Worlds Colliding (Supernatura...

By katherinep97

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The revelation of Castiel being controlled and manipulated into such things has shattered everyone involved. ... More

Chapter 1 - Meet the New Boss
Chapter 2 - Hello, Cruel World
Chapter 3 - The Girl Next Door
Chapter 4 - Defending Your Life
Chapter 5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
Chapter 6 - CatScar Fiction
Chapter 7 - The Mentalists
Chapter 8 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!
Chapter 9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
Chapter 10 - Death's Door
Chapter 11 - Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter 12 - Time After Time
Chapter 14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
Chapter 15 - Repo Man
Chapter 16 - Out With the Old
Chapter 17 - Born Again Identity
Chapter 18 - Party On, Garth
Chapter 19 - Of Grave Importance
Chapter 20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
Chapter 21 - Reading is Fundamental
Chapter 22 - There Will Be Blood
Chapter 23 - Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 13 - The Slice Girls

169 13 0
By katherinep97

Outfits in the external link


From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In Little White Chapel, Ness deepened the kiss passionately, wrapping her arms around Dean's neck, bouquet still in hand. They continued to kiss in front of the altar.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In Bobby's Van, Bobby sat in the driver's seat. Ness sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm happy for you, Ness," Bobby told her. "And even if something does happen, I think you're gonna be okay."

Ness smiled a small smile. "Thanks, Dad."

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Outside the warehouse, Bobby and Ness ran toward the van, getting into the back of the van with Catty. Dick walked out of the warehouse, drawing a gun, shooting toward them. The door slid closed in front of Bobby. Bobby's Van drove away as fast as it could.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In Bobby's Van, Ness pulled Bobby's body into her arms. "Dad!"

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In the hospital, Bobby was being wheeled inside.

"Gunshot wound to the right frontal area, no exit wound found," a nurse told them.

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In Bobby's Mind Space, in the church, The Reaper holding an old-fashioned watch on chain approached Bobby from behind. "Hello, Mr. Singer." Bobby turned to see the Reaper was dressed in a dark suit. There was a flash of lightning. The Reaper swung the watch on its chain, catching it in his hand. "Your time's up."

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In the trauma room, Ness, Dean, Scarlett, Sam and Catty stood at Bobby's bedside, watching him worriedly.

Ness looked at Dean, Scarlett, Sam and Catty for a moment, looking down at Bobby. "Hey, um... Dad, um, hey..." She took Bobby's hand. "Just... thanks... for everything. You got to keep fighting, Dad. Please. We can't lose you, too. I can't."

Ness let go of his hand.

Bobby raised his hand slightly, opening his eyes, smiling slightly, looking at Ness, Dean, Scarlett, Sam and Catty. "Idjits."

Bobby's head laid back onto the pillow, his eyes closing. The monitor Bobby was attached to started to beep.

"Dad?" Ness asked.

The monitor showed flat lines. Ness looked at Bobby in devastation. She looked disconcerted, in denial.

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In Bobby's Mind Space, in Bobby's House, the Reaper looked at Bobby. "What's it gonna be? Stay or go?"

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: Outside the museum, Sam looked at Dean. "You lied to me, and you killed my friend."

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the motel room, Dean removed the knife from Amy's chest.

Dean: (voice over from 7.07 - The Mentalists) "Killing Amy was not wrong."

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: Outside the museum, Dean looked at Sam. "You couldn't do it, so I did."

From 6.11 - Appointment in Samarra: In Crowley's Monster Prison, A female monster with red glowing eyes, their skin yellow around the eyes, was chained to the bed. Catty shot the monster in the head, killing her.

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: In Frank's trailer, Frank looked at Catty and Scarlett. "Here's my advice you didn't ask for. Quit."

"What?" Catty asked.

"You want to keep going?" Frank asked.

"We want to hunt these sons of bitches so we can get our kids back from the King of Hell and King of Crossroads," Catty told him.

"But you're gonna drive yourselves into the ground first," Frank told them. "Good plan."

Catty hesitated. "We're not gonna quit. It's not even an option."

Scarlett shook her head in agreement. "We're not gonna walk out on our brothers, or our sister. Yes, Ness just got hitched with Dean, but we have been like sisters since day one. And we're not going to give up on our kids until we find them."

"Okay, then, fine," Frank told them. "Do what I did when I was 26 and came home to find my wife and two kids gutted on the floor. Decide to be fine till the end of the week. Make yourself smile because you're alive and that's your job. Then do it again the next week."

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: In Ness' Car, Ness looked at Scarlett and Catty through the rear view mirror. They smiled small, sad smiles.

Frank: (voice over from 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting) "Do it right, with a smile, or don't do it."

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: Outside of Frank's trailer, Catty, Scarlett and Ness were talking.

Ness shook her head. "You know what? I'm not gonna lie. I'm not you." Catty gave her halfhearted sarcastic look. Scarlett barely managed a small smirk. Ness looked down, shaking her head. "I'm not okay. But I'm not gonna sit back and wallow in it and let them get away with this, either. I'm gonna keep doing my job, just like you both kept doing your job even after all the hell you went through."

"You mean after all the hell that you helped us get through," Scarlett told her. "You have been there in ways that we can't even..." She didn't finish, shaking her head, sighing. "We just kind of wanna repay the favor."

From 7.12 - Time After Time: In the abandoned house's living room, Ness was sitting at the table. Catty was sitting on the window seat.

"How are you handling all of this so well?" Catty asked.

Ness raised her eyebrows. "I'm handling this well? I'm just taking my own advice that I've been giving to you and your siblings for how long now?" Catty shrugged slightly. "I'm not handling it well, Catty. I'm just taking a page out of my own book."

From 7.10 - Death's Door: In the hospital's waiting room, Sam sat down in a chair, pressing on his palm he injured in 7.01 Meet the New Boss.

Octavia slowly sat next to Sam. "Wound's like a doorbell. You ring, I come. Just like old times." Sam looked at Octavia, seeming to need more than what he had been getting. Like he needed the real Ava. "I'm so sorry, Sam."

Octavia slowly took the hand that he injured on her Angel Sword, looking at Sam somberly.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In the Gas & Sip, Octavia looked at Sam, sighing. "I won't be here forever, you know. The Hell Wall, me? It's crumbling as we speak. And when it's gone..."

Sam realized. "You will be, too."

Octavia raised her eyebrows slightly. "Exactly."

"And then what happens?" Sam asked.

"Then there's nothing stopping your hallucination of Lucifer, and all of your memories from Hell," Octavia answered.

"So it'll get even worse than this," Sam told her.

From 7.08 - Season 7, It's Time for a Wedding!: In Becky's Apartment, Sam and Octavia were seated at a table which was set for a candlelit dinner.

"So, until then, you'll be seeing less and less of me till the day that I'm just..." Octavia trailed off. She looked into a flame on a candle. "Gone."

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Outside the warehouse, Sam pressed his thumb against the hand he had wounded in 7.01 Meet the New Boss. He looked away toward the restaurant, thinking. He saw Octavia flickering in and out of focus by the entryway. He was confused by this.

Sam: (voice over from 7.12 - Time After Time) "Ava, what's going on with that?"

From 7.11 - Adventures in Babysitting: In Rufus' Cabin, Sam pressed the injured hand from 7.01 Meet the New Boss. He was relieved to see Octavia appear next to him, only to be confused when Octavia flickered in and out of focus. Octavia seemed tired, looking at Sam, smiling a small, reassuring, sympathetic smile.

Sam: (voice over from 7.12 - Time After Time) "The flickering, the tiredness."

From 7.12 - Time After Time: In the abandoned house's bedroom, Octavia sighed, turning to face Sam, leaning up on an elbow. "You know the answer to this, Sam. You just don't want to think that it's coming this soon."

Sam sighed, looking at her. "You're not going to be here for much longer, are you, Ava?"

Octavia looked down, shaking her head. "No. A few more months." She looked at Sam somberly. "You need to say goodbye, Sam. To me. You need to let go and move on."

Sam looked down, barely shaking his head. "I don't know if I can do that, Ava."

"You're gonna have to," Octavia told him. "Because my time is running out, faster than you think. You had your time to get used to the fact that I won't be here forever. You still got to be with Ava even while the real Ava is dead. You might have a little more time with me, but it's time to move on, Sam. Don't say goodbye and move on for me. Do it for you."

