Pregnant With Louis Tomlinson

By HayleyCT

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After a miscarriage with their first child, Hannah and Louis continually try to conceive another. When their... More

One: +
Two: I'd Be With You
Three: Break The Habit
Four: SOS
Five: Between the Two of Us
Six: Let's Go To Bed
Seven: Happy Valentine's Day
Eight: Hopefully
Nine: For Louis
Ten: Honestly
Eleven: We Change

Eleven: 911

91 0 0
By HayleyCT

   Louis and I spent the rest of they day walking around Hollywood Studios, choosing which attractions were worth seeing and which weren't. Louis took a few pictures with some fans who were daring enough to ask. And we ate (again) in a cute little diner where I was excited to have found chicken pot pie on their menu. 

    We were actually able to enjoy ourselves and our time together. It almost felt like before. Neither of us mentioned our living situations. Neither of us discussed any feelings regarding them. So I was generally happy and pleasantly surprised that I was able to enjoy some time off with my husband. We spent a lot of time hovering around the fact that he was famous, so time alone wasn't all too common for us. 

   The following day was spent in Animal Kingdom, which was fun, but not as fun as Hollywood Studios, or Magic Kingdom, where we spent the day after that. 

   Again, I was pleasantly surprised by how much Disney had changed after all those years. I hadn't been since I was young, and Louis hadn't either. So we were exploring what felt like new terrain for the both of us. There were so many attractions that I couldn't remember being there before. 

   By far, my favorite parts were when we'd take a break to eat, though. This time being pregnant meant being continually hungry - or simply wanting to eat despite the fact that I wasn't hungry. This baby was an eater for sure.  

   "Oh! Tony's Town Square Restaurant!"

   I heard Louis chuckle. "Are you hungry again?"

   I looked over to him and smiled sheepishly. "I guess I am."

   He nodded. "Alright. Well, let's get you some food."

   As we walked over to the restaurant, I could already smell the food nearby, which only made me walk over faster. Louis kept up, still laughing. 

   After eating, we continued our day in Magic Kingdom and then retreated back to the hotel at around seven. We were incredibly tired. Or at least I was. I felt incredibly fatigued.

   As we walked up the steps to the room, I had to stop to catch my breath.

   "Are you alright?" Louis asked.

   I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm just tired, I think. Just needed to slow down a second," I replied truthfully. My legs were worn.

   We walked up the rest of the way slowly. I mentally noted that for the next time, we'd have to take the elevator up. 

   As the days went by, I felt so much closer to Louis. And more than anything, I was incredibly happy that we'd actually done this. Eventually, it was time to say goodbye to our short vacation and head back on tour. I wasn't super excited to go back, but I knew that the sooner it was over with, the sooner I'd be back home - with both my husband and my baby.

   So I packed my things once again and we headed out. This time, it was to Singapore.

March 15 - Thailand

   On March 14th the boys had a concert in the Rajamangala Stadium in Thailand. And they absolutely killed it, I should add. 

   We were currently making preparations to move on to Hong Kong for their next show.

   Liam was sitting by the front of the tour bus talking to Zayn about whether they'd add any new song to the set list. Niall was in the back, eating. Again. Louis was taking a nap. And I was sitting by Harry.

   "You never told me about how it went for you back home. Your time off," I said to him while I played with the nail polish on my nails. They were already flaking, so little by little, I'd pick some of the polish off. 

   I sneaked a peek at Harry through my lashes. His lip curled up slightly on the right side. He didn't look back at me, though. "It was alright. I had some things that I needed to take care of."

   I nodded comprehensively. Except, I didn't understand. I knew Harry well enough to know that he didn't have any family back where we lived. They were all still in England. But that had been his excuse for going back. That he would visit some family member. "Yeah?"

   "Yeah," he returned, a little coldly. 

   He was definitely hiding something. 

   "So why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something?" I asked him valiantly. I didn't want to intrude, but I felt like I should. Harry always talked to me. He had no reason to be hiding anything.

   His eyes met mine quickly. He wasn't expecting me to have called him out like that. He swallowed hard and let out a deep breath. "Because I am."

   I smiled. "What's up, Styles?" 

   I watched him shift in his seat to get a better look at me. His lips were pressed together in a thin, tense line. I suddenly felt nervous.

   "Before the tour I did something... not so smart, Hannah," he explained hesitantly. 

