The White Wolf

By OfficialSherlock221B

450K 11.2K 2.9K

Ava King was taken in to the Kingdom of Wakanda by king T'Chaka at the age of 5 after a major plane crash kil... More

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//I met Sebastian Stan
//I met Michael Rooker
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By OfficialSherlock221B

Ava held her arm, looking at the smooth skin that just the day before had been torn open by a bullet. The miracles of Wakanda and their medicine. If only healing Bucky could be that fast. A soft sigh settled on her pursed lips, and her lashes cast a shadow over her cheeks as she looked down at her arm. Just a few feet to her left, Everett Ross laid unconscious on a sand table, his wound now repaired by  Wakandan doctors inside of Shuri's lab. Listening to Shuri mumble and type away at the counter in front of them, her mind wandered back to Barnes.

He only had one arm. The origin of his arm being gone was still unknown to her, all she knew was that he had been given a metal arm by the terrorist organization, Hydra. But even that one had been blown off by Tony Stark's arc reactor. There were still so many things about Barnes that she did not know, that she craved to know. His life before the war, his time as an American soldier, and even the secrets of his time with Hydra. Questions. Questions were all she had. Questions she would not even be able to ask him once he awoke, due to her being afraid of pushing him away or making him uncomfortable with her prying.

A sore grunt grabbed Ava's attention and her eyes snapped to the sand table as Ross sat up, reaching over his shoulder to feel where he had been shot. "Where am I?" 

Shuri gasped, whipping around to look at him as he swung his legs down, placing his feet on the floor as he stood up. "Don't scare me like that, colonizer!" She chided, turning back to her computer. Ava let out a scoff, rolling her eyes at Shuri, which earned her a wary glance from Everett.

"What? M-my name is Everett." He said, looking back at Shuri.

"We know." Ava spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest as she moved to stand beside Shuri. "Everett Ross, former Air Force Pilot, now CIA, right?"

The gray-haired man blinked a few times in surprise as he stared at the two women before he gave a now. "So this is Wakanda, then?"

"No, it's Kansas." Shuri smirked sarcastically, turning to face him.

"Now, you. You were there, in Korea." Everett said, pointing at Ava. "How long ago was that?"

"Yesterday." Ava answered him simply.

An unamused chuckle erupted from his throat, his head shaking in disbelief. "No, no way. Bullet wounds don't just magically heal overnight."

Shuri giggled softly, smiling pridefully. "Here they do." She said. Everett's lips pressed tight, his brows pulling together in disbelief. "Not by magic. By technology." 

Everett took a deep breath, looking around the lab. Ava watched him curiously. He was another white man, and she had not met many before. Everett Ross seemed kind enough, but very serious, and a little bit skeptical. He began to wander, going to a large window that looked deep into the mountain where the Wakandans collected the vibranium, trains carrying loads of the metal through the open tunnels. "Don't touch anything, my brother will be here soon." Shuri said, glancing over at him. 

Ross turned his head to look at her, before looking back out through the window. "These train things... That's magnetic levitation, right?" He asked, noting how the trains zoomed through little light paths, not touching any real rails. Light panels above powered on each time a train passed through them, gaining his curiosity. "And those are?"

"Sonic stabilizers." Shuri answered. "In it's raw form, vibranium is too dangerous to transport at that speed, so I developed a way to temporarily deactivate it."

Everett's expression changed, his brows raising high, causing his forehead to crinkle as he pointed out the window at the trains going by. "There is vibranium on those trains?"

Ava and Shuri both nodded, admitting to him that T'Challa had lied about the vibranium left in Wakanda. "There is vibranium all around you, it is how we healed you." Ava said softly. 

Suddenly, a pang alerted from Shuri's large computer monitor, and Okoye filled the screen. The three of them turned to face her, wondering why she was calling. "Where is T'Challa? His Kimoyo beads have been switched off." The general spoke, looking at Shuri. 

"We are not attached at the hip, Okoye." Shuri said with a light chuckle.

"A man showed up at our borders." Okoye said, her tone urgent, her expression serious. "He claims to have killed Klaue."

Ava stepped closer, a frown on her lips. "What?" She crossed her arms firmly. 