Sam slowly turned his head to look at Octavia. He watched as she flickered in and out of focus, disappearing.



Seattle, Washington

Day One

Night - House - Man's House - Living Room

(Song) The Devil's Gotta Earn - Brett Detar

A man carried a cup of coffee, walking over to the sofa, sitting down, hitting a button on a laptop on the coffee table, picking up a piece of paper. A door opened. An intruder, visible only from the legs downward and wearing black boots with rubber soles, stepped through the doorway.

The man looked behind him. "Barb, that you?"

There was no answer. The man went back to his work. The intruder was holding a knife, upper half still hidden, approached. The man turned off the music.

(End of Song)

The man stood, closing an open window. he sat back down on the sofa, continuing to work. The intruder grabbed the man from behind, throwing him back into a framed picture on the wall, making the glass shatter and the man fall to the floor. The intruder slashed the knife into the man's cheek, making him scream and blood splatter. The intruder continued to use the knife on the man, making him scream, ripping his shirt open, cutting into his chest repeatedly, carving a large design into his chest. The man was dead. His hands and feet had been cut off.

§ Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) §

Day Two

Morning - Motel Room

Dean was sitting on the single bed in the room, leaning against the wall behind him, his laptop on his lap, typing away. Ness was sleeping next to him, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She slowly started to wake.

Dean noticed. "Morning."

Ness looked at Dean from over her shoulder. "Hey."

Ness sat up, turning to lean against the wall behind her, taking her flask off of the bedside table, shaking it to see if there was anything left inside, unscrewing the lid.

"Is that Bobby's?" Dean asked. Ness nodded, taking a drink. "I didn't know you kept that, Ness."

"Yeah, mine sprung a leak," Ness told him.

"You know, most people would just carry a--a photo or something for a memento," Dean told her.

"Yeah, well, most people don't have their family home or apartment burn down with everything and whoever inside," Ness told him. "I don't have a picture, Dean."

Dean nodded, sympathetic. "Right. Sorry."

Ness smiled a small smile. "Don't worry about it." She looked at the laptop. "What do you got?"

"Sam, Scar and Catty caught a case," Dean told her. "Four guys murdered in two weeks, hands and feet cut off."

"Yeah, well, some guy with a foot fetish run amuck," Ness told him.

"Grown men thrown so hard they went through walls," Dean told her. "Anyway, what else do we have to go on? Dick Roman and Levis are a dead end for now. We might as well--"

"Stay busy," Ness finished.

"Exactly," Dean told her.

Ness nodded. "Yeah."


Police Morgue

Dean and Ness were posing as FBI.

The coroner wheeled the man out of the locker. "The latest, but probably not the last. You guys always work this early?"

"Ugh, hours suck, Eddie," Dean told him. "But, uh, great benefits package."

"Oh, yeah?" Eddie asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah. 10% co-pay on all drugs."

"Seriously?" Eddie asked. Dean smiled, nodding. "Oh, but just generic, right?"

"No, no," Dean told him. "Name brands are cool."

"Oh," Eddie told him.

"Yeah," Dean told him.

Ness cleared her throat, slightly amused. "So. What's our boy here weigh?"

"Uh, a buck 90," Eddie answered. "Thrown against a wall so hard it buckled. Based on the blood flow at the crime scene, the hands and feet were cut off while he was still alive, just like the others. The killer wanted him to suffer."

"And all vics are male, right?" Ness asked. "With the same kind of, uh, artwork as this?"

Ness gestured to the symbol that was carved into his chest.

"Yeah," Eddie answered. "Identical."

Ness took a picture of the design carved in the man's chest on her phone. "So, uh, DNA left at any of the scenes?"

"All of them," Eddie answered. "One before this, the guy bit the attacker. Still had a chunk of flesh in his teeth when he came in. That's about as good as it gets."

"Right," Ness told him.

"So, we have a match?" Dean asked.

"We do not," Eddie answered, hitting a button on a computer keyboard and a window that said 'Sample Rejected. No Known Genetic Markers' popped up on the screen. "The samples were rejected. The genetic markers don't match anything we've ever seen."

"Didn't match any person in the database?" Dean asked.

"No, I mean they don't match anything Human," Eddie explained.

Ness nodded. "Hmm."


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room

The motel room was joined with a single bed on Sam's side of the room, and two in the girls' side. Sam was in an FBI suit. Catty and Scarlett were wearing normal clothes, sitting at the table. Catty was on her laptop.

Scarlett was reading a book. "Hey, let's get a bite to eat, find out what the hell this symbol is that Ness sent."

"That's a great idea, Scar," Sam told her. "Actually, that's a brilliant idea. Here's my counter. You and Cat do that, I'll go undercover, go mingle amongst the locals and see, uh, what kind of clues bubble to the surface."

"You're going to a bar," Catty realized.

"Wow," Sam told her. "If you want to oversimplify it."

"You, going out to bars, trying to pick up girls?" Catty asked. "That's Dean's area, not yours. Or, well, it was before Dean got with Ness. Before Dean and Ness got married."

Sam sighed. "It's not like that, Catty. I'm just... trying to let go of Ava. Try to..."

"Move on," Scarlett finished. "Like your hallucination Ava told you to."

"You think Ava was right?" Catty asked.

Sam looked at Catty, nodding. "Yeah. Ava... Ava was right. Even though that Ava isn't the real Ava. I need to move on. And so do both of you."

Catty sighed. "Oh, don't start up with that crap. I'll move on from Cas when I want to move on from Cas."

"And I'll move on from Los when I wanna move on from Los," Scarlett agreed. "But guess what, Sammy? It's gonna be hard for Cat to move on from Cas, and for me to move on from Los, when we both have our kids that we had with Cas and Los, out there with Zane and Crowley."

"Right," Sam agreed sadly. "Sorry."

"But if you want to go, go," Catty told him. "We'll be here, doing work."

Sam stood, walking out, leaving. Catty and Scarlett watched him go in amusement, exchanging a look, rolling their eyes, shaking their heads.


Night - Cobalt Room Bar

(Song) Words Collide - Louden Swain

Sam and a woman were sitting at a table, almost finished with their drinks.

"Uh, dinner and a movie, which sounded fine, except the movie was 'Human Centipede'," the woman told him.

Sam chuckled. "What? So, wait. So, you had a problem with that?"

"The date from hell," the woman told him.

"Dating, right?" Sam asked. "Ugh."

"But what's the option?" the woman asked. "I don't see settling down any time soon."

"Well, that's something you don't hear every day," Sam told her.

The woman chuckled. "Oh, what? Are you ready for the big commit?"

"Me?" Sam asked, chuckling. "Not exactly. I'm... trying to move on from a relationship that ended very badly."

"Oh," the woman told him. "Is that her fault or yours?"

"Well, it's nobody's fault," Sam told her. "Except maybe her killer."

The woman took this in, looking down. "Oh. I'm sorry."

Sam took a deep breath. "Yeah."

The woman looked Sam over. "Nice suit, by the way. Guys don't dress up much. I like it."

"Yeah, well, it's, uh, a conservative line of work," Sam told her, finishing his whiskey.

A waitress gave the woman a new cocktail.

The woman looked at Sam. "What line is that?"

"Well, you just caught me from coming in to drown the images of a crime scene away," Sam told her, looking down at his fake badge on the table.

"Oh, G-man, huh?" the woman asked.

"Off the clock," Sam told her. The waitress gave Sam another whiskey. "Thanks."

The waitress walked away, leaving.

The woman looked at Sam. "I hear the hours are ridic."

Sam nodded. "Yeah."

"But there's money to be made," the woman told him.

"I've had a un... fortunate year," Sam told her.

The woman smiled a small smile. "Well..." She raised her glass in a toast. "May you have many more."

They clinked glasses.

"Thank you," Sam told her, looking down at the table, back at the woman.

The woman smirked. "You want to move this conversation elsewhere?"

(End of Song)


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Dean and Ness were still in the suits, minus the suit jackets. Ness was studying a wall of research.

"I'll admit it could be in the general vicinity of the ballpark of our kind of thing," Dean told her.

"Yeah, uh, 'didn't match anything Human' usually seals the deal for me," Ness told him, looking at the picture of the symbol found on the victim's chest on the wall. "I know I've seen this symbol before. I just can't put my finger on it."

