Who Is This Man?... (Bendy Be...

By GiantCatFan200

2.5K 49 79

'Who is this Bendy?...' I thought "Who is this Alexis?..." I asked In this romance-killing story is a normal... More

Chapter 1:...loneliness...
Chapter 3: First Meeting with a Dance
Chapter 4: Castello Casino: Part 1
Chapter 5: Castello Casino: Part 2

Chpater 2: Choosing the Bride

584 8 27
By GiantCatFan200

Bendy's POV

I woke up to the sun hitting me straight in my face and I pulled the covers over my head "I don't wanna work today..." But then I realized today was the party and I sighed in relief " thank, god..." Then suddenly my door opens and I see Boris carrying a tray that had my breakfast on it "good morning buddy" I slowly sit up and I smiled "when did you get here?" He sits down next to me and lays down my breakfast "about four minutes ago" I look at him and ate "so...I have an appointment for you" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow "for what?" I say as I took a spoonful of my breakfast "for choosing a bride" I nearly choked on my food "you what?"

Then suddenly someone opened my door there stood a women "hello there Boris" the woman said coming in and I pulled out my gun pointing it at her "who the hell are you barging in like that?!" I see Boris get up and get in front of the women "Bendy I called her" I look at him like he was crazy and he was "I've heard a lot about you Mr.Bendy" She steps away from Boris and walks to me "And I know how you can be with killing and assassination after all you are a mafia boss and you run a gang" She puts one finger on the tip of my gun and slowly pushes it down "why are you here?" I ask and she walks over to a chair and sits down "I'm here to help you find yourself a future bride" I just stand there for a second until I look at Boris "you son of a-" He cuts me off and he grabs me by my collar "I'm trying to help you Bendy!, what's gonna happen if I die?! who's gonna cover for you then?!"

I just stood there in shock and I never thought about any of those things Boris just said to me "look I care about you and I'll still keep my promise of protecting you but I hate to see you alone and I hate how you sometimes push me away for help when I try to give it to you so please..." I sighed and I sat in a chair in front of Mrs.Nicole "alright fine help me find a bride that's for me" She smiles and hands me a packet then she whistles and eight women walk in "As you can see there are eight women and on those sheets of paper describes there life, hobbies, and talents " I look at the first girl "Samantha?" I look at her description and I see she cooks, cleans, makes clothing, and has been divorced twice and she is sweet and very trustworthy and dependable "Samantha I have a question for you" She walks up to me "yes sir?" I look at her with death in the eyes and I could see in her she was uncertain and scared of what she was getting into "how do you feel about assassination?" She looks at me like I was crazy "W-well it's a very unhealthy way to live in my opinion sir" I look at her "dismissed" She walks away "next is...Ruby"

-half an hour past by-

I look at Sam "let me guess you think you'll help me give up money and assassination for good?" She looks down and walks away "all these girls are not my type.." Suddenly I see an extra piece of paper that said Alexis "Alexis-" Mrs.Nicole grabs the paper out of my hand "sorry you don't need that" I take it back from her and look at it and this girl apparently likes to hang out with friends, write songs, fight for what's right and will help anyone no matter who she is with and her personality is very impressive "Who is this Alexis?" I asked looking at Nicole "she is my daughter and I don't think you would be interested in her she's very...different" She said walking up to me and reaching out to grab the paper "No...Bring her here to the party" She looks shocked "but Mr.Bendy I believe-" I give her my death glare where my eyes turn red "you said you were gonna help me find a bride and you still are so I suggest you do as I say..." She nods "but she doesn't have an invitation or have anything to wear" I hand her a card "use this" She slowly takes it and runs out with the girls I rejected "Bendy are you sure about this one?" I smirked "oh I'm sure...I can feel it down to the bone..."

Alexis's POV

I shut my computer and stretched "Ah finally done...that essay took ages to get done..."I sometimes think college was a mistake, I get up and go to the kitchen and grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge then suddenly my mom slams the door open and scared the shit out of me "Jesus Christ women!" She walks over to me and hands me an envelope "Sorry honey but read this" I take it and I examine it and the letter looked very familiar "this looks very fancy" I open up the letter and I grabbed the card out of the envelope then when I opened it up it read...

