Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By katherinep97

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The revelation of Castiel being controlled and manipulated into such things has shattered everyone involved. ... More

Chapter 1 - Meet the New Boss
Chapter 2 - Hello, Cruel World
Chapter 3 - The Girl Next Door
Chapter 4 - Defending Your Life
Chapter 5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Chapter 6 - CatScar Fiction
Chapter 7 - The Mentalists
Chapter 8 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!
Chapter 9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Chapter 10 - Death's Door
Chapter 11 - Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 12 - Time After Time
Chapter 13 - The Slice Girls
Chapter 14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
Chapter 15 - Repo Man
Chapter 16 - Out With the Old
Chapter 17 - Born Again Identity
Chapter 18 - Party On, Garth
Chapter 19 - Of Grave Importance
Chapter 20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Chapter 21 - Reading is Fundamental
Chapter 22 - There Will Be Blood

Chapter 23 - Survival of the Fittest

255 13 0
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link


(Song) Carry On My Wayward Son - Kansas

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Singer Salvage Yard, Dean, Ness, Scarlett, Catty, Sam and Bobby watched the body of Octavia burn away into nothing somberly.

From 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil: In Jenny's Apartment, Dean kicked in the door, running inside. Scarlett, Sam and Catty followed. Scarlett found the coin on top of the cabinets, placing it on the counter, drawing her gun, shooting the coin to destroy it and a piece of the counter with it.

Ness' Car drove down the road.

From 7.17 - Born Again Identity: In the parking lot, Castiel hesitated, grabbing Demon 1 by the front of his shirt, putting a hand on his head, smiting him, killing him with a flash of bright white light. Angelos grabbed Demon 2 by the head, smiting him, killing him with a flash of bright white light.

From 7.13 - The Slice Girls: In the hallway, Charlene and the Amazon walked closer, grabbing Catty and Scarlett by their jackets, pulling them up from the floor, pushing them against the wall, knifes against their throats. They were both suddenly shot in the back. They let Catty and Scarlett go, falling to the floor, dead. Ness was standing behind Charlene and the Amazon with her gun raised.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: Outside the house, Dean punched the security guard in the face, making him fall to the ground, unconscious.

From 7.11 - Adventures In Babysitting: In the warehouse, Ness grabbed a metal bar, hitting Sally in the face, making her fall to the floor, drawing her silver knife, twirling it over her fingers, walking toward her. Catty slashed toward Marlene. Marlene ducked, catching Catty's arm, hitting her elbow, making her drop her knife, gripping her by her throat, pushing her against the metal cage. Dean slowly woke. Scarlett stood behind Marlene, using a metal bar to hit her from behind, making her let go of Catty and fall to the floor. Catty knelt next to her knife, picking it up, standing.

From 7.17 - Born Again Identity: In the parking lot, Castiel and Angelos both placed either of their hands on two Demons' heads, four in all, smiting them, killing them with flashes of bright white light. Castiel and Angelos put their hands on two other Demon's heads, smiting them, killing them with a flash of bright white light. Castiel put a hand to the last Demon's head, smiting him, killing him with a flash of bright white light, letting him fall to the ground. Angelos let himself glow with Angelic power, causing thunder and lightning to crash in the sky. Black shadow feathered wings appeared on the wall behind Angelos before fading.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In the cemetery, Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness walked along with the hallucination of Octavia.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In the abandoned house, The creature sat bolt upright, standing from the table. Sam, Dean, Scarlett, Catty, Bobby and Ness immediately drew their guns and shot at it repeatedly until it fell back down on the table, seemingly dead.

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: In the morgue, Ness realized Dr. Gaines was a Leviathan, grabbing a mallet off a tray, using it to hit him across the face, but it hardly had an affect.

From 7.17 - Born Again Identity: In the hospital, Angelos appeared, putting a hand on Marcus/Demon's head, smiting him, killing him with a flash of bright white light, letting him fall.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In Melanie's House, Ness shot Margaret. Margaret exploded with the shotgun burst, also burning out of existence as she dissipated into the air visibly over Ness' head. The sparks faded into nothing as they floated their way to the floor.

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: In the Singer Salvage Yard, Catty was on the car, picking up a crowbar to hit Edgar in the head, making him let go of Scarlett. Scarlett picked up the fallen crowbar to stab Edgar with it, making let Catty go. Dean shot Edgar in the side of the head with a shotgun. Sam ran up, punching Edgar in the face, making him back away. Catty hit the button to eject to the car, making it fall toward Edgar. The car crushed onto Edgar. Black ooze spread from under the car around his hand, which was the only part of him visible.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In the cemetery, Kate Fox rushed toward Dean. Scarlett stroke a match, dropping it into the grave, setting the bones ablaze. Kate's Ghost started to burn out of existence, soaring through Dean.

From 7.18 - Party On, Garth: In the brewery, Ness plunged the sword into the direction Scarlett and Catty had told her, letting the sword go, watching as it stayed in the air. The Shojo materialized around the sword, screaming, falling to the floor, disappearing.

From 7.04 - Defending Your Life: Outside Neal's Tavern, Dean and Scarlett restrained Osiris from behind. Sam stabbed Osiris in the back with the ram's horn. Osiris' eyes changed to blue light. His face cracked as he fell to the ground.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: At Frank's House, Ness opened the door slowly, looking inside cautiously. Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Sam were behind her.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's motel room, Dean stabbed Amy in the heart, killing her.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In the Van Ness House, Victoria appeared behind Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness. They turned toward Victoria, raising their shotguns.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell, Leviathan!Brett grabbed Catty and Scarlett's shoulders, morphing back into the form of Catty, transforming. Her mouth enlarged. Her teeth turned long and jagged. A two-pronged tongue unfurled. Catty and Scarlett cringed back, unable to move or fight back. Ness and Dean arrived behind Leviathan!Catty. Dean splashed Leviathan!Catty with Borax. Ness used the ax to cut off Leviathan!Catty's head.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the bank, Leviathan!Sam, Leviathan!Catty, Leviathan!Scarlett and Leviathan!Dean raised their rifles, firing endless rounds into the room, making people scream, people die, and blood splatter everywhere.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: In the street, The airplane lunged toward Dean. Dean raised his arms to shield himself, knowing there was nowhere he could run. The airplane vanished in an explosion of glitter, covering Dean's body completely.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In Ness' Car, Ness struggled to hold onto the steering wheel, trying to get it under control. Whitman appeared between Dean and Ness, letting go of the steering wheel, turning around, strangling Sam. Ness pulled over at the side of the road. Scarlett and Catty turned in their seats, shooting Whitman with the salt shotguns, making him disappear.

From 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil: In the Stark House, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty were standing together. Dean was carrying the bowl. Sam stroke a match, dropping it into the bowl, making it catch fire. White smoke and steam rose.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Castiel's hospital room, Sam drew Octavia's Angel Sword, using it to slash into the male Angel's stomach, making it shine with white light.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In Connor's Diner, Leviathan!Catty and Leviathan!Scarlett were standing on the counter, raising their guns, firing. They were spinning around slowly and rocking back and forth as if dancing to music, having fun with killing people.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In the Van Ness Mausoleum, Ness and Dean salted the bones of Whitman. Catty and Scarlett poured lighter fluid over them. Sam lit the match, throwing it onto the bones. The bones lit ablaze immediately.

From 7.15 - Repo Man: In the warehouse, Dean shot Jeffrey twice in the chest, killing him, all of them watching the body fall to the ground.

From 7.13 - The Slice Girls: In Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room, Dean shot Emma in the chest, killing her, making her fall to the floor.

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In Little White Chapel, Ness deepened the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck, bouquet still in hand. They continued to kiss in front of the altar.

From 7.20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: In Rufus' Cabin, Ness, Catty, Scarlett, Dean and Sam stood ready, drawing their guns, turning toward the figure that appeared, aiming at him. Bobby was the one there.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the street, The Leviathan!Impala started to drive toward Ness. Ness immediately hung up her phone, getting into her own car, driving away, tires squealing.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: In the street, Octavia continued to laugh and clap, taking a bow.

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the warehouse, Angelos saw that Balthazar was holding an Angel Blade behind Octavia's back, realizing what was about to happen, not able to stop it in time. "Ava!"

Octavia looked toward Angelos in confusion, distracted. Balthazar drove an Angel Blade through Octavia's chest from behind, through her heart, making her gasp in pain.

Angelos and Castiel looked on in shocked horror and denial, angry. "No!" Balthazar took the blade out of Octavia's back, letting her fall to the floor. Angelos and Castiel watched in horror, unable to do anything to save her. "Ava..."

Octavia started to scream. Light exploded out of Octavia's body. Her wings seared onto the concrete on either side of her. Her arms aligned with the wings.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the station, Sheriff and Dean arrived behind Leviathan!Dean and Leviathan!Scarlett, tossing Borax from two buckets onto Leviathan!Dean and Leviathan!Scarlett, making them burn and scream, black smoke rising from their skin. Ness used the ax to decapitate Leviathan!Dean. Dean decapitated Leviathan!Scarlett. Dean and Ness were watching the bodies fall.

From 7.20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: In Richard Roman Enterprises, Scarlett, Ness and Catty crashed through the glass doors, making the shattered glass fall. Ness splashed Borax onto Pete, making his skin burn and sizzle, yellow and blacken, making him scream. She used her machete to decapitate him. The security guard tried to grab Catty. Catty splashed Borax onto the guard, making his skin burn and sizzle, yellow and blacken, making him scream. She used her machete to decapitate him. Another Leviathan approached. Scarlett splashed Borax onto the guard, making his skin burn and sizzle, yellow and blacken, making him scream. She used her machete to decapitate him.

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In Zane and Crowley's Lab, Angelos was trapped in a circle of Holy Fire.

Castiel was trying to fight it, but the souls inside him and the controlling spell on him, along with him fighting against all of it, he was losing his mind completely, having to raise his arm toward Angelos. "I'm sorry, Los."

"Cas," Angelos told him. Castiel's hand started to glow white. "Cas!"

Castiel's power started to burn Angelos and the Holy Fire around him away. Angelos screamed in agony as he was being burned through. Castiel's power made the Holy Fire and Angelos disappear entirely, no evidence of them remaining.

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the warehouse, Sam stumbled his way inside, stopping cold on the stairs in shocked denial, not yet processing. "No." He walked closer to Octavia's body in the middle of her seared wings on the floor. "No. Ava!" He knelt next to Octavia's body, pulling her into his arms, tears in his eyes, despaired and in denial. "No. Ava... I remember."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In Sam's flashback, Sam and Octavia looked at each other for a long moment, smirks playing against their lips. Sam finally kissed Octavia. Octavia responded slowly, building up passionately.

Sam: (voice over from 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "I remember everything."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the warehouse, Sam was devastated, losing Octavia so soon after getting his memories back.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the interrogation room, Dean and Ness burst into the room. Ness tossed Borax onto Leviathan!Sam, making him burn and scream, black smoke rising from his skin. Dean used the ax to cut off Leviathan!Sam's head, watching the body fall.

From 7.20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: In the Rome warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt were so upset and angry that the Demons weren't letting them go, using their power and magic to cause many Demons much pain and agony, killing some of them with complete ease.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In the warehouse, Octavia's body was still lying on the floor in the middle of her scorched wings. Sam walked toward Octavia slowly, sadly, numbly. He still had her sword in his hand, slowly kneeling next to her body. Bobby, Ness, Dean, Scarlett and Catty followed, looking at Octavia's body in shock, still not willing to believe she or Angelos were gone. Ness, Scarlett and Catty's reactions were more evident than Bobby and Dean's, who were trying not to show how effected they really were.

