By snffbeebee

10.8K 298 6

Y/N has been hunting since she was 18. She's seen and faced things that nightmares are made of, but when she... More

RED Part 1
RED Part 3
RED Part 4
RED Part 5
RED Part 6
RED Part 7
RED Part 8
RED Part 9
RED Part 10
RED Part 11
RED Part 12
RED Part 13
RED Part 14 (Final)

RED Part 2

880 29 0
By snffbeebee

Your mind was going a million miles a minute. The man who was in front of you, was not the man you had met all those years ago. The memories of your meeting with the eldest Winchester played in your mind like a movie.

* 10 years ago *

You had just finished a long and busy night at the bar, and you couldn't wait to go home and kick off the uncomfortable high heels that you stupidly wore tonight. You were walking down the empty street that was lit from the street lights above. You did this every night, and you had never had to worry about anything until tonight. You had a feeling of eyes on your back, and you glanced behind you to see a tall shadow a short distance behind you.

" It's just a person walking the same way as you. " You told yourself, as you gripped your pepper spray in your jacket pocket.

You couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was about to happen. You quickened your pace and glanced back again, and noticed that he was gone. You stopped and looked around. There were no side streets, so where the hell did he go? You shook your head, you weren't going to stick around to find out. The moment you tuned to start walking again, your heart skipped a beat, when you seen the man standing right in front you.

" Can I help you? " You asked, hiding the fear in your voice.

He took in a deep breath, like he was smelling the air between the two of you.

" Yes, actually you can. "

You thought you were seeing things when you seen him open his mouth and shark like teeth retracted from his gums. You turned to run, but he grabbed a hold of your arm and you screamed in pain at how strong this man was. You fought to escape, but he pulled you to his chest, in an iron grip and his other hand holding both of yours together. Your heart felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest. You kept telling yourself this was all a dream, but an instant pain in your neck, crashed that thought real quick. You struggled until your vision became blurry, and right before you gave up, you felt another pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you from this things grip. You watched as a tall brown shaggy haired man swung a huge knife and chopped this...thing's head right off of his body. You tried to steady your breathing not knowing what the hell was going, then you realized that there were still arms around your waist. You turned your head and your eyes met with the most beautiful green ones you had ever seen. You pushed from his grip and he let go, but kept close just in case you passed out. He had short dirty blonde hair, that stuck up in different directions, a bit of stubble on a strong jaw, and he had lips that you only read about in those cheesy romance novels. You looked at the other man that still held the bloody knife in his hand. He was a bit taller than the other man. He had chocolate brown eyes that matched his shaggy hair, and he had the exact same jaw as the blonde. You again looked between both of them, then finally caught your breath.

" What the hell was.... who are you guys? " You tried to form a sentence but your mind really wasn't working at the moment.

" My name is Sam Winchester and that is my brother Dean. " The taller one said, as he set the knife on the ground, to make me feel a little less freaked out.

" And that was a vampire. " Dean added.

You looked at Dean and shook my head.

" A vampire, what kind of fucking drugs are you guys on? " You said with a nervous laugh.

" Listen, I know this sounds . "

" Unbelievable. " You cut Sam off.

" Pretty much, but it's true. " He smiled softly.

There was something about the way that man looked at you, and you couldn't help but calm down a bit. You ran your fingers through your tangled hair and let out a shaky breath.

" Why don't you come with us so we can patch you up and we'll tell you whatever you want to know about the things that go bump in the night. " Dean said with a soft smile.

" Things.. " You repeated.

You watched as Dean walked over to a beautiful black 1967 Impala and opened the passenger door.

" Yes things. "

" This is your car? " You asked taking a few steps forward to get a better look at this beast of a car.

" Yeah, this is Baby. " He said tapping the top of the car.

" What do you say? Just give me at least 20 minutes to patch you up. " Sam asked.

" You know what, this whole night can't get any weirder, so why not. You have Whiskey? " You asked Dean as you slid into the car, as he held the door open.

" Only the good stuff. "

" Good cause I'm gonna need at least 3 glasses of that. "

Dean shook his head with a little laugh, then he climbed into the drivers seat and Sam got in the back. You looked at Dean as he pulled up to a run down motel and cut the engine.

" Yeah, two strange guys and a sketchy motel room, this isn't a scene out of a horror movie or anything. " You said as you got out and closed the car door.

" It may be, but we are the bad guys, promise. " Sam smiled as he opened the creaky door to their room.

You took in a deep breath, then walked into the dark room. Sam followed and flicked on the light as Dean shut and locked the door behind him. You looked at the pictures, and notes tapped to the walls and shook your head.

" Yeah this isn't serial killer material or anything. "

Dean couldn't help but chuckle as he poured 3 glasses of Scotch and he passed one to you. You sat on the bed as Sam grabbed a few things then sat down next to you.

" I'm gonna apologize in advance, this isn't going to feel very nice. " He warned as he poured some of the alcohol onto a cloth and pressed it on the side of your neck.

You winced at the pain and let out a breath and tried to focus on something other than the pain in your neck. You looked at Dean, who had sat down on a wobbly chair and put his feet up on the little white table by the window.

