl coming onto his face.

"Well at least I didn't go out and kiss other people." Matt says and I must've looked shocked because he narrows his eyes. "Ryan called up apologizing to me. I would have forgotten about it but you know what? I won't." He says then spins around and stalks out the door. I want to cry. I want to scream. But most importantly I wanted to run after him and beg for him to go back. So what did I do? None of the above if that's what you're wondering. Sarah came into room looking as though she thought I were a ticking time bomb and was about to go off any second. It continued like that for the next hour. We were in the kitchen getting more pizza after ordering it when I finally snapped.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I said and Sarah looked surprised.

"Like what?" she asked and I sighed.

"Like I'm about to break down into tears. I'm fine. Trust me." I say and Sarah looks at me for another moment, checking to see if I was lying before taking it and we headed back to the living room to watch tv. We were watching What Would You Do? It was hard to enjoy it when Sarah had been staring at me. I sighed as I could finally pay attention to the show. After What Would You Do? We watched Ghost Adventures and I sighed. I certainly loved this show. I hadn't even noticed that Sarah had gotten up a half hour ago and never came back. Suddenly just as the main guys caught a voice of a ghost there was a crash from upstairs. I jumped up from the couch and looked around, scared. I scanned the room but saw nothing out of the usual. When I was about to sit back down I heard a thud from upstairs. I grabbed my aunt's favorite vase and began creeping up the stairs. I got upstairs and heard a thud from the guest room. I knocked it open and stood their mouth gaped open. Sarah and Dan both had their shirts off and had just broken apart from what appeared to be an intense make out session. I dropped the vase and covered my eyes. I heard it hit the ground with a thump and cried out. "Please put clothes on! Dear god please!" I said and I heard some shuffling.

"You're good Olive." Dan said, sounding amused. I opened my eyes and groaned.

"Please let me know next time that way when I hear thuds during Ghost Adventures I won't assume there are ghosts or burglars in the house." I said and Dan chuckled but nodded. Sarah however looked extremely embarrassed, being red faced and all.

"Sorry Olive." She mumbled and I nodded. I grabbed the vase and walked down stairs, the couple trailing behind me. I grabbed my phone and noticed it had a new text. I slid it open and as soon as I read the screen, my phone slipped from my fingers and to the floor.  "Olive? Are you okay?" Sarah asked and I looked at her in a mixture of pure shock and unhappiness. I shook my head slowly as I brought my hands to my hair, trying to understand what the words meant.

"What is it?" Dan asked and I looked between them, feeling tears erupting in my eyes.

"My Aunt moved the time period I have here. I'm not leaving in three days...I'm leaving tomorrow." I say and Sarah let out a strangled sound and noticed she was beginning to tear up and Dan's eyes widened as he looked between Sarah and I. Sarah ran to me and enveloped me in a hug and I hugged her back, sobbing uncontrollably.

Matt's POV

I was mad. Hell I was ready to punch a wall. I didn't know I had hurt Olive so much that she'd go and curse like that at me. I understand her reasons but when she began blaming me, I blew up. I couldn't help it. I have never felt such annoyance. Honestly Ryan had told me that the kiss was just a one time thing. He didn't think of it as more than a peck and I understood. I should not of borught it up, it wasn't that big of a deal. Here I am trying to make it better and I just made it worse. I'll have to visit her tomorrow and make it better. That's what I'll do. I'll come in with a dozen roses and chocolates and there's no way she can turn me down.

Olive's POV

12 hours later.

8am. This was pure torture. I grabbed my bags and through them into the limo that wasout front. Why on earth I needed a damn limo to take me to an airport was beyond me. Dan, Dylan, Ryan and Sarah were there to see me off. Ryan helped with my last suitcase and gave me a small smile. I returned it as I tried to hold back a fresh wave of tears. Ryan took my hand in his and led me up to where Dan was trying to comfort Sarah. Key word: trying. She has been worse than me. He let go of Sarah and gave me a hug.

"He's being a jerk Olive. Matt will come around though." Dan whispered and I nodded as I felt a tear slip down my cheek. He gave me a weak smile and I moved onto Sarah who held me for almost five minutes straight before breaking away.

"I'm going to miss you so much Olive. You will always be my best friend and sister." She says and I nod, feeling more tears slip out. Sarah hugged Dan in comfort. I turned to Ryan and he held out his arms and hugged him.

"You'll be fine Olive. I promise you that." He whispers in my ear. I nod and he smiles before letting me go, only to be taken into the arms of Dylan. He whisks me around and sets me down before bringing me into a bone crushing hug.

"I will miss you to no end Olive. You will call me each and every day. If I don't hear from you, I will assume you're dead and come out to your funeral." He says and I crack a smile through my tears. "I love you Olive. I'm always here for you." He says and I nod.