Scarlett was crying in devastation and despair, denial, falling to her knees next to the burn marks on the floor. "Los... He's gone. Ava's gone. Why? Why are they gone?"

Catty and Ness had tears in their eyes, kneeling on either side of Scarlett, pulling her into their arms, letting her cry into their shoulders. Sam, Dean and Bobby looked at them sadly in devastation.

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: In the Rome warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt were sitting next to the windows. Sabrina put her hand to the glass. A blue crackle of electricity flowed through her hand, making the glass shatter around her hand. She took her hand away. The glass window repaired itself magically.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In the bathroom, Castiel looked at his reflection in the mirror, unbuttoning his shirt. Two hands pushed against Castiel's stomach from the inside, trying to get out.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Zane and Crowley's Lab, Castiel suddenly pushed Scarlett and Catty toward Dean, Ness and Bobby in hopes of protecting all of them. "You need to run now! I--I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" Ness asked.

"Leviathan!" Castiel answered.

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: In the Rome warehouse, Thunder crashed and lightning flashed from outside. Lightning struck the windows behind Sabrina and Wyatt, shattering them. When the strike pulled away, the window magically repaired itself.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In 809 1/2 Main Street, Catty and Scarlett drew their guns, shooting Jimmy in the head and chest, killing him, watching his body fall to the floor.

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: In Zane and Crowley's Lab, Leviathan!Castiel still had black veins crawling against his skin, stalking around smugly.

From 7.02 "Hello, Cruel World", in the water reservoir, Leviathan!Castiel walked into the reservoir, into the water, arms raised at his side. Ness, Scarlett, Sam, Catty, Dean and Bobby ran through the gate, watching as he walked under. A whirlpool appeared, black liquid radiating out from it in all directions, disappearing.

Catty saw Castiel's trench coat floating to the edge of the reservoir, slowly walking toward it, picking it up. "Okay. So Cas is gone."

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In Melanie's House, Dean shot Margaret, making her disappear.

The Impala drove down the road.

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In the church, Dean and Ness walked down the church hallway. Dean was in a suit. Ness was in a black dress. They each drew a gun, slowly walking toward the double doors at the end of the hallway. The doors opened from the inside. Dean and Ness pointed the guns at whoever was there.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Catty looked through the cell bars of Catty and Scarlett's cell to look at Catty and Scarlett. "Eve wanted to create the perfect beast."

Catty turned to face Leviathan!Catty, watching as she morphed into the form of Brett.

Leviathan!Brett smirked. "What do you think Eve meant by 'jack of all trades'? A calling for all the monsters, all in one body?" Catty and Scarlett raised their eyebrows, nodding. "Well, it can't really be a jack of all trades if a few key ingredients are missing, can it?"

"What are you talking about?" Catty asked.

From 4.16 - On the Head of a Pin: In the Prison Room, Alastair pushed Catty on her back to the floor, straddling her to the floor, pinning her wrists to the floor with magic. Catty struggled to no avail, gasping in pain, having trouble breathing.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Alastair..."

From 6.11 - Appointment in Samarra: In Catty's Mustang, Castiel laid Catty down, deepening the kiss for a long moment. Catty sat up, pulling his shirt over his head, placing it aside, pulling hers off to do the same, leaving her in a bra. Castiel kissed her for a long moment, lying her back again. Catty smiled.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Castiel."

From 2.20 - What Is and What Should Never Be: In Catty's Room, Brett kissed Catty, leaning her further back on the bed, pulling her shirt over her head, letting it fall to the side. They pulled away, looking at each other for a moment, continuing to kiss.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Brett, Catty."

From 4.15 - Death Takes a Holiday: In the funeral home, Alastair let his eyes turn white.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Demon."

From 4.01 - Lazarus Rising: In the warehouse, Black shadow feathered wings appeared on the wall behind Castiel before fading.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Angel."

From 6.01 - Exile on Main St.: In Brett's Loft, Brett stepped closer to Catty.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Human."

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Brett explained to Catty. "You and Cas are the parents, but Alastair and Brett here helped the process along. I guess you could call them the godfathers."

Scarlett glared at Leviathan!Brett. "What the hell does any of this have to do with me?"

"Zane was so obsessive with his need of finally beating Scar and Los' love, that he used them and himself from the time he slept with Scar, and his own DNA he still had, to create their own child creation, thanks to Scar and Los being together in all the ways possible," Leviathan!Brett told them. "Part Human, part Angel, part Demon. An Arkosis. Zane and Crowley want these kids for the power that they will have. Balthazar wanted to double cross them, take the souls for himself, and make sure they didn't get hands on the kids, either."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the alley, Catty, Scarlett and Sam turned to face Castiel in confusion. Castiel touched Sam's temple, then placing his hands on Catty and Scarlett's stomachs. A flash of bright white light surrounded them.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "So he made Cas break down Sam's Hell-Wall as a distraction, and he made Cas zap the kids out of your stomachs before anyone knew what was happening."

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cells, Leviathan!Brett continued. "Crowley and Zane want its power for their own. Same thing with Arkosis. But like with Brett and Alastair being like the godfathers to Catty and Cas' kid, Scar, Zane's basically the godfather to yours and Los'. Can you imagine that kind of power within the grips of the King of Hell and King of Crossroads? And you know who else wants these kids? Every monster, every Demon, every Angel who knows about it, and who wants its power for their own. You know what the Leviathans want? We want these things dead, so no one can use their power against us, and so no one can be more powerful than us."

"Why do you keep coming after us saying that we can find them?" Catty asked impatiently, her voice raising in exasperation.

"Because there's a spell that we can do to find it," Leviathan!Brett answered. "But, of course, being you're the only parents left alive, we need to drain every single drop of blood from your bodies. And then we're going to eat them alive."

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In the restaurant, Scarlett picked up Catty's Knife, stabbing Jackson in the back with it, killing him, making him flash with red, letting him fall. Ness pulled Catty's Knife out of Jackson, tossing it toward Catty. Catty caught it, holding it against Guy's throat. Guy slowly let Catty go.

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In the restaurant, Catty held her knife to Guy's throat.

"Ness, there's no need to find something that's already been found," Crowley told her. He looked at Catty and Scarlett. "We know where your children are, sweethearts. They landed right in our lap. Zane and I have had them all along. So, they're safe."

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In the warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt sat down, leaning against the wall, arms around their knees.

Zane: (voice over from 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!) "It's leverage, Catty, Scar, to keep the five of you in check long enough for it to grow enough to where we can use the power to do whatever it is that we please."

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In the restaurant, Catty slit Guy's throat with more force than she had to, furious, killing him, making him flash with red, watching him gasp for breath, falling to the floor.

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: In the Rome warehouse, Wyatt used his power to bring Zane to his knees, clenching his fists, making Zane vomit blood and Demon smoke. "You did all this. You hurt our family. You hurt us. Why did you hurt us?"

Zane gasped for breath and pain, looking up, clearly feeling guilty.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Outside the warehouse, The Leviathans ran toward the Winchester sisters. Catty and Scarlett took several steps to the side to make them miss. Catty turned to Leviathan 1, cutting his head off. Leviathan 2 pushed Scarlett against the fuse box behind her, twisting her arm, making her drop the machete, kicking it away. Scarlett reached into her jacket, pulling out a bottle, tearing the lid off, splashing the contents over his face, making his skin burn and blacken, smoke and sizzle, making him screech in pain as he backed away. She slid toward the machete, grabbing it, standing, turning to decapitate Leviathan 2, letting the body fall.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the limo, Dick, Zane and Crowley were sitting together.

"We should be friends, you and us," Crowley told him.

"I'd sooner swim through hot garbage than shake hands with a bottom-feeding mutation like you," Dick told them.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In the warehouse, Sam, Dean and Ness walked in, carrying pressure sprayers, spraying all of the Leviathans with Borax, making them burn and their skin smoke, making them groan and scream in pain. Ness was spraying three Leviathans with Borax, spinning closer quickly to decapitate all three of them in one move, spraying Dick. Ness dropped her empty pressure sprayer, decapitating two burning Leviathans with her machete, backing away.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Rome's warehouse, Sabrina walked closer, standing underneath the breaking ceiling and skylight, looking up to the thunder storming sky outside. She looked at Zane and the Demon angrily, desperately. "We want. Our Moms. And Dads!"

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Outside the warehouse, Bobby and Ness ran toward the van, getting into the back of the van with Catty and Scarlett. Dick walked out of the warehouse, drawing a gun, shooting toward them. The door slid closed in front of Bobby. Bobby's Van drove away as fast as it could.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In Bobby's Van, Ness turned to see Bobby's unconscious body behind her with a bullet hole in his head in denial, pulling Bobby's body into her arms. "Dad!"

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In the hospital, Bobby was being wheeled on a hospital bed. Sam, Dean, Ness, Scarlett and Catty followed them down the hall.

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In the trauma room, Ness, Dean, Scarlett, Sam and Catty stood at Bobby's bedside, watching him worriedly. Bobby's head laid back onto the pillow, his eyes closing. The monitor Bobby was attached to started to beep.

"Dad?" Ness asked.

The monitor showed flat lines. Ness looked at Bobby in devastation. She looked disconcerted, in denial.

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: In the Rome warehouse, Sabrina, very annoyed, used her power to shove Zane back into the wall, making him hit hard and crack the stone, making him fall. Wyatt raised his fist, closing, causing Zane so much pain he fell to the floor.

From 7.12 - Time After Time: In the abandoned house, Sam picked up the stake that Dean had dropped. Chronos let Catty go, turning to Sam. Sam staked him in the heart.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Mengerie: In the garage, Scarlett slid off the car, grabbing a tire iron from the pickup in her right hand, using her left to backhand punch Clown 2 in the face, making him fall to the ground, hitting Clown 1 with the tire iron, making him back away. Clown 2 lunged at Catty and Scarlett with knives. Catty picked up another tire iron, using it to block the knives from stabbing her and Scarlett, punching Clown 2 in the face, kicking him in the chest, elbowing him in the chest. Catty and Scarlett both used the tire irons to hit the clowns over the heads.

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In the motel room, The maid crossed her arms over her chest, exhaling. Her breath was visible. She turned around. Bobby appeared in front of the maid. The maid turned around, running toward the door. Bobby lunged after the maid, colliding inside her body, making her fall to the floor. The maid sat up slowly. Ectoplasm dripped from her eye, revealing Bobby was possessing her.

From 7.15 - Repo Man: In flashback, Catty stabbed the Demon in the shoulder, making him cry out as the wound sizzled and burned and smoked with Holy Water. Dean splashed Holy Water at his face, punching him. Sam punched him in the face, emptying Holy Water from a flask onto his head. Scarlett slashed at the Demon with a knife. Sam punched the Demon in the face. Ness poured more Holy Water onto the Demon's head, making him scream. Dean held up a branding iron.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Mengerie: In the garage, Clown 1 ran toward Catty with a large metal bar. Catty raised a wrench to block the move. Clown 2 stood behind Catty and Scarlett, trying to hit Scarlett. Scarlett ducked, shooting him in the chest, but only managed to make him bleed glitter. Both clowns ran toward Catty and Scarlett from either side. Catty and Scarlett cringed. The clowns vanished in an explosion of glitter, covering Catty and Scarlett's bodies completely.

From 7.17 - Born Again Identity: Outside the Allen House, Ness took Catty's Knife from Catty's jacket, trying to stab the Demon in the heart. The Demon raised an arm to block the move, receiving the blow in his arm instead. The knife made his wound flash with red. The pain made the Demon let Scarlett and Catty go. Dean, Scarlett and Catty grabbed the Demon, turning around, pushing him against a support beam on the porch. Ness tossed Catty's Knife to Scarlett. Scarlett stabbed the Demon in the heart, killing him, making him flash with red, taking the knife out. Dean pushed the Demon down the stairs. They looked at Castiel and Angelos in shock. Castiel and Angelos looked at them in confusion.