   I waited for him to continue quietly. It was like he was trying extremely hard to find the right words to say, but was falling short. 

   He continued. "I went to a party with the guys. You might remember that night... you decided to stay home that night. Point is that I met somebody." And he smiled sweetly.

   "Aw! You did? What's she like? Are you dating?" I asked excitedly. I hadn't seen Harry date anybody in a long time. 

   He cleared his throat nervously. "I got her pregnant."

   Silence. And some heads turning, too. I was definitely not the only one who heard what Harry had just said. 

   And my stomach felt like it had dropped forty feet. I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry.

   Liam was the first to stand from his seat in the front with Zayn. I watched quietly as he walked over, his eyebrows furrowed. His expression was quizzical. Confused. "Did you just say what I think you did?"

   I took a quick peek at Zayn who sat comfortably in his seat. He was quiet. Thoughtful. 

   Did he already know?

   Harry dropped his head into his hands. "I went to go see her this past week. It's true. She's at the house now with Riley."

   Well damn.

   Liam leaned against one of the makeshift walls inside the tour bus, his hand covering his lips. He was definitely not expecting that one, for sure. None of us were.

   "Harry's going to be a father?" Niall butt in. I turned to see him and smiled at what I could only describe as innocence. "Well."

   I finally found the courage to speak. "What're you going to do?" I asked.

   Harry breathed in deeply. "I don't know." His eyes met mine, then Liam's. "I was going to tell you guys. I just didn't know how. I mean, I messed up. But I actually like this girl... I don't know, guys."

   Harry's phone was resting on the table, face up. His eyes darted over when he received a new text message. "It's Hazel. I promised I'd call. Give me a second, guys."

   I watched him as he picked up his phone and called her. My mind was still in a frenzy. This was the second time something like this happened. First it was Zayn with Riley. The exact same thing happened. They met hanging out, slept together casually, and ended up pregnant. Zayn took care of Riley then. They married after having their second (also unplanned) baby, Sebastian. 

   One Direction needs to learn how to keep it in their pants.

   I suddenly felt grateful that Louis had never been the type to sleep around. He and I never even slept together until after we'd been married. It was just kind of something that we weren't looking to do until it really, truly meant something to us. And I felt lucky to have met somebody who wasn't willing to pressure me into doing something that I didn't feel comfortable doing just yet. 

   I stood and walked over to where Louis was sleeping. As I slowly sat down by him, I noticed he was already awake, scratching his eyes. 

   "Hey, you," I said, smiling weakly.

   He dropped his hands to look and me and rolled over into his side. His eyes were red. He was staring at me, a look of confusion on his face. "What's going on? I swear I thought I heard the strangest thing just now."

   "Does it involve Harry being a father?" I asked.

   His eyes narrowed. "Yes."

   "Then you heard correctly."

   Louis looked down at the sheets for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. I tuned into Harry's conversation over the phone for a second. 

   "Well, because it matters to me," he said. 

   I shook my head and tuned him out again. I didn't want to be that nosy friend. 

   Louis sucked in a sharp breath. "Well, here we go again, I guess," he said, finally looking up to smile at me. 

   An urgency in Harry's voice brought me back into his conversation. "Hazel. Hazel? Please answer. What's going on?"

   I leaned forward a little to see him. When I saw the look in his eyes - that he was staring right at me, I knew something was wrong. 

   "What's going on?" Zayn asked calmly.

   "Hazel?" Harry called out again. And he looked up at Zayn. "I don't know. She's not answering. But I think it's Riley."

   My heart dropped. Again. And Zayn's face was altered immediately.

   Riley, Zayn's wife, was left behind at home with her two babies, Nathan and Sebastian. I met her at her and Zayn's wedding a little while back. From what I could remember Louis telling me, she'd had several health scares before. 

      "Hazel. Hazel, please answer..." And he was cut off. And finally listening on the other end. His hand covered his lips. "Shit. Hold on, Hazel. Let me call you back."  And he hung up the phone. His eyes met Zayn's. "Riley's out cold."

   Zayn grabbed Harry's phone quickly. I didn't know what he was doing on it, but he was quick. He handed it back to Harry in a flash. I could see that he'd already diales 911 on it. And he made a call on his own phone. 

   There were two conversations going on at the same time. Harry was talking to the 911 operator and Zayn was speaking to Hazel. The two conversations jumbled into one. I could hear Harry giving the operator directions and Zayn asking Hazel whether Riley was breathing.

