Play Dirty

By namjoonjasond

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"You'll never ruin my company" "Don't worry you'll soon be a bottom" "Y-you mean at t-the bottom" "No I mean... More

Second meeting..kinda??
Really Mark??
Company get together
Company get together
Morning after!
Conference room
What's up with Haechan?
Just forget us
Crossing paths
Almost lost
Fun while it lasted
Fixing broken dreams
Finally mended
Update x
Back to the good old days


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By namjoonjasond

Mark is one of the most successful self made billionaires in the world.
Women say he's perfect in every way, except that he's cold hearted.

Mark was one of Haechan's dad's biggest rivals. Once Haechan's dad died Mark thought he was the top dog, but little did he know that his rival had a son.

Mark's outfit of the day

Mark's office

Mark's POV

It's been 4 weeks since my biggest rival had died, obviously it's sad that someone has died and I do miss the challenge, but right now all I can think about is the money that will be coming in once his company gets shut down.
I laugh out loud and evilly smirk, whilst sitting in my chair.

2 hours later

I hear a knock in my door and my assistant Rosé walks in with my daily tea, but she had a weird look on her face so I asked,
"Rosé, what's wrong"
She sighs and begins to say,
"S-sir I'm s-sorry to inform you that 'NOISE' has a n-new CEO" she said whilst shaking because she knows I'm going to freak out, but before I do I asked her to leave. When I was left alone I screamed.

"For fuck sake!!"
"I thought it was finally over!!"

I calm myself down and do a bit of research on the new CEO of 'NOISE'.

I found images and information, he wasn't bad looking, he has a degree in business marketing from the university of Oxford and 'THE SON OF MR LEE!!' I never new that old man could've had a son. This irked me, it irked me to my core. I thought for a little and decided it was an amazing idea if I visited the newly appointed CEO.

So I got in my car and headed to the 'NOISE' offices. I was going to show this baby boy what this business is really about.

15 minutes later

I reach the destination and got out of my car hastily. I walked straight through the lobby and went up the elevator until I reached the top floor. I stormed down the hallway, then I got to Mr Lee's office I opened the door and to my surprise I see an organised, clean, mature office. I wonder around then sit in the main office chair.

Before I knew it I heard a click and the door is swung open. My eyes land on a medium sized man with blonde hair, big eyes and impeccable fashion sense. I smirk at the sight of the boy, but again to my surprise he smiles back. I thought I would have upset him or annoyed him, but no, he was unfazed by my presence.
"What a lovely surprise, Mr Mark Lee what brings you here with no invitation?" He says again with a sweet smile but with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. I smirk again looking at him up and down, trying to make him feel uncomfortable. Whilst staring I lick my lips unintentionally
"I wan--"
"Like what Mr Lee" Haechan asks cutting me off, I hated how he was trying to make me embarrassed by my actions, but two can play at that game.
"Haechan, can I call you Haechan?" I ask with a soothing, velvety voice.
"Yeah, sure you can. I'm I allowed to call you Mark then??" He replies in a sweet seductive voice that could bring anyone to their knees, but not me. I nod to say yes to his question. Then he speaks again this time with a feisty tone.
"Now Mark, tell me why you're here again??"
I get up from the chair and walk toward the blonde boy who was standing near the closed door. I start getting closer and closer. Every step I took towards Haechan he would step back this made me smirk, it let me know that he's submissive. I like this thought and I play it out now knowing what I can do to him.

Suddenly his back hit the closed door, I continue to walk towards the CEO. I'm very close to the younger, so I can feel his breath on my chin. I put my left hand next to his head and the right locks the door, he gives me a confused look and says.
"Um Mark what the hell do you think you're doing??" I laugh at the boy's confusion and carry on with my plan.
"earlier you asked me why I'm here, the answer is I'm going to ruin you, baby boy" I whispered in his ear. The blonde boys eyes widened and he yells.
"you'll never ruin my company!!"
I give a seductive look and whisper
"I won't ruin your company I'll just make you a bottom"
"Y-you mean a-at the bottom" he giggles nervously. I laugh seductively and say
"No, I mean I'll dominate you and your company"
To my surprise the younger boy calmed down and started to smile. I was filled with confusion and dismay at the boy's response, then he went on to chuckle.

"Oh honestly Mark you're too funny. Next time you try to threaten me or my company you should look where my knee is placed"

He laughs once more then I feel a sharp pain in my lower region. I gasp and fall backwards into the floor. Haechan unlocks the door and calls for his assistant. The large man comes running in with worry all over his face. Haechan claims quite dramatically.

"Oh gosh, Lucas help, Mr Lee has fallen he looks quite pale as well please may you take him back to his car so he can go home and get some rest"

The assistant abides by the instruction given and helps me up. I say nothing just in case he does it again. I shuffle past the sniggering boy and give him a death glare 'this is just the beginning Haechan' I thought to myself.

The assistant brings me to my car and I thank him, but something was off about this assistant he was overly attentive and too close to his boss. I ignored it. My dick still hurt from when that ass kicked me. I was sat in my car thinking how the situation could have played out if I wasn't rudely kicked in the genitalia.
I thought about how submissive the younger would have been considering the evidence I've already discovered.

1. He retracts when I walk towards him meaning I'm obviously the stronger one.
2. He gets flustered easily

That's all the evidence I had so far but that's all I needed to know.

'I'm going to play dirty now Haechan"

I laugh evilly and smirk as I drive home thinking about the his I could do to that boy.

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