From 7.15 - Repo Man: In the alley, Scarlett, Dean and Ness grabbed Jeffrey from behind, restraining him. Sam and Catty stood in front of Jeffrey. Catty held her knife against Jeffrey's throat. Sam was holding a flask.

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: In the warehouse, Ness backhand punched Marlene in the face. Marlene tried to punch her. Ness ducked, spinning around her, turning to face Marlene, both Ness and Catty restraining her from behind. Scarlett drove her knife into Marlene's heart, twisting, killing her. Ness and Catty let the body fall.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Mengerie: In the street, Midget 1 and Midget 2 ran toward Sam, jumping in the air toward him from either side. Sam cringed back. The midgets vanished in an explosion of glitter, covering Sam's body completely.

From 7.15 - Repo Man: In the abandoned building, Ness kicked the door in, leading Catty, Scarlett and Jeffrey inside, carrying a flashlight.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Mengerie: In the Rome warehouse, Zane was kneeling in front of Sabrina and Wyatt.

"We don't wanna learn," Sabrina told him.

"Then what do you want?" Zane asked.

"Our Moms!" Sabrina answered, very upset, her feelings getting the best of her, making her powers lash out and throw Zane away from them into the wall.

Wyatt angrily held his hand toward Zane, using his power to torture him, making him groan in pain and vomit a little blood. "We said... we want... our Moms.

From 7.17 - Born Again Identity: In the gas station, Ness and Catty ducked, pushing the Demon against the shelves. Scarlett stabbed him in the heart, killing him, making him flash with red, taking out the knife. Ness and Catty let him go, letting the body fall to the floor.

From 7.15 - Repo Man: In the abandoned building, the Demon held Catty's Knife to Ness' throat. Dean ran closer, hitting the Demon in the head with a pipe, making him back away from Ness toward Sam. Dean shot Jeffrey twice in the chest, killing him, all of them watching the body fall to the ground.

From 7.16 - Out With the Old: In the antique store, Ness stood, punching George in the face. Sam grabbed an urn from nearby, using it to hit Joyce in the face, making her turn away. Joyce turned back to Sam. Sam raised the urn over his head to smash it against hers. Ness ran up behind Joyce, using the sword to cut her head off, watching the headless body fall to the floor.

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: Outside Northern Indiana State Hospital, Ness looked down at Kevin, who was on the ground. "What the hell are you?"

"I'm a... K--Kevin Tran," Kevin answered. "I'm in advanced placement."

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Castiel's hospital room, Kevin unzipped the bag, withdrawing two pieces of the Leviathan Tablet. He fitted them together, making them knit themselves back together with a brief flash of white light.

Angelos: (voice over from 4.18 - The Monsters at the End of this Book) "He's a Prophet of the Lord."

Ness: (voice over from 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental) "And that's the Word of God?"

Angelos: (voice over from 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental) "One of them, yes."

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Castiel's hospital room, Kevin was holding the Leviathan Tablet in shaking hands. It was now whole again. He was trying to read it.

Sam: (voice over from 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental) "Well, what's it say, then?"

Kevin: (voice over from 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental) "It's about Leviathan."

"Does it say anything about how to kill them?" Ness asked.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In the Tran House's Kitchen, The detective turned to face Kevin and Mrs. Tran, morphing into the form of Edgar. "Hello, Kevin."

From 7.20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: In Dick's Office, Charlie sat in a chair.

Dick was pacing. "Charlie, I've been running things for, well, feels like since before the dawn of man. Always had a vision. I'm close to realizing that dream. I don't want to brag, but the world is my dinner plate. And I don't want anything to jeopardize that. Definitely not the actions of two, tiny, little people."

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: In the Rome warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt were very angry, looking at the skylight. A lightning strike shattered through the skylight, striking the Demon, electrocuting him, lifting him off the floor, making him scream.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In the night sky, White light radiated from above the clouds, seeming to erupt all over the sky, in all directions. Thunder roared. Rain poured.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Rome's Warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt were very angry, still using magic to make the lightning strike suspend the Demon over the floor. Pieces of the roof swirled and fell down around the Demon. The Demon continued to scream.

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In Rufus' Cabin's bathroom, Bobby looked at Ness. "The only way to kill Levis is with a bone washed in the three bloods of the fallen."

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Rufus' Cabin, Castiel held out a small vial of blood toward Catty.

Bobby: (voice over from 7.22 - There Will Be Blood) "Fallen Angel blood."

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In the monastery, The Alpha sat down at the head of the table, slicing his wrist with one of his long fingernails, letting the blood drip into a glass, standing, offering the glass to Ness.

Bobby: (voice over from 7.22 - There Will Be Blood) "You got to bleed an Alpha."

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In Rufus' Cabin's bathroom, Bobby looked at Ness. "And blood from the ruler of fallen Humanity."

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In Rufus' Cabin, Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were standing around the table with Crowley and Zane's summoning spell. Catty lit a match, tossing it into the bowl, setting the contents on fire, making steam rise. Crowley and Zane appeared.

"Hello, Sam, Scarlett and Catty," Crowley told them. He looked at Dean and Ness, smirking. "Dean and Ness. Heard the big news. Mazel tov."

"But she is the Hybrid, and he is the Arkosis, Scar," Zane pointed out. "They grew up fast, but they have the ability to control their age and growing, and they wanted to remain at the age of four years old because they knew that you two didn't want to miss out on them growing up." Scarlett and Catty were stunned by this, touched. Sam, Dean and Ness were also stunned and very moved. "We're talking bout one year olds with the looks of four year olds with the temper and stubbornness of their mothers. Like you, they like to make things difficult. Including kicking my ass over and over like Ness here used to do as both Lilith and herself."

Ness smirked. "Sounds like you don't have their loyalty or love or trust." Crowley and Zane didn't answer. "Karma's a bitch, sons of bitches."

"The only reason Zane and I haven't fled with Scarlett and Catty yet is because we know that you three will need their help to defeat the Leviathans, Ness," Crowley told her. "Remember that."

"Never mind," Dean told him. "You gonna give us the blood or not?"

"Happily," Crowley told them. "But not quite yet."

"Well, then when?" Ness asked.

"Last," Crowley answered.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In the Van Ness House, Victoria screamed in pain, burning out of existence.

From 7.12 - Time After Time: In Lila Taylor's House, A red light glowed from within Chronos' chest. He grabbed Dean and Scarlett from behind with an arm around their necks. There was an explosion of red and white light. When it faded, Chronos, Scarlett and Dean were gone.

From 7.16 - Out With the Old: In the truck, Octavia looked at Sam, sad and guilty, taking Sam's hand in hers. "Goodbye, Sam."

Sam looked from their hands to Octavia. Octavia slowly started to fade until she disappeared. There was no flickering. Just fading into nothing.

Sam knew that this time was different, looking around in denial. "Ava?"

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In Alpha's Mansion, Edgar looked at Catty and Scarlett angrily, letting go of the Alpha, stalking toward them, grabbing them by their shoulders, flipping them onto the table, restraining them, transforming. Dean ran toward Edgar from behind with a machete. Edgar turned to face Dean, catching his arm, twisting, making him drop the machete to the floor, gripping his throat. Sam and Ness ran up behind Edgar. Ness used a bucket of Borax to splash Edgar, making him burn. Sam used a machete to cut off his head, all of them watching the body fall.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: On the road, Whitman appeared behind Sam, plunging a hand into his back, making him scream in pain. Ness grabbed the key from Sam, tossing it onto the ground, shooting it. Whitman vanished in a cloud of dust.

From 7.21 - Reading is Fundamental: In Rufus' Cabin, Hester raised the Angel Blade. White light blazed from her chest. Hester fell to the floor, dead. Ness had been the one standing behind her, having Octavia's Angel Sword in hand.

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: Catty and Scarlett's prayer to Sabrina and Wyatt, Catty sighed. "Look, I, uh... I don't know if you can hear me."

In the warehouse, Sabrina and Wyatt were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, arms around their knees, looking up.

Catty: (voice over from 7.22 - There Will Be Blood) "All I know is that I'm trying... to pray to my daughter and my nephew here. And praying that they can hear me."

Sabrina looked slightly elevated. "Mom?"

Scarlett: (voice over) "I'm praying to God that my son can hear me right now."

Wyatt smiled in relief. "Mom."

Scarlett shook her head, arms crossed over her chest. "We want you to know that we're looking for you. That we've been looking for you since the day we found out about you. I just... we need you to know that we're going to find you. And that we're going to save you."

Catty had tears in her eyes. "And we're gonna pray to you every night until we find you and get you back. Okay?" Catty and Scarlett both nodded determinedly, starting to cry silently. "We're gonna find you. We need to find you, okay? We're gonna get you back. I promise you that."

"We both promsie," Scarlett told them. "We're gonna save you."

Sabrina and Wyatt were crying silently as they listened to Catty and Scarlett's voices.

Catty sniffled, not knowing where to look. "You just keep giving them hell. Don't do what they want you to do." She took a deep breath, seeming to be trying to convince the kids, her sister, and herself. "You're gonna be okay. We're going to find you. And we're going to keep you safe. I promise you that."

Scarlett hesitated, taking a deep breath. "We'll see you soon. I promise."

Sabrina and Wyatt sat in silence for a moment, looking toward the ceiling, expecting more, but nothing came. "Mommy?"

Sabrina and Wyatt seemed to sense that it was over. They seemed reassured, lonely, sad, happy and relieved, all the same, looking at each other, managing small smiles.

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In the motel room, Ness sighed, nodding sarcastically. "It's a good thing we got Crowley and Zane in our corner. Right? Seeing as how it all comes down to them. What could possibly go wrong?"

From 7.22 - There Will Be Blood: In the Sucrocorp Office, Dick had created a summoning spell, tossing a lit match into the bowl. Flames rose, dispersing.

Crowley appeared. "Hello..." He looked up at the large light figure above him. It turned into a Devil's Trap. "Dick."

"Mr. Crowley, we have so much to talk about," Dick told him. "Take a seat."

Dick smirked creepily.

(End of Song)



Day One

Same Night - Same Scene

Sucrocorp Office

Crowley sighed, sitting down in a chair within the Devil's Trap lighting fixture over his head.

Dick was pouring drinks. "How do you take it?"

"Alcoholic," Crowley answered. "Shall we get on with this, then?"

"Just extending the hand of hospitality," Dick told him.

"To a mutation like me?" Crowley asked. "Tired of swimming in hot garbage, are we?"

Dick chuckled. "That was a little colorful, huh? Well..." He handed Crowley a glass. "Didn't mean to offend you or Zane."

"Of course you did," Crowley told him. "So, if you're suddenly calling, I guess you're up to speed on the Winchesters, which means you intercepted the Prophet. And the Prophet told you that my blood is the key to everything."

"And he may have confirmed our suspicions that you and Zane have had Catty Winchester and Castiel's daughter, and Scarlett Winchester and Angelos' son all along," Dick told him.

Crowley didn't answer, draining his drink. "You know what I like about you?"

"Lack of pretension?" Dick asked.

"You're smarter than you look," Crowley told him.

"Oh, well, now, you're just flirting," Dick told him, pouring more drinks.

"Not easy, to kill me, but doable," Crowley told him. "Especially for you lot. You kill Angels. You can certainly wipe a Demon off the board. And yet, here we are, negotiating like proper psychopaths."

