Scarlett Blood

By Mia_Memo14

496 38 29

"It is not my place to finish you off" He mumbled. With the little strength I had, I managed to tilt my head... More

Breathless: Foxy Little Devil
Chapter 1 - Trouble
Chapter 2 - Unnecessary
Chapter 3 - Mondragon
Chapter 4 - Chains and Locks
Chapter 5 - Grapes
Chapter 7 - Him
Chapter 8 - The City

Chapter 6 - Hidden

32 4 5
By Mia_Memo14

A/N picture of Molly in external link x Well its just Cara Delevingne with brown hair. Actually it's not Molly. Molly is Molly coz she's prettier than Cara.

I got dressed slinging on a random white top and skinny jeans completed with white knee high converse before I headed out my room.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I yet again had the choice on which direction do I go except this time there was a third one. Left, right or straight ahead. Straight ahead seemed like it lead to the main entrance of the house so it wasn't that. Left and right were both two identical corridors yet again except there were staff wandering around in them. Maybe I could go behind.

I went round one side of the grande stairs and there was a corner which I went round. I walked all the way round and ended up where I started. At the bottom of the grand stairs. I retraced my steps and when I took the corner this time, I noticed that the wall on my right was a white wall. I ran my hands along it searching for a door of some sort.

It was just a plain white wall and no sign of a door until my fingers ran over something cold and metallic. I looked at what my fingers had grazed over and it was a keyhole. How do I get into the basement without a key?

Maybe Molly would keep one hidden somewhere round here. I took a step back and initiated to search for a place where she would hide a key. I was stood on black hardwood flooring so it couldn’t be under there and there was no rugs, frames, tables etc. that it could be hidden in. It was just… Empty.

I sat down cross legged on the floor staring at the keyhole while drumming my fingers against the solid floor. There must be another entrance because this part gives the impression that people know about it with it being so clean and polished.

I got back up to my feet and entered the left corridor randomly. I let my fingers travel across the wall, over the doors, over the framing of picture frames. I wasn’t interested into what the frames were holding strangely as I let my legs carry me down the corridor until I reached a dead end. I spun round on my heels debating on what to do next.

I strolled back down the corridor and landed back in the hallway and seeing as though I had nothing to do, I sat down on the last few steps of the stairs and gazed into the old grandfather clock opposite me watching the hands tick by and forced myself to be intrigued to the detail embroidering the old thing.

"Lived for centuries that old thing" Molly spoke up sitting down next to me, leaning against the railing.

“I came looking for you before but I couldn’t find you” I spoke up after a few seconds of silence with nothing but the grandfather clock ticking away.

"Would you like t-"

“Is there a-” I started to speak at the same time as Molly.

“You first” We both said in unison letting out a little laugh after it.

“Ok I’ll show you where I was” She told me getting up and straightening her black top. I got up and followed her expecting her to go behind the staircase but instead she walked towards the entrance of the house.

“But there is a white wall behind the stairs” I told her confused as we stepped outside into the cold tunnel doorway.

“The one with a keyhole?” I nodded in reply and rubbed my bare arms to keep me warm but Molly was unaffected by the cold.

“Are you not cold?” I asked following her as she walked around the house and into the back.

“We’re vampires?” She answered like I was stupid and thick.

“So why am I freezing?” I asked to both of us. Just on cue I felt something heavy being draped over me but it was certainly warm and irresistibly soft with a manly fragrant which was surprisingly pleasant.

“Better?” I looked up to see Dimitri by my side and both I and Molly had stopped walking unintentionally now. I let my arms enter the two holes leading to the sleeves and brushed my hair out of under the jacket. He's been less jerky and more nicer being here than back home so I suppose some good came out of this.

 “Sometimes I wonder if you’re even a vampire at all” Dimitri joked but I could tell there was some seriousness behind it.

Dimitri thinks about me. He said he wonders about me sometimes! Sometimes is a lot. But why would he think about me? But why does he think I might not even be a vampire? Ouch! Too many questions for today.

