From Fairy to Tiger {Sting Eu...

By g0ldengirlwriter

68K 1.3K 348

Lost your brother? Lost your guild mates? Lost your way? A galaxy dragon slayer? Joined a new guild for the s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Very Important Announcement ❗❗

Chapter 8

3.7K 81 33
By g0ldengirlwriter

Previously on the last chapter....

The battle will have the same rules of those of main battles. Now the two wizards that will be part of this battle will be...

Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail Team A!!...


Ruka Galaxia from Sabertooth!!"

The black haired girl frowned, slowly straightening her figure. She slowly glanced at Fairy Tail Team A and saw Erza staring at her. She gave the black haired girl a nod and walked towards the hall behind them. 

She turned around and she heard Sting say something but there was some ringing her ears. Why? She didn't know. Was it because she finally was able to battle with her childhood idol? Or was it because she was....scared? No it couldn't be, she was stronger, stronger than her. Her magic had improved drastically since she had implanted that dragon lacrima in herself. So why was she nervous?

Before she knew it she was a few feet away from the battle field. She took a deep breath in and shakily let it as she walked out. 

There was an immediate response from the crowd as they cheered for her. She smiled and waved. She walked to the center where the pumpkin amd Erza were. 

"Now just because this round is for entertainment it does not mean the rules don't apply. You still have thirty minutes on the clock, no points awarded whatsoever. Now shake hands."

Erza stretches out her hand and Ruka gave her a  eye-closed smile. She took her hand but pulled her in closely. 

"It been a long time, Erza. Now just because I was afraid of fighting you so long ago, don't expect me to be the weakling I was before. I won't go easy on you and you don't go easy on me okay, Erzyywerzzyy" she bitterly murmured in her ear. 

"Who said I was ever going to go easy on a dragon slayer, a smart one at the most."

She pulled away from Erza and gave her another closed eye smile. She put in about 5 feet of distance away fro her. 

"Battleeeee Begin!"

One minute they as still as states the next the distance between the is closed and both of them furiously throwing punches. It was the same for the first few minutes. Until Ruka kicked her unexpectedly, in which Erza was shoved to the ground. Ruka snapped her fingers and sword was suddenly in her hands. They were just like Erza's, no that sword was Erza's. Her eyes widened at the sight of it and barely blocked the sword with her covered armor arms. 

"Do you like my sword Erza?"

"Where did you get that? That's my spacial magic."

"Spacial Magic doesn't have any affect on me, therefore my magic is able to manipulate it, making it mine. And this old rusty sword just happened to be in your spacial space, and I was able to get it."

'So this is her true power then,' Erza thought. She kicked the black haired girl away fro her and summoned her Heavens Wheel Armor. The black haired girl smiled at the sight of it. "I haven't seen that rusty thing in years."

Erza rolled her eyes, "I assure you, it is not rusty." Ruka made no signs of going for an attack. 'Does she really feel so over confident with herself'. She launched herself at the black haired girl striking with her sword. She blocked every single one of them. "You're going to have to do a lot better than that, Erza."

"Circle sword!" The swords formed a circle around Erza, eventually firing themselves at the girl. She smirked and slightly rose her hand. 

She snapped her fingers. "Space Lock!"

Space Lock: A spell that allows the user to lock incoming weapons or other types of magic in place

The swords stopped midway and the red head eyes widened. Ruka twirled her finger around once, making the swords face Erza. "Unlock!" The swords sped away from her body and towards the red head. Erza deflected them with her sword. She was out of breath and slightly scratched and was horrified to see her opponent was still fine. 

The black haired girl pouted and brought her hand to her face. "I really thought I've gotten you with that." She lightly laughed but then her eyes got dark. "I'll have to get serious."

"Armor of the Galaxy dragon form 2!"

A bright white light encircled her and blinded Erza and the audience. It died down after a few seconds, and the souls of the members of Fairy Tail left their bodies. Because was Erza not only having trouble with Ruka, but Ruka wasn't even breaking a sweat. 

And there Ruka stood with a light blue armor dress that exposed part of her chest and thighs. Armored heel boots that went up to mid thigh and the front of the armor was opened, held in place by golden wrap on her waist. Her hair was loosely falling behind her back and a dark blue hair piece adorned her hair and forehead. Her hand held a a long sword which gave off a blue light. 

"WHAT! THATS CHEATING, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!" Ruka faced towards the direction of the screaming and was not surprised to see Natsu screaming at her. "THIS IS UNTHINKABLE! HOW IS SHE STILL STANDING IN THE SAME RING WITH ERZA! HOW DID MY BABY SISTER BECOME STRONGER THAN ME! H-" Lucy had cut him off by placing her hand over his mouth. 