"Well, I assume you have a vial of your blood stashed somewhere, probably with Zane, and in the event of your death, Zane would take it directly to the Winchesters," Dick told him, handing Crowley another drink. "And, if anything happens to you, I assume that Zane has orders to move the Hybrid, Arkosis and their location would be lost forever."

"See?" Crowley asked. "Smart assumption."

"One can't live on looks alone," Dick told him. "Here's my offer."

"All ears," Crowley told him.

"Full immunity for you and your constituency," Dick told him. "I'm talking free-range grazing for all Demon kind. I'm willing to cordon off, say, Canada. You, Zane and your crew can work your little deals, have your way with the locals."

"All of Canada?" Crowley asked.

"Have it," Dick told him.

"Fair," Crowley told him. "And down here?"

"America's ours," Dick told him. "Your sales team stays out. Period. That's not up for negotiation. We need America. They're so fat. And we will even be willing to let the children live... on one condition."

"Which is?" Crowley asked.

"They can and will not use their powers on me or any Leviathans," Dick told him. "You get them under control, you get them to obey, and then we can talk about letting them live. If they listen, no one can imagine what they are capable of doing."

"And in exchange?" Crowley asked.

Dick took a vial out of his jacket pocket. "The blood of one sadly umimpressive Demon in New Jersey. All I ask is that you give it to the Winchesters, tell them it's yours, stand back, and let them come to me."

Dick gave the vial to Crowley.

"I can't deny I long to see them digested once and for all," Crowley told him. "But I need just to make one little alteration."

"To keep Catty and Scarlett alive, to use them as leverage against their children," Dick told him. "Yes, I know. And quite the plan." Crowley smirked. "Catty and Scarlett live. You do with them and the children as you please."

"But the thing is, the Winchesters have severe trust issues," Crowley told him. "They're not going to just take my word, or Zane's word, for the blood being mine, and they won't run into a trap without knowing for sure."

"Then let's add a little insurance," Dick told him. "Bring the Hybrid and Arkosis here. Once they know the creatures that have wanted to kill them for as long as we've been here have them... they will and have to come to try to save them, whether it's a trap... or not."

"I like your thinking," Crowley told him. "You have a deal. I suppose you want it in writing?"

"I don't kiss on the mouth," Dick told him.

"Your loss," Crowley told him. "I just so happen to have a standard rider..." He took a scroll out of his jacket. "Right here." He unfurled the very long scroll. Dick grimaced. Crowley held up a magnifying glass. "I do so like this part. Don't you?"

Dick smirked, nodding.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Night - On the Road - Ness' Car

Ness was driving. Dean was in the passenger seat. Catty, Scarlett and Sam were in the backseat.

"All right," Sam told them. "Exit's in 3 miles."

"I still say this is a bad idea," Ness told them.

"Ness, it was your idea, and it was the best one any of us had," Dean told her.

"I said it as a joke," Ness told them.

"It was a bad joke, good idea," Dean told her.

"Yeah, only because we got no magic spell, no book, nothing on how to find a freaking righteous bone," Scarlett told them.

"We can call Cas and Los again," Sam told them.

"Dude, on this car, Cas showed up naked... covered in bees," Catty told him.

"Yeah, I'm not really sorry I missed that," Sam told them.

Dean turned on the radio.

Man: (on the radio) "...The price of stock hit an all-time high following Roman's acquisition of Sucrocorp. I say Roman's a buy."

Woman (on the radio) "Got to disagree with you there. I'm gonna call him a 'wait and watch.'"

Man: (on the radio) "Come on, Lawshe. You're killing me."

Woman: (on the radio) "Hear me out. This is a new sector for Roman."

Man: (on the radio) "That's right. He's holed up at Sucrocorp headquarters right now."

Woman: (on the radio) "So sit tight. This--"

Scarlett turned the radio off. "Holed up at Sucrocorp, huh?"

Dean, Catty, Scarlett, Sam and Ness exchanged a look.



The maid/Bobby was walking along a street. TVs in a store window were playing a Dick interview. The man/Bobby stopped to watch. Bobby's reflection was in the window instead of the maid's.


Sucrocorp Office

Crowley was reading from his scroll, reading what appeared to be written Latin, mentioning Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Scarlett, Sabrina, Wyatt, etc. "'Should the party of the first part fail to inform the party of the second part of his intent...'"

"Pause right there," Dick told him. "Correct me. That should be 'party of the second part vis-a-vis party of the first part', 'cause we just amended clause..." Crowley mouthed the words along with him. "314-sub-A." Crowley stopped mouthing the words. "That's right. You should do this professionally."

"Splendid," Crowley told him. "So, 'Should the party of the second part'..."


Cemetery - Mausoleum

Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were here. Sam was looking at a packet of everyone who was in here.

"Well, I guess if we can't find a righteous bone in a freaking nunnery crypt..." Catty trailed off.

"All right," Sam told them. "Here. Listen to this. Sister Mary Benedict, uh, taught the learning-impaired and died at age 23."

"Eh, it's a little young," Ness told them. "Find someone who's had time to cook."

"Okay, well, there was, uh... here," Scarlett told them. "Sister Mary Eunice. Uh, fed the poor, became Mother Superior at age 60."

"Sounds political," Ness told them. "Power corrupts."

"Right," Sam agreed. "Um... Listen to this. Sister Mary Constant, 83 years of quiet, humble nun-like goodness." Ness looked at the records, reading over the biography. "What do you think?"

"Wow," Ness told them. "I want to be more righteous just reading this."

"Exactly," Scarlett told them.

"All right, well, I lay odds on her," Dean told them. "Here we go." He walked over to a plaque bearing the name Sister Mary Constant. "Well... let's bone this nun." Sam gave Dean a look. Catty and Scarlett both made a face. Ness tilted her head at Dean. "Sorry."

Dean smashed the coffin with a mallet.


Sucrocorp Office

Crowley read from the contract. "'In which case, the party of the second part forfeits all rights to Canada ad infinitum'. I think we're done here."

Dick looked toward the door. "Susan."

Susan walked in. "Yes, sir."

"Take this from Mr. Crowley, make triplicates, get pens and a notary," Dick told her. "We're ready to sign this puppy."


Whitefish, Montana

Day Two

Morning - Rufus' Cabin

Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness did the summoning spell for Crowley and Zane. Catty tossed a lit match into the bowl. The flamed rose, dying down. Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness looked around.

"Are they trying to make a grand entrance, or..." Dean trailed off.

"I don't know," Sam told them.

Ness looked at them in annoyed, angry realization. "Son of a bitch. They're standing us up. Again."

"But they said--" Scarlett started.

"If Zane and Crowley want to screw you, they'll screw you," Catty told them.

"I don't know about that," Ness told her. "Crowley and Zane said that the only reason they didn't take you and Scar because they knew we needed your help to defeat the Levis, so why would they ditch out when Crowley's blood is the last thing we need?"

Scarlett shrugged, still irritated. "Or... they can't come 'cause something went wrong."

"Maybe," Dean told them. There was a knock at the door. They drew their guns. "Maybe it's good news."

Sam looked through the peep hole in the door, opening it. Meg and Angelos walked in.

Meg looked at Catty. "You deal with him. We can't anymore."

"You might want to be more specific," Scarlett told them.

Angelos sighed. "Cas, Meg and I have been scouring the entire city of Rome, Italy since we left you guys. Apparently, wherever they're keeping the kids are cloaked so much we can't find them. And even if we could find them, I'm not sure that we could get in. Then, Cas disappears, then pops up out of nowhere and zaps all of us right back here."

"Why?" Catty asked.

"Go ask him," Angelos told her. "He's your boyfriend. He said he wanted to talk to you, Catty, so go."



(Song) Vincent - Don MacLean

Catty walked outside to see a car parked in front of the cabin. Castiel was sitting in the driver's seat, listening to the radio.

Catty walked closer, leaning against the open passenger window. "Hey, Cas." Castiel raised a hand in greeting. Catty stood straight, closing her eyes, shaking her head, sighing, leaning in the passenger window. "So, Cas, what's, uh--What's, uh, what's the word?"

"Well, Catty, I've been thinking," Castiel told her. "Monkeys are so... clever, and they're sensible in that they leave the skins on the bananas that they eat. Is it really necessary to test cosmetics on them? I mean, how important is lipstick to you, Catty?"

"Not very," Catty answered. "You want to come inside and, uh, tell us what's going on?"

(End of Song)



Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Scarlett, Angelos, Castiel and Meg were together.

Castiel was pacing. "Now, you understand I don't participate in aggressive activity."

Angelos picked up a bone, sniffing it. "Mm. Sister Mary Constant. Good choice."

"What did you, Los and Meg find in Rome, Cas?" Catty asked.

"We didn't find them, Catty," Castiel told her. Catty nodded, having expected that, understanding of why they couldn't find them. "When I left, I wanted to observe the flowers, and fruit. Flowers come first, obviously. But I heard nothing from them."

"You heard nothing from who?" Sam asked.

"The Garrison," Castiel answered.

"What happened to the Garrison?" Sam asked.

"Well, finally, the silence was deafening, so I went to look... to the home of the Prophet," Castiel told them. "You know, Leviathan can kill Angels. There's a reason why Father locked them in Purgatory. They're the Piranha that would eat the whole aquarium. They're gone. The entire Garrison, dead. If there's anyone left at all, they're in hiding."

"Um, I'm sorry," Dean told them. "If the Angels are dead, where's Kevin?"

Castiel looked at Catty. "I could steal them from their cages, the monkeys. But where would I put them all?"

"Hey!" Dean told him, clapping his hands. "Focus. Is Kevin alive?"

"I don't want to fight," Castiel told them.

"No, I'm not--" Dean started, calming himself down. "We're worried."

"They must have took him," Angelos told them. "He's alive. We have to find him."

Scarlett sighed. "Add that to the list of people that we need to find, Los."

"Yeah," Angelos agreed.

Meg looked at their summoning spell paraphernalia behind Ness. "Ness, what's all that?"

"We called Crowley and Zane," Ness answered.

"You what?" Meg asked.

"Don't worry," Ness told her. "They never showed."

"What do you mean, never--" Meg started.

"Do you see them anywhere?" Ness asked. "They stood us up like they have for the past year, Meg."

"Well, I'm sorry about that, Nessie, but I'm outie," Meg told her. "They could still sh--"

Zane appeared. "Show up at any time." They turned to face him. "Hello. Sorry I'm late."

Crowley appeared, walking closer. "This is an embarrassment of riches."

Zane smirked, looking over everyone in the room.


Zane looked at Meg. "Stay, won't you? There's really nowhere to run." Meg ran for the door. Zane appeared in front of her, blocking her exit. "Don't even think of smoking out, pussycat. We've got eyes all over the place. Cas. Los. When last we spoke, Crowley and I, well, with the help of Balthazar, enslaved Cas, and conspired to kill Los and Ava. I'm confused. Why aren't you two dead?"

"We... don't know," Angelos told them.

"Well, do you want to be?" Crowley asked. "'Cause we can help with that."

"All right, enough," Ness told him.

"It's enough when I say, Vanessa," Crowley told her. "Zane and I came here to help you. We find out you've been lying to me, harboring two Angels, and not just any Angels. Castiel, the one Zane and I had control over, who in return broke the spell and turned against us, and Angelos, one of the Angels that we had conspired to kill after using him, like we used Octavia and actually did get her killed." Castiel, Angelos and Sam glared at Crowley and Zane for the mention of Octavia. "Both of whom, since they are no longer dead, should wish for more revenge if Zane and I hadn't two desirable pieces of leverage over all of you."

Zane looked at Castiel and Angelos. "What do you have to say over the little fact that we have your troublesome kids, who are growing more and more rebellious by the day?"

