Just a little Sweet

By swettyslove

57.7K 2.3K 2.1K

Betty and her twin brother Sweet Pea, live alone in the small town of Riverde. Their parents were unfortunate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 3

2.5K 101 93
By swettyslove

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Betty POV:

I woke up the next morning to Archie walking out of the shower, he luckily had already changed and was fully clothed.

Archie: morning sleepyhead. He says softly while finding his football bag and putting all of his equipment in there.
Betty: morning Arch. I say to him while sitting on the corner of his bed.
Archie: you know you don't need to go to the game. Stay home and relax Betts. He says kindly. I gave him a soft smile.
Betty: if I go home all I'll be thinking about is everything that happened yesterday, plus if I don't go, Kevin will hunt be down, give me a record of all his ratings and then kill me. I say making us both laugh.

Archie: come on, let's get some breakfast. He says while pulling his hand out for me to take. I gladly take his hand and we walk downstairs into the kitchen.

As we walk in I see Fred at the stove and James sitting at the kitchen table. Archie and I took a seat next to each other and we greeted them all with a smile.

Fred has always been a second father to me. Since my parents were close with the Andrews I spent a lot of my time with them. Ever since my parents died Fred always took the time to check up on me and look after me, he's such a beautiful man.

He plated up breakfast and put it in front of all four of us. He soon sat down and we ate while making casual conversation. We talked a little about school and a bit about Archie's game today.

Once we finished breakfast, Fred cleaned up, James had work and Archie and I sat on the couch.

As we were talking his doorbell rings. Archie got up to get it. As soon as I heard the voice coming from outside the door I knew it was Kevin. A couple seconds later Kevin walks in with a chirpy smile, until he saw my face, suddenly his expression softened and he embraced me in a tight hug.

Kevin: are you okay? He asked worriedly while looking at me.
Betty: yeah? I say.

I had know idea how he could know that I was upset. The only people who know are the Serpents and Archie, I know Archie wouldn't have told anyone unless I gave him permission too.

Kevin: that's a lie. I can tell you've been crying. He says.
Archie: how do you know that? He asked fascinatingly.
Kevin: I'm gay Archie, I know everything. He then turns to face me.
Kevin: so beautiful bestie, what's up? He asked.

He held my hand in his and I took a deep breath. I began to tell him how this started all over Veronica and how I was dragged into an intervention I wanted to have no part in whatsoever. Kevin was extremely shocked when I told him what Sweet Pea had said to me, wishing that I was dead instead of our parents.

Kevin: B, I'm so sorry. He cooed while rubbing my back.
Kevin: let me at him, watch me hurt him. He says angrily, making me laugh.

Out of my friend group, Kevin is the only one that doesn't hesitate to speak back to my brother. If Kevin thinks he's down something wrong by me, he'll make sure Sweet Pea knows about it.

We were getting ready to leave his house as Archie had to be there an hour earlier so the coach can speak to his team. I looked in the mirror and I had the biggest and darkest bags under my eyes. I let out a sigh. My makeup is at home, where Sweet Pea is. I know he's home because I can see his bike in the driveway.

I walked out of the bathroom looking sad.

Kevin: what's got you sad babe? He asked, his voice laced with concern.
Betty: I need my makeup but it's at the house. I say to him.
Kevin: that's no problem, we simply go over there. If he try's to annoy you I'm throwing some hands. He says making a small smile form on my face.
Kevin: yess, this is my best friend with the most gorgeous smile. He says making me blush. He lets out a laugh and wraps his arm over my shoulder.

I'm so glad I have a friend like Kevin, he can always make me laugh but he also knows when I just need to be all mopey.

I walk next door and pull out my keys. I take a deep breath.

Kevin: I'm here, everything will be fine. He says soothingly. I nod my head and twist the key.

The door unlocked and we both walk in. As I approached the stairs Sweet Pea came out of no where. He had a worried look on his face.