Dean stepped closer from behind Ness, hands on her waist. "Well, maybe taking a breather..." He kissed her neck. "Will help open up your mind." Ness smiled. "Wow. Almost forgot what that looks like."

Ness smirked. "Shut up. We still got some work out here to do."

"You work too much," Dean told her.

"Yeah, and you worry too much," Ness told him. "You worry about everyone. You think it's your job to take care of everybody, and who am I to tell you otherwise?"

"It is my job," Dean told her.

"Yeah, well, your job is tiring and pushing its limits," Ness told him.

Dean scoffed softly in agreement. "Tell me about it. And now that list includes you."

Dean kissed along Ness' neck. Ness took a silent breath, pressing her lips together, closing her eyes. She gave up on trying to focus, turning to face Dean, kissing him for a long moment.

(Song) You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC

Dean and Ness pulled away, remaining close. Ness leaned her head against his, raising her gaze to meet his. They looked at each other for a long moment, smiles playing against their lips.


Woman's House - Living Room

Sam and the woman walked in while kissing. The woman pushed Sam's jacket off, continuing to kiss him.


Man's Apartment

A man was watching TV, eating popcorn and drinking beer. There was a knock at the door.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Dean kissed Ness. Ness responded slowly, building up passionately.


Woman's House - Living Room

Sam and the woman were still kissing. The woman pulled off Sam's tie.


Man's Apartment

The man walked toward the door, looking through the peephole.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness undid the buttons on Dean's FBI shirt without breaking their kiss.


Man's Apartment

The man opened the door, smiling. "Hi. What can I do for you?"


Woman's House - Living Room

The woman pushed Sam back toward the French bedroom doors.


Man's Apartment

The man was throwing into the wall, falling to the floor.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Dean pulled off Ness' FBI blouse, letting it fall to the floor. Ness pushed his shirt off his shoulders, pushing him lightly back toward the bed, pulling off her pants. Dean pushed his down, pulling her closer, falling back onto the bed with Ness on him. Ness took one of Dean's hands in hers, interlocking their fingers, putting them back on the bed above Dean's head, kissing him. Dean rolled Ness onto the bed.


Man's Apartment

The man rolled over on the floor. There was blood on his back, front, face and the floor.


Woman's House - Bedroom

Sam and the woman were in bed, kissing. The woman rolled Sam onto the bed.


Man's Apartment

The knife was being lifted. The man lifted his head from the floor, raising an arm to protect his head and face. There was a slashing sound and the sound of flesh tearing. The man screamed. His face was splattered with blood.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness was straddling Dean, kissing him. Dean lifted his head to meet her with a kiss, laying his head back on the pillow. Ness sat back, tossing her hair, sliding her bra straps off her shoulders.


Man's Apartment

Someone took photographs of the design carved into the man's chest.


Woman's House - Bedroom

The woman and Sam kissed.


Man's Apartment

Someone took photographs of the man's blood-splattered face.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness unhooked, removing her bra. Dean slid his hands over her body, pulling her closer. Ness leaned closer to kiss him.


Man's Apartment

Someone took photographs of the stump at the end of one of the man's arms.


Woman's House - Bedroom

The woman and Sam kissed.


Man's Apartment

Someone took photographs of the blood-splattered crime scene, the man's body, and the stump of one of his legs.


Woman's House - Bedroom

The woman rolled Sam onto the bed, kissing him.


Man's Apartment

Someone took more photographs of the crime scene, ending with the design carved into the man's chest.


Woman's House - Bedroom

The woman sat up. Sam laid on his back in the bed with his eyes closed, opening them, looking at the ceiling, exhaling audibly.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness and Dean laid together. Dean had his arm around Ness. Ness had her head on his chest. They both seemed to feel better.

"The answer to all of life's problems," Dean told her.

Ness smiled. "Of course you would say that."

Dean looked at Ness, smirking. Ness looked up at Dean, kissing him more slowly and calmly than before.

(End of Song)


Day Three

Morning - Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Joined Room

Catty and Scarlett were in their side of the room. Catty was typing on her laptop. Scarlett was going through books. They heard the door in Sam's side of the room open, setting the laptop and books aside, standing, walking closer to stand in the doorway. Sam walked in, having only his FBI shirt and pants on, closing the door behind him, seeming wrecked.

Catty leaned against the doorway, crossing her arms over her chest, smirking. "You look like crap."

"Yeah, well, I feel worse than I look," Sam told them.

"I thought you were trying to move on from Ava," Catty told him, half taunting.

"I am," Sam told her. "As you and Scar would know, Cat, harder than it looks."

"Feels too forced, doesn't it?" Catty asked. "Like you're not ready."

"Well, I'm gonna have to be, Catty," Sam told her. "Ava's fading more by the day. I'm not gonna be able to keep seeing the image of Ava much longer. Wait. Why am I even talking about this with you?"

"'Cause who else are you gonna talk to?" Scarlett asked. "The fading hallucination of Ava in your head?"

"That's a start," Sam told them.

Scarlett smirked barely. "Yeah. Sure."

Sam sighed, sitting at the bed, putting a hand over his eyes. "Did you guys, uh, figure out that symbol?"

"Well, we would've if Scar and I hadn't been the only ones actually working last night," Catty told him. Sam looked at them. "Yeah. Tried calling Dean and Ness for help last night. Didn't hear anything from them until this morning."

"And where are they now?" Sam asked.

"Crime scene," Scarlett answered. "New guy got ganked last night."

Sam sighed, nodding barely, taking a water bottle from the bedside table, taking a drink.


Man's Apartment

Dean and Ness walked in, posing as FBI. The man's body was on the floor. Eddie and a woman were crouched next to it.

"Comes off the wall down here," Eddie told her.

Dean and Ness looked around at the blood-splattered room.

"Well, nice decor," Dean told them. "Very early slaughterhouse."

Eddie looked at the woman officer. "FBI." He looked at Dean and Ness. "Guys, this is Charlene Penn. She's the lead on the case."

"More of the same," Charlene told them. She looked around the room. "Uh, no forced entry. Thrown across the room. Made to suffer. Both hands and feet cut off."

"Same symbol in the chest?" Ness asked.

Eddie nodded. "Mm. Whoever the killer is, the guy's a monster."

"Excuse me," Charlene told them, walking away, leaving.

"This guy's just like the last one?" Dean asked. "Early '30s, decent-looking?"

"Yeah," Eddie answered. "Just like the first three, you know? Fairly successful, no known enemies."

Dean nodded. "Hmm."

"Here," Eddie told them, pointing toward the kitchen.

Dean followed him.



Ness walked to the front door, where a police officer was speaking to a neighbor. "Excuse me. I got it." The police officer walked away, leaving. Ness looked at the neighbor. "How can I help you?"

"I was just trying to find out what happened," the neighbor told her. "Jerry was a friend."

"I'm very sorry," Ness told him. "Jerry was killed sometime last night. Do you live nearby?"

"Yeah," the neighbor answered. "Two doors down."

"You, uh, you know anyone who would want to harm Jerry?" Ness asked.

"No," the neighbor answered. "He was the nicest guy in the world. Well, his--his wife wasn't real happy with him."

"Why's that?" Ness asked.

"A few nights ago, he has a little one-night fling," the neighbor explained. "Ann found out, took off. But... she would never do anything like..."

"Yeah," Ness told him. "Of course. Thanks."

The neighbor walked away, leaving.



Dean and Ness ducked under the tape, walking out.

Dean looked at Ness. "Who was that?"

"Neighbor," Ness answered. "Said the vic's wife caught him cheating."

"Yeah, but we're not thinking it's the wife," Dean told her.

"Not unless she benches 350 and did the other guys as a warm-up," Ness told him.

They reached Ness' Car.

"Still though, wives are dangerous," Dean told her. "I can name one right now that is more dangerous than any of them."

Ness smirked, turning to face Dean. "You know that even if you did what the guy did that I wouldn't do anything to you."

"Which makes you the best wife even in the darkest part of your life," Dean told her. "Though you should know that wouldn't happen."

Ness smiled a small smile, looking around. "We should go. You know, since people around here think we're partners for the FBI."

Dean smirked. "Yeah."

Ness nodded. "Yeah."


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam, Scarlett and Catty were researching the symbol from the victims' chests.

Sam's phone beeped. He looked at the message. "Yet another vic. At another location. Ness and Dean are at the first house. Let's go check out the new one."

Sam stood, walking toward the door.