"Well, I'm still, uh, honing my communication strategy," Castiel told them. "I haven't even been back to Heaven. I think they would like it there. I--I keep thinking there are no insects up there, but here we have trillions." Crowley and Zane looked at Catty in confusion. Catty raised her eyebrows. "You know, they're making honey and silk, and... miracles, really."

"What are you talking about?" Zane asked.

"Um, preferring insects to Angels, I guess," Castiel answered. "Here. I can offer a token, if you like." He held up a plastic bag containing a yellow substance. "It's honey. I--I collected it myself."

Crowley and Zane looked at Catty in more confusion, slightly incredulous. Catty shook her head, looking away.

Zane looked at Castiel. "You're off your rocker." Castiel rolled his eyes, turning away. Zane looked at Catty. "He's off his rocker, is that it?"

Zane poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"Look, did you come here to, uh, donkey-punch your old failures or to help us end Levis?" Scarlett asked. Zane took a drink. "Pick a battle."

"Well, I'm vexed," Zane told them. "I'd like to do both. But where's the fun in clobbering a ball of wet fur? Text me when Sparkles here retrieves his marbles, I suppose."

Crowley smirked. "Meanwhile..." He took a vial of blood out of his jacket pocket. "A prezzie to make up for another kick to the head."

"Really?" Sam asked. "Just boxed-up and ready to go?"

"I'm a model of efficiency," Crowley told them.

"Is that right?" Sam asked. "Then why were you two late?"

"I was dealing with very angry and restless Sabrina and Wyatt," Zane answered.

"Sabrina and Wyatt?" Angelos repeated. "Scar and I named our son Wyatt."

"Oh, yeah, Sabrina and Wyatt had visions way before now about what they would be named," Zane explained. "They said that they saw Catty and Scar name them Sabrina and Wyatt but they didn't see who they were talking to, so I'm guessing that Catty and Scar were talking to Cas and Los in the visions. Yeah, Sabrina and Wyatt knew what their names would be like six months ago."

Scarlett, Angelos, Castiel and Catty exchanged a look. Sam, Dean and Ness looked at them.

"So why were you late?" Angelos asked.

"Dick had me in a Devil's Trap," Crowley answered. "He's not an idiot. He knows what you all are after."

"So, what did he offer you?" Scarlett asked.

"A fair deal," Crowley answered. "In exchange for giving you the wrong blood. It's Demon, but is it mine?" There was a beat of silence. "It's my blood. Real deal."

"And why should we trust you?" Angelos asked.

"Good God, don't," Crowley answered. "Never trust anyone."

"All right," Ness told him. "Give us the blood."

"Certainly," Crowley told them, holding the blood toward Ness.

"Wait," Ness told him. Crowley stopped. "Why would Levis offer you anything when you have the one thing that could stop them other than this weapon?"

Crowley didn't answer, looking at Ness, smirking. "Clever girl, Ness."

"Crowley, what did you do to Sabrina and Wyatt?" Ness asked.

"See, this is what I meant when I said 'kick to the head'," Crowley told them. "For insurance that I wouldn't back out of our deal, and that all of you would come to them... they asked for a little bit of a leverage deal. So, I gave it to them."

Zane looked at Crowley in shock, incredulously, which didn't escape the notice of the others.

"You handed the Levis Sabrina and Wyatt?" Catty asked angrily, incredulously.

"My, my, my," Crowley told her, looking from Catty to Scarlett. "Upset, protective mothers to the rescue. Darlings, this is what they're counting on. That's why they will keep Sabrina and Wyatt alive until you come and they can kill all of you. All you have to do is kill them first. I suggest you do so before they roast the little ones till they're jerky." Castiel stepped toward Crowley. Dean grabbed his arm to stop him, holding out his other arm to keep Angelos calm as well. "Oh, bonus. Since it's you against the herd of Leviathan, you can have Meg for now. Hilariously, you seem to need her help to get to your kids, who are in the hands of the Levis."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Zane asked incredulously. "Why didn't you tell me that you were going to hand Sabrina and Wyatt over to Levis?"

"Because this is a test for you, Zane," Crowley answered. "A test to see what you'll do. You've gotten so incredibly close to them, even when they hated you and took out all their anger and hatred out on you time and time again. You got a conscience once again. Remember when you told me not to kill Sam, Dean and Ness just to take Catty and Scarlett, because of how angry the two children were with the so-called deaths of Cas and Los, and the actual death of Ava? You said that you didn't care and that you didn't feel guilty, but it was obvious that you did, Zane. So consider this a test for you and see how you'll react with your godson and his cousin on the line." He looked at Castiel. "And they need you to get to Dick, don't they, Cas?"

"Oh, I--I don't fight anymore," Castiel told them.

"Come on," Zane told him. "Given the particulars of your enemy, sadly, you're vital."

Crowley handed the vial of blood to Ness, disappearing, leaving. Zane didn't leave, left in just as much shock as the others. They all exchanged a look.



The maid/Bobby was walking down the street, carrying a newspaper with an article about Dick. She/he tried to open the passenger door of a pickup truck, finding it was locked. Bobby's reflection was in the window instead of the maid's. The maid/Bobby reached for a mallet in the back of the pickup. There was a sizzling noise. The maid fell to the ground.

Bobby was still standing. "Son of a bitch! Pure iron. Damn it." He looked at the maid. "All right. My mistake. Let's go."

The maid stood. "No! You stay away from me. Will you please let me go home?"

Bobby looked at the newspaper on the ground. The headline read: Dick Roman nominated for Man of the Year.

Bobby looked at the maid. "I need you."

"No," the maid told him, turning to run away.

Bobby lunged after the maid, colliding inside her body, possessing her once again.


Sucrocorp Office - Glass Room

The entire room was made of glass, allowing a view of the outside. Sabrina and Wyatt were standing under a complicated Devil's Trap lighting fixture. They were breathing heavily, scared and confused.

Dick walked in. "Well, don't you look adorable?"

Sabrina looked at Dick, trying to look angry and intimidating, failing to do so. "Who are you?"

"I'm Dick," Dick answered. Wyatt glared at him. Sabrine wrapped her hand around Wyatt's arm, standing closer to his side. "I'm sure you can see my real face behind this one. I'm sure it scares you, just as staying with those Demons, seeing their real faces, scared you. But you, Sabrina... You look just as pure on the inside as you do on the outside. And you, Wyatt, you look like you could go either way."

"Why are we here?" Wyatt asked.

"Because I'm trying to lure your family here," Dick answered. "It's easier said than done. That's why Crowley brought you here."

"Crowley said he'd take us to our Moms," Sabrina told him.

"Oh, you'll see them real soon," Dick told them.

"Our Dads, too," Wyatt told him. "They're alive."

Dick nodded. "Is that so?"

"They're. Alive," Sabrina told him.

Dick smirked. "I believe you."

"Why would Zane let Crowley bring us here?" Wyatt asked.

"He didn't," Dick answered. "Zane didn't know that you would be here, but I'm sure he does now. This is a test for Zane, provided to him by the King of Hell, to see how Zane will react when you two are in danger."

"Zane doesn't care about us," Sabrina told him.

"Oh, I think he does," Dick told them. "You might not think so, but Crowley does, and so do I."

"What happens if Zane fails?" Wyatt asked.

"Well, I think you know the answer to that," Dick told them.

Sabrina sighed. "If Zane fails, Crowley will kill him."

"Yes, he will," Dick answered. "But who knows when he'll kill Zane? And who knows if we will kill you?"

"Our family's gonna come for us," Wyatt told him.

"That's what I'm counting on," Dick told them.

"They're gonna kill you," Sabrina told him.

Dick smirked. "How are they gonna kill me if they don't know if I'm me?"

Sabrina and Wyatt looked at Dick in confusion.


Locked Room

Kevin was trying to open a locked door, giving up, walking away. A Leviathan opened the door. A girl walked in, chewing gum.

"Sit," the Leviathan told her. "Stay."

The girl sat down in a chair. The Leviathan walked out, closing the door behind him.

Kevin looked at the girl. "I'm Kevin."

"Polly," the girl told him.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked.

"Sitting," Polly answered. "I guess."

"Are you a Prophet?" Kevin asked. Polly didn't answer, taking a bite of a stick of red licorice. "So, basically, I'm on my own, then."


Rufus' Cabin

Catty was holding the notebook in which Kevin translated the Leviathan Tablet, a hand over her mouth, her leg bouncing anxiously, gazing off. Scarlett was freaking out.

"Catty?" Ness asked. "Scar?"

"Ness, Crowley just handed Sabrina and Wyatt over to the Levis so they could use them as leverage against us," Scarlett told her. "We don't know if they're alive or if they already..."

Ness, Sam and Dean looked down.

Catty took a deep breath to compose herself, lowering her arm to her side. "Well, one thing's for sure. We only get one shot." Ness was holding the vial of blood Crowley gave them above a table holding a bowl of blood and other containers of blood and candles. "This thing don't reload."

"You think Crowley's, uh..." Angelos trailed off.

"Double-crossing us more than we already is?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Angelos answered.

"You've got to figure who he wants dead more," Dean told them. "Us or Dick."

"Depends on who he wants more," Sam told them.

Angelos sighed. "Catty, Scar, if Sabrina and Wyatt are still alive, we all know that Zane and Crowley's not just gonna let you take them back. And we know that they won't listen to them unless they have you. And then you're just two more of Zane and Crowley's prisoners with us having no hope of finding either of you ever again."

Sam took a deep breath, standing. "We'll figure it out when the time comes. Let's just get this over with."

Scarlett poured the blood from the vial into the bowl. "Okay. Um..." She picked up the bowl. "So, there's no magic words. Nothing. We just... just go."

Ness poured the blood from the bowl onto the Sister Mary Constant's bone in the other bowl. Angelos, Scarlett, Ness, Sam, Dean and Catty waited to see what happened. Nothing happened.

"Where's all the thunder and lightning?" Catty asked.

"Uh..." Sam trailed off. "Maybe it worked?"

"Awesome," Dean told them sarcastically.

They heard the sound of Angel wings. A hand appeared on Catty's shoulder. They all turned to face Castiel.

Castiel was holding plates of sandwiches. "So, none of this should cause you any ill effect. I went to a little farm in Normandy for the wheat and the lettuce and tomato and--and I thoroughly examined and comforted the pig before I... slaughtered it for the ham. Here." He held a plate out to Catty. "You need your strength."

Catty took the plate. "Thanks, Cas."

Castiel held the other plates out to Scarlett, Ness, Sam and Dean. Scarlett and Ness took theirs. Sam and Dean didn't take theirs.

"And Cas, why were Zane and Crowley so certain that you need to come with us?" Ness asked.

"Crowley and Zane are wrong," Castiel told them. "I'll be waiting right here. But please, accept these sandwiches as a gesture of solidarity."

Sam and Dean looked at the sandwiches, but didn't take them.


Sucrocorp Office - Glass Room

Sabrina and Wyatt were sitting in the two chairs in the middle of the Devil's Trap lighting fixture. Sabrina had her elbow propped on the arm, head leaning on her head, looking extremely bored. Wyatt was lounging in his chair, also extremely bored.

Dick was sitting on the chair opposite of them, on the arm, not within the Devil's Trap. "You know, I'm bored, too. We should definitely have a bite to ease the awkward tension."

"No," Sabrina told him.

"All right," Dick told them. "Well, how did you two get the names Sabrina and Wyatt? Did the Demons give you the names? Crowley, or Zane?"

"No," Wyatt answered. "Sabrina and I had visions of our mothers naming us."

"They named me Sabrina," Sabrina told him. "They named him Wyatt."

