11th too late ✔

By prettysalt_y

438 138 494

In which a young lady -Champagne- is stuck going on ten blind dates... Courtesy of her best friend, of course... More

11th too late
i/ Dry spell be gone
ii/ Dean Hudson
iii/ Boy next door
iv/ So I turned him down
v/ Harry Jenkins
vi/ Bitch, I thought.
vii/ Let's make it ten
viii/ Ball of emotions
ix/ Life is short
xi/ Rishab and a Christian Grey's wannabe
xii/ Damned
xiii/ Retired Dater
xiv/ 11th too late ⚠
xv/ A woman like you

x/ Carter, Andre

21 6 14
By prettysalt_y

Date three:

The ambience of the restaurant I'm currently sitting in gives me a cool and relaxing vibe.

Hues of red and gold dominates all other colors, young waiters and waitresses smiling at customers, a cool, slow song emanating from the stage in front of us. And quite the good looking chap sitting right across from me.

I take a sip of my wine with a graceful smile on my face, all atom of fear and insecurities long gone. I notice him staring at me from the corner of my eyes, while I fixate my grey eyes on the stage.

I sway slowly with the music and take another sip from my wine while he stared still. Not taking his eyes off of me for a second.

"I like your dress," he finally speaks up, breaking the silence between us, "the cut on the neck really accentuates your," he uses his hand and rounds his chest, indicating my boobs.




I nod curtly and chuckle with grace, not a single emotion displaying on my face I presume, hopefully, "that's very...nice? But I don't think you'll be comfortable if I complimented your dick on the first date, so..." I shrug.

He leans forward with interest, "please, I'd like to hear what you have to say."

I'm taken aback by the turn of events, he's a pervert looking for a good fuck I can tell, "excuse me? I believe I meant you should lay off with the pervy remarks."

"But why lay off if I could lay on?" he winks at me, speaking with what I believe is his most seductive voice.

I huff unladylike and shake my head, "no, lay off, Carter."

"Hmm," he closes his eyes for a second, "I believe my name would sound better when you're moaning it, as I put my dick inside you and fuck you senseless."

Oh my.

"Your brain is fucked up senseless."

"What can I say? You do that to me." I watch as his hand slowly makes a move towards mine, "now let me show you," our fingertips graze each other, "what I can do to you."

Abort mission.

I snap my hand back like his had given me an electric shock, "I believe this...date, or whatever it has been is now officially over." standing up, I take my glass of wine and throw the contents in his face before grabbing my purse and stomping away.

Might not have been very classy and mature of me, but he deserved it.

Date four:

The black man sitting right across me is drop dead gorgeous. I hope he doesn't notice me swooning over his body hugging shirt, that wouldn't make me any better than Carter.

The man I'm having a date with now, whose name is Andre, has been talking non stop about sports, weather and business without giving me space to actually contribute to the one sided conversation. His beautiful face and body are what encourages me to tolerate his ungentlemanly attitude.


I blink, tilting my head and furrowing my brows because he seems to have asked a question and I've been busy zoning out of his babble, only hearing the last word. "Sorry?"

"I said are you all right?" his brows knit together, showing concern, while his honey brown eyes sparkle under the night lights outside the glass window of our booth.

"Wha-what? Yeah, I'm good, I'm good." I nod and take a reflexive slurp of my finished milkshake, "what were you saying again?"

He bends his head and laughs, "you did not hear a thing I've said so far right?"

I shoot him an apologetic face and he smiles in return, but I still notice a flicker of disappointment written on his face.

"It's okay, not every woman is intelligent enough to understand these things anyway."

Excuse you bitch?

Oh hell naw.

"Wow, so right now, you're calling me dense?"

He shrugs, "you're intelligent enough to understand that, right?"

I laugh, biting my bottom lip and nodding, "okay, okay." he laughs with me, and that's when I realise that he only insulted me to get back at me for not listening to his babbling.

I stand up and straighten my dress, "dick personality, babbling like a lunatic, intimidation and unnecessary self defense? Or was it revenge?" I shake my head, "yeah, no, all of that in one package," I wave my hand at him, making his stare turn cold, "is utter unintelligent, immature trash," I lean forward and stress the word.

"You should get that checked into the bin baby." with that, I flip my hair and walk away, leaving the jaw clenching wreck to fix himself.


Good day! Ten chapters ladies and gentlemen!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading this far, really. You're amazing.

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