"I am inviting you to a masquerade party for the great success of my Plush Factory and you are chosen to come to my special party for the special occasion and I hope to see you there my dears..."


When I finished I looked at the name and thought 'Who is this Bendy?' I put the envelope in my small purse and I walked to my bedroom got dressed "looks I'm going shopping" I walk out and I see my mom waiting on me "let's go we don't have much time" She grabs my hand and we rush out the door, once we were out the door my mom drags me down the sidewalk "mom, we don't live that far from the mall" I said slightly tugging on her and pointing across the street then suddenly she hands me a credit card "Use this to buy the latest and fantastic dress they have and some shoes your gonna need it" she storms down the sidewalk while I cross the street to the mall, when I had gotten there the place was packed and I could barely get through "Sorry- Excuse me!- Sorry!-" next thing I know I was tripped and I fell directly on my back and head and for a moment I couldn't move anything and my sight went blurry 'Why can't I move? why isn't anyone helping me?...please...help' this is why I didn't want to move here becuase when things like this happen people don't seem to care for others anymore they only care for themselves, then suddenly a male voice called out to me "hey...you alright?" I slowly lifted the upper part of my body to see who was talking to me and when my eyes adjusted there in front of me was a very large man, I saw he had a small black beard and he had black hair with small streaks of white hair on the side of his head

I see he hands out his hand to me and I slowly take it and he helps me up "I saw you on the ground so I came to see what happened and also no one else was helping you" I held onto his arms for support and he slowly walked me over to a bench nearby and sat me down carefully "How are you feeling?" I held my head because it started pounding  and I managed to speak "headache...head pounding" suddenly he picks me up bridal style and takes me out of the mall 'Where is he taking me?!' I thought unsure of what he was doing and where we were going "It's ok I'm gonna take you to my place and I have some of my friends that can help you" I couldn't tell if I could trust  him as he carried me to a...limo?! a man in a suit opens the door and the man carrying me helps me inside and we drive to this mans mysterious place, on the way there the man saw how uncomfortable and unsure of the situation he then spoke "do not worry I'm not going to harm you I'm only a man that wants to help a pretty girl like you" he said in a soft gentle voice and I slowly relaxed a bit and I felt my face heat up a little

When the car stopped I looked around to see where we were and when I looked to my right I saw a very big mansion 'This guy lives here?!' I thought as I looked at the size of the place then the man got of the car came to my side and opened the door he then offered his hand to me and I took his it and he leads me inside and the place was beautiful there were marble floors and marble everything "Oh...wow" he then leads me to a living room and sits me on the couch "Sorry but I never got to introduce myself" He gets down one knee and bows "my name is Boris" I slightly smile "my name is Alexis"

Boris's POV

"My name is Alexis" When I heard that name everything stopped 'this girl here is Bendy's future wife?!' I took a quick glance and I had to say she was very beautiful "Why don't you rest for a while and I'll get you something to eat" She sighs and shook her head "I would love too but I need to find a dress for this party I'm going too" She hands me the invitation and it was Bendy's party invitation and I got an idea "we can take care of that for you" She looks at me really unsure but then I rest my hand on her shoulder and said "I know you don't trust but I want you to stay for a few hours" I give her a warm smile and I see her slowly relax "ok" I tried to imagine the perfect dress on her then a dress popped into my head "I got it" I run to the designer and told her to make a specific dress for Alexis "Hmm...I like it but I need her measurements" I went back to Alexis and took her to the designer "alright stand up straight with your arms straight out to the sides" she grabs a measurement tape and starts writing down what needs to be done "Alright I'll have this dress done in no time" She walks away and I sighed in relief

Suddenly Alexis loses her balance and passes out "Looks like you need some sleep" I take her to my room and as I walk down the hallway I can hear Bendy in his room trying to figure out what to wear and I have to be careful since Bendy is still here and I don't want him yo find out about her yet, when I had gotten to my room I slowly laid her down on the bed and covered her up "have a good rest Alexis.." I walk out and turn off the lights then I walked to Bendy's room "Hello" I opened the door and there was Bendy sitting in his chair sipping some tea "Hello" He said with a little smirk "what are you up to?" I had to think of something I can't tell him, Alexis, is here next door "nothing much" I sit on the arm of his chair and rubbed his head a bit "are you ready for your big day today?" He looks at his cup of tea and says "absolutely..."