Dick nodded to himself. "Interesting. It doesn't matter, when you'll both be dead after your family arrives." Sabrina and Wyatt looked up, alarmed. Dick nodded, smirking. "Oh, yes. I'm double-crossing Crowley, just as I'm sure he's double-crossing me as we speak. You will die with your family. But then at least you won't have to be with the Demons anymore."

Sabrina and Wyatt started to become more scared.

Susan walked in, looking at Sabrina and Wyatt. "Hello. Pleasure." Sabrina and Wyatt leaned further back into their chairs. Susan placed a large container on Dick's desk. "Delegates are on their way."

"Perfect," Dick told her. "We're gonna want everything in place before they get here. Send in the security detail, would you?"

Susan walked out, leaving. Dick opened the container, pulling out a hand and a forearm, on which was a watch.

"What is that?" Sabrina asked.

"This is the original Mr. Roman," Dick answered. He looked at Sabrina and Wyatt. "He has a nice watch, doesn't he?"

Sabrina and Wyatt didn't answer. They looked up when they heard Catty and Scarlett's voices praying to them.

Catty: (voice over) "Sabrina? Wyatt? I know you're both scared. And you both have every right to be."

Scarlett: (voice over) "Sabrina, Wyatt, it's okay to be scared. But you don't have to be for long. We're gonna find you. We'll see you soon."

Sabrina and Wyatt relaxed visibly to Catty and Scarlett's reassuring voices, exchanging a look.


Locked Room

Kevin and Polly were sitting down.

The Leviathan walked in, hanging a garment bag on the wall, looking at Polly. "Get dressed."

The Leviathan walked out, leaving. Polly stood, starting to unbutton her blouse.

Kevin frowned in confusion. "Why does he want you to..."

Kevin looked at hair pins in a clear plastic bag attached to the garment bag.



Dick and Susan walked toward three black vehicles that were pulling up outside the building. The driver of each vehicle got out, opening the rear door for men in suits to get out. The first man shook hands with Dick and Susan.


Inside - Locked Room

Polly was standing in the middle of the room, wearing a gray dress. Kevin was sitting at the desk. The Leviathan walked in, carrying a tray containing a burger, fries and a bottle of water, putting the tray down in front of Kevin.

"I'm a vegan," Kevin told him.

"You ready, Polly?" the Leviathan asked.

"Mm," Polly answered.

The Leviathan led Polly out of the room. Kevin took a drink from his water bottle, watching them go. The Leviathan closed the door behind them, leaving. Kevin stood, using a hair pin to try to open the door.


Board Room

Men and women in suits were sitting around the table.

Dick was standing at the head of the table. "Well, I'm pleased as punch to see you all here. Last time we were in one room, it was inside that Angel." The Leviathans around the table laughed. "Now, as key players, I need you up to speed on every aspect of the program, not just the sudden influx of happy, delicious stoners in your neighborhood." Dick took a piece of sushi from a platter on the table. "Oh. Eat up. The sushi's made of fresh orphan. All righty. The slaughterhouses? Cutting-edge, humane, efficient. First one goes online next month."

Polly was sitting in a chair in a corner of the room.

"What's the crowd-control strategy?" a male Leviathan asked.

"Glad you asked," Dick told him. "We've laid employees at key junctures of law enforcement, starting with the 911 call." Kevin was listening outside the door. "Everyone feels taken care of, everyone stays calm. We'll up the dose just before harvest time. They won't feel a thing." Dick pressed a button on a remote and a map of the United States appeared on a screen. The map was divided into regions labeled Labor, Testing and Livestock. "We're taking a regional approach. Ohio? Beta-testing. Wisconsin? Processing. Florida? Breeding program." Outside the door, Kevin flinched, turning to leave. "If you'll flip to page 10, you'll see we're having a ball buying fertility clinics. Real juicy stuff."



Kevin walked down the hallway toward the exit.

Susan stepped in his way. "Why are you out of your cage, mouse?"


Board Room

Dick looked at the other Leviathans. "But now I want to talk to you about something I'm really excited about." He nodded to the Leviathan standing next to Polly. The Leviathan guided Polly to the front of the room. "Everyone... meet Polly."


Outside - Bobby's Van

Ness was typing on her laptop.

"You got it yet?" Dean asked.

"Here we go," Ness told them, bringing up security footage from the board room, where Dick was giving the meeting.

"Got you, Dick," Dean told him.

"Yeah, that's, uh, the second floor," Ness told them.

The laptop screen changed to footage of Dick alone at his desk.

Scarlett frowned. "And--And then--What's that? What the hell? Is that Dick?"

The laptop screen showed footage of Dick walking along a hallway.

"And that's Dick," Sam told them.

Dean and Ness spoke together. "Son of a bitch."

The laptop screen changed to the Glass Room. Dick was kneeling in front of Sabrina and Wyatt.

"Who the hell are they?" Dean asked.

Ness rememered what Zane had said in 7.22 There Will Be Blood. "'They grew up fast, but they have the ability to control their age and growing, and they wanted to remain at the age of four years old because they knew that you two didn't want to miss out on them growing up.' That's what Zane said about Sabrina and Wyatt."

"Ness, you think that that's Cat and Cas' daughter?" Sam asked. "Los and Scar's son? Sabrina and Wyatt?"

"One way to find out," Catty told them. She sighed, looking up. "Sabrina, Wyatt, I know you can hear me."


Inside - Glass Room

Sabrina and Wyatt could hear Catty and Scarlett's voices praying to them.

Scarlett: (voice over) "This is very important. Can you see a camera around?"

Sabrina and Wyatt looked around the room.

Catty: (voice over) "Look into the camera, sweeties. It'll be on the wall."

Sabrina and Wyatt saw the camera on the wall, looking into it.


Outside - Bobby's Van

Sam, Dean, Ness, Scarlett and Catty watched Sabrina and Wyatt looking at them through the security footage. While the fact that Wyatt was an Arkosis was obvious in the camera feed, Sabrina looked completely normal.

"Oh, my God," Sam told them. "That's..."

Catty and Scarlett both took a deep breath, looking at the screen, in shock of seeing their children for the first time.


Inside - Board Room

Dick, Polly and the Leviathan were standing at the front of the board room.

"So, genetic propensity for these three cancers?" Dick asked. "Zapped. She's too stoned to care. Polly, take off your dress." Polly took off her dress, leaving her in a bra and underwear. "She's a slip of a thing, isn't she? And she eats like a linebacker. Bottom line? We're not making art. We want meat, and these zippy little hummingbirds have to be bred out fast." The Leviathan held a syringe containing white liquid. "Additive 3.0." The Leviathan handed the syringe to Dick. "Keep in mind, the stuff we're shipping? A little diluted. Longer-acting." Dick injected the liquid into Polly's arm. Polly only made a soft noise of pain. After a moment, she started to gurgle. White liquid spilled from her mouth. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She fell to the floor, convulsing, going still. "Additive 3.0 targets only the characteristics we want to breed out."

Dick showed the Leviathans a slide.

Liquidation Index

~ Low body mass

~ Vertically challenged

~ Hemophilia

~ IQ > 150

Dick looked at the Leviathans. "It'll be added in nondairy creamer and multivitamins. First shipments heads to Los Angeles tomorrow. So watch those dysentery reports. And stop by the lab before you go, 'cause those creamer cups are just adorable."


Outside - Bobby's Van

Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were still watching the footage.

Dean looked at Ness. "Cycle through again."

Ness put the security footage of Sabrina, Wyatt and Dick on lock at the corner of the screen so they would always have eyes on them, cycling through the rest of the footage. A pickup truck pulled up across the street. Ness looked at the truck through binoculars, watching The maid/Bobby get out of the truck.


Flashback - 7.22 "There Will Be Blood"

Day - Motel - Hallway

Ness, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked down the motel hallway. Ness ran into a cart being pushed by the maid.

"Excuse me," the maid told her.

"Sorry," Ness told her.

Ness, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty walked out of the motel, leaving.



Night - Sucrocorp Office - Outside - Bobby's Van

Ness realized. "That's the maid from the motel."

"What motel?" Catty asked.

Ness watched through binoculars as the maid/Bobby walked toward the Sucrocorp building. "Oh, no. Oh, Dad, what are you doing?"

"Wait," Dean told her. "Are you saying that Bobby--"

"Look, just, uh, wait here," Ness told them.

"Are you out of your mind?" Sam asked.

"You got the weapon, and--and eyes on Sabrina, Wyatt, and on Dick, plural," Ness told them. "I'll take care of my Dad."

Ness got out of the van.

"Ness!" Scarlett told her. "Hey!"

"Shut up," Ness told them, running after the maid/Bobby.

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty exchanged a look, watching her go.



The maid/Bobby walked around the back of the building.

Ness stepped out in front of her/him. "Dad? I know you're in there. Listen to me. There are camera everywhere." She pointed to a security camera. "There's one right there. Stop, okay? Catty and Cas' daughter, and Scar and Los' son, Sabrina and Wyatt, they are in there, trapped in there with all of the Levis. You're gonna get them killed." The maid/Bobby pushed Ness back to the ground. "Dad! Damn it." Ness stood. "How are you gonna kill Dick, huh? You can't."

The maid/Bobby took out a large knife. "Good enough for me."

The maid/Bobby slashed toward Ness.

Ness backed away enough to make her/him miss. She glanced up at the moving security camera, grabbing the maid/Bobby, pushing her/him behind a parked vehicle. "No. I'm not letting you go."

"Get out of here, Ness," the maid/Bobby told her.

"No," Ness told him. The maid/Bobby pushed Ness against the vehicle, gripping her throat, strangling her. "Dad, stop. Stop!"

The maid/Bobby saw his reflection in the vehicle's window. "No!"

The maid/Bobby let Ness go. Ness slid down the side of the vehicle, gasping. Bobby left the maid's body, disappearing. The maid's body fell to the ground. Ness gasped for breath, trying to catch it, crawling toward the maid.


Rufus' Cabin

Catty was sitting with her hands clasped, hands held to her chin, gazing off. Ness was pacing, looking at the flask in her hand.

Sam was on the phone. "Okay, thanks." He hung up. Meg was drinking a beer. "She's fine. Checking out of the hospital tonight."

"Well, that's positive," Castiel told them, handing a plate with a sandwich to Sam, and then one to Dean.

Zane appeared, walking closer. "So I'm guessing you didn't get Sabrina and Wyatt back." The others all tensed up, standing, as if ready for a fight. "Calm down. I'm not here for a fight."

"That's a change," Sam told him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know I got a lot of bad history with all of you," Zane told them. "But Wyatt and Sabrina are on the line now. And Crowley was right earlier. I didn't mean to, but I got too attached. I mean, Wyatt's my godson. And Sabrina... well, let's just say I feel bad for the way everything turned out. Even with Cas, Los and Ava. Cas and Los are back, so I don't have to worry about that. But Ava's dead, and it doesn't look like she's coming back. And neither is Brett. I know that Brett is dead, half because of me, too, Catty. And you can't forgive me for what happened to Brett, or to Brett's family. And I know you can't forgive me for what happened to Ava. Or keeping Sabrina and Wyatt away from all of you. So let me try to help you save them."

"What about Crowley?" Angelos asked. "If he finds out what you're doing, he will take you. He'll kill you."

"Yeah, let him," Zane told them. "I'm not sure why I started doing this in the first place. I mean, yeah, I still had feelings for you, Scar. And I was pissed that you had moved on with Los. And I was wanting power, which was why I helped Crowley and Balthazar with controlling Cas to get the souls, and so we could use him, Brett and Catty to create Sabrina, and I used Scar and Los to create Wyatt so..."

Scarlett looked down. "So you wouldn't be alone."

