Chapter 1:...loneliness...

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Bendy's POV

"Kelly! My schedule today" I hear Kelly run up to me with a clipboard in her hand "yes sir!" I hear her flip through the papers "At 2:30 you have a meeting with the ambassador for production for the bendy show and at 3:30 a meeting with the bacon soup company but for candy, then at 4:25 is a meeting to discuss party plans for the success of the Bendy plush factory" I sighed in irritation and crossed my arms "the bacon soup company again?!  Last time they didn't make a good deal...tell them I'm canceling the meeting" She starts writing "yes sir!" I then thought "is there anything happening at 5?" She flips through more papers "no sir" I sighed in relief "that'll be all your dismissed and make sure everyone knows I'm leaving early" She nods and walks off and I head to my office

Once I got there Gavin opened the door for me "how was your day Master Bendy?" I tossed my jacket at him "it was fucking boring and irritating" I said flopping in my chair "some red wine should help" He pours me a glass of wine, Gavin always knows what I like and I take a drink of it and as I turn my chair around towards the window behind me I looked outside and I see a couple walking together and I could tell they were deeply in love and happy, suddenly my door slams open and snaps me back to reality "oh honey I'm home!" I slightly laughed "hello Boris" I hear him walk over to my desk and he turns me around "how is my favorite buddy doing?" I shrugged and sighed and he looks at me "are you ok?"

I put my glass down and shrugged and he crosses his arms "come on tell me" I looked at him "I'm not sure what it is but whenever your off doing your business or I see random couples going by day by day I get this weird feeling deep down and I get this sad expression on my face and I'm starting to get frustrated by it" He looks at me and laughs a little and I growled "what's so funny?" He places a hand on my shoulder and says "Bendy your feeling loneliness" I looked at him like he was crazy "no no no no no..I...Bendy be lonely?..ha! Don't make me laugh" But then I started to think 'right? could I feel lonely? I don't need anyone' I thought as I put my hands in my pockets "Sorry Boris but there is no possible way I would be lonely...besides I have you and that's enough period" Boris rolls his eyes and walks towards the door "Whatever you say makes you feel better anyway I'll see ya later" He closes the door and walks off and I stand in my office by myself and I feel that strange feeling again...


Alexis POV
"Ugh!" I threw myself onto my bed and sighed "honey come on this house is better then the old one" I looked at my mom and raised one of my eyebrows "The other house was better and I was closer to my friends" I shoved my face in my pillow, I had a lot of friends back at my hold home but where I am now I only have like three or four friends now which doesn't feel a lot "I wanna go back" I said as my voice was muffled in the pillow complaining and my mom just shook her head "it's too late Alexis and we're staying here" She walks out of my room and heads towards the moving truck, suddenly I get a text message from Stella

Stella: How's moving going?

Me: It sucks

Stella: Oof

Me: Yeah

Stella: Wanna hang out?

Me: Sure got nothing better to do

I grab my bag, slip on my shoes, and headed out to Miller's coffee shop

-Time Skip-

I walk into Miller's coffee shop and I see Stella waiting for me at a table right next ti the clear open windows "so how's the new house?" She asks as I sit down "I don't like it" She laughs a bit "well I mean you don't live that far from me" She said looking at the menu "True. I guess" I looked on Instagram and I saw a person had gotten an invitation to a party "do you know what this is about?" I showed Stella the picture and she recognized it the second she saw it "this rich businessman sent out an invitation to all the rich people all over the city and is celebrating something at his mansion" I looked at the picture and sighed "lucky rich shits" I muttered under my breath

Who Is This Man?... (Bendy Before The Ink Machine OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu