Out of the dark.

By ARB1239

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After high school, after everything, Joey is happy, he has some money, he has his own flat he shares with Ser... More

Don't touch me, Rich Boy.
What the fuck, man!
You are REALLY drunk.
I love my girlfriend, right?
Taking the leap.
Say 'Cheese' and nothing else.
Dating who!?
Stay for dessert?
Fuck this desk!
Dinner party?
Cock blocked
Who the FUCK are all these people!!
GET OFF MY COUNTER. (Seto Kaiba version of get off my lawn)
In the open now.
Burn it down.
I have to tell them.
This isn't a prank.
Drive faster.
McGruff the Crime Dog.
Be a man.
Can ya engrave it too?
October 23rd
Dinner with this hot stud.
Happy birthday, Seto!
What do you really want?
Talking in your sleep.
Take the long way home.
Mile high club, sorta.
Don't make me mad.
Never have I ever, or have I?
Who Is This B*tch?
So, what happens?
Office sex?
Rude Awakening.
Puppy Love.
Goodbye November.
Trying something new.
Toys for boys and something unexpected.
My fiance?
Night at the office.
Charity Gala Part one
Charity Gala pt 2
Ending the night right.
50 shades of Seto Kaiba
Last Names and Pizza Toppings.
Christmas or Bullshitmas?
Fuck Your Money, I Want You.
Your Lawyer Called.
"He'll call ya back."
I love you. (Lemon)
The Time We Broke The Internet.
Heading home.
Pork Chops
Jello Shots.
New Years Eve
New Years Day
Good afternoon, Mr. Kaiba.
Good Morning, Mr. Wheeler.
Virtual Reality Revisited.
Wheels Up.
Auth Note!!!

Dinner with Pegasus.

970 35 25
By ARB1239

I wanted to say that for the few of you reading this, I appreciate it. I know there's been errors and it happenstances . Please, if you like this story give it a star or comment with criticism! I don't care about ratings. I just want someone to laugh and smile like I did writing this.

Any text 'Like this is internal thoughts or mind links'

Kaiba POV

It had been a few days since the incident with Joey's girlfriend. I texted him the next day but didn't hear back. I threw myself into my work, like normal. Before I knew it, it was the day of the dinner party Pegasus was throwing.
We were gathered in a sitting room on Pegasuss island. Joey, Yugi, Yami, Tristan and for some reason Téa.

"I'm warning you, you fruitcake, I'm armed." I growled at Pegasus.

"Oh Kaiba boy, you never cease to amaze me. What do you think will happen?"

"Is that- are you serious? Do you remember everything you did to all of us? You're lucky any of us other than Yugi agreed to be here." I asked.

"Hey! That's- why would you say that Kaiba?" Yugi argued.

"You're the most forgiving person in this room. I destroyed your Grandfathers rarest card and you're still friends with me. Kind of self explanatory why you'd forgive Pegasus."

"Well, you matured. I think." Yugi countered.

"It's alright to be forgiving, Yugi. That's why I love you." Yami whispered to Yugi and pulled him in to a hug.

"Kaibas right Yug'. Remember when that weevil kid threw Exodia over the side of a boat? And then I jumped over, by like 100ft drop, to get the pieces? We didn't even kick the shit out of that little asshole." Joey pointed out.

"Well, I beat him in a card game, so that's all that matters. Since when do you agree with Kaiba, Joey?" Yugi asked.

"Things change. Kaibas not bad guys." Joey announced to the group.

"Say, Joey? Where's Mai?" Téa asked, looking around.

"Uh. Oh. Yeah. We broke up." Joey answered, rubbing his head.

"What, when?" Téa asked, concerned.

"Yeah, why didn't you mention it Joey?" Tristan added.

"Yami, did you know about this?" Yugi glared at his boyfriend.

"Why does everyone think I know everything? I'm a normal guy like all of you." Yami tried to defend himself.

"Probably because you're not normal. You and Pegasus are the least normal out of any of us." I offered. It was weird, Joey hadn't told me. I guess he hadn't tried to get a hold of me either. Was this my fault?

"Oh yes, Ms. Valentine informed me she wouldn't be attending. Sad really, I had hoped to see more of her. Oh well." Pegasus whined. "Let's all sit down to eat."

"Did anyone hear from Duke? I don't know if he decided on coming or not." Téa

"Ah, yes, Mr. Devlin is doing something with prototypes of his  dice game. Couldn't make it I'm afraid. Anyway, Mr. Wheeler?" Pegasus

"Hmm?" Joey looked up from his plate with a mouthful of food.