"Maybe," Zane answered. "But things have changed now that Wyatt and Sabrina are in there with the Levis. And I'm gonna help you get them back. To hell with the consequences."

"You screw us over every time that we think you're gonna help us," Angelos told him. "Why should we believe you now?"

"You shouldn't," Zane answered. "But one way or the other, I'm gonna help Wyatt and Sabrina. I can do that alone, or I can do that with all of you. You need all the help you can get."

They all knew he was right, sighing.

"Well, that's the problem, Zane," Meg told him. "You don't know what happened last night. So, Ness, tell me again why you turned tail for some maid. You were right there."

"It was my Dad, that's why," Ness answered. "So shut up, Meg."

Castiel handed a plate with a sandwich to Ness, and to Scarlett. He put a sandwich in front of Catty.

Meg looked at Catty and Scarlett. "But you saw the little Angel-Demon-monster-Human spawns."

"Shut up, Meg," Catty and Scarlett told her.

"Because Dick made more Dicks," Ness answered. Everyone looked at Ness. Zane smirked a little at the way she had said it, amused. "He must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere. Uh, the Levis would all have to touch it."

Castiel started to dry dishes.

"Hey, shifty, what's your problem?" Dean asked.

"Do we need a cat?" Castiel asked. "Doesn't this place feel on species short?"

Zane held a hand toward Catty. "We have a cat right here. She's actually your cat, Cas. One you really got the pussycat from."

"Bite me, Zane," Catty replied.

Zane smirked, biting at the air. Catty and Scarlett rolled their eyes.

Dean looked at Castiel. "You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley and Zane were pretty sure that you could help."

"I can't help," Castiel told them. "You understand? I can't. I destroyed... everything, and I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that?"

"No," Dean answered, standing. "No, we can't."

"Dean," Ness told him.

Dean held up a finger, looking at Castiel. "We can't leave it. You let these freaking things in. So you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damned cat. Your daughter is in there. Sabrina and Wyatt. Nobody cares that you're broken, Cas. It doesn't matter if you were forced to do this by Zane, Crowley and Balthazar, because you're the one that let them in long enough for them to take control. Now, because of it, the Levis are here in this world, and Levis have been hunting Catty, Scar, Sabrina and Wyatt for an entire year, trying to have them all killed. But you know Ava actually got killed because of all of this, before the Levis even made it here? You know that Ava died trying to stop Zane, Crowley and Balthazar from bringing the Levis here? You should know that because Balthazar killed Ava in front of you and Los before he brought the Levis into you and tried to make you kill Los. Before we fought out that you and Los were both back. You think that Ava would want you to stand idly back while Levis took control? No. Ava would want you to clean up your mess!"

Castiel was upset, guilty, putting down the dish he was holding, walking closer. "You know... we should play Twister."

Ness, Catty, Dean, Scarlett and Sam exchanged a look. Castiel disappeared, leaving.

Angelos looked at Dean sarcastically. "Nice. You scared off the empire's only hope, Dean."

"Meaning?" Catty asked.

"It occur to you every one of the Levis were in Cas?" Angelos asked. "He knows them. He can see past the meat suits."

"So, he'll be able to spot the real... fake Dick Roman," Dean realized.

"Gold star, sugar," Ness told him. "Too bad he's Fruit Loops. We might've had a chance to get Sabrina and Wyatt back and kill every one of those sons of bitches by killing just the one."

Ness heard a noise behind her, turning around. Castiel was playing Twister on the floor.



Ness was sitting at the table still, watching the footage from the Sucrocorp office. Catty, Scarlett and Angelos walked closer.

"How are they?" Scarlett asked.

Ness brought up footage of Sabrina and Wyatt, who were pacing, impatient and bored, a little angry, but most of all scared, trying to look intimidating, failing to do so. Catty, Scarlett and Angelos looked as if seeing their children like this broke their hearts. Ness looked at them sympathetically.

Ness kept one half of the screen on lock to always so Sabrina and Wyatt in the Glass Room. On the other side of the screen, she was going through all of the other footage, looking at all of the Dicks. "There's no real point in looking for a tell. Levis all downloaded Dick's brain. They've all got the same tells."

"All right, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing?" Sam asked.

Bobby appeared. "Is that the best you can do? Idjits."

Angelos looked at him in surprise. "Bobby."

Bobby nodded. "Los."

"I can't believe you're dead," Angelos told him.

"Well, I can't believe you're alive," Bobby replied.

"Bobby, I'm so sorry about what happened to you," Angelos told him. "To you and Ness." He looked between Bobby and the Winchesters, knowing that they needed a moment. "I'm... gonna go check on Cas."

"You do that, Los," Bobby told him.

Angelos walked away to go check on Castiel, knowing that he should not have been there for a moment when they were discussing what they knew had to be done.

"Bobby," Sam told him. "We didn't know if you'd, uh--"

"Well, you should've," Bobby told them. "You got the flask. Dumb. You should've burned it right off."

"Dad--" Ness started.

"I'm still jonesing to go back, grab some poor bastard, kamikaze them to go after Dick," Bobby told them. "It's bad." The laptop was still showing the camera footages of Dick with Sabrina and Wyatt. Bobby looked from the several different Dicks to Sabrina and Wyatt. Ness turned the laptop away, noticing that every time he saw Dick, he got angry. "Let's be real. Catty, Scar, I tried to go in there knowing that Wyatt and Sabrina were in there. I could have gotten them killed. Ness, I damn near killed you. And that woman."

"It wasn't your fault, Dad," Ness told him. "Not really."

Bobby sighed. "Right. That's just what Ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that."

"So, what's it feel like?" Dean asked.

"What?" Bobby asked. "Going vengeful?" Dean nodded barely. "It's an itch you can't scratch out. Look... I'm done. You've already said goodbye to Ava. Now say goodbye to me. Go get Dick. Catty, Scar, save Wyatt and Sabrina. Cas and Los need them, and they need you. But don't do it 'cause you think it'll scratch the itch. Do it 'cause it's the job. And when it's your time... go."

Sam, Dean, Ness, Scarlett and Catty looked at Bobby sadly.



There were a set of burning coals on the table. Ness, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty looked at Bobby for a long moment.

"Here's to... running into you guys on the other side," Bobby told them. "Only... not too soon. All right?" Ness took out Bobby's Flask, looking at it, tears in her eyes, hesitating. "Nessie." Ness looked at Bobby. Bobby nodded. "It's okay, Ness. Do it. Please."


Flashback - 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"

Bobby's House - Bobby's Room

Karen laid in bed, sick. Ness sat next to Karen on the bed, holding her hand. Bobby sat in his wheelchair next to them. Ness looked at her gun on a table nearby.

"It's okay, Ness," Karen told her. "Do it."

"No," Ness told her.

"Please," Karen told her. "I just wanted to see you smile, Nessie."

Ness looked away with tears in her eyes.



Night - Rufus' Cabin - Basement

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty watched Ness and Bobby. Ness took the leather cover off of the flask, holding it over the coals on the table, hesitating, looking at Bobby. Bobby nodded. Ness hesitantly placed the flask on the coals. Dean looked down somberly, remembering.


Flashback - 5.15 "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid"

Night - Bobby's House - Bobby's Room

Dean walked in to see Karen dead with Bobby and Ness by her side. He looked at them expressionlessly, sympathetic. "Ness?"

Ness stood, looking at the gun in her hand, having been the one to kill her mother, tears in her eyes. She could barely meet Dean's gaze.



Night - Rufus' Cabin - Basement

Ness, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty watched as the heat slowly melted the metal of the flask, looking at Bobby, the light from him burning up reflected on their faces. The flask continued to melt into nothing. The light faded into nothing. Sam, Scarlett and Catty looked at each other sadly. Ness let a few tears fall, looking down, trying to keep herself together.

Dean pulled Ness into his arms slowly, somberly. "Ness..."

Ness slowly returned the embrace, leaning her head against his shoulder. Castiel and Angelos were sitting on the stairs, watching from a distance.


Day Three

Morning - Rufus' Cabin - Outside

Castiel was playing Uno at the table.

Catty walked closer. "Cas, I need a wingman."

"Catty..." Castiel trailed off.

"You don't want to jump into the jaws of death, that's... fine," Catty told him. "How about we run a little errand?"


Frank's Barn

Two vehicles were covered with tarps. There was the sound of Angel wings. Catty and Castiel appeared next to sheet covered vehicles.

"Thanks for the lift," Catty told him.

"My pleasure," Castiel told her. Catty walked toward the two covered vehicles. "Catty..."

Catty turned to face him. "Cas, we've been over it. I get it. You can't help."

"If we attack Levis and fail, trying to save... Sabrina, Wyatt, then you, Scar, Los, Ness, Sam and Dean die heroically, correct?" Castiel asked.

"I don't know," Catty told him. "I guess."

"And at best, I die trying to fix my own stupid mistake, whether I meant to cause it or not," Castiel told her. "To make it up to you, to Los and Scar, to Sam, Dean and Ness, to our Wyatt and Sabrina. To Ava. Especially to Ava. Or... I don't die. I'm brought back again. I see now. It's a punishment, resurrection. It's worse every time."

"I'm sorry," Catty told him. "Uh, we're talking about God crap, right?"

"I'm not good luck, Catty," Castiel told her.

"Yeah, but you know what?" Catty asked. "Bottom of the ninth, and you're the only guy left on the bench. Sorry, but I'd rather have you, cursed or not. And anyway, nut up, all right? We're all cursed. I seem like good luck to you? And, anyway..." She sighed, slowly stepping closer somberly. "It's our daughter that is in there, Cas. Scar and Los' son, my nephew. Our nephew. We have to get them out, even if it means dying. You want to see them?" Castiel hesitated, nodding. "Here." Catty pulled out her phone, showing him the footage from the Sucrocorp building, of Sabrina and Wyatt. trapped in the room of windows. Castiel looked from the screen to Catty. Catty looked at Castiel. "What?"

"Zane called them Sabrina and Wyatt, because they had a vision of you naming Sabrina, and Scar naming Wyatt," Castiel told her. "That they hadn't known who you and Scar had been talking to, but it's obvious now that you were talking to me, and Scar was talking to Los. You told me once before that if anything is worth dying for, it's family. I still believe that to be true. And I was wondering why you would choose Sabrina."

"Because I used to be a die hard Sabrina the Teenage Witch fan when I was younger," Catty answered.

Castiel chuckled. "And do you know what 'Sab' means in Hindi? 'Everything'. Do you know what 'Sabr' means? 'Patience'."

Catty couldn't help a smile. "Two Angels talking baby names. Now I have seen everything." She took a deep breath, leaning forward against the car. "So Sabrina it is."

Castiel nodded. "Sabrina. I like that." Catty smiled a small smile. "Catty, I'll go with you. To save Sabrina and Wyatt. To make it up to you, Scar, Los, Sam, Dean, Ness, Sabrina, Wyatt, Ava. And I'll do my best."

Catty smiled a small smile, nodding. "Thanks, Cas."

"Catty, can I ask the plan to save Wyatt and Sabrina?" Castiel asked.

"Well, according to Zane and Crowley, Dick knows we're coming, which is why he has... Wyatt and Sabrina in the first place," Catty told him. "Wyatt and Sabrina are bait. So we're gonna announce ourselves. Big. But this is a huge thing, Cas. And any of us could die." Castiel nodded solemnly in agreement. "And I know everything is screwed up right now. But I don't want to regret anything else after today. Not when it comes to you and me."

Castiel frowned in confusion. "Catty, what are..." Catty leaned closer to kiss Castiel for a long, passionate moment. Castiel was surprised but returned the kiss in kind. After a moment, they pulled away, looking relieved, smiling small smiles. "Let's go save Wyatt and Sabrina."