"Yeah, that might be more convincing if you actually had your suit jacket," Catty told him.

Sam stopped, looking down to notice that Catty was right. "Shoot. I left the jacket over at Lydia's."

"Lydia?" Scarlett repeated.

"My workout partner from last night," Sam explained, taking out his cell phone. "Now I've got to go get it."

"So, not only do you know her name, but you're actually gonna call her?" Catty asked.

"Bite me, Catty," Sam told her.

"Oh, how sweet," Scarlett told him. "She gave you her number."

Sam sighed, making the call. "Shut up, Scar."

Lydia was standing nearby a window in her house, answering her phone. "Hello?"

"Lydia," Sam told her. "Hey, it's, uh, Sam from last night."

"Uh-huh," Lydia told him.

"Uh, listen," Sam told her. "I think I left something over at your place. It was my jacket from last night. So, uh, have you seen it?"

"No," Lydia answered. "But if I do, I'll call."

"You want my number?" Sam asked.

"My cell grabbed it," Lydia told him. "Uh... sorry. I gotta go. Just real busy at the moment."

"Oh," Sam told her. He heard the dial tone as Lydia hung up, hanging up, turning to Catty and Scarlett. "She's real busy."

Catty and Scarlett smirked in amusement.


Lydia's House - Living Room

Lydia was still standing next to the window. She looked down at her heavily bloated, pregnant belly.


Unknown Building

The room was lit by chandeliers and candles. Lydia was dressed in a white nightgown, surrounded by women, giving birth.

A woman in a dark jacket, Woman 1, was instructing Lydia. "Breathe." Lydia groaned a scream of pain. "Control, Lydia. As in all things." Lydia nodded, regulating her breathing. "One final push." Lydia groaned in pain. "The pain is an honor."

A baby cried. Another woman handed the baby to Lydia.

Lydia held the baby. "What will we call her?"

"You'll call her Emma," Woman 1 answered. "Next."


Department of Anthropology Building - Professor's Office

Ness and Dean speaking to a professor, looking at his name plague to see his name was Morrison.

"Fascinating," Morrison told them. "Truly. And, actually, rather accomplished draftsmanship."

"Yeah, if you get past the fact that it was carved into a guy's body," Dean told him.

"Professor Morrison, I'm hoping you can tell us what the symbol means," Ness told him.

"Ah, maybe," Morrison told them.

"Maybe?" Dean repeated.

"It's possible I could, even likely," Morrison told them. "Is the FBI offering suitable remuneration?"

"The respect of a grateful nation," Ness told him. "And a good word with IRS."

Morrison nodded. "Ah. Well, it appears quite ancient."

"Well, that narrows it down," Dean told him sarcastically.

"A corrupted version of symbology associated with worship," Morrison explained.

"Yes, I know that much," Ness told him. "I know I've seen it, but I can't remember where from. And the files that I would need to find this... I don't have them anymore. I know it's obscure regional script."

"Well, this will require some research," Morrison told them.

"All right," Ness told him. "Great. Well, uh, I guess we'll be seeing you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Morrison repeated, chuckling. "I've spent entire sabbaticals on a project like this."

"Professor," Ness told him. "We have a serial killer on our hands. Your government needs you, sir."

"Fine," Morrison told them. "But... my housekeeper needs a green card."

Dean looked annoyed.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam, Scarlett and Catty were researching.

"Catty, Scar, what expert did they go to see?" Sam asked. "Our expert, besides Ness, is dead."

"Some Professor that's supposed to be a top expert in his field," Catty answered. "But when his field includes things that go bump in the night, he might as well be worth the breath they waste."

Scarlett sighed. "And Ness would have figured it out by now if she still had all the records and papers and the books that she used to have, or that Bobby used to have before the Levis burned down his house and Ness and Dean's apartment."

"Well, what are we gonna do about it now?" Sam asked. "Spin our wheels?"

Catty sighed. "No. I know that they're gonna figure it out sooner or later."

"Damn right they are," Sam told them. He looked at his phone. "Damn it. Why hasn't she called?"

"Who?" Scarlett asked. "Lydia?"

"Screw it," Sam told them. "I'm going over there and getting my jacket."

Sam stood, walking toward the door.

"You know, you wouldn't have left it over there to begin with if you weren't trying to force yourself to move on because Ava, a hallucination of the real Ava, told you to," Catty told him.

"You're really letting Ava, a hallucination of the real Ava, tell you how to move on from the real Ava?" Scarlett asked. "That's twisted, Sam. But also a little amusing."

Sam stopped at the door, turning to his sisters. "I think you're enjoying this a little more than you need to."

Catty and Scarlett shrugged slightly. Sam opened the door, walking out, leaving. Catty and Scarlett smirked in amusement.


Lydia's House - Outside

Sam rung the doorbell.

Lydia opened the door. "Sean."

"Sam," Sam corrected. "I guess you didn't get my messages."

"No, I did," Lydia told him. "I've been busy."

Sam nodded. "Oh. Anyway, I, uh, left my jacket over here the other night."

"Yes," Lydia agreed. "I found it. I'll get it for you."



Sam followed Lydia into the house. "So, how you been? Other than 'busy'?"

Sam saw a child perhaps a year old standing up in a crib in the bedroom through the open French doors.

Lydia took the jacket off the table, turning to Sam. "Just that. Really busy. Here you go."

Lydia handed the jacket to Sam.

Sam looked at the baby. "Oh, wow. I can see why you're busy. You've been babysitting, huh?"

"No," Lydia answered.

"Yours?" Sam asked.

"Uh-huh," Lydia answered.

Sam walked toward the bedroom. "You didn't tell me you had a little girl."

"There's probably all kinds of things we didn't tell each other," Lydia told him.

"What's her name?" Sam asked.

"Emma," Lydia answered.

"Hi, Emma," Sam told her. He looked at Lydia. "Your first?"

"Yes," Lydia answered.

"Well, I hear they grow like weeds," Sam told her.

"You have no idea," Lydia told him.

Sam's phone rang. "Oh. Sorry. I got to take this." He stepped away to answer. "Catty? Scar?"

Catty and Scarlett were still in their motel room, drinking coffee.

Scarlett sighed. "Mm. Hey. Where are you? It's a jacket, not the holy grail."

"Hey, I'm a people person, all right?" Sam asked. "I'm engaging in some social skills."

"In other words, still trying to force yourself to move on from Ava because hallucination Ava told you to," Catty told him.

"Shut up, Catty," Sam told her. Scarlett opened her mouth to speak. "Don't start, Scar." Scarlett smirked. "Dean and Ness come back yet?"

"No," Scarlett answered. "Not yet. They're due at the crime lab, and then they're gonna be here, so would you get back here?"

Sam didn't answer, listening to Emma and Lydia in the other room.

"Mom, get me out," Emma told her.

"Shh," Lydia told her. "Just a minute."

"Sam?" Catty asked.

"Hang on," Sam told them, lowering the phone, stepping closer to the bedroom.

Lydia was leaning down close to Emma.

"Hey, look, why don't you just..." Catty trailed off.

Sam put the phone against his leg to muffle her voice.

Emma looked at Lydia. "Who's that guy in the other room?"

"Shh," Lydia told her.

"Who is that?" Emma asked.

"You there?" Scarlett asked.

Lydia looked at Emma. "Shh. Don't talk. We'll discuss it later."

"Hello!" Catty told him.

Sam put the phone to his ear. "Let me call you back."

Sam hung up.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Girls' Side

Catty sighed, hanging up, annoyed. Scarlett shook her head.


Police Morgue

Eddie, Dean and Ness were standing on either side of a body that was mostly covered by a sheet. Its severed legs were visible. They flipped the sheet over the legs, walking across the room.

"So, again, we got a guy weighing about two bills, thrown into a wall so hard, he's got pieces of plaster lodged in his skull," Eddie told them.

Charlene walked closer, looking at Dean and Ness. "What triggered the Feds' involvement in this case? I always think you guys have bigger fish to fry."

"No," Dean told them. "Actually, we--we--it's--"

"I just figured it was the similarity to the other cold cases," Eddie told them. "If it's the same killer, then he crossed state lines, that would bring you guys in."

"Well, that's exactly right," Ness told him. She looked at Charlene. "Uh, what he said."

"Yeah," Charlene told them. "Whatever. You're gonna have to wrap this up. Your case isn't the only one we're working on."