Sweet Pea: where the hell have you been? I've been worried all nig- I cut him off. I didn't want to see him let alone hear his voice.
Betty: don't. I say angrily to him.
Sweet Pea: Bet- He began to say before Kevin cut him off.
Kevin: I swear to god if you don't shut that pretty little face of yours, it won't be so pretty anymore. Got it? He says while pushing past my brother and taking us upstairs.

This isn't the first time Kevin has threatened my brother, Kevin's probably working on his fortieth threat by now. I think Sweet Pea is a little scared of him to be honest.

We walked into my room and I took a seat on my make up chair while he sat on my bed.

I quickly apply some concealer under my eyes. Instantly making me look so, so much better.

Kevin: come on blondie, let's go, don't want to miss any of the hot pieces of meat running around the field. You know it rained last night. He says with a dirty smirk. We both had dirty thoughts running through our minds.

He linked his arm with mine and we walked downstairs, forgetting about Sweet Pea, the only thing on our minds were the soon to be muddy men running around the field.

We stepped into his car and we made our way to school. We walked to the oval and found ourselves some seats. All of Riverdale gathers together when ever there is a game on. It's something I love about this town, but it unfortunately meant Sweet Pea and the other Serpents that witnessed what happened yesterday night were here. I'm not ready to face any of them. I just wanted to be surrounded by my three best friends.

The game began to start. They started announcing the teams and some other boring stuff that me and Kevin never listen to.

Kevin: let the rating and admiring begin. He says with a smirk. I smirk as well.

Kevin's jacket was on my lap as I was cold and Kevin didn't want his jacket, as he says it will stop him from rating the men to his best ability.

Kevin is such a funny and caring guy. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Kevin: number 10 on the opposite team, definitely a 6/10. Beautiful long blond hair. I'm guessing he has blue eyes. He has muscles so I'd say he's a bit dumb, basically only knows sport. He say to me like this is the most serious thing.

For the rest of the game that's all that Kevin did. He told me his score and his reason, if I ever disagreed, which was rare, I'd voice my opinion and he'd clarify a few things. In the end he was always right, I have no idea how he always convinces me.

Kevin has never had the honour of rating the team that the Bulldogs were playing. So this was a great opportunity to browse through the new handsome and muscular men. The eye candy this game was at its strongest.

There were so many people to look at this game. Kevin and I were overwhelmed at picking out our favorite guy this game. Another weird thing me and Kevin do, we pick out the hottest guy on field.

The game had come to an end and the Bulldogs had won.

Betty: okay so who was your favourite this game? I asked him.
Kevin: definitely player 21. His short brown hair, the abs. I couldn't ask for a better looking man. How about you?
Betty: 100% player 9. The way his blonde hair flys around was so hypnotising. I'm mesmerised. We both let out a sigh, knowing we'll never see these men again.

Kevin: lets go wait for Reggie and Archie out the front. He says and we head off. I had now put Kevin's jacket over my shoulders.

We leant against his car as we waited for the boys to arrive. Soon enough they come outside, looking all sweaty.

After every game we always go to Pops, it's kinda like a little tradition we've started amongst ourselves.

Betty: congratulations on the win. I say to the boys.

They had proud smiles spread across their faces. They replied with a thank you and we all got into Kevin's car and headed to Pops.

We arrive at our favourite neon lighted diner and enter the homely feeling environment. We take a seat at our usual booth. Pop soon came over to our table and took all our orders, which Pop knew off by heart.

The guys began to talk about the game, telling us what they think they did well this game and what they can improve on. I like seeing how passionate the guys are. I find it cute when they talk about their games.

We soon finished up our food and we decided to head home.

Kevin: if Sweet Pea tries to annoy you, call me. He says with a smirk. I let out a laugh.

Me and Archie were walking home together when he spoke up.

Archie: you can stay at mine tonight if you don't want to go home. He offered kindly.
Betty: I would love to but I can't keep avoiding him, especially since we have school tomorrow. He nods his head.

We arrive at our houses and I take a deep breath. I hope I can just avoid him.

Archie: good luck. He says before walking to his door.