"W'Kabi is transporting him to the palace as we speak! Please find T'Challa!" Okoye directed.

The blonde-haired woman shook her head, blinking a few times. "An outsider?"

"No, a Wakandan." Okoye said. Suddenly, the monitor screen was filled with the image of the man she spoke of. A handsome, dark skinned man, who looked Wakandan other than his clothes, his jet-black hair in short dreadlocks on top of his head. His eyes were focused, serious, and his jaw locked in the picture. It sent chills running down Ava's spine. He looked intimidating.

Everett joined Ava at her side, looking up at the screen. "He's not Wakandan." He said, making Ava and Shuri both glance at him, then back to the screen. "He's one of ours." He continued.

"You know this man?" Ava questioned, pointing at the screen as she looked at the CIA Director. 

"I mean, I've heard of him. Almost every military or Government leader in the United States has heard of him. He has a massive reputation. Quite an impressive, and bloody, reputation." Ross nodded, glancing up at the screen. 

Shuri listened, picking up her Kimoyo beads to try to contact T'Challa, luckily getting an answer from him almost right away. "Brother, you need to get here, now!" She said, not giving him a chance to speak before she hung up. Everett, Shuri, and Ava all anxiously waited for T'Challa to arrive, staring up at the screen.

It was only a few minutes of waiting before T'Challa had joined them, briskly walking into the lab. "What is the urgency?" He asked. 

"Okoye called, said this man arrived at our borders claiming to have killed Klaue. W'Kabi is bringing him to the palace, and says he is Wakandan. But Agent Ross says he is American." Ava said, looking back at the King as he joined the group looking up at the screen. T'Challa was silent as he studied the claimed Wakandan man, swallowing slowly. 

"Agent Ross, what do you know of this man?" The King asked.

Everett crossed his arms, shrugging. "Well, I know he isn't Wakandan. He can't be. His name is Erik Stevens." He said with a small shrug. "Graduated Annapolis age nineteen, MIT for grad school. Joined the SEALS and went straight to Afghanistan where he wrapped up confirmed kills like it was a videogame. Started calling him Killmonger. He joined a JSOC ghost unit." He explained, pacing in front of them a few steps. "Now, these guys are serious. They will drop off the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments. Did he reveal anything about his identity?"

The three Wakandans listened intently to Ross speak, Shuri pulling up what information she could on her computer. "He has a War Dog tattoo, but we have no record of him." She said. 

T'Challa gave a small nod, raising his chin. "Shuri, come. Ava, stay here. I will go meet this man and make a determination on his presence."

"Why does she have to stay here?" Shuri frowned, displeased with her brother's orders.

"To keep an eye on our friend, here, as well as any other things that need to be kept an eye on while an intruder is in our kingdom." T'Challa explained, clapping Ross firmly on his shoulder, a smile on his lips. Ross glanced at him, crossing his arms as the three of them watched T'Challa retreat to the hall, exiting the lab. Shuri glanced back at the two white people, shrugging a little before she scurried to follow her brother. 

Ava sighed, glancing at Ross. She wanted to go sit with Barnes again, but Everett could never know that the soldier was hidden within the same building they stood in. The agent would steal him away from his treatment, away from her. "We never officially met."

"Hm?" Ava blinked a few times, turning her head to see that Everett had his hand held out for her to shake. "Oh, uh, I'm Ava." She said, firmly clasping his hand and giving it a single shake before she retracted from him.

Everett Ross smiled a little, his gray eyes narrowing at her. "How exactly did you, uh, how did you-"

"How did a white woman become so integrated into the Wakandan kingdom?" She smirked a little, crossing her arms over her chest. He nodded, a rosy tint rising in his cheeks. Ava took a deep breath, looking around the lab as she though back as far as she could in her memories. "It was a freak accident." She began. "My parents were on a private plane with me, I was practically a toddler. Our plane went down; crashed just outside of the Wakandan borders. My parents both died, but I was unharmed. The king at the time, T'Chaka, was going to leave me. But Shuri saved me. My Baba. He is the king's advisor, or what some cultures would call a king's hand. He took me in and raised me as his own." Her pink lips began to part in a fond smile. "I love him with all my heart. Because of him, I am Wakandan. We aren't related by blood, but we may as well be."