The young galaxy dragon slayer sweat dropped at hearing the 'baby sister' part. A sword came in contact with her armor. She gasped as the air in her lungs was cut off. She stumbled back and smirked. "I should have expected that." She raise her sword and clashed it against Erza's making a X formation. "You should be vigilant when fighting."

The swords clashed once again, their faces close to each other's. 

'I better finish this quick', Ruka thought. 

'I need to win these for the team' Erza thought. 

Ruka jumped away from the red head needing to figure out her next move. She held her sword up readying herself for the next attack. 

Ruka's POV

Erza would probably finish this fight with her Clear Heart Clothing, which always takes out her enemies, that's is why I have to make my move before she tries to use it. My options were limited and sure enough second later her armor went onto clear heart clothing. Fairy Tail cheered thinking thier Titania would win these. But what surprised me the most was when she actually ran up to me but not with sword in hand. 

It seemed to go in slow motion for me as she ran up to me and grabbed me by a headlock and brought my ear close to her mouth. She made me face Fairy Tail, allowing me to see how much everyone has changed. Those who had fine to Tenroujima looked exactly the same and those who didn't, well they didn't look to bad. Confusion and madness were written all over their faces has they saw the scowl on my face. 

"Let go of me, You fairy! Erza let go!" I shouted. I clawed at her arms but her headlock was to strong and pressed her arm further against my windpipe. The air got caught limiting my oxygen now. 

"You will listen to me...Fairy Tail missies you, we all miss, I miss, Natsu missies you. We understand that you left because you felt lonely, but you those amazing people with you. Sabrtooth was not the answer, look what you have become, an overpowered being who has hurt or sometimes worse....killed. Ruka we want to help you...I want to help you. Come home."

Her words made me stop struggling. They back. I felt the tears brim against my eyes  and I continued to look at them. My eyes darted from one member to the next.

 Wendy. Who was in shock and hands were covering her gaping mouth. Sweet, innocent Wendy. One of the dragon slayers, the sky dragon slayer, 12 year old Wendy. 

Past memory 

Wendy was sitting at Team Natsu's table, they had just gotten back from defeating one of the three dark guilds. Oración Seis. She was sitting with Cana as she looked over at thier table. Why was Wendy allowed to go, they were the same age, both dragon slayers. 

So why wasn't she able to go?

She frowned as Natsu gave her a side hug and ruffled her hair. Wendy seemed happy, she had just joined the guild and her blue guild mark stood out proudly on her arm. Why was Wendy able to get her's? Did Natsu have more trust or maybe more confidence in her? I didn't notice I was staring that long until Cana waved her hand in my face. "Are you okay? You look a bit sad." 

I jumped back startled and started laughing awkwardly. "Why would you ever think that!? I'm not sad, why would an be sad? I don't look sad do I-Does it really show that badly?" Cana lazily waves her bottle of beer and laughs. "Yes it does, Ruka my girl-". She followed her eyesight to where I was gazing. She smirks and turns back to me.

"You're jealous~."  I tensed up and banged my head against the table. I sat back up and gave her an unsure smile. My gaze turned down and I could feel myself get upset again. Cana placed a hand in my head and ruffled my hair. "It's okay to be jealous sometimes, that's what makes us humans." 

She was right, it was natural. But why did it hurt more when Natsu really showed more trust in Wendy? Why? Why? Why did it hurt? This wasn't jealousy, it was hatred towards a girl I never even met. I gave Cana a small smile and went back to doing nothing. I swung my feet under the table and burried my face in my arms until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I caught their sniff, but it didn't smell familiar. I looked up to see, the girl I hated for some unkown reason. 

"You must be Wendy right?" I asked her. She nodded and shyly bit her lip. "Don't be shy I don't bite, you know." "She's right Wendy, she doesn't bite at all!" Natsu yelled from Team Natsu's table, waving his arms. "Right Natsu, And I certainly don't go destroying cities on jobs either." "Hey!" "Don't be so shy, child. I'm Carla, Wendy's partner."

A white exceed jumped onto the table. I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, I'm-". "You're Ruka, Natsu's younger sister." Rude little exceed. "Uh yeah..."  Wendy suddenly bowed down, which made me confused. "I hope we can be best friends someday in the near future, Ruka." I adverted my eyes to Cana who was trying to choke down her beer, for she was trying to keep her laughter under control. 'I really need a miracle to happen right now'. But during the moment all I could muster up was, 

"Sure, I'd love that, Wendy."

But I never once did stop hating that girl. 