Ness nodded. Charlene walked out, leaving.

"You get used to her," Eddie told them.

"Uh, so, Eddie, by the way, we didn't bring the cold-case files with us," Dean told him. "Is there a chance you have a copy?"

"Yeah," Eddie answered.

"Great," Dean told him, picking up a receipt in an evidence bag. "The Cobalt Room."

"Mm," Eddie hummed. "Yeah, it's pretty well known. Looking to hook up, it's a pretty good place to go."

"I've heard," Dean told him.

"Vic number two was there," Eddie told them, handing Ness a file. "And according to his security guard, he left with a hot girl. Two days later, he's an obituary."

Ness read the file. "Same with Jerry Price."

"Mm-hmm," Eddie agreed. "And, uh, as far as we can tell, at least a couple of those in there."

"Same thing in Chicago," Ness told them.

"Yep," Eddie agreed. "A lot of busted marriages, flings with unknown women, that kind of thing, all just before they got offed."

Ness nodded barely, thinking. "Thanks."

Dean looked at Ness, knowing she was onto something.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Girls' Side

Catty was on her laptop. Scarlett was going through books. Dean and Ness walked in.

"Where's Sam?" Dean asked.

"Stalking Lydia," Catty answered.

"Lydia?" Ness repeated.

"A chick he hooked up with last night because hallucination Ava told Sam to move on from real Ava because hallucination Ava will be gone soon," Scarlett explained.

"Mm-hmm," Dean hummed. "He said he went to the Cobalt Room, right?"

"Yeah," Catty answered. "Why?"

"Apparently, there was an identical murder fest two years ago in Chicago, and again in Miami two years before that," Ness explained. "All the victims were young, successful, a lot of them went to the same bar. It lines up. The trails always went cold fast."

"Yeah?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah," Dean answered. "Oh, and by the way, as a personal kicker, here, at least some of the vics hooked up in that bar Sam went to. So, just saying, man, he--he dodged a bullet."

Catty and Scarlett took this in.


Lydia's House - Outside

A Buick Riviera was parked across the street from Lydia's House. Sam was sitting in the driver's seat, now having his FBI jacket on. A car containing three women, one of them being Woman 1, the one who instructed Lydia while she had given birth, pulled up, parking, getting out of the car, walking up to Lydia's door, ringing the doorbell. Lydia opened the door.

"Is Emma ready?" Woman 1 asked.

"Yes," Lydia answered. "Come in."

"Thank you," Woman 1 told her.

The women walked inside.


The Riviera

Sam watched the woman. He absentmindedly pressed his healed wound from 7.01 Meet the New Boss.

Octavia appeared in the passenger seat, flickering in out of view before coming to a solid look, looking at Sam. "We really need to dismantle that doorbell." Sam jumped slightly. "Sam, how are you gonna move on if you keep bringing me out here?"

Sam realized what he had done. "Crap. I didn't..."

"You didn't realize that you were doing it," Octavia finished. "It's too easy not to, you know?" She looked toward the house. "So, this Lydia chick..."

"Ava..." Sam trailed off.

Octavia chuckled. "No, it's okay, Sam. You're doing exactly what I told you to do. Never thought you could be whipped by a hallucination, did you?"

Sam tilted his head at her. "Ava."

Octavia smiled. "Don't 'Ava' me. Seriously, Sammy. What, are you obsessed with her or something?"

"No, I'm telling you," Sam told her. "I have been eating at the buffet of strange all afternoon."

"Meaning what?" Octavia asked.

"I'll tell you the second I know," Sam told her. "But something ain't right."

"Or you're obsessed," Octavia told him.

"Shut up," Sam told her. "I'm serious, Ava."

Octavia started to flicker. Sam pressed his healed wound.

Octavia stopped flickering. "Damn it. Is it possible for a hallucination to be tired? Well, I guess it is when the wall's crumbling and falling. Plus, I'm inside your head, which means anything's possible, crazy or not."

Sam gave her a halfhearted look. "Ava."

Octavia smiled a small smile. She noticed movement from Lydia's House. "Sam."

Sam followed her gaze.



The women walked out of the house. The second woman was carrying a pink suit case.

Lydia looked inside. "Emma, hurry up. Come on, Emma. Time to go." A little girl about five years old walked out of the house. Lydia took off her own necklace, kneeling in front of Emma, putting the necklace around her neck. "Emma. You be a good girl. Make us proud."

"I will, Momma," Emma told her.

Emma and the two women got into the car.

Lydia watched her sadly. "Bye, Emma."

The car drove away, leaving. Lydia walked inside, closing the door.


The Riviera

Sam started the car. "I hate when this happens."

"At least it gives you something else to obsess over instead of just Lydia," Octavia told him.

Sam started to drive away.



The women's car stopped in an alley. A third woman opened the door for the girls. The two women and Emma got out of the car, walking inside a building. Woman 3 closed the door. The car drove away, leaving. The Riviera had been parked not far away.


The Riviera

Octavia and Sam had seen this entire thing. They exchanged a look.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Scarlett, Catty and Ness were sitting at the table.

Dean was standing nearby, looking at Sam. "So, what? I mean, so maybe she has another kid she didn't tell you about."

"Nope, just the one," Sam told them. "Emma. But that night, when I was with her, she didn't have any. And I was at her place, guys. There was no playpens, no blankets, no rubber ducks."

"Right," Catty told him. "Like you would have been focused on that kind of thing."

"Hey, Catty, Scar, no offense, but that's the first thing you notice," Dean told them. "Red flags."

Scarlett and Catty scoffed. Ness smirked.

Sam took five beers out of the fridge. "Then, all of a sudden, boom. Baby."

Ness opened her laptop.

Scarlett looked at Sam. "Yeah, the one you thought talked."

"Oh, it talked," Sam told them. "And not baby talk, either."

Sam handed them each a beer, keeping one for himself.

"Now you know so much about child development?" Ness asked.

"I know enough to know that they don't say, 'Hey, Mom, who's that guy?'" Sam told them. "So, cut to..." Dean looked at Ness' laptop to see articles and websites about Dick Roman, closing her laptop, sitting down at the table next to her. Ness gave Dean a, Dude, look. Dean smirked. "Lydia's handing this kid who's calling her Mommy over to these two women, right? But this is not a baby. No, no, this kid's got to be five. And same name. Emma."

"You know, George Foreman named all his sons George," Ness told him. "He named his daughter Georgetta."

"Are you deliberately messing with me?" Sam asked. Ness smirked, shrugging. Catty and Scarlett smirked. "Ness, I know weird. Okay? There is no non-weird explanation for this. This morning, Emma was a baby. By sunset, she's Hannah Montana. Early years. Catty, Scar, I figured you of all people could appreciate the irony of this case."

"This is not the same," Catty told them. "I mean, nothing technically got started until I got possessed by the Khan worm and Eve bit me to turn mine."

"And I wouldn't have even been pregnant if Zane hadn't did his own little project with me and Los, before our child was sent away," Scarlett added. "So, sorry, dude, this is not the same thing."

Ness was thinking. "Huh."

"What?" Dean asked.

"That's it," Ness told them.

"What's it?" Catty asked.

Ness opened her laptop, exing out of the articles, pulling up research on the case, finding what she was looking for, sighing. "Finally. It was gonna drive me nuts if I hadn't figured it out."

"What is it?" Scarlett asked.

Ness turned the laptop to face them, showing a picture of the symbol carved into the men's chests, and a picture of one of an ancient Greek building. "It's a variation of a symbol associated with the Greek Pantheon, the temple of the Goddess Harmonia. According to myth, the coupling of Harmonia and Ares, the God of War, produced the Amazons."

"The Amazons?" Sam repeated.

"Like Wonder Woman?" Dean asked.

"No, like--like a tribe of warriors," Ness explained. "They actually existed. The comic books, they're just silly perversions. The symbol—" She showed them a picture of a symbol of two women kneeling around a large urn, below someone on horseback. "I think it originated with the Amazons. Pictographs meant to pay homage to Harmonia. Occult talismans, whatever you wanna call it. They had an exclusively female culture. No use for men whatsoever, except procreation."

"All the vics were male," Dean told them.

"With this symbol carved in their chests," Ness told them, showing them a diagram of two composite parts of the symbol that had been carved into the men's chests, added together to give the symbol itself. She showed them a picture of a naked women hunters with crossbows pointing arrows at men hung upside down over a fire. "After they were impregnated, they killed the male. First cutting off certain body parts."