I unlocked the door and as I walked in, I saw Sweet Pea sitting on the couch. He saw me but didn't say anything, he probably knew that I still wanted to have nothing to do with him. I quickly walked up to my room and flopped onto my bed.

I want me and Sweet Pea to go back to normal but how can I when he's said such horrible things to me?

It's amazing how one person can change so much in such little time. All the walls my brother had put up all over the years were shattered by Veronica, and she'll just shatter his heart when she's finished with him.

I was sat in my room, scrolling through my phone when my stomach started to growl. It was practically dinner time and I hadn't eaten since breakfast, I only had a milkshake at Pops. I really don't want to have to face Sweet Pea.

It's funny, a couple days ago we would have been watching a movie and eating dinner together, now we're not even on speaking terms.

My stomach rumbled again so I decided to bite the bullet and walk to the kitchen.

I quickly and quietly walked to the fridge and pulled out some left overs. I wasn't in the mood to cook.

I put the leftovers in the microwave and let it cook. As I do so Sweet Pea comes out from his room and stands opposite me.

Sweet Pea: can we please talk? He asked desperately.
Betty: what's there to talk about Sweet Pea? You've chosen her over your friends, over me. I say with a sad sigh as the microwave stopped and started beeping.

I pulled out my food. As I did that his phone started to ring. I snuck a quick glance at the id and it was Veronica, the girl has perfect timing.

Sweet Pea looks up to me with a sorry look and looks back down at his phone.

Betty: answer it, wouldn't want to leave your girlfriend waiting. I say to him while brushing past him and walking upstairs.

Sweet Pea POV:

I feel like absolute shit that I'm making Betty feel this way. I love her more then I'll ever love anyone else. She's my sister, my twin sister.

Right now I know she's hurting a lot.

When ever either one of us is sad or angry, the other one gets a pounding headache. If Betty is ever feeling angry I always get a headache and I know that she needs me. It's been going on since we were kids. I remember one time I started getting a headache just because mum took away Betty's favourite stuffed animal.

The headaches don't go away until the other person has calmed down by the other person. We've tried so many things to get rid of the headaches but nothing helps. We've found that tea helps in the slightest bit but it doesn't make it go away.

It's a twin thing.

Currently right now I had a terrible headache. I knew she needed me. I decided to ignore Veronica's call. I left my phone in the kitchen and walked up to Betty's room. I knocked on her door and invited myself in.

I know she doesn't want to speak to me, but she wants and needs me.

Betty: what part of I don't want to see you didn't you understand? She asked while crossing her arms.
Sweet Pea: look, I know how much you hate me right now, I probably hate me even more. But I can't live like this? Us arguing. I love you okay? You'll always be my top priority. I say to her. She looks down.
Betty: you've already chosen her over me. She says sadly while fidgeting with her fingers.

I take a seat on her bed and wrapped her up in a warm embrace. She's hesitant at first but she soon melts in my arms. She rested her head in the crook of my neck.

Sweet Pea: Betts I'm sorry. I say softly to her.

She remained silent. I've messed everything up with her. She's my big sis, only by a minute. I love her so much, she's always been here for me and I don't know why I couldn't just break up with Veronica.

Veronica made me feel different to how everyone else did. It's love, a relationship type of love.

There was nothing else in my head that was worth saying to her, especially since I knew that she didn't want to talk.

We stayed layed in her bed and her head resting in the crook of my neck for the next couple hours. It was about 11:36 pm when we heard some weird sounds coming from downstairs.

Betty removed her head from my neck and looked up to me with scared eyes.

Sweet Pea: stay here. I say to her as I unwrap myself from her and stand up. She shakes her head. I let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: fine. I say while taking her hand in mine.

I full her up from the bed and keep her hand in mine. I had her behind me so if someone actually were to be downstairs she would be safe.

We slowly walk downstairs and into the kitchen, to the lounge.

Betty: I'm scared. She whispered. I held her hand tighter.
Sweet Pea: everything's okay. I say to her.