Natsu. Her older brother. Her dumb, protective, loyal brother. One of the dragon slayers, the fire dragon slayer, 19 year old brother. 

Past memory 

"Natsu go away."

The black hair girl was pushing her brother's face away. Her hand was placed on Natsu's face and was pushing him away. She was on her bed and her knees were burying her head. "What happened?" His voice was muffled but she sighed. She had been rejected for another time by a certain Natsu. 

"I almost got killed."


"By a boy."


"And he was cute."


"Just kidding."


She leaned against the headrest and sighed. 

He sat down next to her and ruffled her hair. She swiped his hands away and glared at him. 

"Go away! Can't you tell I'm angry with you!" She threw her pillow at him making him tumble off the bed with a crash. Happy came flying in and laughing  at Natsu. "What did I do—I did something wrong, right—did I forget to check up on Lucy or may—maybe Gray—"

She was getting irritated by the second hearing her brother name those people. Why was he so oblivious? Why was he so dumb? She started tearing up and placed her hand over her trembling mouth. Natsu stopped talking as he saw her crying. "Ru-Ruka, you oka-" he was cut off by her finally letting it go. She was sobbing and screaming at the same time. She jumped on top of Natsu and straddled him. She pounded her fist against his chest, Natsu was confused. 

Why was his sister hitting him?


Her tears streamed down her face, falling onto his cheeks. She stopped hitting him, and straightens her back. Her eyes were closed and she tried her best to hold in her sobs. 

"I hate you..."


Natsu sat up suddenly bringing his crying sister into a tight hug. She struggled against his hard grip and she pounded her fist in his back. Her small fist didn't make damage, but it still hurt. It hurt seeing his sister like this. 

"You..don't believe in me." 

Natsu's eyes widened and slowly loathed his sister off him to her eyes angry, tears still dripping from her red eyes. "Of course I do, why would you say that?"

"Because it's true, you don't think I'm strong enough...that's why you don't let me join the guild, that's all I ever wanted...but YOU NEVER WANT TO LISTEN TO ME!!"

She pushed him making him fall onto the floor once again, slamming the door behind her. He heard murmur curses under her breath and she exited the front door, slamming it too. 

"You sure messed up big time, Natsu" Happy sadly whispered. 

Natsu faces at the ceiling and brought his hand up, as if he was grabbing something. 

"I don't let you join because....I'm scared you're going to leave me one day."

Natsu thought of that exact memory, as soon as he locked eyes with Ruka. 

"You left me anyways, Ruka-Chan..."

The black haired was enraged, they wanted her back, but she didn't want them back. If she went back, she would live through that all again. Her hatred towards Fairy Tail was of the charts, it could not be measured. She let out an enraged scream as she broke out of Erza headlock and forcefully grabbing Erza's shoulders, throwing her to the other side of the battle arena. 

"Armor form 3."

As she walked towards Erza another much brighter light surrounded her. It disappeared leaving her in a large white and magenta dress, the armor covered her side hips, chest and hands. Her hair was now tied up in a high ponytail, a magenta ribbon tied around it. In her right hand she held a bright green sword that seemed to glow and the other a shield. 

(A/N I imagine Ruka's green sword like Kirito's Dark Repulser from Sword Art Online, btw I just started watching yesterday)

Her hand shook with anger and pointed her sword towards Erza, who was still recovering from the impact. "You-you are going to...die today. Prepare to go Titania."

She pointed her sword upwards towards the sky, her sword glowed brighter. Her eyes held a type of insanity in them, that Erza felt was so familiar yet so far away. 


She was cut off as Erza struck her with her sword, Ruka's mouth was agaped and she gasped for air. Erza placed her sword back in her scabbard. She expected to her the thumps of Ruka body falling to the ground. 

The crowd was absolutely silent, you could hear a penny drop throughout the entire stadium. She heard laughing behind her and was horrified to see her completely fine. "How is that possible? That should have knocked you out like everybody else." 

"You should stop comparing me to everybody! I am not everybody else, with their useless excuse of magic! I am a galaxy dragon slayer! I have complete control over any kind of space magic, making you're attack's-" she pointed her sword at Erza, "completely and utterly useless. So your chance of winning are zero."

"Star Cage!" 

Star Cage: A large circular cage. As the name suggest it is made of stars, if provoked to much, the stars explode, exploding anything inside the cage as well. 

A large cage circled Erza in. She slashed it with  he sword but to no avail didn't even make a chance. "See your chances are zero, your swords can't compare to mines, Erza." She's once again pointed her swords upwards and it glowed brighter than the stars compared. She then pointed inside towards the cage. 

"Markarian's Chain!"