   I took a look around the tour bus. Everybody was watching. Everybody was tense. Nobody who wasn't on the phone said a word. 

   I felt Louis take my hand. I didn't know whether he did it to try to let me know that he was there or if he was trying to keep himself calm. But I felt better holding his hand in mine. Even if it was just a little. 

   Harry hung up his phone and snatched Zayn's. "Hazel? Hey. Hazel. Can you hear me?" He asked. I could tell that he was trying to keep himself calm. 

   Zayn sat down. I could tell that he felt lost. He must have felt so powerless. What was he supposed to do?

   I loosened my grip on Louis' hand and walked over to Zayn. He was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands. His fingers pulled hard at his hair. I took his hands and pried them away from his hair as gently as I could. His grip had been strong. Some hair fell onto the ground. Then I placed his hands down gently and took his head into my own hands. I ran my fingers gently through his hair and pulled him into me so that his head was resting on my stomach. 

   He breathed in deep, and I could feel his hot breath on my skin as he exhaled. His hands held on tightly to the backs of my thighs. 

   "Honey, we can't have something happening to you, too, okay? There's help on the way, but I need you to hold on, okay? Are you hearing me?" Harry asked. His voice was calmer now. She must have been losing her mind. "Hey. It's going to be okay. I promise you that. She has a history of high blood pressure, Hazel. It's not the first time this happens. I need you to tell the paramedics that when they arrive, okay? Can you do that?"

   Zayn's grip tightened on me for a moment. I tried to find my voice. "Zayn. It's going to be okay."

   I looked over to Louis, searching for some kind of reassurance from his part. I hadn't realized that he was already on the phone, Liam by his side. I wondered who they were calling. 

   "Hazel, breathe. Please. You're scaring me," Harry pleaded.

   Zayn lifted his head and let go of me. He reached out for his phone. Harry passed it over. His voice was a little hoarse when he spoke. "Hazel. The ambulance is nearby. Could you open the door, sweetheart?"

   After waiting for her response, he set the phone back down on the table. Harry took it. 

   And Zayn was back to where he'd been before. Holding me close. My holding him close. 

   I willed myself not to cry. I was generally an emotional person, but I knew that if I lost it, he might, too, and me crying was the last thing anyone needed right then. 

   After a few minutes, Liam walked over and cleared his throat. "Zayn, we had a few guys from the security detail follow the ambulance to the hospital. 

   "Thanks," Zayn replied, his voice soft. I could tell that he was doing everything he could to keep himself calm. There really was nothing he could do besides that.

   Minutes passed and nothing much had changed. Harry was still on the phone with Hazel. Liam was on the phone and so was Louis. Niall had finally come to sit closer to the group. He was quiet. Thoughtful. 

   So I continued to hold Zayn's head in my hands. His own hands were still at the backs of my thighs, but they had loosened a little. He was breathing  heavily, but he was mostly calm. I wanted to speak to him, but I didn't know what words to say. I didn't think that any would be helpful at the moment. 

   After what felt like an eternity, Liam let us know that the guards had spoken to hospital staff about Riley and they confirmed that she had woken up and was responding well to medication. As soon as Zayn heard that, he exhaled loudly and laughed just once. Relief.

   The tension on the bus seemed to have been mostly relieved. 

   Harry still spoke to Hazel. Louis had called a babysitter for Nathan and Sebastian so that she wouldn't worry so much about them. And she was able to go over to the hospital and see Riley. Zayn was able to videochat with her a while, which was nice. We were all able to see that she was okay. And finally, everything made sense again.

   I felt bad for Zayn and Riley because they were so far apart, but they were always able to get everything together. I also thought about Hazel. I didn't know her and I had no idea what she must have been like, but I was sure that this happening was definitely not what she was expecting.

   I knew well enough that being involved with any of the boys in One Direction was hard. They were continually absent. They worked hard. They had a lifestyle that would forever be difficult to change - or be a part of. 

   I wondered how she was feeling with all of this. Harry had said that he actually liked her, but did she like him back, too? 

   Louis interrupted my train of thought as he weaved his fingers through my hair. I looked up at him from where I sat, and smiled. It didn't matter how difficult it was to be with Louis, it was always worth it. He was beautiful. He was mine.  

   "I love you," he said. 

   I smiled back. "I love you, too."

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