Catty nodded in agreement. "Let's go save Sabrina and Wyatt."



(Song) Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf

The Impala drove down the road quickly. Catty's Mustang skidded slightly after turning a corner, coming from a different direction. Catty's Mustang and the Impala turned a corner together, in the same direction, driving down the road, speeding.


Sucrocorp - Outside

Catty's Mustang and the Impala drove quickly forward, crashing through the security boom gates, skidding into the parking lot. The Impala headed directly for a Sucrocorp main sign, crashing through it, coming to a stop in a shower of breaking glass. Catty's Mustang drifted in front of the Impala, turning to face it.

(End of Song)

Castiel and Catty got out of Catty's Mustang. Scarlett and Angelos got out of the Impala. Leviathans saw Castiel, Catty, Scarlett and Angelos, running toward them. Catty and Scarlett smirked slightly. Castiel and Angelos disappeared from the passenger sides of the cars, reappearing next to Catty and Scarlett at the driver sides of the cars. Meg and Zane also got out of the Impala, holding bottles of Power Clean and machetes.

Zane looked at Castiel, Catty, Scarlett and Angelos. "Well? What are you waiting for? And if I get captured and killed by Crowley for helping you save Wyatt and Sabrina... tell them I'm sorry."

The Leviathans shot at Catty's Mustang, breaking the passenger's side window, Castiel, Catty, Scarlett and Angelos, the Impala, Zane and Meg. Castiel and Angelos took Catty and Scarlett's arms, making them all disappear. Meg and Zane, being Demons, were unaffected by normal bullets.


Inside - Hallway

Sam walked in through a door marked 'Exit.'



The Leviathans continued to fire at Zane and Meg, making them groan in pain.


Inside - Hallway

Dean and Ness looked around a corner in the building, walking down the hallway.



Sam opened a door to Room 427.



Zane and Meg threw Power Clean onto the faces of Leviathans, making them burn and scream in pain.



Sam walked out of Room 427, walking down the hallway.



Two Leviathans were lying decapitated on the ground. Zane and Meg were splattered with black goo, watching a third Leviathan burn. Zane used his machete to decapitate him, watching the body fall.

"You know, when you're not working with Crowley, you're not so bad, Zane," Meg told him.

Zane smirked. "Come on."


Inside - Hallway

Dean looked around a corner at Dick sitting at the head of the board room table. Ness was standing next to Dean, showing him the security footage of the Glass Room with Sabrina, Wyatt and Dick. Dean realized what she meant, nodding.



Meg and Zane walked along. Four Demons appeared behind Meg and Zane, attacking them, making them fall to the ground.

"The King of Hell will see you know," Demon 1 told them.

Meg and Zane sat up, looking at the Demons.

"And you're not one of his inner circle anymore, Zane," Demon 2 told him. "You knew the consequences of what you were doing."

Zane sighed. "Yeah. And I'd do it again."


Inside - Locked Room

Sam kicked the door in. Kevin was bound to a chair, gagged.

Sam walked closer. "Kevin. Hey, buddy. We got to hustle, okay?"

Sam cut Kevin free.

Kevin removed the tape over his mouth. "Wait. We can't leave yet."

"Uh, yeah, we can," Sam told him. "It's okay. We got to go."

"You don't understand," Kevin told him. "Dick's got creamer in his lab. He's gonna kill all the skinny people."

"Wait," Sam told him. "What? Slow down."

"We have to blow up the lab, Sam," Kevin told him. "Please."

Sam looked around in worry. "Yeah, fine. Let's go."


Glass Room

Dick looked outside the glass walls to see the commotion outside, turning to face Wyatt and Sabrina. "Looks like we were both right. They all came for you, little ones. And as soon as they get here... it's the end for all of you. You can have a moment to say goodbye." Dick walked closer to Wyatt and Sabrina. Sabrina glared at Dick. Dick was brought to a halt, confused. He realized why, looking at Sabrina, smirking. "You're stronger than I thought." He looked at the Devil's Trap lighting fixture above their heads. "If you can still make me freeze while inside a Devil's Trap."

"I can do more than that," Sabrina told him, closing her eyes, focusing. The room started to shake. The lighting fixture broke down the middle, destroying the Devil's Trap. Wyatt smirked. Scarlett, Angelos, Catty and Castiel walked in from one side of the room. Wyatt and Sabrina turned to face Scarlett, Angelos, Catty and Castiel, relieved, smiling slightly. "You're here."

"Just like we promised you we would be," Scarlett told them. "Come here."

Wyatt and Sabrina ran toward them. Wyatt ran into Scarlett and Angelos' waiting arms, as they both knelt to pick him up into their arms, holding him close in happiness and relief. Sabrina ran into Catty's waiting arms, turning toward Castiel, holding his arm, looking as if she would never let go of either of them. Castiel and Catty looked from Sabrina to each other, relieved beyond words. Dick smirked smugly, stepping closer. Catty picked Sabrina up, backing away.

Dick smiled. "Castiel. Angelos. Catty. Scarlett. So glad you could make it. It wouldn't be a family slaughtering without the guests of honor. And, Castiel, thanks for the ride into paradise." Dean and Ness stepped into the room from behind Dick. Dean had a bloodstained bone that was sharpened to a point at one end. Dick turned to see Dean and Ness. "And good on you! Pulling that together. A-plus, Ness."

"Oh, you don't think this'll work, do you?" Dean asked. "You trust that Demon?"

"You sure I'm even me, Dean?" Dick asked.

"No," Dean answered. "But he is." He looked at Castiel. Dick followed his gaze. "See, here's the thing when dealing with Crowley. He will always find a way to bone you."

"This meeting's over," Dick told them, trying to move.

Wyatt and Sabrina glared at Dick, holding their hands toward him, using magic to make him stay still. Dick groaned with the effort it took to try to move, looking at Wyatt and Sabrina. Dean plunged the bone into Dick's chest, making him gasp in pain.

Dick pulled the bone out of his chest, snapping it into two. "Did you really think you could trump me?"

"Honestly?" Ness asked, taking another bone out of her pocket. "No." Castiel and Angelos grabbed Dick to restrain him. Castiel pulled Dick's head back. Scarlett was holding Wyatt right behind Castiel and Angelos. Ness plunged the bone sideways through Dick's neck, making him yell, scream in pain. Sam and Kevin ran into the room behind Catty and Sabrina. Ness looked at Dick angrily yet calmly. "Figured we'd have to catch you off guard."

Dick's face transformed into the Leviathan enormous mouth with long pointed teeth and a protruding tongue. He roared briefly, returning to normal, groaning in pain. Black goo started to drip from his nose. Waves of energy began to pulsate from his body in time with a loud, accelerating heartbeat. The energy then appeared to concentrate back into his body, almost as if he was about to blow. With Dean, Ness, Castiel, Angelos, Scarlett and Wyatt too close to Dick, Angelos and Scarlett both shielded Wyatt. Sam turned to cover Kevin. Catty covered Sabrina, all of them ducking to the floor. Dick exploded into black goo, surrounding them.


Sam, Kevin, Catty and Sabrina were still being sheltered, standing, looking around the black goo splattered room. Scarlett, Angelos, Wyatt, Ness, Dean, Dick and Castiel were gone.

"Guys, we should go," Kevin told them.

"What the hell?" Catty asked.

"More Levis any second, Catty," Kevin told her.

Sabrina was worried, horrified, calling out desperately. "Dad? Wyatt? Uncle Los? Aunt Scar? Uncle Dean? Aunt Ness?"

Crowley appeared. "Not to worry. I have a small army of Demons outside. Cut off the head, and the body will flounder, after all. Think if you'd had just one king since before the first sunrise. You'd be in a kerfuffle, too."

"Which is exactly what you wanted," Sam realized.

"So did you," Crowley replied. "Without a master plan, the Levis are just another monster. Hard to stomp, sure, but you love a challenge. Your job is to keep them from organizing."

"Where are Scar, Los, Wyatt, Dean, Ness and Cas?" Catty asked.

"That bone... has a bit of a kick," Crowley told them. "God weapons often do. They should put a warning on the box."

"Where are they, Crowley?" Catty demanded.

"Can't help you," Crowley told them, snapping his fingers. Two Demons appeared on either side of Kevin. "Sorry. Prophet's mine." The two Demons and Kevin disappeared. "So is Sabrina, now that Wyatt is out of the picture." Crowley looked at Catty. "Too bad Sabrina won't listen to me without you. You're on the list, too, sweetheart."

"Like hell," Catty told him.

Crowley looked at the broken trap that Sabrina and Wyatt had been inside. "Though, I suppose teaching Sabrina and Wyatt how to use some of their powers did have a few drawbacks. No matter. You got what you wanted. You got Sabrina back, Dick dead, saved the world, even though you lost Scarlett, Angelos, Wyatt, Dean, Ness and Castiel, on top of Bobby and Octavia... again. So I want one little Prophet and Sabrina that has the power of a million, trillion things. Catty, you're just apart of the deal with Sabrina. Sorry, Sam. Wish it could be different. You certainly got a lot on your plate right now." He snapped his fingers. Two Demons appeared on either side of Catty and Sabrina. "Without your family, without your pretty little Ava, It looks like you are well and truly... on your own."

The Demons on either side of Catty and Sabrina grabbed either of them, trying to restrain them.

Sabrina looked so angry and scared. "No." Crowley raised his eyebrows. "Get out." Each time she repeated it, it was louder, more angry. "Get out. Get. Out!"

Crowley and the two Demons that were trying to take them were thrown back, disappearing with a wave of energy, disappearing through the glass walls, making all of them shatter, the glass raining down to the floor. Sam and Catty ducked, with Catty covering Sabrina, sheltering themselves from the glass until they heard the tinkling of the pieces falling to the floor come to an end, standing, looking around the empty room. Sam and Catty exchanged a look, shocked and speechless, looking at Sabrina. Sabrina let the stubborn strength fade, revealing how scared she had really been, starting to cry. Catty held Sabrina closer, looking over the room where Scarlett, Angelos, Wyatt, Ness, Dean and Castiel were supposed to be, turning to Sam, having no idea what to do.



Night - Forest

Dean and Ness woke up on the ground, alone, looking around.

"Dean..." Ness trailed off. "Where are Scar, Los, Wyatt and Cas?"

"I have no idea," Dean told her.

"We need to get out of here," Ness told him.

They stood, looking around.

"Where are we?" Dean asked.

"You don't know?" Ness asked.

"Last I remember, we ganked Dick," Dean told her.

"And where would he go in death?" Ness asked. "You, me, Cas, Los, Scar and Wyatt were standing too close to him, Dean, so that means they're somewhere around here, we just ended up in a different place than them."

"Wait," Dean told her. "Are you telling me..."

"Every soul here is a monster," Ness told him. There was a rustling in the trees. "This is where they come when they die. We're in Purgatory, Dean."

"How do we find Cas, Los, Sar and Wyatt?" Dean asked. "How do we get out?"

Ness sighed in worry. "I'm afraid we're much more likely to be ripped to shreds."

Dean turned to see eyes watching them through the dark. "Ness, I think we better--" Dean and Ness were attacked by a huge amount of Vampires, surrounding them, and making it hard for them to fight back, but not impossible. "Ness!"

Ness turned to look for Dean, but couldn't see him through the crowd of Vampires around. "Dean!"

Dean was thrown back, and he saw a weapon on the ground nearby a tree, picking it up, ready to use, turning to see that the Vampires were already disappearing with Ness, trying to chase after them, but losing them, and losing his wife in the process. "Ness!"

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