-Time Skip-

Alexis POV

I suddenly hear some alarm goes off and I sit up to see where it was coming from and it seemed my phone had set an alarm for 6:00 pm, then I shut off my alarm and looked around the room I was in and it was very clean and spacious and then I realized and remembered where I was "This must be Boris's room" When I had opened the door and walked down the hallway I heard people talking and as I looked over the railing at the end of the hallway people had already start to arrive "Oh no!" I run back to my room and there stood the designer with my dress "Here you go but don't put it on till 7:00 ok?" I nod and take the dress "We also have someone that will bring you something to eat" She walks away and I look at the dress "wow..."

(I just picked a random dress)

I hang up the dress on a hook on the wall so it wouldn't get ruined and I waited for food, as I waited and waited there was a knock at the door and a chef opened the door and there was a tray of delicious food there was sandwiches, cake, cookies, chicken, tea, ribs, and other goodies "enjoy my lady" He leaves and I dig in and the food had amazing flavors and I couldn't get enough of it and once I had finished I flopped on the bed with a full stomach "So good..."

As I let the food digest I began to my hair and makeup, since my hair was straight I curled it a little bit and I had tangled a white rose in my hair and I added red lipstick and some extra stuff like earrings, a necklace, and bracelets and when I was done I put on the dress and black heels and when I looked at myself in the mirror I was blown away "I...look like a princess..." I also saw that there was a masquerade mask on the door handle, it was black with shiny black sequins and it had three while feathers on the left side of the mask,  then the door opened and there was Boris "You look stunning" I blushed a bit "Thanks..." He makes sure the dress was fitting and if anything was missing "now follow me" He takes my hand and we walk out and we stop at the corner of the hallway "Now stay here until I say 'now introducing..' ok?" I nod then suddenly he hands me a mask and he walks downstairs

Boris's POV

When I had gotten downstairs with my mask on and wearing my fancy black suit the place was packed and I found Bendy on the stage waiting for me so I made my way there to meet him "Mr.Boris!" I hear someone call my name and it was a lady dressed in a pink dress "It's such a pleasure to meet you!" She jumps a bit excited "It nice to meet you too but I'll have to get back to you" I finally reach the stage and I grab a microphone "you ready?" I whispered and he nodded "ladies and gentlemen welcome!" Everyone looked at the stage and everyone cheered in excitement "Today is the day of the success of Bendy's Plush factory!" I could see how happy and how they were ready for the party to start "Now as we all know Bendy is living the best life in the world right now but...whenever I'm away he's here all alone..." Everyone girl looked at him with sad puppy eyes "But today I have a very special surprise for him..while I was out on the town I bumped into a very beautiful young girl and I had brought here to this manner" Everyone looked hoping to find this special girl and I could Bendy was looking around too "She is now with us here today so lets give a warm welcome for..." There was a long drum roll "Bendy's special guest!"

Alexis POV

As I waited for him to say my queue I put on my mask and I listen to Boris talk aboyt rhe factory and how Bendy is apparently lonely when Boris leaves for a trip it sounded like Bendy was really sad and lonely "She is now with us here today so lets give a warm welcome for..." There was a long drum roll and I stood up and stood at the very top of the stairs "Bendy's special guest!" suddenly a spotlight was cast onto me and everyone was very shocked and they all stared at me in awe as I slowly walked down the stairs and I could feel demon eyes watching me as I made my way down to my unknown future ahead of me...

To be continued...

(2898 words)

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