Markarian's Chain: A chain of galaxies, which consists of 20 in total, small or big. This is one of the galaxy dragon slayers strongest magic. The chain shoots large amounts of magic power. It is to be almost considered as powerful as the magic's councils Etherion

"Are you crazy, you're going to kill her!?"

"What the hell are you doing?!!"

"This is crazy, stop it Ruka!"

The black haired girl peeked through the corner of her eye to see Sabertooth shouting at her. She scowled, closing her eyes and ignored all the shouts; she focused on her spell. The galaxies slowly started appearing and once she felt each galaxies presence, she opened her eyes. She stuck her sword into the ground with so much force, it triggered the galaxies to release their vast amount of magic power. There was pillars of magic falling, it was bright, the audience had no choice but to cover thier eyes. 

Erza readied her sword ready to block the power, but all that was heard was the war screams coming from inside. The black haired girl went back to her normal attire, her sword disappearing from the ground. The stars and galaxies slowly started to fade, the magic power disappearing along with them. There was a final explosion caused by the cage and Ruka covered her eyes. She opened to see dust covering everything making it hard to see. There was sudden murmur in the crowds and the smoke stared clearing away. 

There came shouts, one followed after the other and she finally saw why. For the Erza Scarlet, was lying on the floor, bartered and weakened. The crowd was in an uproar and she soon heard small footsteps rush towards her. 

"Ruka Galaxia, winner of the final battle!"

She heard more footsteps at least 3 people. She took a deep breath in and inhaled their scents. 

Natsu, Wendy, and Gray.

Ruka's POV 

They halted in front of me and glared at me, Wendy rushing by my side, heading towards Erza unconscious body. I made no effort to stop her, as I just stared at them with an emotionless face. Natsu rushed in front of me and picked me up,by the collar just like he had the day before. His eyes were full of anger.

 My head felt like it was going to explode. My vision got blurry and I made no effort to stop him. My muscles felt sore, my head was really going to explode. That's right that was one of the affects of using Markarian's Chain. But, I couldn't quite remember what happened every time after the power was released  from the galaxies. Even now I'm forgetting what happened with Erza a few minutes ago. 

 "You—You're a monster. Hurting someone so badly like that, your childhood mentor, your idol!! Your family—" Natsu was suddenly pulled of me. A familiar blonde was suddenly in front of me, his earring sparked in the sun. 

He was the one to grab Natsu by the collar this time. "You lay another finger on her and I'll snap in you half, got it? I don't care if your her brother, she's made it quite clear she doesn't want anything to do with you" Sting snarled at him. Natsu pushed him off and punched him in the face. There was gasps from the crowd and pumpkin got on between them. "Sting-Kun..." I murmured. 

"She's my sister. So don't come waltzing into our family problems, you playboy. Or should I say fuckboy uhh? Stay out of it!" Natsu adverted his eyes to me. He looked angry. Why was he angry again? I couldn't recall why. Sting sent a punch his way, hitting his eye, but was stopped from doing anything further when Gray sent an attack his way. There was interference with the spell as it was shattered. There stood Rogue, emotionless as ever. 

Why were they fighting? Had I caused this? Why did I feel so useless right now? I don't remember doing anything wrong. I don't remember anything after using Markarian's Chaon

Both parties got ready for another attack but I stepped in between them. 


I was tearing up. The reason because I can't remember I single thing. 

"Why are you fighting?....While you four are all fighting, I'm here unable to remember a single thing!"

Sting glared at Natsu while he stuffed his hands into his pockets and Natsu still had his hands curled into fists. I stood in between breathing heavily and confused. 

"You should pay attention to what your sister is saying. Are you not hearing her? She says she can't remember anything correct?.... That's the consequence for using Markarian's Chain. She is unable to remember the events that occur after the galaxies release their magic power. It leaves her in a vulnerable, confused trauma for a while ...Meaning she doesn't remember beating Erza at all. So I suggest you don't dare do anything now."

Beating Erza? Markarian's Chain? Vulnerable? Trauma? 

I grabbed the sides of my head in pain as the pain got worse, I looked behind me to see Erza. Beaten, weakened , injured.

I had done that. 


My eyelids felt heavy and all the noises were blocked out, my vision blurry. I reached out my hand to Sting, but I never felt him as I fell. 

All my senses had blacked out. 

A/N Ughhhhhhh finally done with the chapter. The fanart above was created  by @FadedJamie and I love it so much. When I first saw it I got the idea of having Natsu and Sting have an argument about Ruka. So there you have it Chapter 8 done. Also Ik I'm changing the covers frequently, but the one I just made this morning is definitely a keeper. Comment if you like it.

-Nati P.

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