Everett listened to her in wonder, smiling a little as she talked so proudly of her adoptive family. "That's incredible." He said. 

Another smile graced her lips and she nodded. "I know." She said. "But Wakanda is also the only world I have ever known."

"You've never been outside of the country?"

"Technically yes, but only for a few hours at a time on outreach missions with T'Challa and Okoye. I would not count that as world traveling experience." She shook her head, a quiet laugh bubbling from her chest. "There are worse things than being stuck at home."

He shrugged in response. "Well, yes, I suppose you're right about that." Everett chuckled. 

The two strangers fell back into an uncomfortable silence. One that only lasted minutes, but seemed to drag on for eternities. It was the thick sort of silence, that made the air drip like tar and clog their lungs, but that feeling was broken when Nakia rushed into the lab with a frantic aura about her. "Ava, come! Come!" She ushered, waving Ava over.

Ava frowned, taking a few steps toward Nakia. "What is happening?"

"There is a challenge for the throne. Killmonger, he is T'Challa's cousin. King T'Chaka killed his own brother in America, and left his brother's child. It's why he's come, to get revenge." Nakia explained quickly. 

Ava's eyes widened as she tried to process the information that Nakia had given her, shaking her head in surprise. "Where will Everett go?" She asked, glancing back at him as he listened to the women speak.

Nakia glanced at him, pursing her lips. "Come, both of you." She said, turning on her heel to walk down the hall just outside of the lab's exit. Everett listened, following her and Ava out and to another room not far away. It was small, and empty, all except for a chair and desk to go along with a few simple decorations. "Agent Ross, if you wouldn't mind waiting here for us." Nakia smiled kindly, watching Everett closely as he wandered into the room and looked around. Before he could reply, Nakia had shut and locked the door so he could not come out while they were away. 

The white woman arched a brow at Nakia, who only rolled her eyes and began to jog back down the hall. Ava sighed a little, running after her. They had to run, or they would be late. This was not a normal challenge fight. The other tribes were not invited, only T'Challa's family and close friends, as well as the Dora Milaje. The few Wakandan's in attendance stood along the cliffside, T'Challa and Erik Stevens in the battle pool. Upon arrival, Ava's eyes fell to her father as he stood at the edge of the pool, T'Challa kneeling in front of him as he sipped the purple fluid that removed the powers of the Black Panther. 

Next, her eyes fell to the stranger. His sharp jaw was tight, his lips curved into a malicious smirk. A terrified chill ran down her spine at the sadistic glare in his blackened eyes. His muscular body was covered in nylon and canvas gear, a ballistic vest strapped over his chest, a broad sword in one large hand, and a short spear in the other. He gave nobody attention, his focus and hatred all on T'Challa as the king took a breath and rose to his feet once again. 

Ava moved to stand beside Shuri and the queen, watching with keen eyes as Zuri took a step back. T'Challa turned to face Erik, or rather, Killmonger, lifting his chin in pride. "This is your last chance. Throw down your weapons, and we can handle this another way." The King spoke.

Erik smirked, sticking his spear and sword into the mud at his feet so their handles stood upright. "I have lived my entire life waiting for this moment." He said firmly, unstrapping his vest and tossing it aside. "I trained, I lied, I killed. Just to get here." He continued, taking his gear of piece by piece until he stood shirtless. His skin was rippled with scars, circular and spotted, all across his torso and shoulders. It covered every inch of him, in ridges like crocodile skin. 

He narrowed his eyes as T'Challa, shifting into an intimidating stance. "I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq. I took life from my own brothers and sisters right here on this continent!" He snapped, picking his weapons back up, pointing at T'Challa with the end of his spear. "And all this death just so I can kill you."

Ava's eyes widened as she watched, grabbing Shuri's hand as the Dora moved into position to guard the battle. "Let the challenge begin." Zuri's deep voice rang out. Immediately, Erik rushed forward with a hunger, a ferocity for blood unlike anything Ava had ever seen. The two titans battled, the ringing of metal against metal, swords clashing and shields splintering, filled the air. Trading blows, but not managing to spill blood on either side, Ava bit the inside of her cheek anxiously as the fight continued on.