"Can you find out how to kill them?" Catty asked.

"I can see what research my Dad has on them," Ness told them. "But you guys gotta remember that most of his stuff burned up in the fire."

"So, where are you gonna get the stuff that we don't have?" Scarlett asked.

"Professor Morrison," Ness answered. "He's a major in this, and he should have the research that we don't. Let's just see what my Dad had before we go anywhere."

Sam, Catty, Scarlett and Dean nodded in agreement.


Unknown Building

There was a row of girls wearing white dresses. The five girls looked to be at least ten years old.

Woman 1 addressed the girls. "On this special night, you join an exceptional family. You are ready to take your places alongside us and learn our traditions." Another woman held a tray with pieces of flesh out to the first girl in line. Another woman behind her held a tray with glasses of milk. "This is a tribute to the one who created and protects us." The women carrying trays moved down the line of five girls. "We hunt for her. We kill for her. And now we consume that kill as a symbol of unity with those who have completed their blood missions and furthered the life of the tribe." A girl was holding her piece of flesh. The others had all eaten theirs. Woman 1 looked at the girl that still held hers. "Go ahead, Emma. You need to eat."

Emma looked at Woman 1, but didn't do anything yet.


Police Station - Office

Charlene was sitting at a table. "I couldn't check their IDs because everything they have is fake. I've been digging for hours. And one thing's for sure. They ain't FBI."

Woman 1 was in her own office. "And who are they?"

"They're after us, is what they are," Charlene answered. Dean and Ness' pictures were on the computer screen, overlaying a map of the US with several locations marked. "Dean Winchester. Ness Singer-Winchester."

Woman 1 took this in. "As in Catty Winchester. The vessel. And her sister, Scarlett Winchester."

"We get to Catty and Scarlett's blood, we can find the Hybrid and Arkosis," Charlene told her. "But their brothers, sister-in-law? They won't give them up without a fight."

"Well, the one is already scheduled to be taken care of," Woman 1 told her. "We'll just simply add the other two to the agenda. Then we take Catty and Scarlett Winchester to Dick Roman and help him find the Hybrid and Arkosis."

Charlene smirked.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam was looking through boxes and books. "I know Bobby's got a Grecian encyclopedia of weird in here. I saw it last time I was looking through this stupid... Would it kill him to have a system?"

Catty sat at the table, on her laptop. Scarlett was going through more books. Dean was drinking a cup of coffee.

Ness took Bobby's flask out of her back pocket, drinking, researching. "He has a system. His files are set up like his brain."

Ness found a piece of research that caught her attention, picking it up.

Dean noticed. "You got anything?"

"Uh, yeah," Ness answered, sitting down on the bed, opening the book she was holding. "Um, apparently, there was this long, bloody war. The Amazon population was decimated, so they made a bargain with Harmonia to replenish their ranks and make them stronger."

"Well, I'd say throwing grown men through walls was stronger," Catty told them.

"Yeah," Ness agreed. "Well, basically, they became more than Human. Harmonia turned them into monsters."

"Can you kill them like Humans?" Scarlett asked. "Or is there some kind of trick?"

"Uh, doesn't say," Ness told them. "No idea. I guess it could go either way."

"Well, that's helpful," Dean told them sarcastically. "What else?"

"The lore says they reproduced quickly," Ness explained. "As in, after mating, they gave birth within 36 hours." Sam stopped turning the pages of the books, listening intently. "The babies grew incredibly fast, then the aging process became normal. Which is one way to make an army, I guess. The mating cycle is every two years. They send out all the women who have reached child-bearing age."

"Which lines up, 'cause this happens every couple of years in different towns, right?" Dean asked.

"Yeah," Ness answered. "And we know for sure that at least some of the vics hooked up with strange women days before being killed Amazon style."

Sam closed the book, putting it down. "Hooked up in the same bar I met Lydia, right?"

"Yeah," Scarlett answered.

"And then suddenly..." Sam trailed off, walking toward them. "She's got a little baby in like fruit-fly time. That baby turns into a little girl just as fast."

"Wow," Dean told him. "So maybe you're--you're, uh... Look, if that kid's yours--Dude, seriously, a one-night stand, you're just gonna... roll the dice? You don't even--"

"Of course not, Dean," Sam told him. "What, do you think I'm brain-dead? Accidents happen. Right, Catty? You know that more than anyone." Catty gave him a sarcastic look. "And like Scar said earlier, she wouldn't have even been pregnant, and she wouldn't even had a child of Los' if it wasn't for Zane getting involved. And if an accident even happened to me, which I--I--I don't think..." Sam hesitated, seeming to be considering what happened, smirking without humor. "No. You know what? We're--Stop. We're not gonna talk about this anymore, because my skin's starting to crawl."

"All right, fine," Catty told him. "But if it's true, if it happened..."

"I know," Sam told them. "I got to hang on to my hands and feet."

Ness took another drink from his flask. Catty and Scarlett looked at the Amazon lore, symbols and pictures in the research.


Amazon Building

Woman 1 was standing in front of a cauldron in which a flame was burning. She was wearing a necklace with the design that was carved into the men's chests, looking at the five girls that had turned into teenagers, now lined up in front of her. "We are so pleased with your progress. You are absorbing the traditions of our mothers." She took a branding iron out of the cauldron. "And you are close to fulfilling your tribal destiny, and taking your place alongside your sisters. Today, you are a warrior." She pressed the brand to the inside of the first girl's right wrist. "Though you may walk among others, your heart is only with the tribe." She branded the second girl. "Soon, you will take the final, glorious step into adulthood." The brand is the same design that was carved into the men's chest. "Today, you will learn how to endure pain and how to inflict it." Woman 1 branded the third girl, making her groan in pain. "Fight it, Emma. As with all you do, courage is everything."

Emma took a deep breath.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam, Scarlett, Dean, Catty and Ness were standing next to a bed covered with research.

"Looking through Bobby's files is like dumpster diving," Dean told them.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Ness told them. "So, it makes sense why, uh, why..." She put a picture of part of a Greek building down on a large leather-bound book on the bed, on top of a picture of an Amazon woman on horseback. "The Amazons all want to hook up with decent-looking successful guys."

"Oh, they're picky about the gene pool?" Scarlett asked.

Sam pinned a newspaper article to a wall alongside other research.

"Right," Catty agreed. "So..." She turned to face Sam. "What was Lydia doing with you?"

"We met during the case, okay?" Sam asked. "She thought I was an Agent."

Catty nodded, turning to the wall. Ness looked down at the research on the bed. The pictures of the Greek building and Amazon woman had moved, and the only thing now on top of the leather-bound book was a piece of parchment with writing.

"Guys," Ness told them.

"Yeah?" Dean asked.

"These papers just moved," Ness told them.

"What?" Dean asked.

"I didn't touch them," Ness told them.

Sam got out the EMF reader, which immediately started to flash red, making noise. "It's all over the place." He walked toward the bed. "Red line. Red line." He walked toward the window. "Oh, and... power lines by the open window, where there's a breeze..." He turned the EMF off. "That could have moved the papers."

"Did you feel a breeze?" Ness asked.

"It doesn't matter, Ness," Sam told her. "The readings are useless."

"Hey," Ness told them. "Maybe, uh..."

Ness held up Bobby's Flask.

"We burned him, Ness," Dean told her.

"So, what?" Ness asked.

"So, what are you suggesting?" Dean asked.

"I don't know," Ness told them. "What are you?"

"Concentrate on something else," Scarlett told them.

"Why?" Catty asked.

Scarlett stepped closer. "Because it's not Bobby."

"Could be," Catty told her.

"No, it couldn't be," Scarlett told them.

"Why not?" Catty asked.

Scarlett stepped closer. "Because we want it to be."

Sam looked at Catty. "Maybe you're channeling whatever you're feeling about the case into this, avoiding what we already know."

"And what could I possibly be avoiding?" Catty asked.

"I don't know, Catty," Dean told her sarcastically. "Maybe that your daughter, wherever she is with Los and Scar's son, she is part Amazon, too, which means she could be a teenager by now for all we know."

Catty sighed, a hand going to her head, turning away. "Damn it."

Sam picked the piece of parchment from the bed.

"Maybe it's useful," Dean told them.