“What do you mean?” I asked zoning back in and saw Molly and Dimitri were a few steps ahead so I ran to catch up with them.

“Well you don’t like drinking blood, and vampires are all cold blooded but the way you feel too hot or too cold makes me think that you’re warm blooded and if you are warm blooded then you’re not a vampire but then you have the fangs but not the pale skin so yeah” He finished off.

I never thought of myself like that. What else does he know about me? I always thought Dimitri as a self-centred jerk that cares for nobody but himself which is why he’s always so moody and whenever he’s happy is a rare moment like seeing an eclipse. 

I realised this had also got Molly thinking. About the possibility that I’m not a vampire. But if I’m not a vampire, then what am I? I’ve always been told that I’m a vampire and that I was born a vampire.

“Anyway what are you two doing out here?” Dimitri slipped his hands into his pockets after readjusting his hair to the side.

“Could ask you the same thing” Molly smirked as Dimitri rolled his eyes. She didn’t want Dimitri knowing what she was actually doing out here and Dimitri didn’t want her to know either but they would both probably say they came out for a stroll or something.

“And what’s up with you? Ever since you’ve got here you’ve been quieter than usual and it’s pretty intimidating because you haven’t snapped at anyone yet for three days” He added looking directly at me which sent shivers down my spine. I don’t know if they were negative or positive shivers though because I couldn’t tell if I liked it or not.

“Oh” Was all I managed to say. Right now I feel like Dimitri knows me better than I know myself and I don’t know why that is.

 Once I’d finished taking in the sights off the ground I noticed that Dimitri had disappeared.

“Where’d Dimitri go?” I blurted out accidently. Molly motioned her head to a door on the side to say that he’d gone back inside. 

“Here we are” Molly stopped in front of a white wall that was a sort of hidden corner because you could easily just walk past it blindly.

“So what was that other white wall behind the staircase?” I asked confused as Molly just walked the wall pulling me through.

“Oh that was just painted white last month because there was some stains on there that weren’t coming off” She informed. That didn't explain the key hole but I argued whether to leave it or not and settled on leaving it. For now.

“Watch out for the steps” She reminded flicking on a light switch and made her way down the stairs.

“Can’t anyone just walk in here?” I questioned once we had reached the bottom.

“Nope. Just people that I want to come can come in here” My eyes studied the basement which was really large but homely as well. It was like the interior of a grandma’s cottage that gave off the feeling of a safe and happy atmosphere.

“Did you decorate?”                               

“Nope. My great grandma” She pointed to a picture frame on the wooden mantelpiece.

“It used to be where she would escape to if needed and it seems that someone needed it every generation since” I decided to leave my questions here as Molly’s eyes began to appear slightly glossy.

“Why is there a grandfather clock in practically every room?” I asked changing the subject.

“I actually don’t know” She laughed a little.

“I wonder if Fiddles knows” I thought aloud accidently.

“Fiddles?” Her voice was small and timid and her eyes full of what seemed as hope.

“As in my elf Fiddles Fiddles?” I nodded in answer. She took a seat down on the brown leather couch with a giant smile plastered upon her face.

“I thought I’d lost him. Where did you find him? Is he ok? Is he still inseparable from his grapes?” She bombarded me with questions.

“Erm… Well I found him in my room” It turned out more of a question when I said it because Molly just gave me a confused look.

“How did he get there?” She asked me scratching the side of her head in confusion. I just shrugged my shoulders.

“But he said to help him, well screamed at me to help him but then he was nice and said if I need him to just tap the grapes” That sounded a lot less confusing in my mind but it didn’t seem to confuse Molly. 

“Well what are you waiting for?” Molly yelled excitedly jumping off the couch and running towards the stairs leading back up and out. I ran out after her all the way to my room where she finally stopped to catch her breath. I opened the door with the last strands of energy left in me before collapsing onto my bed exhausted and began to calm down my pounding heart.

