Of Shadow, Shine, and Shades

By serengeti13

217K 9K 1.3K

Disclaimer: This story is not mine. It was written by dra6on on fanfiction.net Attempting to erase his memory... More

Ch.1 Pain in the Beginning
Ch.2 Whiskey and Books
Ch.3 Meeny, Miny, Goblins
Ch.4 Diagonal Exploration
Ch.5 Not So Subtle Threats
Ch.6 Finding a Solution
Ch.7 How to Face a Whale
Ch.8 Another World
Ch.9 Truths and Half-Truths
Ch.10 Changes to Non-Existent Planes
Ch.11 Up the Game
Ch.12 Not Horcrux, Not Human
Ch.13 Breaking the Habit
Ch.14 In the Mean Time
Ch.15 New Addition
Ch.16 Shadowed Thoughts
Ch.17 Before His Eyes
Ch.18 The First of Many
Ch.19 Ready?
Ch.20 Steady...
Ch.22 In with the Old
Ch.23 Whispers in Magic
Authors Note

Ch.21 Surprise!

4.3K 245 75
By serengeti13

"Wake up, it's morning. We have things to do, Zahra." Caelum sat next to her daughter on her bed and put his hand on her arm. Morning sun was shining through the curtains, lighting spots of furniture and carpet in the room and the world had not seemed like a better place in a while. All of his plans were going well, Dumbledore was panicking about losing the Defence teacher so early on in the year and there was a governor meeting scheduled for this morning.

Most importantly of all, Zahra had almost recovered.

Watching his daughter lie in the bed his heart was gripped by the familiar uncertainty as week ago when he had returned from imprisoning Voldemort and found her comatose in her bed with Lucretia hovering about and casting useless diagnostic spells. He had snatched her in his arms and left for Grimmauld for much needed privacy.

He might have been Lucretia's Head of Family but the woman was a Macmillan by blood. One mistake could leak to outsiders through her. She would only keep this silent because all blame would fall on her if they found out his daughter was attacked while under her roof.

Finally alone he had had to repeat the blood adoption ceremony to strengthen the severely weakened familial bond they shared and then zap her with magic for three agonizing times until she returned to the world of living and conscious. Only to fall asleep right away, completely exhausted.

That night went on Caelum's list of worst nights ever. He had not dared to disturb her in fear of interfering with her elven magic's process of healing whatever hole the Genie magic had left when it had exited and, even so, feared that her magic would remain unstable. Her magic was now a unique mixture of human and elven magic with traces of the Genie magic much like Caelum's magic was a mix of his and the Emerald's magic now.

But that night was now behind them and Zahra had woken up the next morning only feeling weak but nothing worse. This week she had been magically restrained to her bed and Caelum had been running all over the place at her slightest whims. He was glad to do it if it meant she was feeling better and any ties to the nightmare that was her previous life were now broken. She was free from the slavery of her past. Now she needed to start living for her future.

"Mmmhh..." the girl mumbled against her pillow and Caelum chuckled.

"Get up. You need to pack. It's Sunday and if everything goes as planned we will need to be moving soon. Your clothes - the hundreds you had me buy this summer - are not going to end up in the trunks on their own."

His answer was an annoyed grumble but he knew from experience the girl would be up in minutes and left her to her privacy. "Kreacher." The elf popped next to him and bowed slightly. "Make sure she is up in half an hour."

The elf bowed slightly more reluctantly than before and popped away. He and Zahra still did not get along that well but there was very little that Caelum could do about it without giving them both direct orders. On the other hand the elf and Harry got along quite well.

The mage only had time for a cup of coffee that he spent with conversing Citala for a moment. His familiars both had been swept along with his crazy life for the past few months and he was grateful that at least the hawk wasn't taking her seclusion in England too harshly. Syl was better off anyway since he had Harry and Caelum both as options for conversation.