" Alright, so what exactly are you guys? "

He took a long drink from his cloudy glass.

" We are Hunters. "

" So instead of Bambi, you hunt Vampires and... "

" And so much more. "

After Sam patched you up, all three of you had a few drinks and they told you about the " Hunting life " and you just shook your head.

" So all of the shit my parents told me was fake, is actually walking among us every day and night. " You stated, setting your glass on the table beside the bed.

" Pretty much. "

Before you knew it, Sam had fallen asleep and you and Dean were sitting with your backs against the headboard of his bed. You stayed up all night talking to him, and you couldn't help but look at him completely different than you did earlier tonight. He had this bad boy act down pat, but the more you talked to him, the more you seen that, that he was probably one of the most selfless people you had ever met. And that's when it hit you and it hit you hard. All you wanted to do was show this beautiful man that he was amazing. I mean how many people would actually die for their family. My family and I were close, but I don't think I'd jump in front of a bullet for them. He had done so much for everyone else, but when did he actually do something just for him?

" When was the last time you did something for you? " You asked, turning your body to look at him.

He ran his hand over his face with a sigh.

" Honestly, I can't remember the last time I've done something for myself. This life doesn't really have it's down time ya know. "

You thought for a second, then slid off the bed and got to your feet.

" Come on, grab your jacket. "

He raised an eyebrow to you as he sat his glass next to yours.

" Why? "

You picked up the jacket you seen him wearing earlier and tossed it at him as you pulled on yours.

" Just come on. "

Dean looked over at his sleeping brother, put his jacket on and followed you outside.

" You know it's not safe to follow strangers into the dark. " He smirked, as he caught up with you as you walked down the dark street.

" I'm pretty sure a man like you can handle yourself. " You mirrored his smirk.

You walked around the building and seen a closed gate to the swimming pool. You smirked and opened it.

" What are we doing? " He asked as he followed you into the dark pool area.

" When was the last time, you swam for the hell of it, and not because you needed to save someone? " You asked as you shrugged out of your jacket and kicked off your boots.

He watched you for a second, then followed your lead and took of his jacket and boots.

" Again, I don't remember. " He laughed.

" Well get to relaxing Winchester. "

You gave one good push and he fell into the pool. When he came up from the water, he pushed hair back and looked at you.

" Did you seriously just push me into a pool fully clothed? "

You put your hand to your chest.

" I would never. "

He shook his head, and swam to the edge of the pool and you took a step back.

" You just gonna stand up there, or are you gonna join me? " He asked, wading in the water.

" I will, but in my own time. " You laughed, walking over to the ladder of the pool and climbed down the fist few steps.

Before you could get waist deep into the water, you felt his arms wrap around your waist and completely dunk you both under the water. When you came back to the surface, you splashed water at his as you moved the hair from you face.

" Pay back's a bitch. " He smirked.

That smirk did something to you. You took in a deep breath and he moved closer towards you until he was face to face with you. Your eyes glanced at his lips then back into his.

" See now that smile didn't even seem fake. " You smiled as your heart raced.

A shiver ran up your spine, not from the water, but from his hand that had found the curve of your lower back. His eyes burned into yours and before you knew it, his lips melted into yours. His hands moved under your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist as his tongue traced your bottom lip and you couldn't help but let out a little moan. Your hand quickly clasped together around his neck and you pulled him as close to you as you could.

" Y/N " Dean called out, snapping you from that sweet memory.

You took in a breath and looked at the man you once knew.

" You and Sam didn't go your separate left didn't you. "

He leaned back against the little kitchen counter and smirked that Winchester smirk, but it wasn't the one you remembered.

" You always were a smart one, weren't you. "

" What happened to you Dean? "

" You call yourself a Hunter, and you haven't heard about the Mark Of Cain? "

You racked your brain searching and then you remembered.

" The Mark did this to you? "

" Well technically no, this is Metaron's fault. He killed me, and I woke up with these pretty black peepers. "

Before you could say anything, his phone rang. He looked at you, then answered it. He talked a few words, then shoved it into his back pocket.

" Well we are going to have to pick this up a few hours. I've got some business to take care of. " He said putting his jacket on.

" Dean, Dean wait. "

He didn't say a word, just smirked, then closed and locked the door behind him.

" Son Of A Bitch!! " You yelled, pulling at the ropes around your wrists. After a few minutes, you felt the rope around your right hand snap. You gave it one last pull and your hand was free. You hurried to get yourself free, then got the hell out there. You seen a blue car parked to your right. You needed a way out of here and it wasn't like you hadn't stolen a car before. As you sped off down the road, you took your phone from your back pocket and dialed a number you haven't called in years.

" Y/N ? " A familiar voice questioned.

" Hey Sam. "

" It's been a really long time. "

" Yeah I know. "

You took in a deep breath.

" Sam, we have a problem. "

" What? " He asked, almost scared to hear your answer.

You hesitated, but you knew that 1, he deserved to know and 2, you weren't going to be able to handle this by yourself.

" Sam Dean's a Demon. "

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