With a sweep of the legs, Killmonger was on his back in the water. T'Challa pointed his spear at him, panting. "Yield!" He demanded. Erik let out a furious growl as he leapt back up to his feet, rushing at T'Challa again. The first contact was made, and blood oozed from a large cut across Erik's cheek from the blade of T'Challa's weapon. Erik's eyes grew wider, and darker, as he swung at the king over and over again. Suddenly, it was T'Challa on his back in the water as Killmonger lunged at him. The king was quick to his feet, but let out a scream of pain as Erik sliced open the inner part of T'Challa's leg, just above the knee. 

Ava gasped, covering her mouth as her eyes widened. Shuri fidgeted beside her, watching her brother push himself forward toward the stranger again. "Snap out of it, T'Challa!" The princess screamed at her brother, seeing him hide behind his shield as Erik slashed at him. T'Challa lifted his shield over his head to block a swing from Erik's spear, only to have the enemy's sword slash across his stomach, crimson blood spilling out immediately. Ava winced, grabbing tightly to Shuri's hand as the two of them trembled with fear. T'Challa had never faced someone so powerful and skilled before.

More growls, swings, and clashing. Within moments, T'Challa's bicep was cut open and bleeding. Zuri shifted uncomfortably at the edge of the pool, his heart pounding rapidly, as was everyone's. In a matter of minutes, Erik buried the end of his spear into T'Challa's abdomen, just above his hip. The Queen gasped in horror as she watched her son freeze in shock, gasping to breathe as Erik grinned murderously. 

"Come on T'Challa!" Ava screamed out, tears welling up in her eyes as her friend was beaten down.

Punches were then traded between them, but T'Challa was growing weak. Soon, we was thrown down into the water again, Erik again stood over him. "This is for my father!" He snapped, raising his spear up to make a killing blow. 

"Erik!" A thundering voice made the man freeze, his eyes darting to the man it had come from. Zuri. 

Ava's eyes fell to her father, time seeming to slow. "Baba, no!" She yelped out, her heart thundering in her ears. Zuri turned his head, his soft eyes blinking back tears as he looked to her, to his daughter, to the thing he loved most in this world. He pressed his lips into a sad smile before turning back to look at Erik. 

"I am the cause of your father's death." Zuri said, staring at Erik. "Take me, not him."

"No! Baba!" Ava screamed, her vision blurring as she started to step toward him, but a hand caught her arm tightly. She whipped around, meeting Okoye's gaze. 

The General shook her head, tears in her eyes as well. "There is nothing we can do." She whispered shakily. 

Ava trembled, turning to see her father again, tears sliding down her cheeks. She knew what was coming next. She couldn't tear her eyes away, even as it happened. "I'll take you both, Uncle James!" Erik said, lunging forward and plowing the spear into Zuri's chest. 

Red. Her vision was blurred and red, and she felt like she was going to throw up. It had been like her heart was torn out and crushed, her knees crumbling beneath her. She pulled against Okoye's grip, trying to reach her father as he fell lifeless. A loud ringing filled her ears, and an overwhelming feeling of the inability to breathe took over. She hadn't even realized she was screaming until she tasted the warm, metallic flavor of blood in the back of her throat. 

"Zuri!" T'Challa screamed, "No!" He rose to his feet, running at Erik with all his rage. Erik turned, kicking T'Challa back to the ground with ease. Ava still fought to reach Zuri's body slumped in the water, sobs wracking her body. 

"Is this your king?" Killmonger spat as he kicked T'Challa again and again, glaring up at everyone on the cliffside. "The Black Panther, who is supposed to lead you into the future?"

"Come on, brother!" Shuri yelled, thick tears streaming down her dark cheeks as she held onto her mother's hand. 

"Him?" Erik scoffed, pointing at the barely conscious king. "He's supposed to protect you? Nah, I'm your king!" He yelled, lifting T'Challa into his arms, carrying him toward the waterfall at the edge of the pool. One swift move, and T'Challa went falling over the edge into the river below. Death to the king.

Shuri and the Queen screamed, matching their voices to Ava's. "We need to go! We need to go now!" Nakia said, running to them and grabbing their arms.

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