On that note, the man still had not figured out the secrets that Syl had or how Citala had known to find him. Both of them were far too smart even on a magical scale. But he knew their loyalties lied with him.

He knew they supported him... but could not be certain of other persons' stance. He knew today would be a trying day and he would have to be at his best to steer the governors in the direction he wanted them to go. The situation with the Defence post was sudden and he doubted everyone could make the meeting. That it was organized at Lucius' house yet again was unexpected enough. Though Malfoy always opened the doors to his mansion readily enough, it was all about the advantage. The blond aristocrat was always on his home ground and it intimidated the rest of the governors.

Caelum was counting on that. Having memories of brutally murdering Malfoy at least gave him the advantage - he knew he had survived the man once, and the man had not survived him. He also knew that Malfoy was careful about him and it presented a challenge.

At five to ten Caelum made his way to the fire place and flooed to the Malfoy Mansion. The fire place spit him out in the normal fashion but Caelum landed on his feet and a twirl of his wand Vanished the soot that clung to his dark blue robes. As he lifted his eyes, a familiar elf greeted him.

"This way, Master's guest."

With a nod Caelum followed. He kept a watch on his surroundings and on the outside seemed very relaxed though that could not have been further from truth. His insides were tightly wound with anticipation and nervousness. It helped that he had done this many times already and part of it was routine. Governor meetings and Wizengamot gatherings were the only instances when he involved himself in politics and after today he would hopefully have to give up the former. It was a small price to pay for what he had planned.

Dobby led him to a familiar room and he greeted the people already present in the room before taking a seat. This was such a hastily called gathering that barely half of their number had been able to take part and Caelum silently evaluated the people around him. Malfoy he could get to go along with him, as the blonde never passed a chance to stick it to Dumbledore. He was counting on that desire more than he wanted to admit but he could work without it. The surprise was merely for his own amusement.

Establishing himself as a power player in Dumbledore's eyes from the start was risky but after the Dementor incident anything else would only raise more questions. He was not foolish enough to believe he could fool the old manipulator if he was to stay under his watchful eyes for months at a time. Some things he had to give up to keep others secret.

Suzanne Little and Noira LaFolle along with Henry Clearwater he expected not to have too much trouble with. Little and Clearwater would jump at the chance to "help" Albus Dumbledore and LaFolle only wanted the best for the school. Samuel Lufkin and Fredyn Llewellyn he had no grasp on but he was confident in his silver tongue to get them moving in the right direction.

With an inward sigh Caelum got ready to play.

Politics was about impression, about words and about objectives. Everyone had an objective and anyone worth their salt had a personal twist on that objective. Minor players flocked behind major players knowing there was strength in numbers and with that the Wizengamot was currently divided in two parties that had very blurred lines drawn between them. Caelum had always thought that muggle side of politics was much easier to understand and in the Wizarding World he had always remained a standalone entity. His name alone had brought him the votes he needed if there happened to be a certain legislation he wanted to oppose. Still, with the wars taking his time he had always been a more passive presence. That trend had continued in this world which had been made especially easier with his current name and influence.

In other words, he could play the game but he was by no means a master at it like Malfoy or Dumbledore.

It was Lufkin that finally gave him the opening he had been waiting for. They had discussed the "curse" some more and shown appropriate concern about Quirrell. Little proposed that the man might still show up but she was shot down as any future "maybes" were not going to teach the children anything in the present.

Lufkin burst out, "It's ridiculous what this curse is doing to our school's reputation! The percentage for DADA OWLs and NEWTs has been steadily dropping in the past decades and now there aren't even applicants for the post!"

"There was another applicant," Caelum calmly intercepted and managed to shock the others silent for a moment. Lucius was following his train of thought and Caelum hid a smirk when a light lit up behind the man's political mask.

"Oh, yes," the aristocrat murmured in an absentminded manner that was a purely calculated move. "Severus Snape has applied for the post as well. In fact, he has done so for as long as he has been a Potions Master at Hogwarts."