"Mr. Wheeler, it's a shame about you and Ms. Valentine. If you don't mind, what happened?" Pegasus swirled his glass of wine looking at Joey.

"Is that necessary Pegasus?" I spat.

"Oh no it's okay. It's a great story." Joey laughed. "So, last week, I really wanted chicken wings," he paused and looked at me, I smiled so he kept going. "I mean, I was cravin em so bad. I called Kaiba and bothered him enough to get wings with me. We went to a Mexican place, got shit faced on cheap margaritas and headed back to my house." Joey was laughing like he had the best joke in the world lined up.

"Hope you didn't drive man," Tristan shot me a look, "and since when do you guys hang out together?"

I stared hard at Tristan, "Our siblings are dating? I think Wheeler is allowed to make friends."

"I don't understand what is so funny about margaritas." Yami looked around confused. "Are you having an asthma attack or something Joey?"

"Wait! You guys didn't end up, naked or something did you?" Téa looked between us, horrified by the possibility.

"Kaiba! You were naked? With someone who wasn't me? I am offended." Pegasus sulked.

"Anyway!" Joey called loudly, "No we didn't get naked or anythin' like that! Should I tell them? I really want to!" Joey was back to laughter again. I just gave him a look.

"Okay okay, so, Kaibas driver bodyguard guy came and picked us up. I can barley stand and am havin a great time. We get to my building and are in the garage. Kaibas like 'Hey is that your girlfriends car?' Sure as shit. It was her car. I kinda pass out in the elevator, Kaiba gives me a piggyback and into my floor. The doors slide open, Mai is standin there, butt naked. With a bottle of champagne."

"That wasn't very funny Joey," Yugi said, "sounds like Mai was embarrassed."

"Embarrassed enough to try to put that champagne bottle through my fuckin wall?" Joey pointed out.

"I didn't enjoy it either, incase anyone was wondering." I added.

"You didn't? She was naked?" Tristan pointed out.

"I closed my eyes, slipped Wheeler off my back and left. There was a lot of screaming from Ms. Valentine and I heard something break." I felt everyone's eyes on me. "I wanted to make sure they were both okay but, I just didn't."

"It's okay Kaiba. Mai cried that I was spending more time with you than with her. She grabbed all of her stuff and left. She did come back the next morning while I was sleepin' to get the rest of her stuff and drop off her key card." Joey shrugged. "I can't blame her, I wasn't a good boyfriend. Oh well. Joey Wheeler is back on the market."

"I can't believe you didn't tell us Joey." Tristan complained.

"I wanted to but I didn't really know how to explain how things played out." Joey explained.

"To be fair, she said she was staying at her house that night." I pointed out.

"Yeah I know. Oh well. I'm trying to ignore it. I guess she's in Europe." Joey answered.

"Why would anyone go to that awful place? Japan is where everything matters." Pegasus complained. "I went there one time and had food poisoning for a week. Never again. No raw snails or clams."

"So, Pegasus, why are we here?" Yami asked.

"Would you believe it's because you all are the closet I have to friends?" Pegasus looked around the room making Téa choke on her water.

"Not a chance," Tristan answered, helping Téa. " although we don't think you're a bad guy Pegasus."

I decided to text Joey, even though he was 6 feet away from me.

Seto: Come home with me?

Joey heard his phone ding, "Probably freakin Mai." He pulled out his phone, looked at me and back down to his phone and smiled.

Joey: You sure know how to convince a guy. ;-)

"So Pegasus, why are we really here?" I tried to hide my smile, I was excited to be by Joey.

"I really just wanted all my friends together. I thought that this fake tournament thing would help. Am I the bad guy now?" Pegasus pouted.

"Uh excuse me everyone, I had been planning on staying on the island overnight but I don't want Mokuba getting too comfortable. I'm sure he's not going to uphold our 11pm curfew agreement." I said standing up.

"Hey, Kaiba, can I catch a ride back with you? If you're not trusting your brother right now I'm a little reluctant to trust my sister, considering the circumstances," Joey looked at everyone.

"Oh, yeahhh that's probably a good idea you guys." Yugi said with a sad smile.

The feeling in the room was that everybody agreed with myself and wheeler. Although no one other than Yugi directly acknowledged that we were leaving together, I was sure it would be the main topic of discussion after we left.

I radioed a helicopter and one would be there in an hour.