All I heard for the next few minutes was a tremendous amount of screaming and hugging and ‘I missed you’ and blah de blah de blah. I tried to shut out the annoying racket by pulling my pillow over my head which only muffled out the noise slightly.

“If you want me I’ll be somewhere” I called out to them both but I don’t think they even noticed me leaving.

 I hated people being happy. What was the point on being happy when you always get let down and hurt most by the people you love and care for most. I don’t know why I’ve been so against being happy though. I always thought that because we’re born alone, we die alone so it’s better to be alone but then that means being bored often. I’ve never mastered the skill of ‘just chilling’ (Doing nothing without being bored) I mean how is it even possible? All I’ve ever done for most of my life is live, sleep, train, eat, live, sleep, train, eat etc. And listen to music whilst doing all this. Music is life there’s nothing else to say. 

 I was pulled out of my thoughts by a sequence of clicks gradually gaining speed and volume. I wafted the hand out of my face because it was too close to comfort and blinked a good few times until my eye sight was back to normal.

“Are you ok?” Dimitri’s deep husky voice rang through my ears as he placed his broad hands on my shoulders giving them a comforting rub.

“Erm yeah. Why am I on the floor?” I asked taking in my surroundings.

“I heard a loud bang from my room and just saw you crying crawled up in the corner” His fingers brushed against my brittle skin of my cheek, electric sparks shot like mini fireworks whisking inside my bones as he wiped away my tears that I was unaware of. He took a strand of my hair and tucked in neatly behind my ear and I had to look at the floor because I couldn’t handle what I’d feel if I looked at him. My breathing got trapped in my throat and my bottom lip found its way trapped between my teeth. All sound of what was going on faded out and all my vision focused on was Dimitri’s figure towering over me slightly with his shadow keeping me cool and prevented me from breaking out into sweats. His ice cold hand snaked onto the back of my neck causing the hairs on the back of my next to bristle following his touch.

I don’t know what it is that I want to happen right now at this very moment. But I know that I don’t want him to let me go. I don’t know why I’m feeling this, why I’m letting him get this close to me.

“Dimitri could you ple-” Someone interrupted causing Dimitri to pull away from me instantly. I quickly stood up and hid my frown with a smile. I realised it was Molly who had interrupted us and a small fire of hate began building up inside of me for her. I was craving to give her a look that could kill but kept the smile on for everyone’s sakes. I stopped glaring at Molly as she hadn’t fully noticed my presence so I took a step back and watched what was going on between the two siblings.

They glanced at each other briefly, then their gaze repelled like equal polarities. There was something uncomfortable about escalating in the sudden change of atmosphere the minute I stepped out of the picture.

Molly changed the mood again by heaving out a sigh and stormed off back the way she had come with a forlorn expression. Dimitri’s figure was still tensed, his jaws clenched with his eyes in narrow slits.

“Dimitri” I spoke with the breath I hadn’t realised I had been holding in this hold time. He turned around to face me and his body relaxed as he ran a hand through his soft impeccable hair. I felt something in me grow more and more despondent when he gave me a sort or regretful gaze.

I swiftly walked round his rigid body and down the grand stairs, straight out the door letting the brutal force of the winter wind attack me. I realised I still had Dimitri’s coat slung over one arm. No use having it there when it’s minus something out here. I put it on and instantly my body began warming up as my legs carried me out of the gates and into the winter woods. Thankfully I was wearing my boots treading through this thick blanket of snow that seemed untouched which either meant it was freshly fallen snow or nobody has been out here for a while.

A small part of me was hoping to have someone run out and chase me but that wasn’t going to happen. After crushing through the snow, my feet began to get tired and numb so it was probably best to stop. I looked around for a tree that wasn’t thin and weak like me but broad and strong like Dimitri. Wait what? Why am I comparing people with trees? Who does that? Oh yeah. Me.

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