Lufkin was playing beautifully in Caelum's hands as the still irate pureblood ground out, "Then give him the blasted post. We can find another Potions Master easily enough."

"I wouldn't know about that," Malfoy smiled. "Master Snape is one the youngest wizards to ever achieve a Mastery in Potions. I doubt finding another of the same level of competence is as easy as you make it sound."

Caelum spied Fredyn Llewellyn rolling his eyes. The man was young enough to have been taught by Snape and knew first hand just how the man handled restless children in a classroom. Thankfully, he did not comment.

"Furthermore, the number of Potions Masters willing to devote time to teach children brewing from scratch is not something easily found," Henry Clearwater put in thoughtfully. "My brother-in-law has a Mastery and, while he does commission work, his main passion is for experimenting. Even with the sullied reputation I believe it would be easier to find a Defence teacher."

"Nobody wants the job! A few of the teachers have died!"

Llewellyn looked disgusted as Lufkin lost the remains of his decorum and quickly took control of the conversation. "I for one would not even subject associates to the curse. I do not wish to incur a Debt to the remaining family."

That gave a pause at the rest of people in attendance. Truly, if they offered a job to someone downplaying the dangers while fully knowledgeable about the truth of the situation some minor Debt might indeed become an issue. Dumbledore must have had a silver tongue indeed to have evaded that all these years.

"So someone needs to volunteer for the job fully aware of the dangers. Whereas there would be no danger posed in accepting the Potions position," Caelum mused. Like Snape had done volunteered, but he refrained from pointing that out. The entire conversation had gone on better than he had expected and he had barely needed to steer them at all.

"Like that's going to happen." Lufkin snorted.

Caelum shrugged. "I volunteer."

For the second time he had managed to shock them into silence. After that followed questions, exclamations and grudging agreements. They had very few other choices and they all new that. An added bonus was that the number of Governors would return to the traditional twelve as a staff member could not be part of the school's governing organ. Also, Caelum managed to explain his offer with the lack of excitement in his life and by emphasizing that this was a temporary solution and next year the issue would be on the table again. Even the employment contract was only drawn for one year and Caelum worded it himself.

Not that he planned on it but there was no point sounding too enthusiastic about supposedly accepting a hazardous teaching position.

They wrote a letter to Dumbledore to inform him of the change and signed it before the governors made their way to the floo and began vanishing with flashes of flames. Caelum was the last, as he had planned, and turned to Malfoy when the last of their fellow governors had disappeared and left them alone.

"A moment of your time?" The mage let mischief twinkle through his normal mask and he saw the intrigue. When he explained the intrigue slowly morphed to surprise and then glee. In the end it was easy enough to get Malfoy to cooperate.


Without months of rigorous work on getting his Emerald enhanced abilities under control, seeing Hogwarts encompassed in a blinding sphere of protective magic would have caused a severe headache for Caelum. But thanks to that work he was able to clamp down on his Mage Sight and see the thousand year old castle as most saw it: a formidable structure teetering over the Black Lake.

Some part of him Caelum was vaguely aware of relaxed at the sight of his first ever true home. So many memories tied him to the castle and its numerous halls that it took some effort to stay on guard and alert. He considered Hogwarts his home ground above anything else and he had to remind himself that this place still belonged to Dumbledore who was considered a potential enemy. With that thought secured behind his Occlumency shields, Caelum grasped Zahra's hand one more time before letting go. He could already see Hagrid's massive form trotting to meet them at the gate.

"Yeh must be the new professor. Come in."

The half-giant pulled the huge iron gates open and beckoned them inside. Caelum traded glances with Zahra and they stepped forward. The moment the wards encompassed them, the girl gasped and her hand flew to her head. With the blood adoption she had inherited some of Caelum's sensitivity and while it did not yet manifest in vision, her sensitivity to magic was exceptional.