"Love you too bro." I say and Dylan laughs at my attempt to be cool and brings me back into my arms, before letting me go again.

"Bye Olive." He says placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Bye Dyl." I say and wave goodbye as I get into the car. I sit down, sniffling. I watch as my house disappears from view before I glance over and realize the driver must have left me a box of tissues. I take it gratefully and wipe away my tears.

We arrive at the airport in a half hour. I get out and the driver takes out my suitcase and duffel bag with my shoulder back already next to me. I smile and thank him. I go in, and check my bag and grab my duffel before walking toward security. Have you ever walked into a room and notice that everyone's looking at you weird? Yeah that just happened to me. My face was probably still red from crying in the drive over here. When I got through security I sat down next to a lady and her eight year old child who obviously did not understand that food was supposed to go into your mouth and not just stay on your face. On my opposite said was an older man who could easily be a pediphile. Just saying. When the flight attendant finally called my row I was eager to get on the plane and never see this people again. When I sat down, music just wasn't helping me so an hour into the flight, I gave up and just sat there, staring out the window.

"Is it a boy?" I heard someone say next to me. I ignored the voice, thinking they were talking to someone else. "Is it a boy?" She asked again and I looked to my left and noticed a lady who looked to be in her mid 60's.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Is it a boy?" She repeats and I sigh.

"Sort of. I'm moving and he got mad at me yesterday and we haven't spoken. I don't know what to do and I miss him a lot." I say truthfully. I know stranger danger, but she seemed pretty nice to me.

"Do you love him?" She asked me and I ran a hand through my hair as I sighed.

"So much it hurts." I say and she smiles.

"I loved my husband that much too. Before he died."

"Oh I'm sorry." I apologize and she smiled and waves her hand at me.

"That was almost 12 years ago. This boy obviously means a lot to you. I say get him back." She says.

"I wish it were that easy." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Listen, I've been around some years now and I know for a fact, that if you want something you need to fight for it. So what are you waiting for? Go after him." She says and I frown.

"But we're already halfway to California." I say and she shrugs.

"Get kicked off the plane." My mouth falls open at her words and she chuckles.

"I can't do that!" I whisper yell and she just rolls her eyes.

"If you don't, I will." She says and my eyes widen. "I'll do anything for love." She says and before I can tell her not to, she begins screaming at the top of her lungs. "WHERE IS MY HUSBAND? I CAN'T FIND HIM! SOMEONE HELP ME!" She jumps up and begins running up and down the isle and the flight attendants look so helpless trying to calm her down. Suddenly the loud speaker comes on.

We'll be landing in Chicago to help a passenger get off. Thank you for your attention.

My mouth is a gape as they carry the lady I just met past me. As she passes me, she offers me a wink and I find myself wondering how I got myself into this mess. As the plane stops in Chicago I get out of my seat and run to the front of the plane.

"Excuse me miss. You need to sit down!" he says and I shake my head. Holding my duffel bag and shoulder bag.

"She's my grandma. I need to go with her." I say and he just shrugs and lets me through. I scold the two flight attendants for practically dragging the lady off the plane. They let go and I help her off the plane. We walk together to go find a ticket and I can't help but turn to her. "What's your name?"

"Emma Dawson." She says and I nod.

"Like Jack Dawson?" I say and she groans.

"You have no idea how many times I've heard that." She says and I chuckle as I ask a man how much it'd be to get a new ticket back to New Jersey. When he tells me it would be $300 I almost faint. "I got it." Emma says, handing the man a credit card and my eyes widen.

"No way. I can't let you." I say and she glares at me.

"Take it and stop being difficult." She says strictly and I nod obediently. When I finally get to my gate, Emma is next to me with her ticket that is going to California. I smile at the little lady in front of me. Her bright blue eyes and that silvery black hair. I bring her into my arms and she smiles when I pull away.

"Thank you for everything." I say and she waves her hand dismissively at me.

"Go get your man." She says and I grin as I walk to the line and get on the plane.

Flight 443 for New York is now leaving. We hope you enjoy your flight.

I smile as I look out the window at the ground that was slowly becoming more faint before it was just blue sky and clouds. Maybe, just maybe, someone out there is helping me.

Done! Bam you love me...I just ate chocolate, I am so very sorry. haha okay so school has started so you may not get a whole lot of uploads now. I will upload probably every weekend but you know. On the side is the new Maroon 5 song- Lucky Strike. Yeah best song in the universe. I love it to death so it made it's way into the chapter haha. Well if you enjoy this book please let me know and give me one of those votes and one of those comments...and maybe a fan? ;) Thanks for reading! I'll try to upload tomorrow. Okay cool bye guys!

Oh and continue reading if you like reading about my personal life! (which is like no one but you know)


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