Joey POV

It was really nice for Kaiba to give me a ride back from the island. In all honesty I didn't think there was a possibility of leaving. I had just been so distracted with my personal life falling apart that my thoughts really didn't connect anywhere.

"Hey, it'll be a while before the helicopter gets here right? You guys wanna play a game? Nothing with holograms, just cards?" I asked tentatively looking around the room.

"Oh! I know! Uno!!! Uno!!" Téa yelled, slapping her hands over her mouth, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scream, it's just been a while since I've played Uno and there's enough people here to make it interesting."

"Ooooh yes, that sounds like a fabulous idea I'm sure I have Uno! around here somewhere," Pegasus said leaving the room.

"Hey! Pegasus, where's the bathroom?" I shouted before running out the room behind him, and catching up with him. " I know where the bathroom is I just wanted to talk to you."

"Mr. Wheeler, this is unexpected. How are you? I know we don't really have much of a relationship but I can see you need something right now." Pegasus smiled at me and we continued down his hallway.

"Well, I- can I talk to you in private? I'm sorta confused about some stuff. I can't believe I'm even askin' ya."

Pegasus gave me a quizzical look than nodded.

"Well, Er, you're- gay right?" I couldn't believe I had just said that.

Our walking slowed again to a stop.
"Joseph, I am not gay. I was married once. I have a feeling this conversation isn't about my sexuality?"

"Yeah. Well. I'm a little confused. I'm getting some mixed feelings. I loved Mai, I think. I'm pretty sure I did. Oh now I'm second guessing myself on everything. This is tough."

"So he finally made a move? I wondered when that boy would finally get the balls." Pegasus said with a happy smirk.

"Are you kidding? No you've gotta be. You know? Do you know? How?" My mind was going a million miles an hour, a lump formed in my throat and there was a giant knot in my stomach.

"Wait, who're you talking about? Is it-"

"Yes. It's the rich asshole who made every attempt at crushing any tiny little piece of happiness I had, into nothing. I'm obviously confused."

"Well, here's my game room, Ms. Gardner said Uno! but she didn't say what style." Pegasus seemed lost in his own thoughts. "Joseph?"

"Hmm? Yeah?" I was trying to push down these confused feelings.

"Joseph, don't worry about it. Seto likes you. He has liked you for years. You're confused as to why I'm privy to this information?"

"Well kinda, I don't think Mokuba knows so I didn't really expect you to know anything," I trailed off.

"Sit down with me," the silver haired man pointed to a small game table. "Seto has liked you for a very long time. I know it seems crazy I know that, but, I do. You see, Kaiba is KaibaCorp. I am Industrial Illusions. It's almost like a little club. We're both extremely successful businessmen, we do talk to each other. One can never be too careful in our positions."

"What? I'm confused." I wasn't understanding this.

Pegasus sighed, " We, Kaiba and myself, are friends. We send each other birthday and holiday wishes. We get together, toss ideas around, smoke cigars and drink cognac. He always complains about you. I'm glad he finally made a move, I told him to man up. He said he runs a billion dollar industry and moved at his own pace." Pegasus gave a hearty laugh.

We left the game room with UNO! cards.

"The truth Mr. Wheeler?" The man in red looked at me, I nodded for him to continue, "I wanted you and Kaiba here. I wanted to see how your relationship was progressing. It seemed crazy to try and get the two of you here so I invited everyone." He place his hand on my shoulder, "Seto Kaiba is my friend and business associate. He is a tough man to understand. If you feel the need, reach out to me. Everything between us is private. I give you my word as a man, none of this will leave us."

I nodded and shook Pegasuss hand. Pushing open the door, I yelled "I've got the game! Let's shuffle!"


"I put down a four, don't you have to draw four now, Yugi?" Yami was confused.

"Haha, no, Yami, these are the draw four cards," Tristan flashed a card to the Pharaoh.

"Well here! Reverse Blue!" Téa laughed.

"Uh, Yugi? Can you help me?" Yami asked desperately.

"Ah Ah! That's cheating Pharaoh!" Pegasus pointed out, wagging his finger.

'Yugi, I don't understand this game!' Yami pouted through the mind link.

'Yami, it's easy, here I'll show you what to do next turn-'

'Excuse me boys, I don't think I should have to say but this is cheating toooooo' Pegasus teased while looking between Yami and Yugi.

"Here's a color change! Red!" I smirked as the color changed.

"Mr Pegasus, I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr.Kaibas helicopter is here." Croquet quietly informed the group.

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