On the other hand Caelum felt the magic furtively try to get past his shields. It was as though snakes were circling him and constantly licking his skin with their parted tongues and the longer he let it go on, the tighter their hold on his body became. The man's hand glowed slightly as he called out his magic to be recognized by the wards and the power of the ancient castle washed over him.

The recognition ceremony over and done with, and Hagrid none the wiser, the Blacks followed the Groundskeeper to the Great Doors. The place was familiar to Caelum and he took great pleasure in watching Zahra's critical eye going over everything in sight. She appeared to deem the place acceptable and glared when she noticed his eyes on her.

"I guess it'll do," she shrugged and the man grinned down at her. Hagrid glanced back at them but the giant stayed uncharacteristically silent. Caelum had to wonder if it was on Dumbledore's orders or if the half-giant simply held Sirius' supposed crimes against their entire bloodline. Not that the Blacks had a clean reputation even without the added crimes of the Marauder generation.

"This way," the giant guided them as they stepped inside. The space opening before them was enormous and Caelum took it in with a small smile on his lips. The last students leaving dinner in the Great Hall were staring at them curiously but Caelum ignored them with practised ease. He felt Zahra draw into herself at the sight of others her supposed age and hoped she would end up in Slytherin. It would be easier for her and for Harry when there was already someone they could rely on. Though they would have to fake the early friendship stage when there was someone else around.

After numerous more staircases and more stares from students and portraits they arrived in front of the gargoyle. "Liquorice wands," Hagrid muttered. As the staircase began rotating, the giant of a man turned to them. "That's Professor Dumbledore's office up there. The headmaster's waitin' fer yeh. I gotta go check up on the thestrals."

Caelum mentally shrugged at the man's utterly bizarre behaviour and motioned Zahra to follow him as he climbed the stairs to what he now considered the den of the enemy. His shields strengthened as he raised his hand to knock on the door, only to be rebuffed when a grandfatherly voice called out, "Do come in, my boy."

He had forgotten how much he loathed that moniker.

The door opened without a sound and Caelum stepped into the clustered office Zahra following close behind. His eyes quickly took in the whirling instruments of which quite a few stood still, the bookcases overflowing with thick volumes, the phoenix quietly sleeping on the perch and lastly the white-bearded master manipulator sitting behind his desk. He forced himself to perform a slight bow.

"Headmaster Dumbledore. It is a pleasure to see you again." Not, but that did not show on his mask of curiosity and calmness.

"You too, you too, Mister Black." The twinkling eyes turned to Zahra and Caelum suppressed the desire to step between them. "And who might this be?"

"Forgive me." He waved Zahra to come stand beside him. When he touched her shoulder he felt the tension that she hid masterfully but not perfectly. "This is my daughter, Zahra Black. She will need to be enrolled and Sorted."

There was a flash of surprise in the blue eyes but soon Dumbledore was beaming at the girl by Caelum's side. He felt the slight shudder that ran through her frame and stomped on his urges to whisk her away from Dumbledore's vicinity.

"Of course, my dear. Hogwarts is happy to have you! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"I am twelve," Zahra said expressionlessly though her purple eyes shone with defiance. Caelum doubted the Headmaster was reckless enough to try Legilimency in his presence but Zahra had caught his attention.

"Our starting age is eleven, I'm afraid. Tell me, have you had any previous schooling?" Dumbledore seemed content to keep the talk between him and Zahra for now and the girl looked up at Caelum's black eyes before nodding.

"Father has taught me." She pressed her lips together in a way that told Caelum her limited patience had just been used up and put in,

"I had planned on homeschooling her but with the teaching position there was no point since I was going to be living in Hogwarts after all." He smiled but knew it came out more as a smirk. "She is very talented and I believe she will fit right in with the second years."

Dumbledore smiled as though nothing would please him better. The old man rose from behind his desk and went to get the Sorting Hat from the self. In no time at all Zahra was seated and the Hat was placed on top of her head. Caelum waited in the seat next to her with baited breath. The Hat would know about everything but that was a calculated risk and one he could do nothing about.