"It's in a pile of 'maybe it's useful'," Sam told them. "Besides, it's in Greek. Nobody reads Greek."

"Yeah, except Greeks," Ness told them. "Oh, and my Dad. And me."

"Really?" Dean asked. "You know Japanese, Spanish, Latin and Greek?"

"I'm a little rusty on the Greek part," Ness told them.

"What else do you know?" Dean asked.

Ness looked at them. "Je sais qu toutes les langues que vous pouvez penser. Combien je sais de chaque langue? Depend suir lequel on est."

Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty were impressed.

"Wow, showoff," Dean told her. "That was hot."

"What was that?" Scarlett asked.

"French," Ness answered.

"What the hell did you say?" Catty asked.

Ness took a deep breath. "'I know every language you can think of. How much do I know of each language? Depends on which one it is.' But I think I'm gonna need a little help in translating the Greek. 'Cause this isn't just regular Greek. This is Ancient Greek, and normally when I needed help translating, you know who I would go to. But I know who to go to now."

"You're going to Professor Morrison?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I am," Ness answered.

"I'll go with you," Scarlett told her.

"So will I," Catty told him. Ness nodded. Catty looked at Sam and Dean. "You two stay here, keep the door locked. Don't go anywhere. I mean it."

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked out, leaving.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness walked in, grabbing her jacket.

Dean walked in. "Ness." Ness turned to face him. "Where are Scar and Catty?"

"Already in the car," Ness answered. "Dean, I need to go before Catty and Scar try to take my car and go to Morrison by themselves."

Dean nodded. "I'm sorry. I know you want it to be Bobby, but..."

"Maybe I'm just seeing signs in where there are none," Ness finished. "Honestly, I don't want it to be my Dad, Dean. Because that means he's a Ghost, and all Ghosts go vengeful, sooner or later. And I don't know if I would be able to be the one to put him away for good."

Dean exhaled. Ness sighed, walking past Dean, walking out, leaving. Dean closed his eyes, looking up, sighing.


Department of Anthropology

Ness, Scarlett and Catty walked into the building.

Ness stopped. "Catty, Scar, you stay here. Morrison doesn't know you, and he thinks Dean's my partner, so..."

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, no, we get it. Go."

Ness walked down the hallway. Scarlett and Catty sighed, leaning against the wall, waiting.


Professor Morrison's Office

Morrison was sitting at his desk. Ness walked in.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding," Morrison told her. Ness looked toward the clock, which said 11:25 PM. "I have office hours tomorrow—"

"I'm sorry, Professor," Ness told him. "I need your help translating this. I'm a little rusty."

Ness put the parchment down in front of Morrison.

"The FBI isn't paying me enough for this," Morrison told her, picking up the parchment, starting to read.

"All right," Ness told him. "I'll sweeten the deal. We'll remove your wiretap."

Morrison looked up in alarm.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Dean was gathering more research materials, walking toward the door. He tried to open it to find that it wouldn't budge. "What the hell?"

Dean continued to try to open the door to no avail.



A vending machine was blocking the doorway of Dean and Ness' motel room.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam was using the laptop, looking as if he was about to press the healed wound on his hand.

Octavia appeared. "You don't have to. I'm already here." Sam looked up at her. Octavia sat down in the chair across from him. "You know, it's bad when I can tell you're about to call just by the way you're acting, Sam."

Sam chuckled barely. "That obvious, huh?"

"You're an open book," Octavia told him. "Although, I gotta say... heard you with the others earlier. About Ness and Bobby. The way you just..."

Sam sighed. "I know. I need to apologize to Ness. I shouldn't have said that, Ava."

Octavia shook her head. "No. No, you shouldn't have. And what you and Dean said to Catty about her daughter being a teenager by now for all you knew?"

Sam sighed. "Yeah, I need to apologize for that, too. Dean does too."

"You think?" Octavia asked. There were three knocks on the door. Sam looked at Octavia. Octavia looked from the door to Sam. "Girl scout?"

Sam closed the laptop, picking up his gun, cocking it. There were three knocks on the door. Sam hesitated, unlocking the door, opening it.

Emma was outside. "Hi. You don't know me, but my name is Emma. I need your help. I think I'm in trouble, and you're the only person I can trust."

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Because you're my father," Emma told him.

Sam took this in.


Sam was still holding the door open to look at Emma. "How'd you find me?"

"They've been watching you, ever since Mom got pregnant," Emma answered.

"Well, if you're such a prisoner, you mind telling me how you escaped?" Sam asked.

"I waited until lights out," Emma told him. "The women who watch over us change shifts a little after 10:00."

"Uh-huh," Sam told her. "And you left because..."

"They stick you in there, and you trust them," Emma told him. "It's all you know. And you don't question what they want you to do. Terrible things. That's why I had to leave. They tortured me." She held up her branded wrist. "They told me I had to endure pain so I could be strong like them. But I don't want to be like them."

"Okay," Sam told her. "Come on in." Emma walked in. Sam closed the door, locking the door, putting his gun in the back of his jeans. "Have a seat." Emma sat down on his bed. Sam turned to face her. "Okay. Let's assume that you're not... like them. Yet." He leaned against the table. "What do you want me to do?"

"Get me away from here," Emma told him. "You're a good man. My mother told me that."

"I seriously doubt she said that," Sam told her. "And if you knew me, you would seriously doubt it's true."

"They told me you're a hunter," Emma told him. "So maybe you'll understand about me. Maybe you can protect me. Just long enough so I can get away. Then I'll leave you alone. I know you don't want me."

"All right, let's not... go there, okay?" Sam asked. "This isn't a matter of..." He gestured between them. "You get this isn't a normal situation, right?"

"How would I know?" Emma asked. "Three days ago, I wasn't even alive. Now here I am. My mother threw me into that place. And my father... well... You get this is my last chance to have anything normal ever, right?"

Sam didn't answer, looking toward Octavia. Octavia was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. She looked at Sam, raising her eyebrows.


Department of Anthropology Building - Professor Morrison's Office

Morrison and Ness were reading the parchment. Ness was sitting on the other side of his desk.

"It's fascinating," Morrison told her. "The paper is handmade. a cellulose, rather like papyrus, which would explain its durability."

"Professor--" Ness started.

"Wherever did you get it?" Morrison asked.

"Uh, a--a crazy, drunk, old genius that taught me almost everything I know," Ness answered.

"Yeah," Morrison told her. "They always have the good stuff. Well, it's in Ancient Greek."

"Yeah, yeah," Ness told him. "I--I know that."

"Not a common dialect," Morrison told her. "My God, what is it with you and Amazons?"

"Professor, it's important," Ness told him.

"At 11:30 at night, it better be," Morrison told her. "Oh, here's a new twist. It repeats the conventional lore. Amazon warriors mate with males. The males are murdered. Yada, yada. But according to this... It's not the women who do the killing."

"Let me see that," Ness told him, taking the paper, trying very hard to translate it. "'Instead, a ritual of initiation requires that the child born of the mating process must kill her own father.'"

Ness looked up worriedly, knowing it wouldn't be Lydia who would try to kill Sam, but Emma.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Octavia was standing nearby the window.

Sam walked toward Emma. "You look exhausted."

"And starving," Emma added. "It's been a tough sweet 16. So, you believe me?" Sam crossed his arms over his chest, nodding. "You'll help me?"

"If you really want help," Sam answered.

Octavia pushed away from the wall. "Oh, come on, Sam. You can't seriously believe this."

Sam sighed. "Ava..."

"No, you don't get to 'Ava' me this time," Octavia told him. "Not when it's your life on the line."


Department of Anthropology Building - Hallway

Catty was pacing, looking at her phone. Scarlett was leaning against the wall.

Charlene and the Amazon woman she had been talking to on the phone walked closer.

The Amazon smiled. "Girls. You're here late."

"Yeah," Catty agreed. "We're waiting for a friend of ours. More like colleague, but..."

Catty and Scarlett started to walk past Charlene and the Amazon, who both grabbed their arms to stop them.

"What's your rush?" the Amazon asked. Catty and Scarlett looked down, seeing the Amazon symbol on their wrists. "Catty. Scarlett. Catty and Scarlett Winchester. Let's see. I could just use you like many have tried before and like many will try again." The skin around Charlene and the Amazon's eyes turned red, the skin around the red turning yellow. They grabbed Catty and Scarlett, throwing them down a short flight of stairs, into the exit doors, making them fall to the floor, groaning in pain. "I wouldn't know about you, or about your children if it weren't your friends reaching out to other monsters for help of finding you and them. Catty, if you're wondering if your daughter like us... she is. She'll grow faster... just not as fast, because of everything else that she is. It takes time for something like that to grow into who she's supposed to be. But who knows how fast, huh?"