As we reach the lounge I quickly turn on the lounge light and what we saw shocked both of us.

It was Fangs, Toni, Jughead and everyone else that was at my intervention the other week. Betty was still in shock so I continued to hold her hand.

Sweet Pea: why the hell did you guys break into our house. I yelled at them. I was honestly only mad because they scared Betty.

Fangs: because we don't want you guys arguing. You're twins, we know you love each other. This war needs to end. He says to us. I felt Betty's hand leave mine and I turned to face her.

Betty: I'm not doing this. She says while walking out of the house. I let out a groan.
Sweet Pea: I was finally getting somewhere with her and you guys had to come and ruin it. Seriously? I asked angrily at them. They all looked down.
Sweet Pea: get out now. I warn them as I walk to my room and pull out my phone.

I dial her number. As the phone started ringing I was able to hear her ringtone coming from her room. I curse myself. I quickly ran up to her room, just incase I was hearing things. Unfortunately I wasn't and her phone was sitting on her bed.

I wanted to go out and look for her but she doesn't have her keys so she wouldn't be able to get back in if she decided to come home.

As soon as Betty even let me talk to her again, people have to ruin it. Just great.

It's late and it's dark, she's out by herself and mad.

Betty POV:

I was so angry that they broke into our house and then trying to dictate what me and my brother do. I couldn't handle it so I walked out.

I had no idea where to go. I didn't want to speak to anyone so I just roamed around the North Side for a while. I soon got tired of walking and decided to go to Pops, there probably won't be anyone there.

I make the short walk to the diner. As I was walking in some guy accidentally walked straight into me, spilling his strawberry milkshake all over me.

Sebastian: oh my god, I am so sorry. He said while sticking out his hand to help me up.

I take his hand and he pulls me up. I look at the tall man in front of me and realise that he's number nine. The guy who I told Kevin was the hottest.

Sebastian: here, take this. He says while pulling his shirt over his head and handing it to me.

He gave me a smirk and I could tell that he wasn't use to acting like this, all confident. Something about him made me feel confident as well.

There was no one in the dinner apart from us, Pop must be in the back. I suddenly found myself doing the most unexpected thing. I took off my shirt, in front of him and put his on. I looked at him with a smirk. He smirked in return.

Sebastian: Sebastian. He says while pulling his hand out for me to shake.
Sebastian: what's your name kitten? He asked.
Betty: Betty. I say while shaking his hand.

Sebastian: you look hot in my shirt. He says while scanning my body. I take a step closer to him and wrap one of my arms around the back of his neck.
Betty: do I? I ask seductively.
Sebastian: definitely kitten. Come to my hotel? He asked boldly. I nod my head.

He takes my hand in his and we walk to a 5 star hotel that was close by to Pops. His whole team is staying there, luckily he told me that he isn't sharing a room with anyone.

We arrived at his hotel. He used the key to open the door and he instantly started placing passionate and hot kisses against my lips. I kiss him back with the same amount of eagerness.

Truth be told, I've never had my first kiss, let alone gone all the way. I've never had a boyfriend, but their was something so seducing and hot about Sebastian that made me feel so confident and worth wild.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and he rested his hands under my ass so he could hold me up.

He swiftly took us to the bed and put me down so I was laying on my back. His tongue moved all around my mouth. My legs were still wrapped around him so I pulled him closer, I wanted him to be as close to me as possible.

His hands roamed to my shorts and I suddenly disconnected my lips from his soft ones. Using my hands to slightly push him off of me. He gave me a confused look.

Betty: I-I've never done this before. I say nervously while titling my head down.

He dragged his finger under my chin and gently lifted it up so I was looking in his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes.

Sebastian: it's okay kitten, well take it slow. He says with a soft smile.

Kevin and Betty 😂
Kevin and Archie being the best supportive friends.
Sweet Pea and Betty were finally getting somewhere but then the Serpents ruin it. Ugh!!
Sweet Pea is conflicted.
Betty and Sebastian having a one night stand?
Sebastian's team lives in greendale.

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