"SLYTHERIN!" the Hat called out and both Zahra and Caelum let out simultaneous breaths of relief. Dumbledore's beaming smile never faltered though the twinkling of his blue eyes slightly dimmed when the man took the Hat back to its position on the shelf and turned back to them.

"The teachers will need to test you, my dear. I think it might be best that you stay with your father in his quarters tonight and we can test you tomorrow during lessons." It sounded like a proposal but was nothing if not an order and the aged wizard moved to other issues right away. "There is a teachers' meeting in half an hour so that we may introduce you to the rest of the faculty. We just have time to take a trip to your quarters before that. If you'll come with me."

They'd already been picked for him? Caelum smirked on the inside at the Headmaster's attempt at controlling him and seeming agreeably followed the old wizard out of his office with Zahra on his heels. Still, as long as they were not in the dungeons he would adapt. As long as he did not get the quarters he used to share with Severus.

That was not the case. The quarters were on the west side and ones Caelum only knew vaguely from before. A painting of Circe guarded the entrance that opened into a large sitting room. The setting sun lighted the room through the two windows opposite of the entrance and the corner on their left held a small kitchenette. The fireplace sat on the left as well but otherwise the room was completely empty. Three doors on the right possibly led to two bedrooms and a toilet.

"I hope this is to your satisfaction." Dumbledore swept a hand around as if he was presenting them with quarters fit for a king. Caelum could not help the twitch on his eye.

"I'm sure they'll do fine. Zahra, the first door on the right. No magic until I'm back."

She made a small face but nodded nonetheless. He was sure there was nothing but a bed in her room if even that. And he really would have rather settled in peacefully with his daughter but there were things to do.

Such as pulling one over Dumbledore.

The Headmaster asked him questions about his schooling and previous experience on the way to the teachers' lounge and Caelum gave as roundabout answers as he could while trying to relax under the scrutiny of the portraits. No, he did not have Masteries but he had been taught under Masters. Who? They had already passed. Yes, He was looking forward to teaching classes. No, he wasn't nervous; after all, he was raising a daughter and had taught her. Yes, she was quite talented and would fit right in with the other students.

They luckily arrived at their destination when the old coot started on asking about his experience with Dark Arts and their Defence.

Everyone else had arrived already and Caelum let his eyes sweep over them as Dumbledore went over the welcome tripe. McGonagall, Hagrid, Sinistra, Flitwick, Babbling, Vector, Binns, Kettleburn, Sprout, Hoot, Filch, Pince, Pomfrey... and Severus sitting around a big wooden table. The mage forced his eyes to turn to Dumbledore before anything showed on his face.

His meeting with the man had only gone as well as it had because of hours of meditation where he had methodologically separated the memories of his lover from the expectations for this Severus. It had worked - mostly. Now it was as though he'd been dropped in the middle of a masquerade where the theme was his friends and acquaintances and he was expected to see through their masks to the strangers underneath.

"-and take on the duties of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor beginning tomorrow." Dumbledore smiled at the hushed audience. Oh right, that was his clue.

Raising his brows in surprise and ignoring the polite clapping from his colleagues, Caelum cleared his throat. The teachers quieted down. "I'm sorry?" He couldn't pull of an innocent look, not with these people, but they did buy his surprise. Time to drop the bomb. "I am not here to take on the Defence post."

It might have been comical how fast Dumbledore's face lost the smile but just as fast it was back. The staff members murmured silently in confusion and Caelum had to bear the brunt of their suspicious glares. He kept his eyes on Dumbledore and had changed the look of surprise to polite confusion.

"Whatever do you mean, my boy?"

Caelum's eye twitched at the moniker again but this would oh so satisfying that he could keep his irritation in check. "There was another applicant for the Defence post," he pointed out as he had in the governor meeting. "I am here to teach Potions."