Scarlett looked toward Charlene and the Amazon in annoyance. "Levis asking help from lesser monsters? Never thought Levis would stoop so low."

Catty looked up. "Then again, maybe Levis are not competent enough to keep a hold of us." Charlene and the Amazon both let a knife that had been concealed in their sleeves slide into their hands. "You know Levis gonna use you to find me, Scar, find our kids, and then kill us all, right?"

Charlene stepped closer. "No, they're not."

"Oh, you think that you're just gonna share the profits?" Catty asked. "How much of stupid bitches can you be, huh?"

Charlene and the Amazon walked closer, grabbing Catty and Scarlett by their jackets, pulling them up from the floor, pushing them against the wall, knifes against their throats. They were both suddenly shot in the back. They let Catty and Scarlett go, falling to the floor, dead. Ness was standing behind Charlene and the Amazon with her gun raised.

Scarlett looked at Ness in relief, sighing. "We got a problem."

Ness walked closer. "Yeah, tell me about it."

Ness pulled out her phone, making a call.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam was standing in front of Emma, arms crossed over his chest. "Well, now, what happens when they find out you're missing?"

"They may have already found out," Emma told him. "And they'll hunt me down." Sam nodded, walking across the room. Octavia rolled her eyes, sighing in annoyance. Emma looked at Sam. "Look, I know this is gonna be hard, but if I'm gonna get out, I have to do it now."

Sam opened the refrigerator. "We got cheese and a leftover burrito."

Emma stood. "Doesn't make a difference."

Emma let a knife slide from her sleeve to her hand.

Sam closed the refrigerator, turning to face Emma, aiming a gun at her. "You were asking if I believed you."

Octavia raised her eyebrows slightly, impressed.


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Dean gave up on trying to open the door that was blocked by the vending machine. His phone rang. He pulled it out to answer. "Ness?"

Outside the department of anthropology building, Ness, Scarlett and Catty were walking toward Ness' Car.

"Dean, it's not Lydia coming for Sam," Ness told him. "It's Emma."

Dean looked up.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Emma looked at Sam. "I was told you'd be a challenge."

"I figured you'd chat me up, try and catch me off guard," Sam told her. "Almost worked. I was expecting your mother."


Motel Balcony

Dean broke through a window, starting to climb through. He saw that Sam, Scarlett and Catty's motel room door was locked.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Emma looked at Sam. "It's not her place. I have to kill you."

"Is that what they told you?" Sam asked.

"It's what I am," Emma told him.

"Well, then, I should just kill you right now," Sam told her.

"Sure," Octavia told him. "But you could have done that 30 seconds ago. Sam..." Sam looked at Octavia. "I know you want to give her a chance because you all want to give Los and Scar's son, and Cas and Catty's daughter a chance. But not everybody wants to have that chance. Emma sure doesn't."

Sam knew Octavia was right, looking at Emma.


Outside - Alley

Dean got to the fire escape for the motel, running up the stairs.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Emma looked at Sam. "It's weirdly hard, isn't it? It is for me."

"Knock it off," Sam told her.

"How could it not be?" Emma asked. "You're my father."

"Hey," Sam told her. "We're not gonna do that."

"But it's true," Emma told him.

Octavia sighed in annoyance.


Girls' Side

Dean climbed in through the window, hearing Emma's voice. "You're the reason that we're standing here."

Dean walked toward the double doors that separated the joined room.


Sam's Side

Emma looked at Sam. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. So now someone has to kill someone." Dean opened one of the double doors a fraction, seeing Sam with his gun aimed at Emma. "You know what? So far, my childhood's been kind of disappointing."

"You haven't killed anybody yet, Emma," Sam told her. "Walk away." Dean leaned further against the door. "Right now. I won't go after you."

"I can't," Emma told him. "I don't have a choice." Dean burst into the room, gun drawn. Emma turned to face Dean. The skin around her eyes turned red and yellow. She returned to normal, turning to Sam, begging. "Please don't let him hurt me."

Sam didn't move. Emma turned to Dean. Dean shot Emma in the chest, killing her, making her fall to the floor. Sam and Dean lowered their guns, looking at each other. Sam nodded slightly, looking down.


Amazon Building

Catty, Scarlett and Ness walked into the open front door.

"This is the mother ship?" Catty asked.

"That's what Sam and Dean said," Ness answered. She cocked her gone. "Let's get this done."

They walked around the deserted building.

Scarlett looked at Catty and Ness, lowering her gun. "They're gone."


Dean and Ness' Motel Room

Ness was sleeping on the bed. Dean looked at Ness for a moment, walking out of the room, leaving quietly, closing the door behind him just as quietly as to not wake her.


Sam, Scarlett and Catty's Motel Room - Sam's Side

Sam, Scarlett and Catty were packing up. Dean walked in.

Catty looked from Sam and Scarlett to Dean. "Hey, you know what? I don't like it, either. I wanted to torch them just as much as you three. Yeah, but, hey... next time they surface, we'll be ready. If we live that long." Sam and Scarlett nodded. Dean didn't respond. Catty looked at Dean. "All right, fine. Just stand there and be pissed."

Dean looked at Sam. "What did I say to you the last time you choked? What did I say about Amy? You kill the monster."

"I was going to," Sam told them in defense.

"Oh, the hell you were," Dean told him. "You think I'm an idiot?"

"What, you think I am?" Sam asked.

"Sam, you were gonna let her walk," Dean told him.

"No, I wasn't," Sam told him. "That's ridiculous. Look, guys, she was not mine. Not really."

"Actually, she, uh, she was, really," Scarlett told them. "She just also happened to be a crazy man-killing monster. But, uh, hey. If this is the way you guys feel about Sam's daughter, I can't imagine what you must really feel about Cas and Catty's, or my and Los' son."

"Catty--" Dean started. "Scar--"

"No, it's fine, Dean," Scarlett told him. "I mean... Levis are getting so desperate they're putting an ABP out on me and Cat to all monsters, making us a target for any kind of freak that is dumb enough to fall for the 'Let's all be friends' trap."

Catty sighed. "And all of the monsters that are looking for me and Scar, my and Cas' daughter has a piece of them inside of her. Every. Single. One. So, tell me what you want to do. In fact, Dean, you even said you wanted to be better safe than sorry when it came to her and Los and Scar's son. Are you really so willing to kill my daughter, and Scar's son, when you even killed Sam's daughter?"

Dean didn't answer. He sighed. "Look, Catty, Scar, we tried to give Emma a chance. We did. She tried to kill Sam anyway. We'll give your kids the same chance. But if they don't take, we need to know. Are you going to do what you have to if you need to?" Scarlett sighed. Catty didn't answer, looking out of the window, not knowing the answer herself. "You know what? Bobby was right, Catty. Your head's not in it, and now, neither is Scar's. It's in finding them and trying to make sure they're not monster, and Crowley and Zane say that they have them, but they could be growing up homeless for all we know. Cat, when Brett died, with what happened to Brett's family, when Ava and Los died, when Cas died, you were wobbly, but now, you and Scar..."

"Now what?" Catty asked. "Oh, you two are dealing with it so perfect? Yeah, news flash, buddies. Both of you are just as screwed up as Scar and I are. You're just... bigger."

Sam and Dean hesitated in confusion. "What?"

"I don't know," Catty told them.

"Look..." Dean trailed off. "Catty, Scar, the thing is, we don't know who they are, or where they are, or how they are. We don't know if they're monsters at heart. I mean, you were right before. Cat, your daughter is not only monster or Demon. Scar, your son is not only Demon. They're both Human, and they're both Angel, too. And now, like you said, it's not only Levis after you to find them. It's everyone. Now, I don't care how you deal. I really, really don't. But just don't--don't get killed."

"We'll do what we can," Scarlett told them.

"Well, what's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked.

"It means we'll do what we can," Scarlett answered. "All right? You can shut up about it."

Sam and Dean didn't answer. Catty and Scarlett sighed, grabbing their bags, walking out, leaving. Sam and Dean exchanged a somber look.

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