A pregnant silence fell in the room and Caelum saw the satisfying look of anger flash on Dumbledore's face. Oh, they could have told the coot in advance but the aged wizard would have done everything in his considerable power to keep his Potions Master in check. For the same reason Caelum and Malfoy had kept the governors in the dark. With Little and Clearwater in attendance, Dumbledore would have known the same night.

Turning his eyes from the Headmaster to Severus, Caelum's only regret was that even informing the dark-clad man had been impossible. Dumbledore would no doubt interrogate him and he had to be able to completely deny his involvement in the ruse. Caelum and Malfoy would take the blame but Severus would owe them.

Plan Seduce Severus: Stage 1 - accomplished.

Before Dumbledore could regroup Caelum continued, "The board of governors has decided with majority that the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor this year will be one Severus Snape who was the only other applicant. Since the Headmaster failed to produce another teacher within a week, the right of selection is transferred to the board. I volunteered to take on the duties of Potions Professor for the remaining school year to avoid any further problems in the children's education."

"And what-" Severus' voice was chilling, "-are your qualifications for that post?"

Caelum braced himself and turned his black eyes to look at the man. The familiar face that greeted him was devoid of any emotion and the eyes were like two black holes that sucked on the light of the room. He was Occluding. "I was taught by a Master who has already passed on and I received the highest mark in the Australian Ministry tests on Potions. Also," he glanced at Dumbledore, "I will not take on the Defence post. I am a warrior. With Potions you either get it right or you don't and then you keep trying until you do. With Defence I simply cannot change my expectations to fit the level of, say, first years." Of course it was a load of bull but they did not need to know that.

"I see." Only by knowing the man's face as well as he did could Caelum catch the small smile that twisted the lips for a fraction of a second. When Severus turned to look at Dumbledore his face was again the mask of indifference. "I have no problems with this arrangement."

Dumbledore frowned and leaned back in his seat. Caelum was still standing at his elbow and decided to stay there until the faculty members were on his side. They did not have a choice and he would refuse teaching Defence till the end. Their first priority was the children and this was the easiest way solve the problem.

"The students have already missed a week on Defence Against Dark Arts," McGonagall - Caelum tried not to think of her as Minerva - pointed out. "It would be unacceptable that both Defence and Potions had problems. Won't you reconsider, Mister Black?"

"It might be difficult for the OWL and NEWT students if the teacher they're used to have in Potions changes as well. At least they're used to changes in Defence," Filius - Flitwick! - put in.

"I am confident in my abilities." When they were about to protest again and others were joining in as well, Caelum raised his hand. "Let me explain. I do not use incantations. I rarely use wand motions, never in schoolyard hexes and jinxes. The time needed for elaborate movements might cost you your life in a battle and I was trained to silently point-cast. The students... they don't have the... the familiarity with their magic that I have and I might simply teach them wrong. Very few have the power levels necessary to learn point-casting." He shrugged at their stunned faces. "I might know a lot about Defence but is that worth sacrificing the practical aspect?"

If only they knew... He had been the Defence teachers for years in his original reality and he knew how to deal with Hogwarts students and curriculum. While the war was going on and before Sev's death he had been even planning on making several reformations in how the school was run. The curriculum had been horribly cut down in the last few centuries and Ministry had gained far too much say in Hogwarts business. He had even been making plans about reforming the board.

"It seems you and Mister Malfoy have thought this through well," Dumbledore put, calling everyone's attention to him. When Caelum failed to react to the assumption, the old coot smiled at the Potions Master. "If you truly do have any objections, Severus, who am I to stand in the way of the governors' decision. Starting tomorrow you will teach Defence and Mister Black will take over the Potions teaching."

Even Dumbledore recognized a losing battle when he saw one. It occurred to Caelum that the Headmaster might have been banking on the curse to ensure Severus' one year long Defence career and next year he'd have another applicant for the Defence post lined up. There was time... and Caelum had Malfoy on his side.

"We need... oh, yes." Dumbledore swirled his wand and a chair materialized between Vector and Sinistra. The two witches gave Caelum smiles as he took his seat. "Where was I? Oh, Professor Black's daughter has been Sorted into Slytherin and will make take a moment of your time tomorrow so we may test her placement."

"Is there a problem with it?" Severus asked as any good Head of House should.

"Professor Black has homeschooled his daughter and she is twelve years old. We simply need to make sure she is advanced enough for second year."

"And what have you taught your daughter?" McGonagall questioned. All attention was once again on Caelum and he nodded slightly.

"She has done some Transfiguration and Charms as well as Runes and Arithmancy. She knows the principles of potion brewing though we haven't practiced that much. She might be behind in Herbology but she is smart."

"And Astronomy?"

Caelum honestly did not know but he doubted a person could stay on this earth thousands of years and not know the stars. The question was: did Zahra know them by their English names or by her native language?

"We haven't covered that but her mother might have."

"You do not know?" Sinistra continued her questioning.

Time for some more lies. He could try to still keep their supposed past quiet like he had all summer but an explanation would keep people from hounding Zahra. "I had not seen her mother since before Zahra's birth. I was only contacted after she died and Zahra had no other relatives. I did not even know she existed." He continued despite the scandalous gasps, "Zahra is twelve and I am twenty-six. Do the math."

"Oh, the poor girl. To lose her mother so young," murmured Sprout. She earned one of Caelum's genuine smiles for her comment. He knew her concern was genuine and not borne out of misplaced pity.

"She is strong." Caelum's tone invited no more discussion on the matter and they quickly decided on a Zahra's schedule for the day. She had tests for Transfiguration, Charms and Defence in the morning and Herbology and Potions after lunch. She would join the sixth year NEWT students in the evening for the Astronomy lesson.

Because they just had a staff meeting not two days ago, there was little more to discuss. As people began to disperse Caelum heard Dumbledore invite Severus to his office. He quickly intercepted the duo. "My deepest apologies, Headmaster, Professor Snape, but I would very much like to see the lesson plans for Potions. I understand Professor Snape has an even greater challenge ahead of him since this was dropped on him so suddenly."

Dumbledore smiled at him benevolently, eyes twinkling. "Oh, of course. Then, Severus, might I bother you tomorrow morning before breakfast?"

The tall wizard nodded stoically. "Of course, Headmaster." The black eyes turned to him and a long fingered hand motioned to the door. "After you, Professor Black."

The dark, smooth voice washed over Caelum like warm water and he quickly hid his shiver. The man might not have been his Sev but his voice was the same and the mage could not help his automatic reaction. And sensing the familiar yet strange presence behind him as he stepped out of the Faculty Room was almost relaxing.

Time to raise shields and bring his mind back to the present. This was not his Sev and it did no good for him to relax around the man because... Snape would take advantage of every sign of weakness that he displayed.

"Which way, Master Snape?"

The Occluded gaze passed over Caelum and the taller man took the lead. The mage lengthened his strides to keep up with the newly appointed Defence Professor and kept the mask on his face while under the close scrutiny of the portraits on the walls. He briefly hoped Zahra had not found some trouble already but he had to give her some leeway eventually and the girl would not appreciate him hovering over her shoulder all the time.

Severus did not talk at all during their long walk to the dungeons. It was already late enough that they only came across a few of the older students who all scurried out of the way at the sight of their feared Professor and Caelum supressed a smirk. The aura of intimidation was so familiar to him and he knew how his Sev had enjoyed manipulating the students. The man's reputation was what it was exactly because he wanted it to be that.

They eventually arrived at the man's office in the dungeons where Caelum was dumbed with a foot high pile of parchment. He took one resigned look at it, whipped out his wand and compressed it all into a book with a swish.

"I take it this is all of the years?" Caelum asked and he was treated to a very condescending look. He knew what Severus was trying to do but he refused to be intimidated. So while the Potions Master sat down without inviting him to take a seat and glared at him with those bottomless, Occluded eyes, Caelum remained standing in a relaxed stance and took in his environment.

There were familiar and not so familiar jars of rare Potions ingredients on shelves. Most of them could be used only in two or three potions and some of them had already been outdated. Still, they were a sign of prestige in Potions community and Caelum knew his own office would also have to have some ingredients on display. He was also aware of the fear factor in displaying gruesome creature parts in jars.

He noticed the slight twitch on Severus' brow and gave him a look that told the Slytherin Head of House he knew what he was trying to do and that it was not working. Narrowed eyes glared at him and Caelum couldn't help the chuckle that bubbled free. He loved the little games he used to play with Severus and even having a weak substitute made him feel slightly giddy and playful.

But it would do him no good to spring that upon Severus at this point.

"Plausible deniability." The mage shrugged and continued his scrutiny of the jars. The silence dragged on but Caelum kept on feeling giddy and stealing glances at the sitting man. There was a pensive air surrounding him and finally he deemed to say something.

"Lucius should fight his own battles." It was a clear assumption, and a wrong one at that but it wasn't on Caelum to set the man right. Not yet, anyway.

"Then again.... you get what you want and Lucius pulls one over Dumbledore. Hardly a bad deal, I'd say."

"I would have appreciated some foreknowledge if you were going to be involving me in your plans." Oh, the sneer.

"Master Snape." Caelum gave him a level look and only got suspicion in return. The man sighed and finally took the seat, still uninvited. "There were no decisions made before yesterday. I have spent the entire today packing my belongings and readying my daughter. I'm sorry that the school wasn't informed in advance," Not, "but if you were willing to half-admit to a total stranger that you would rather teach Defence, I think going behind your back was worth it."

"And what would you want in return?" Severus asked with his most freezing tone and understanding lit Caelum's mind. Oh, that was just so Slytherin, and he knew he needed to give an acceptable answer.

"Simply your support as a colleague for now. Besides, I don't know how big of a favour I have done you considering the post's recent track record." He shrugged in feigned nonchalance. "You're the one applying for a cursed position." From the glower that seemed not to be enough so Caelum took a risk. "Then there is of course the matter we also discussed the last time we met. Am I correct in assuming you did not mention it to the Headmaster?"

A flicker of confusion disturbed the thorough blankness of Severus' Occluded eyes and Caelum raised a brow. He let a small smirk show. "I seem to have hit a dead end concerning by brother. A dead end someone with the power of Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock can easily slip past and I would like to see if the Headmaster will even attempt it. And I doubt it would bother you to have Sirius owe you anything." The mage snapped his mouth shut before he revealed he knew far more than he should about the matters of the past.

The dark eyes stared into his for a few long moments as the Potions Master processed everything he had said and evaluated the gains and losses in the trade Caelum was proposing. There was a very small shift as part of the tension flowed out of the man's body and his shoulders relaxed. It was a deal.

Still, Caelum waited until the nod to show his own agreement. It would not do to put Severus on his guard. Knowing the man as well as he did was a great boon to his plans but he did not need to Severus knowing that.

On the way back to his room after bidding goodnight to the stoic man, Caelum let out a small sigh. Everything was where it was meant to be and as exhausting as playing the games was, he was glad he had not lost his touch. Malfoy was an ally, Dumbledore would - might - do his work for him regarding Sirius and Severus was at least tolerating his presence. Harry and Zahra would get a proper education and Caelum had time to find the Horcruxes during the Dark Lord's imprisonment.

Everything was going according to plan.

The mage looked down at his hand where the compressed book of Potions lesson plans weighed and some of his good mood evaporated. Right. Students.

Well, starting tomorrow. Now he could just relax in the success of his plans.

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